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Overlord (2018)
Overlord (2018)
2018 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Violence towards Nazis and gore... (0 more)
Gore - what is it good for?
I don't think it's spoilery to say don't come to this film expecting a typical WW2 film. Yes it's set on the eve of D Day but most people know by now this is a bloody horror film not a war film. It's gory - oh so gory! There is one scene in particular that is so good that I was cringing and laughing at the same time - and yes you will end up laughing as this is not a serious film. But it doesn't try to be. It's Nazis getting very violently dispatched and honestly who doesn't enjoy that.
Titanic (1997)
Titanic (1997)
1997 | Drama, Romance
The way it captures all elememts (0 more)
Shame the stone got thrown in the ocean (0 more)
Powerful film
Contains spoilers, click to show
Just came across this film as flicking through channels and lost count how many times seen this amazing film. Even as a man I can say how this story moves me and brings a whole bunch of emotions throughout the film. It's very captivating and a well told story which will live on for many many years as one of the all time greatest films of my time. Can't say enough how this film brings back so many memories and emotions yet still will watch it when ever its on.
Ladies in Black (2018)
Ladies in Black (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
A nice coming of age film
Contains spoilers, click to show
An Australian film based in a large department store, mainly the ladies department and the staff who work there. The main story is about a sixteen year old girl who has got a Christmas job working there (mind you it is strange because the film is based around Christmas and yet it is not, they are all on the beach and they keep calling it summer. Anyway back to the film the main character is a 16 year old girl who blossoms throughout the film from help from other members of staff. Enjoyable and a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours.

Dean (6927 KP) rated Ask Me Anything (2014) in Movies

Apr 19, 2020 (Updated Apr 20, 2020)  
Ask Me Anything (2014)
Ask Me Anything (2014)
2014 | Drama
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good cast (0 more)
Poor ending which didn't fit the film (0 more)
Ok... Apart from the ending
This seems a bit of an indie film but actually has a good cast line up. Britt Robertson is the main character and likable even when her character isn't at times. She blogs her life and mainly her relationships she goes through. It isn't a particularly light hearted film and raises a lot issues on many deep subjects. Overall it was an interesting film but the final few minutes didn't make any sense with what went before. It just didn't fit with the rest of the film. Worth checking out.
Contagion (2011)
Contagion (2011)
2011 | Drama
I had such high hopes for this film and it just let me down. I watched 'Outbreak' not too long ago and that was such a great film that in comparison to it, 'Contagion' just fell short. I think of the pandemic films I've watched recently, this film is definitely the most accurate to what the world is experiencing currently, but the level of urgency just wasn't felt in this film in comparison to 'Outbreak.'

I think this film was fine, it wasn't jaw-dropping and it didn't keep you on the edge of your seat, but it wasn't the worst thing ever so I guess that counts for something.
The Third Man (1949)
The Third Man (1949)
1949 | Thriller
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The first, and to date one of maybe three, film I ever bought a second, superior edition of. I have seen this film perhaps ten times in the theater, and watched it at home maybe twice but still felt the need to own it, and then own it again. I came to this film because, my freshman year of film school, we did a class on cinematography, one on music, one on acting, one on editing, etc., and then watched this film as an example of something that does every one of those things with sublime perfection. I never get tired of revisiting it."


Antonio Campos recommended Code Unknown (2000) in Movies (curated)

Code Unknown (2000)
Code Unknown (2000)
2000 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It’s the first of Haneke’s film I saw. When we were in film school, Sean [Durkin] called me and said, "You've got to see this film." We went to the NYU library and he first showed me two scenes: the one on the train where Juliette Binoche gets spit on and the red room scene where she gets directed off screen by Haneke. It was one of these moments where I had been waiting to see a film language that really spoke to me and this film had it, it made so much sense to me. From there I fell in love with Haneke."


Dean (6927 KP) rated The Imitation Game (2014) in Movies

Apr 25, 2018 (Updated Apr 25, 2018)  
The Imitation Game (2014)
The Imitation Game (2014)
2014 | Biography, Drama, War
Benedict Cumberbatch (0 more)
Great film with an amazing performance from Benedict Cumberbatch as he and a team try to crack the Enigma code. A very interesting film that will draw you in and have you hooked.
Early Man (2018)
Early Man (2018)
2018 | Animation
Story (1 more)
The Early Man Gets The Praise
I really enjoyed it, it was nice dry humour, it felt like a true pathe film,
This film has an interesting and funny story, and is emjoyable

Dean (6927 KP) rated After Hours (1985) in Movies

Feb 24, 2018 (Updated Jul 14, 2019)  
After Hours (1985)
After Hours (1985)
1985 | Comedy, Mystery
A rare cult film, very dark humour but a great film. I love how a series of random events unravel over the course of a night. It's very funny. Track it down and watch it!!