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Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
2020 | Adventure, Fantasy
Some good characters (0 more)
Not a great villian (1 more)
Story is not as good as the first film
Not Wonderful, but good
So finally available on Sky Cinema, missed this at the cinema due to lock down. I had high hopes after the first film was excellent and more like some of the better Marvel films. Often DC struggle to match them.
This was a fun film, I enjoyed the '84 setting there are a few good action scenes. Also Kristen Wiig had a fun character.
However it's a little way short of the first film. The villain wasn't that interesting, with a weak show down and the overall story wasn't as interesting. Some of the Sfx weren't up to the standard of the first film either. So not bad as an action film but not on a level with the original film.
American Pie (1999)
American Pie (1999)
1999 | Comedy
Comedy is a big hit in this film (0 more)
Acting (1 more)
Moderated porn for the teen
American pie is a film based a lot around some high school teenagers who love sex. Sex nudity and more sex. It centres mainly around jim, who is still a virgin and he has a ginormous crush on the foreign beauty Nadia. The film starts off where Nadia waits for Jim in his bedroom already getting naked. This is where the nudity begins, they may as well just slap a porn sticker on the film.

Putting the porn factor aside, the film does bring some pretty hearty laughs courtesy of Eugene levy and seann William Scott. They bring the laughs and giggles to the film and make it watchable.

A good thing I find about the film though is the twist that you start to see coming with Michelle. Now if you haven't seen the film I will not tell you anymore but you must watch it! Yes I have said it's mediocre and should been put as porn but this aside it is a watchable film that delivers on the comedic factor.

It's a good film for when your on your own with nothing to do, and in need of a laugh.. or maybe some alone time...
RAVERS (2018)
RAVERS (2018)
2018 | Horror
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Kamal Angelo Bolden as Vince (1 more)
Becky and Hannah relationship
Great fun movie but not always realistic (0 more)
Next cult horror
Honestly I went in with low expectations of this film however I was pleastly surprised by it.

This film has all the making of possible cult status whilst it not the edgest film and like most horror there are part that just aren't believable. This film had a fun factor that kept you engage and wanting to watch till the end.

Personally my favourite charcter from the film was Vince placed by Kamal Angelo Bolden. I got to watch this film at fright fest and so the cast was present to introduce the film. From Kamal introduction to seeing him on screen you could see he had one of the most charamatic personalities I've ever seen both on screen and introducing the film. Kamal charcter Vince is a drug dealer and when mist the ravers transform Vince personality stay true throughout the film this makes him engaging to watch.

Georgia Hirst plays Becky and the lead of the film it an interesting charcter as someone who at the start exhibits all the signs of somone who has OCD suddenly cope in a situation that goes from normal rave to horror flick.

Ammy (6 KP) rated Warcraft (2016) in Movies

Jun 7, 2017  
Warcraft (2016)
Warcraft (2016)
2016 | Action, Fantasy
A good action film (0 more)
Needed more background to the story (0 more)
Having watch my boys play this for hours I was interested in what all the fuss was about
They had to fill me in on bits as the film had changed bits but other than that it was a ok film
Rocketman (2019)
Rocketman (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
The soundtrack, cast choices (0 more)
I'm a Rocketman!
Since the trailer dropped I was ready for this film, and I was not disappointed.

The film of course details Elton John's life and rise to superstardom and the pitfalls that accompany that.

Yes it's a musical, yes I loved it.

Go see this film!!!
The Equalizer 2 (2018)
The Equalizer 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Mystery
Denzil washington (1 more)
Fight scenes
Denzil washington does a sequel plus i prefered it to the orignal film mmore personal this time the fight scenes are just as good as the first film with plenty of support from bill pullman and melissa leo love too see a thrid film one day thumbs up
1917 (2020)
1917 (2020)
2020 | Drama, War
He film was very detailed and you could really feel how they must of felt. (0 more)
It was a one off film for me . (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
One of the brothers dies very quickly which was disappointing but I guess it makes more realistic. Overall I liked it but for me it's a one off film.
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama, War
This film is full of moments that will make you laugh out loud and other moments that will make your heart break , it is a film that to be honest I wasn't that fused about watching but within the first 10 minutes I was hooked .
I Highly recommend this jem of a film.

Pete Thompson (4339 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Council

Mar 19, 2020  
Hi because I've been adding the occasional film which isnt on here and had to get a picture of the film cover got me thinking how about rating movie posters, dvd/blu ray covers? I used to love the vhs covers which in some cases were a lot better than the film.

Smashbomb (4687 KP) Mar 23, 2020

Have you checked out the Movie Posters orb? I reckon you'd love that!