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Maureen Fry and the Angel of the North
Maureen Fry and the Angel of the North
Rachel Joyce | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ok, I’ll put my hand up to this: I haven’t read the first two books in this trilogy! But I’ve heard enough about them that it feels as though I have! And they’re on my bookshelf. It’s not actually unusual for me to read trilogies out of order, and I can say in this case that I didn’t feel as though I’d missed anything major that made it incomprehensible. Maureen Fry to me was perfectly readable and very enjoyable on its own. That’s not to say that I won’t read Harold and Queenie’s stories though!

Maureen isn’t an instantly likeable person. She’s standoffish, rude and has experienced enough trauma in her life to make her attitude and personality unpleasant, yet understandable. As a child she was described as difficult, and she describes herself as a difficult adult. Harold clearly adores her, and finds this part of her just as endearing as the rest. We’ve all met difficult people like Maureen, possibly made sure that we avoided them afterwards, and this novella goes some way to explain how and why Maureen became the person she was.

Maureen doesn’t have an easy time during her journey, mainly because of her ‘spikiness’, but at the same time, it shows how intolerant some people can be (Maureen is included here!). We meet one of Harold’s friends from his walk who proves particularly invaluable for Maureen.

At the centre of this is Maureen’s loss. When her son died by suicide many years before this story takes place, he takes a piece of Maureen with him. This journey, which is, incidentally to Queenie’s garden, helps Maureen to come to terms with her sons death and life without him.

It’s quite beautiful. I’m not saying that Maureen transforms into a wonderfully kind, light-hearted woman (she doesn’t), but I do believe she comes to an understanding with her grief.

This was well worth the reading.
Rock Crush and Roll
Rock Crush and Roll
Hunter Snow | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
not overly explicit but very steamy in places!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

From what I can see, this is a debut author, and I enjoyed this!

Tyler has crushed on Cary for some time. And Cary has crushed on Tyler too, but they work together, sorta, and Tyler has a strict no musicians rule after being hurt badly by one. But with very little effort, they start to see the person behind the mask, and
 maybe, just maybe, Tyler can find her Happy Ever After.

This is cute, it really is. I liked that Tyler and Cary knew each other for a long time before they started a relationship. I liked that both of them fell fast and hard. I liked that Cary tried to spoil Tyler, but she managed to not let him get away with too

It’s not overly explicit, but it does get steamy in places. Just the right amount for these two, I think.

Both Cary and Tyler have a say in the third person, The change usually occurs as the chapter changes, but sometimes in the middle. Each change is clearly headed and I liked that.

Lots and LOTS of one liners from well-known songs (each with the artist named too) and some not so well known to me. Didn’t take anything away from the story, but I found myself trying to spot them all! And then to proceed to sing said song in my head til I
 came across the next one!

I struggled a bit with the workings of the music industry and found Tyler’s boss a slimeball, but he does get his comeuppence!

A great start from this author. When I come across a new (or new to me) author, my first question is always “Do I want to read more by this author?” and my answer here is a resounding “yes!”

So cute, and warm and fuzzies and a good solid 3 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
What's In A Name?
What's In A Name?
Pat Henshaw | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What’s in a name? by Pat Henshaw is a short novella about a Barista by the name of Jimmy Patterson who gets dumped at a bar on his birthday by his boyfriend Alex. The burly bartender who we first know as Alex 2 then later as “Guy”, comes in to save the day when Jimmy gets drunk off his backside and finds himself in the bathroom with his head over the toilet bowl. All Jimmy wants is to know the bartender’s first name. The story starts unfolding when “Guy” makes a deal with Jimmy. He has seven days to guess “Guy”’s first name; one guess each day.

While each day for the next week, Jimmy and Guy’s relationship becomes deeper to the point where they end up falling in love and do find their HEA, there is so much more to this story than just your typical boy meets boy, boy falls in love with boy, they live happily ever after type scenario. Jimmy and his co-owner of Penny’s coffee shop learn that not everything is going to be a bed of roses as thriving business owners when someone ends up trashing their mall branch shop. Jimmy and Guy have their own issues that they need to work out through the week that they’re together as well.

What I found interesting as well as refreshing about What’s in a Name? is that right from the very beginning the book had a fairytale feel to it. First there was the feel of a Rumpelstiltskin story in so far as having to guess Guy’s name and getting seven guess’s to figure out out. I’m not going to give away the ending of the book or the answer in this regards but the fairytale overlays continue throughout the book.

There were quite a few twists and turns to What’s in a Name along with unexpected surprises that pop up throughout the read such as Jimmy’s ex boyfriend Alex, who we meet at the beginning of the book, showing up later. There was some mystery to this story as well and the person we thought was the culprit wasn’t the one “Who done it” after all.

The one big downfall that I found while reading the story was that “Guy’s” first name became predictable by at least the middle of the story for me. Luckily that wasn’t the main plot otherwise there was a good chance I would have lost interest in the book. There were quite a few underlying and overlying aspects to What’s in a name that it kept me coming back to see what happened between the two men. What’s in a name is a quick read that I got through in a day and it took me that long only because it was during the weekend when I had other things going on. I would definitely recommend this to my friends.
Indelible (Grant County, #4)
Indelible (Grant County, #4)
Karin Slaughter | 2004 | Thriller
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Better then the last but still not in the same league as the first couple of books in this series....
This is the fourth in the Grant County series and for a series that started so strong (I loved the first two books) I was really disappointed with this. I would recommend approaching this series in order as they do carry a lot of emotional baggage through the series.

This was the first one I listened to as an audiobook and the Southern American accents used were a bit grating for me, so I'll try to stick to the books in the future for this series (obviously a personal preference.)

With a shootout occuring in the town in the present day, we get flashbacks to an “origin” type story 12 years earlier, which sets out to give the reasoning behind the attack. It’s a pretty shocking attack and the present day part was tense.

This book is very focused on two of the main characters from the series, Medical examiner Sara Linton and her now ex husband / current boyfriend (it’s a complicated relationship) Police Chief Jeffrey. In the flashback parts of this book we see Sara and Jeffrey taking a trip to Jefferies hometown where his best friend ends up shooting someone and a body is found from Jefferies distant past. I didn’t find the investigation part here as engaging as in the previous books, with too much focus on what Jeffrey was like as a lad.

I think my main issue with this particular book is I just don’t like Jeffery and having so much dedicated to back story for him didn’t endear him any more to me. I came out of that part of the story still not liking him or really understanding why Sara is so in love with him (I suppose love is blind.)

Although I enjoyed the action packed present day shootout it still had a character issue in the form of the ever complicated Lena Adams. She is back to being a cop and this is her first day back (talk about bad timing!) I really have no idea why they are letting her back on the force she just seems to be a terrible cop (and not a particularly nice person) who is suffering from PTSD.

I feel I may be being too harsh on this book and I can fully understand people who love the characters in this series (or love to hate main characters) enjoying this book. I just prefer this series when it’s slightly more focused on a case rather than their personal lives.
Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway (2021)
Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway (2021)
2021 | Animation, Family
When I imagined the first time back into my Cineworld I was of course envisioning an epic first film back, something monumental... I succumbed to peer pressure and saw Peter Rabbit 2, but it was in a double bill with Spiral, what a combo. Bunnies and butchery.

Following Thomas and Bea's wedding, things start to change for this country family. Bea's story has become so popular that there's a book deal on the horizon, and the family head off to the big city to talk to the publisher. But Peter isn't happy about the way things are changing. He wanders off into the city streets where he meets a mysterious stranger that shows him a new way of living where he can be the bunny he wants to be.

Where do I begin? Peter doesn't like being cast as a brat, disappears and... does some brattish things. It's on brand for the bunny, so feels right for this second outing.

The animal antics felt right throughout the film, but the humans one... no so much. I know I'm probably overthinking about this film a little, but I honestly don't think this situation would have happened at all, not with the sort of person Bea was. That's the card we were dealt though so I guess we have to accept it.

I found the film to be very slow going at the start, it essentially wasn't very different from the first. Thankfully, somewhere at the midpoint it does pick up and you get more of the crazy action that, let's face it, was the only reasons that us adults are seeing this. (Apart from Hannah, Hannah is here for some Gleeson goodness as well as the bunnies.)

It seems a little daft to go over most of the things about this film as it really is a carbon copy where everything but the storyline is concerned. There are a few moments that even taking artistic license into account didn't sit right with me, but they would all constitute spoilers so I won't elaborate, rest assured though, you will have the same quibbles if you watch it.

Peter Rabbit 2 The Runaway. (not that anyone remembers the second bit), would have been good competition with the first had the beginning had the same pace as the rest of the film. What we've got is a sequel that is really just for the kids to enjoy, we'll just hang around for the action.

Originally posted on:
The Nephilim's Fate (War of the Nephilim #1)
The Nephilim's Fate (War of the Nephilim #1)
Eliza Hampstead | 2022 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
There is much misinformation passed down!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book .

This is, according to some sites, the author's FIRST book. And OOOOEEEE, did she NAIL it!!

BUT! Cliffhanger, people, of the most EPIC proportions, and I did not see it coming, and I am NOT happy!!

She’s a witch, he’s a Nephilim – and a simple kiss could kill them both. That is the tag line for this book, and it is perfect!

Nate is Nephilim, and all he knows is that witches would kill him, if they got intimate. Alissia thinks she is human, but actually, she's one of those deadly witches. But she's also a scientist, and after research by them both, she comes to the conclusion: it's a load of hooohaa, and then gets down and dirty with Nate! But there are forces trying to keep them apart, and Alissia will have a difficult decision to make.

I really REALLY liked this, not quite loving it, but mostly cos of that cliffhanger! Both Alissia and Nate get a say, so that made me happy, cos I do like to hear from the important people in a story.

It's dark and deadly: there is violence here, and it is graphic, but I think it's needed, to get the point across. It's steamy and smexy: explicit scenes from that very first page! If you follow my reviews, you'll know I do prefer my books on the smexy side, but I don't think I've read another book, where it starts right on the first page! I loved that, while it is explicit, that first scene is actually a dream and neither Nate nor Alissia knew the face of the person they were dreaming about!

There is much misinformation passed down, from both the witches and the Nephilim. Getting to the bottom of it took some time, and I do think that I might have got a *bit* lost with it, somewhere, but it all came to make sense.

I loved that Nate wanted to question his superior when it came to the child they rescued, a Nephilim child. I do hope he gets his way on that one!

So, the cliffhanger came out of nowhere, mostly because I wasn't paying attention to the time left in the book and I am NOT happy about it!!

I have just ONE burning question: when can I get my hand on book 2??

4 very VERY good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Blood of Assassins
Blood of Assassins
RJ Barker | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I can't quite see what the fuss is all about
*** Disclosure: I received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley in return for an honest review ***

I read Blood of Assassins straight on the back of Age of Assassins, which I thought was OK.
Here we are back with Girton Club-Foot and his assassin master 5 years after the conclusion of the first book. Having travelled as mercenaries during this time, Girton has stopped training with the sword and picked up a warhammer instead. The book opens with he and his master seeing off some foreign assassins of their own, his master becoming poisoned in the conflict.
The Tired Lands has deteriorated over this time with Girton's three fellow squires all vying to become king, resulting in a long war that has taken its toll on the land and its people.
Girton becomes tasked with finding the spy within his old friend, Rufra's, camp and soon becomes embroiled in finding a murderer and fending off attacks on the camp and nearby towns.
Girton is one of the most annoying characters I have come across for a while, being incredibly stupid, selfish and childish. He is mooted as an incredible warrior on his return, which I thought of as odd due to nobody seeing his true skills in the first book - he always had to pretend to be mostly useless to hide his assassin and sorcery abilities. Hi is also praised for solving the mystery over the assassin-hiring in the first book, even though he solved that by luck, people just confessing to him or other people working it out instead of him.
Here he again does next to nothing to solve the mystery of the spy and only when he is confronted by them does he work it out.
As in the first book, he again becomes embroiled in identifying a murderer in the camp, which he again does despite his stupidity.
I'm all for an anti-hero but they are supposed to still make you either love them or hate them, I found myself completely indifferent to Girton's plight and just wanted to get through it.

There were more typical fantasy battle scenes in this book, which were well executed, but these were few and far between and came somewhat at odds with the plot. This redeemed the book for me.
However, as with the first book, there were no hints at who the culprit was, too much of it was left to the reveal, meaning the mystery aspect of the book was a little clumsy.
And the dream sequences, which in the first book served to tell the story of Girton's upbringing, here are a complete nonsense and add nothing to the story. Just flowery nonsense.
Barker has a good turn of phrase, but at times I thought it just confusing:

"The impact came from behind, high in the centre of my back, throwing me forward.
An arrow.
I knew the way they killed. Felt its ghost as it ruptured my lungs, split my breastbone and burst from my chest. I hit the floor, dust billowing from the carpet. The weight on my back forced me down into the choking cloud.
Not an arrow."

For me this was style over substance and left me unnecessarily confused as to what was happening.

The first person perspective is also fatally flawed in this setting as we therefore automatically know Girton survives, taking the edge off all the battles he is involved in.

In summary, a little flowery at times and doesn't know whether it wants to be a fantasy book or a thriller and succeeds in neither all that well.
A Court of Mist and Fury
A Court of Mist and Fury
Sarah J. Maas | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
9.3 (54 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, from the beginning, this book sure was a ride of emotions and plot events. I kept thinking that in the first part of the book the plot wasn’t moving, there was nothing happening. But now, after I have finished the book, I know that there were some very important events going on.

One thing I have learned about Sarah J. Maas and her characters is that she is never very nice to them for very long. But this causes me to feel sorry for them, to want them to be happy, thus showing that it is a good book to get me so emotionally involved. I knew this fact in Thorne of Glass and was expecting it in this series, but maybe not so early on. It defiantly shows that she has evolved as a writer and has become much more confidant.

Speaking of evolving, these characters did a bunch of it throughout this book and in between the first and second. While some characters (Feyre) transitioned over time, especially after all those nasty things she went through in the first book, I felt like others (Tamlin) had changed much too quickly. This defiantly could be explained at the span of three months that was between the first book and this one, but it still seemed abrupt and more like a plot device. Unquestionably for the plot. But I think it worked out well for the story arch that we are continuing to follow, one that is getting impressively complicated.

Feyre’s evolving rivals those of Alien, Lysandra, or Maven from Thorne of Glass. I know I keep bring this series up, making comparisons, but I just wanted to say how happy I was that Sarah J. Maas didn’t abandon her character evolving pattern. It makes each of her books so much more fun to read than others, some of which the characters don’t evolve enough to really see much of a difference. The evolving keeps me guessing at what the characters might do next, and that makes for a good book.

Sarah J. Maas also isn’t one to shy away from putting two people together to fall in love then having them change their mind. But, I liked Tamlin in the first, but not enough to completely ship them and wanting it to continue into the next book. I was hoping she would pull out one of those ‘I loved you but I don’t love you anymore’ moves. Because there are many relationships in this book that affect the plot, I won’t give any spoilers on it. Sorry if I implied it and you caught on, but really it was only the first 50 pages that might have been mildly ruined.

Bad things to say. Hmm. You know, there really isn’t much I have to complain about. I wish that Tamlin didn’t become so easy to hate right off (sorry, but once again only the first 50 pages), that we couldn’t see more of Feyre’s transition to becoming a high fae, her powers thereof, and watching more of these lovely relationships evolve as each person becomes closer, friends or otherwise. Other than those though, I don’t have much else to say.

At the time I am writing this review there is still three weeks left until the next book comes out, so once again I have to distract myself with others until I can get it. Sigh.

Wait, why did I wait so long to read it? Oh that’s right, so I wouldn’t be in the waiting position like I am now!

Also, a warning for younger readers, this book does become NC-17.
The Corridor (The Corridor Duology, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
It seems, that <b>books relating to parallel universes are like mermaid books and contemporary books</b>: I either get along with them, or I don't get along with them.

It's no brainer that <b>a book involving parallel universes as <i><a title="A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">A Thousand Pieces of You</a></i> and <i>The Corridor</i> have would be extremely scientific in its explanation</b>. An information dump is (or maybe just a dumbing down of information) bound to happen if the authors want me to make sense of their parallel universes.

But somehow, <b>I enjoyed a story concocted by A.N. Willis far more than a story concocted by Claudia Gray</b> (parallel universes related – I DO like Claudia Gray's other works), even if my first thoughts reading the first chapter was, "Oh, no. Parallel universes. Please don't disappoint me, A.N. Willis."

I find that I'm actually not disappointed – I really enjoyed the first book in the <i>Corridor</i> series, and <b>I was pretty engrossed with Willis' writing. I wanted to know more than what the author actually wrote</b> – Estele's power, Dr. Taber's betrayal years ago. <b>I even found myself interested in the science of the universes that the scientists were seeing and the different "Earths" Estele visits using her power.</b> And I am not generally a science person, regardless of the fact I think Chemistry is easy and passed it with a fabulous A-.

(Maybe I'm a chemistry kid rather than a physical science or biology kid. I guess I can't run away from math after all. What if I'm an accountant one day?!?!?! I won't complain, of course, since it's baby math...)

<b>There were moments that I found myself confused on which Earth the characters were talking about – each world has different names for each of the other Earth</b>. The original Earth simply went with First Earth, Second Earth, and possibly so and so forth if they found any more. Estele went with calling First Earth and Second Earth whatever the scientists called them, and came up with names that were significant to that Earth when she first visits. Another version of Earth was further advanced and found more twelve Earths in total, and went with the zodiac in naming each of them. I found that <b>while the more advanced Earth was far more complicated, Estele's version seemed to make things a lot more clearer in matching up the Earths.</b>

Possibly <b>the biggest difference between <i>A Thousand Pieces of You</i> and <i>The Corridor</i> was how Marguerite actually uses a device while Estele somehow has a power to travel across worlds.</b> I personally found that really cool and interesting, and as mentioned earlier, I wanted to know more about that power as much as Estele did.

By the time I actually got to the end of the book, I was pretty disappointed... in a good way. I suppose Willis did disappoint me after all. <b>I honestly have no clue where the author is going with the series</b>, but I'm hoping the sequel will be just as good as the first one is.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Young Enough (The Age Between Us #2)
Young Enough (The Age Between Us #2)
Charmaine Pauls | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
You need book one first!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in The Age Between Us set, and you MUST read book one, Old Enough, before you read this one, it is not a stand alone.

I'm not gonna write a blurby bit, cos I might give something away!

When it all starts to unravel for Jane, and indeed for Brian, together, and separately, its like a ball rolling down a hill. As it moves, it gets faster and faster, and for Jane and Brian, things move at great speed, one thing after another after another, til the only way is for them both to walk away. When reading this unraveling, its like Oh My God. Then its, No Freaking WAY! And SAY WHAT NOW!!!

Because Pauls chucks so many, so bloody MANY things at this couple, and at us, it's a wonder they are still standing. So many twists and turns, so much that came totally out of left field, that I was totally blown away with the plot twists!

I've filed it on the darker/grittier shelf, because some of the things that are thrown at Brian and Jane need that tag. But if I tell you what they are, that would give plot lines away, so if anyone wants to know, please feel free to message me, and I will tell you, but I'm not doing that here.


It's again, first person present tense, from both Jane and Brian's point of view. And as much as I loved this book, more so than the first, I still can't get past that. And for that I'm sorry!

Its very well written, though and you really do feel for both Brian and Jane when things start to go wrong. Strangely, I felt more for Brian than I did for Jane. Well I did, up to a point, and after that point?? It was Jane I felt more for!

So, even though I enjoyed this one more than book one, I still can't get past the present tense .....

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**