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Five Minutes Longer (Enhanced #1)
Five Minutes Longer (Enhanced #1)
Victoria Sue | 2017 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
different but brilliant
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted the AUDIO file of this book.

Some 30 years ago, children began waking up with a mark on their faces and enhanced abilities: speed, strength, mental abilities. Talon, now given the job of setting up a human/enhanced task force within the FBI, was one of the first. He doesn't want to work with normals on his team, but this task force is his, and the other enhanced team members, last chance at becoming a useful member of society, not just a mark on his face. Finn wanted to join the FBI forever, and worked hard to get to apply, but he is not accepted. Instead he gets a cryptic phone and flies to Florida, and finds himself face to face with several huge enhanced, one of whom makes Finn want that boyfriend he never had. They have four weeks to make this team work, do or, quite possibly, die.

Oooooo-eeeee! Loved this! Different, very different and different is always good in my book!

The guys on the team really don't want Finn around, but know they gotta put up with him, at least for a little bit, but he grows on them, Talon especially but Talon fights that attraction all the bloody way, and when he finally gives up the fight?? Oh yes ma'am, that boy falls hard and he falls FAST! And when Finn gets caught in the cross fire at a bank robbery?? Talon goes all MAJOR Alpha-Male- Protect-What's-Mine!

I loved that not everything is fully revealed about the guys abilities, I think there is quite a bit more to come!

Nick J Russo narrates and he does a sterling job! He's a firm favourite of mine, and each and every time I listen to his work, it becomes my NEW favourite!

Russo's voices are clear and distinctive, even in multi person conversations. He reading voice is deep and even and I had no trouble, not at all, keeping up.

He gets cross all of Finn's emotions and his reactions to the guys, to Talon. His intense dislike of his brother and how his mum was with his dad. Russo gets across all of Talon's fighting, and that boy fights hard, his feelings for Finn, and you get just how much Finn means to him, when he thinks Finn is lost.

This is book one, there appears to be an underlying story arc running through these books, and I look forward to watching that unfold, and to watching these guys fall, like dominoes, one by one.

Off to listen to book 2, which is a continuation of Finn and Talon's story.

5 stars for the book
5 stars for the narration
5 stars overall

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Star Wars: Before the Awakening
Star Wars: Before the Awakening
Greg Rucka, Phil Noto (illustrations) | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Star Wars: Before the Awakening by Greg Rucka is a collection of 3 shorter stories, one each about Finn, Rey, and Poe that more or less leads up to The Force Awakens movie. While neither is reliant on needing knowledge of the other (if you've seen the movie, for instance, you don't need to read the book), the book does flesh out a little background on the characters before we're introduced to them in the movie, so if you like the movie, I'd say this would be a great companion piece to read.
Blood (The McLeod Brothers Trilogy #3)
Blood (The McLeod Brothers Trilogy #3)
Lorelei Johnson | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BLOOD is the third and final book in The McLeod Brothers trilogy and it's Finn's turn. He is the playboy brother, the one with a different woman every night. Fate matches him with Adelyn, a rare female vampire who is wanted by big bad Caine.

Adelyn is a great character, both strong and sassy even when her situation is dire. She will not be forced to bow to anyone, whether that is someone she loathes (Caine) or her fated mate. I loved reading about her solutions to problems and double-crossings with Caine as she tried to find out what he was up to so she could win her freedom.

Finn; well then. Finn, I had a small problem with. You see, there's been a lot made of him being captured by vampires when he was younger, and how he was changed when he came back. I wanted to know more about that - especially considering his fated is a vampire! Instead, I just got that he didn't feel the same about Adelyn. It felt a little flat, somehow. I never found out how he was captured, how he escaped/was released, how he coped with what had happened; things like that.

I also felt that Finn and Adelyn's personal story was a little overshadowed by Caine and their machinations to bring him to justice.

A good addition to the series but I was left wanting more.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 13, 2023
Tyger Tyger (Goblin Wars, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Teagan is sure she’s just your average girl… until a horrible twist of events convinces her that she is being hunted by goblins, for a reason she doesn’t understand, and her father is kidnapped by them. She and her quirky brother, Aiden, and her cousin-by-adoption Finn set off into the world she never knew existed to try and solve the mysteries of her past.

And it would be a whole lot easier if Finn wasn’t so darn distracting. Because it’s really hard to concentrate on hiding and finding food and running from hell hounds when you’re head over heels in love.

I tore through Tyger Tyger as fast as Finn swept Teagan off her feet (very fast). The story is fast-paced, exciting, and irresistible, with a great combination of mystery, suspense, and romance.

Finn is the bad boy we all want… rough, tough, and willing to do anything from skipping a meal to breaking an arm for the girl he loves. His rough exterior and his cold demeanor only make his love for Teagan more special. He was certainly my favorite character, followed closely by Teagan’s little brother, Aiden. He’s a funny quirky sort of kid who seems to be able to cause problems and solve them at the same time.

The plot and the pacing were fantastic! There were so many secrets and questions, and the way they were revealed was perfect.

The things that weren’t perfect about the book were these: The writing was clear and descriptive, though a little hard to understand at times. The only thing that felt lacking was Teagan and Finn’s relationship. It felt like it just barely got started… and the book ended. But on the other hand, it was definitely real, and not any of that sappy love based solely on attraction stuff. Lastly, I don’t really think the title describes the book, and the cover—though breathtakingly artistic—doesn’t say much about the book either. But none of this really took away from the enjoyment and the satisfaction at the end—the end was really cute, by the way!

I adored Tyger Tyger and can’t wait for the next book in the series!
Adventure Time: v. 2
Adventure Time: v. 2
Braden Lamb, Ryan North, Shelli Parline | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second volume of Adventure Time comics! I loved it even more than the first!

So in these episodes, Finn and Jake go on a crazy time adventure, thanks to Princess Bubblegum's amazing invention. At first, it's all just a bit of fun - until PB decides the time machine is too dangerous and must be destroyed. Of course, Jake already had plans to use it and attempts to repair the machine. This leads to some strange outcomes...

The main characters in this volume are BMO and PB (other than Finn and Jake, of course). There are also mentions of several other characters, including a strange Finn-Jake hybrid named Tim. Oh, and there are a ton of robots. (Thanks, BMO.)

As usual, the graphics are superb. One of my favourite parts is still the "cover gallery" at the end, with alternate covers for each issue. I also like the little side-notes included at the bottom of some pages, often breaking the fourth wall and referring to the TV show. I do, however, sometimes feel like they're trying a bit too hard to be funny. Eh, I might just be a picky reader.

I really do love these comics - they're fun and enjoyable and relaxing to read. The art is lovely and the stories are just a bit of fun, really. Of course, there are some pretty meaningful morals hidden under all the jokes, too.

Easily 4.5 stars for this volume. Colourful and funny and unique!
Peaky Blinders  - Season 2
Peaky Blinders - Season 2
2014 | Drama
A blinding second series
It’s not often that second series can quite meet up to the first, but Peaky Blinders manages to pull it off. It’s as violent, dark and gritty as the first series with a plot that actually surpasses the original. There are some wonderful performances yet again from Cillian Murphy and Helen McCrory especially, plus some great newcomers in Finn Cole and Tom Hardy. I found Hardy’s role to be potentially a little OTT, but he was hilarious in comparison with the serious Peaky Blinders and I wish he’d been on screen in this series more. The entire series was just hugely enjoyable from start to finish, and I liked how the series jumped on 2 years from the original as it really helped to move it on the story.

My only criticisms would be the cliff hanger from the end of series 1 is briefed over a little too quickly, and that Noah Taylor’s “bad guy” isn’t as threatening as he first appears and is a little lacklustre, it’s just fortunate he isn’t needed much to bolster the plot.
Almost Missed You
Almost Missed You
Jessica Strawser | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Violet and Finn are one of those couples that everyone believes is meant to be. Their story is one entwined with fate. They met once by chance and were reunited years later. Now married, with a young son, everything seems great for the couple. While vacationing in Florida, Violet cannot believe her good fortune. So imagine her shock when she returns from a relaxing nap on the beach to find their hotel room empty: Finn has vanished, and he has taken Bear, their son, with him. Violet has no explanation for this, and the FBI is quickly involved. Meanwhile, Finn's closest friend, Caitlin--who has become Violet's dear friend too--becomes entwined in the disappearance when Finn enlists her help. Will Violet ever see her son again? And why exactly did Finn vanish from that beach?

This novel definitely sucks you in right away. It's confusing and intriguing, as you're completely puzzled as to why Finn would run off and leave his beloved wife (and why would he take their son, too). In the beginning, I did not want to stop reading: the novel was completely addictive. Strawser slowly adds in additional details that thicken the plot, making Caitlin and her husband, George, as much as a part of the story as Finn and Violet. It's told in alternating points of view (Violet, Caitlin, Finn) and time periods, including after the kidnapping incident and before, leading up to Violet and Finn's history together. This effectively builds suspense and can drive you a tad insane, as a chapter in the past ends, leaving you dangling and wanting more details.

The problem for me was that, over time, the characters almost seemed their own worst enemies. Rather than a mystery/suspense novel, the book turns more psychological (nothing necessarily wrong with that) with each character bemoaning their various choices that have led up to this point. And seriously, they've made some stupid choices. It's one of those things where you want to scream: if you'd all just have talked to each other! Communication! Some of the ways of handling things seem awfully impractical for such serious issues (case in point: just about anything Caitlin does with her life, including her way of addressing the kidnapping).

Still, the novel continues to churn out some crazy twists, making it very interesting. The unveiling of Finn's past really carries the book about 3/4 through. You're continually wondering what happened, what he owes various characters, and why on earth he'd want to leave Violet (and take Bear).

As much as I enjoyed this novel and how suspenseful it was, I was frustrated by the characters - none of whom I cared for much at all beyond Violet. (I would have just strangled Finn if possible and potentially even Caitlin.) Again, some communication could have really saved some preposterous plot movements. There are a few times where characters seem to act way out of line for their development, etc. As the book nears a close, it drags on with their in-fighting and psychological messes, versus actual excitement, which was a little disappointing. I felt like we'd been through a lot of excitement for nothing and come out at the end with little but an emotional saga. The ending is awfully pat, too, and makes you think, really?

However, I truly did enjoy most of this book and found it incredibly suspenseful. It's easy to read and draws you in immediately. Even if you don't like all the characters, you'll be intrigued by their predicaments and the entire scenario. I'd certainly be interested in what Strawser comes up with next. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review; it is available everywhere as of 03/28/2017.

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