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Alex (Twilights Falls #1)
Alex (Twilights Falls #1)
A.M. Salinger | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
wonderful start to a new series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

    Alex’s business partner scammed him for the tune of half a million dollars. His friend, Izzy, has the perfect solution. Marry her client, live with said client for 6 months, and get his half million back. Finn’s great aunt is a manipulative woman, but she loves him, she really does. Getting Finn out the house to meet someone new was not going to work while the artist hides himself away following the death of his wife several years ago. Marrying him off seems the perfect idea. When Finn and Alex come face to face at the courthouse, neither is expecting a man, but they go ahead. They can live with each other for 6 months and be done. But what happens when feelings get involved? When things begin to be REAL?

    I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed this start of a new series by Salinger! I LOVED the Nights series and I can see this new series growing on me too.

    There is immediate attraction to Finn from Alex but while Finn acknowledges, to himself at least, that Alex is gorgeous, it takes time for the attraction to Alex to grow. Loved that it wasn’t immediate obvious to Finn, just what he might be feeling for Alex.

    It’s not overly explicit, at least to start, but once these guys admit they want each other, and that Finn doesn’t seem to have a problem with that, they are all in! It does get a bit emotional, especially for Finn, when talking about his wife, and then to his great aunt about . . .things . . .and you feel sad for him, that he was never fully honest with himself. That his wife and his aunt saw, though, knocks him.

    Glad the business partner gets his comeuppence!

    I LOVED the wider group of friends that Alex comes home to! They are funny and I wonder if the series will evolve around them? I know Carter is next, who pops up here.

    It didn’t take me long to read the 170 pages its billed as, just over 90 minutes, but it left me feeling that warm and fuzzie feeling I haven’t had from a book in a good long while.

    So, thank you, Ms Salinger, for setting me up for a busy day at work, feeling that warm and fuzziness all day! I look forward to catching up with these guys should they pop up again in the series. * I hope they do!*

    OH!!! There is a bit at the back of this book that gives the first chapter to One Night, which is the first in the Nights series. If you haven’t read those books, I STRONGLY recommend you do! I made a new shelf for them, and everything! And of course I read that little bit and then had to go back and read Cam and Gabe’s first book again. And NOW I wanna go back and read the whole damn series again! Be warned though, those books are HOT off the charts!

    Ah sod it! I wrote 4 stars, then changed it to 5 then back to 4, but here you go!

    5 warm and fuzzy, too stinking cute stars!

    **same worded review will appear elsewhere**
All Our Yesterdays
All Our Yesterdays
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, the plot of this book is kind of complicated and my summary probably won't do it justice, but here goes:

Em and Finn have been held prisoners in their cells for months. The doctor puts them through horrific interrogations on a regular basis, trying to determine the location of some documents he believes to be in the possession of Finn and Em.

Em is obsessed with the drain in the centre of her cell, positive that it has some kind of important meaning. Eventually, she manages to unscrew it, and discovers something incredibly unexpected; a note from herself.

With the the help of Mike Connor, a guard that other versions of themselves had convinced to help them in the past, Em and Finn escape their cells and make their way to Cassandra. Before the doctor can stop them, they switch on the machine and are transported four years into the past.

This is written from two different perspectives; Em's, and Marina's. Through each girl's story, we discover the truth about the doctor, Cassandra, and the death of Nate, the brother of Marina's childhood love's brother.

I know this all sounds really complicated, and sometimes it does get that way, but it is written so well. Em looks at Marina like she's a different person, which I suppose she is, really. The relationships between each version of Marina/Em and the two different boys is so unique to this book. I suppose it's a regular love triangle, but at the same time, it's not.

I really liked this book. It's not quite made it's way to my favourites list due to the fact that there were times where I got a little bit lost. But it definitely deserves 4.5 stars, because it is such an gripping, unique book. I'm so glad I read this.

The Omega Lesson (Billionaires in Heat #2)
The Omega Lesson (Billionaires in Heat #2)
Roxy Collins | 2023 | Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE OMEGA LESSON is the second book in the Billionaires in Heat series and you can read it as a standalone, although Maddie and Finn Visser from book one are either mentioned or make an appearance.

Lexi is up against the odds in pretty much everything - working in an Old Boys' school, being abandoned by her family, and having an ex who is a complete jerk. Mattie is the first one we meet and he is a couple of years younger than Lexi. I loved these two! They were so hot but also so caring and protective of each other. One by one, the others appear and we learn more about their past (and how Maddie was involved.) They all suffered and dealt with it in their own ways, but it's only when Lexi appears that they pull together. And I also loved the description they gave her - their North Star.

I thoroughly enjoyed book one and love the world it is set in. This one, I enjoyed more but I still can't quite push to 5 stars. I would have liked a little more from Travis and also a little more of Bree and the interactions with the rest of the pack.

I look forward to reading more in this series and finding out more about Finn Visser! Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 10, 2023
Bring Me Back
Bring Me Back
B.A. Paris | 2018 | Thriller
7.9 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let me start off by saying that this book was at the top of my Summer Reading List. I tried every way I could to get this from the publisher as an ARC without success. I was the first to read it from my library though.

Ten years ago, Finn's wife, Layla disappeared. They were on their way home from a holiday in France, when they stopped at a rest area for a bathroom break. When Finn returned from the restroom, Layla was gone. He tried to find her right away and contacted the police and told them everything that happened from the time they pulled in until he walked out of the bathroom and his wife was gone. But he left out one detail. Now Finn is dating Layla's sister, Ellen, and things keep popping up to bring Layla back to the forefront. Is Layla alive or is someone playing a twisted game to stop Finn and Ellen from being together?

I love B.A. Paris! Everything she has written so far has been incredible to me. This was another book that I couldn't put down. I think I read it in less than 48 hours.

What would you do if your significant other went missing and was presumed dead. Ten years later when you are about to marry her sister, there are little signs everywhere that she may be still alive. But how is that possible? Why would she stay away all this time if she was alive? Has someone being keeping her captive?

All these questions are answered in the book. And the twist, that I kind of saw coming, but couldn't wait to see how the author laid it all out for us.

Whatever BA Paris writes, I'm definitely going to read. Every book has been unputdownable!! Have you read any of her books? Let me know. If not, what are you waiting for?
Tremors (1990)
Tremors (1990)
1990 | Comedy, Horror
As far as practical effects driven monster movies go, you can't get much better than Tremors.

It has a wonderful cast for a start - lead by Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward, and featuring the likes of Finn Carter, Michael Gross, and Reba McEntire, every character is likable (apart from that little shit Melvin) and you want them all to survive their ordeal, usually a rarity in this genre!
The chemistry between all of the actors is great, and makes for a frequently funny adventure. It has its fair share of bloodier moments that push into horror territory, and in that regards, the mostly daylit Nevada desert setting is something different to enjoy. The practical effects are extremely B-Movie, but it works so well with the overall tone.

The narrative takes a little while to set everything up, but when things get moving, it doesn't stop, moving from set piece to set piece, that are all memorable as hell, from pole vaulting from boulder to boulder, to fishing with homemade bombs, to a over the top l, laughable amount of guns being fired when a Graboid breaches an underground bunker.

Tremors is fucking great and deserves so much praise for what it is - it's own little pocket of comedy horror, with its own rules. Long live Tremors.
Shadows of Nightshade (The Garden of Eternal Flowers, #1)
Shadows of Nightshade (The Garden of Eternal Flowers, #1)
Lyla Oweds | 2023 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
107 of 235
Shadows of Nightshade ( The Garden of Eternal Flowers 1)
By Lyla Oweds

I dream of a time where I was warm, safe, and loved.

But my waking reality is starkly different.

Anxiety plagues me and spirits haunt the shadows. No matter how fast I run, I can’t seem to escape my past.

The only solace and steady force in my life is my best friend, Finn.

And now… there’s a ghost haunting me. And I’m not certain if it wants help or if it wants to kill me. There’s only one person who can understand: Finn’s brother, Damen.

However, in reaching out, I’m betraying Finn and setting things into motion that cannot be undone.

But nobody ever said that doing the right thing was easy.

So apparently this is a rewritten story of this author’s Grimm Cases series the first book but I didn’t read the original so this is a new story for me. This is a strange one for me because I was really intrigued by the world and the supernaturals and the story was really what kept me reading as it was good. My issue was the main female character she was written as really naive and a little irritating if I’m really honest. I would have gone with a 2.5⭐️ rating if I could have.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Bring Me Back
Bring Me Back
B.A. Paris | 2018 | Thriller
7.9 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ahhhhhh... I have such mixed feelings about this book. I don't know where to start or how to properly review without giving away spoilers, but I just had such high hopes throughout the first half of this story and then... meh.

This was my first B.A. Paris book. I've heard great things about the author and this book in particular, the buzz was deafening, but for me it just fell flat.

Don't get me wrong, the premise was so intriguing and I jumped right in with all the whodunit questions. I jumped from character to character with the turn of every page, not knowing who knew what, who did what, and these are EXACTLY the style of books I love. Unfortunately, I had major suspicions about 50% through, and I was pretty much correct - but the execution just made me more or less angry. It's like those books where you're so dumbfounded, you have no idea whats going to happen, you're so excited for those super fun twisty turny clues and then everything starts falling into place. But this was not the case with Bring Me Back. It felt like a cop-out at the end. It was like - the whole story was questions, and then you get all the answers in one final chapter and you're like... ummm what? I dunno - it felt lazy at the end, unconnected a bit, and pretty unbelievable.

The basic story is that Finn meets Layla, they fall in love and then one night, as they're stopped at a gas station rest stop, Finn returns from the restroom and Layla is gone. Did she leave, was she forced or kidnapped? Ten years later, Finn is about to marry someone else, and clues begin to appear raising questions as to if Layla is alive, and if so, where is she?

Without spoiling anything, I WILL say It was a fun idea, and the writing is top notch. I loved how stories were interwoven and little clues popping up everywhere. But again, the end just fell flat for me. I'll definitely be checking out some of B.A. Paris's other books for sure though after reading this. I really enjoyed the writing style and MOST of the book!