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Jenni Olson recommended News from Home (1977) in Movies (curated)

News from Home (1977)
News from Home (1977)
1977 |
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The running themes of my top ten list are so perfectly combined in News from Home, which features the most exquisite first-person voice-over and a series of static landscapes of New York City. I had the incredible experience of watching News from Home on the night of October 6, 2015, the day after Chantal Akerman took her own life. I had awoken to this news from Paris on the morning of the sixth. Having spent the day trying to comprehend this incomprehensible fact, I found myself drawn to Hulu that night, choosing to process my grief by watching one of her films. After the first few minutes of News from Home, I realized to my amazement that I had actually never seen it despite thinking that I had (shameful confession: I realize now that it was Hotel Monterey I had seen long ago, and all this time I had somehow mixed up these two titles). Of course, I have seen many of Akerman’s other works and have always considered her a huge influence on my own—especially her formal approach to lengthy shot duration and the static camera and her affection for the mundane. But seeing News from Home, particularly at that moment in time, was such a revelation. It seemed so uncanny that my own cinematic style of mixing static, durational 16 mm urban cityscapes with voice-over would so resemble Akerman’s style in News from Home—and I make this comparison in the humblest way possible. As the final twelve-minute shot of a Manhattan skyline with seagulls unspooled before my bewildered and bleary eyes, I discovered that the conclusion of my new film, The Royal Road, which features a single seagull flying across the San Francisco skyline, pays uncanny homage to Akerman’s film."

Resilience (The Demon and Shadows Duology #1)
Resilience (The Demon and Shadows Duology #1)
Kandi Vale | 2020 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
132 of 200
Resilience ( The Demon and Shadows Duology book1)
ARC copy
By Kandi Vale

Ok folks strap in it’s a bit of a long one!!

*** The books do include scenes of BDSM and scenes of a sexual nature. Adults only ***

I was extremely lucky and privileged to be given the chance to read the ARC of Kandi vales new book Resilience which is the first book in a Duologly featuring Joro and Mattheus from the slivered souls trilogy. I was first introduced to this author in February 2019 and I absolutely fell in love with the world she has created. This new book tells the story of Joro and Mattheus, we get to see how Joro came to be the person she is now. It is full of action and some of the hottest sex scenes I’ve read, now don’t let me mislead you with the sex scenes they are also some of the best I’ve seen written. If BDSM is not to your taste I’d still recommend reading this book as they are done so well in my opinion (and I can only write from my opinion so don’t shoot me). This book had me hooked from the prologue and it was one of those books that kept you hooked! It answered so many questions and brought every emotion you can think of.
I can not wait for book 2 to see how this ends! I’m a huge fan of supporting authors like Kandi these writers put their heart and soul into the worlds they build and you can definitely see it in her work!

So I highly recommend you check this book out when it officially releases Tuesday 28th July!!

In the meantime go find slivered book 1 of the slivered souls trilogy
Crystal Shard (Paladins of Crystal. #1)
Crystal Shard (Paladins of Crystal. #1)
Nicola M. Cameron | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing world building!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Oooooohhhhh! I loved this! I really did!

The thing I loved the most, was there wasn't that info dump you get in some fantasy books. When Crystal gets pulled into the rose bush and spat out the other side, she has to learn everything about where she now is. And as she learns, we learn. So, it comes in dribs and drabs, just enough for you to process that bit and move on to the next. Loved that, it meant I could fully engage with the characters, instead of trying to keep up with information. Excellent world building!

I loved that Crystal has her say in the first person, and the Paladins, her group of protectors at this point, have their say in the third. Different, yes, but I loved that it was.

And I say at this point, because given what happens at the end (which, to be honest I saw coming, but hey, still loved it!) things will change in future books.

I've not tagged it as romance or multi partner YET, cos there isn't any romance, and the only smexy times is in dreams, for both Crystal and the guys. But it's coming, oh yes, it's a-coming!

Obviously, things aren't smooth sailing, and I've an idea who might be wanting to cause all this trouble. I'm fairly certain they aren't done yet.

So, when is the next one out? Cos I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED it!

This is the second book of Cameron's I tried to read. I didn't much care for the first one, but this?? Bloody loved it!

5 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Alien Indiscretions (World of Kalquor #9)
Alien Indiscretions (World of Kalquor #9)
Tracy St. John | 2018 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alien Indiscretions is the ninth book in the Worlds of Kalquor series. I have read some of these before, but not all of them. I would recommend you read the series though, as previous characters and relationships are mentioned.

Crissy and Tasha are Jessica's cousins and have made their way to Kalquor to start a new life, one where they can be with whomever they wish. Crissy takes an instant dislike to one of the councillors but is more than happy to push them onto her twin. Of course, that doesn't happen, and Crissy and the Kalquorians need to figure a lot of things out while they still have the chance.

This is definitely a case of those who know, see a different person, because at first glance Crissy is uncouth, brash, and downright rude at times. However, those who know her, love her. And there is enough about her to catch the interest of two out of the three Kalquorians.

This story has a lot of backstory to it, with an overall story arc playing a BIG part of this story. For that reason, I would definitely recommend reading some of the others before this one. It was all well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. The pacing is smooth, and there are plenty of sexy scenes for your titillation.

If you have read any of these books before, then I can absolutely recommend it. If you haven't, then I still recommend it, but would suggest you start the series properly first.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 2, 2018
Designation: Submissive (The Designation Series #1)
Designation: Submissive (The Designation Series #1)
Jamie Kassel | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
DESIGNATION: SUBMISSIVE is the first book in The Designation series, and is told in first person, present tense. This isn't my favourite way to read, but I was intrigued enough by the story to try it.

The premise of this story is a good one - it's a dystopian or post-apocalyptic scenario where men have been genetically altered and have become either dominant or submissive (on an individual scale). They can bond, but it is rare. Plus, the military doesn't like it as it's money down the drain. The military also finds other centres where men have been altered and cryogenically frozen. This is where Craig comes in. Sam is the dominant soldier who has been looking for a submissive who will submit all the time, in every way. Craig has been promised a dominant of his very own but was then sent on a one-way mission.

This book is high on steam if not downright erotica. I don't have an issue with that. The parts that got me were when Sam and Craig would get 'busy' but then Craig would go off on a two-page internal monologue. I'm sorry, but if it's that good, then you won't have coherent thoughts! I would also have liked a little more world- and character-building apart from the s3x side of things.

Saying that, I did enjoy it and am intrigued to know what has happened to Robert, so I will be continuing with the series.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 11, 2023
Saving Mrs. Roosevelt
Saving Mrs. Roosevelt
Candice Sue Patterson | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Saving Mrs. Roosevelt is a good book about some actual historical events. It deals with someone that needs to be a spy to help keep the first lady safe. But this also has some fiction in it as it is historical fiction. Some actual historical events do take place. This book is about Shirley Davenport and a few SPARS that help on the home front.

The author does a beautiful job of telling the story and adventures that Shirley Davenport goes through. She goes through some training and trials as she is on a mission but can not tell her family. The way she comes home and has to deal with losing her brother on the same day she comes home from training.

You will be surprised as to who it is in the end. Shirley and her friend Joan sign up to be SPARS. Will Joan be loyal to her country, or will she not be? Things do not all seem as they are when Shirley gets home. She must lie to protect herself and her family. Will she be found out?

She seems to be charming a young man who is a Captain. Will the Captain fall for Miss Davenport, or will he wall in his grief for his two young brothers? They have stood paired up to capture the person trying to kill the Roosevelts. Will Shirley be successful in finding out about the conspiracy against the first lady?

Suppose you are looking for an excellent book to read about history and the woman that help during world war two on the homefront. This book does tell a story about a few heroes of ww2. With a little bit of romance as well.
It may not be completely fair, but most of my ratings include how I feel about the grammar - if there are several punctuation errors, mispelled words, and other mistakes. Because of the grammatical errors in the majority of the Consequences series, these books did not receive the star rating I would have preferred to give them. Consequences and Truth both received 3 stars, but can become a 3.5 rating with corrections. Convicted I gave 3.5 stars, but could easily be 4 stars after editing. Revealed earned 4 stars from me - the grammar, punctuation and spelling were much, much better, therefore this was the highest rating I will give it. Beyond the Consequences was only given 3 stars.
Below I have included my separate reviews for each book.

Truth: I'll be perfectly honest. I've become so familiar with reading from the first person perspective, it's a little difficult to fully immerse myself in a story written in third person; partly because the point of views change so quickly, sometimes without warning, and there are so many, it's hard to keep up with. In Truth, we read (in third person) through Claire's, Tony's, Harry's, Phil's, Sophia's, Derek's, Nathaniel's, Marie's, and Catherine's point of view. In fact, there may even be one or two I'm forgetting. The point is, it was kind of hard to concentrate, especially when the POV changed without any real consistency. However, despite this and some easy to overlook, but not completely dismissed, grammatical errors, I truly enjoyed Truth. I read Consequences over a year ago and have been desperate to find out how the story continues. The first book left me appalled, disgusted, and just as determined to seek revenge as Claire. However, this book left me completely shocked. There were so many twists and turns, so many events that I was in no way prepared for - I loved it. Aleatha kept me on my toes and I couldn't have predicted anything that happened. Of course, my one real worry is that Claire took Tony back. I told myself that, if one were to pretend the events in Consequences didn't occur, Tony's attempts to rekindle his marriage with Claire would be sweet. However, I can't just forget those things happened. Tony hit her, he isolated her, he kidnapped her and controlled every aspect of her life, he manipulated her and abused her more ways than physically. He raped her. In candor, the first of his several sins could probably be overlooked if he were completely and totally dedicated to not only making it up to Claire, but to making sure those moments never occurred again. However, I absolutely cannot get over the fact that he raped her, repeatedly. Something like that can't, and shouldn't, be forgiven. In the first book, I assumed he had successfully brainwashed her into believe she loved him, so I could forgive her for forgiving him. But in Truth, she was able to step away and realize just how much power she could wield over him, yet she fell right back into his arms. I look forward to reading from Tony's point of view to see whether or not I can be persuaded to agree with Claire and her love for him. Until then, I will continue to have my reservations.

Convicted: Man, what a roller coaster! Romig kept me guessing throughout the whole book and, honestly, worried about how everything would turn out. I had my fears from the beginning - with each new chapter, they grew and grew. I actually caught myself hoping Claire would get the happily ever after she so desperately wanted, even if that included Tony. In reality, I still find it hard to chew that the fact Tony raped her could actually be overlooked. However, there is this magical sense of self-preservation called "suspension of belief", which allows us readers to, well, suspend our beliefs to morally accept something from a book that we most certainly wouldn't in real life. I even found myself cheering the couple on, completely forgetting about the past, only to be reminded and question myself. Whether it's absurd for me to have eventually made peace with Claire's decision to love and forgive Tony for his trangressions, that's what happened. Despite the typical grammatical and punctuation errors dotted throughout the book, I rated Convicted with 3.5 stars instead of 3, because I was truly enthralled from beginning to end. It was a worthy read and, as usual, I'm a little sad to be officially parted with Claire and Tony (if you don't include Tony's POV books), but I'm happy with the way their story ended.

Beyond the Consequences: The grammar matched that of Revealed - much improved from the first 3 Consequences books - but I felt incredibly bored throughout most of it. I felt like it was being dragged out; if Aleatha had made it so Patricia and Rudolf were working together, I believe it would have made this story shorter and, therefore, more enjoyable.