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Black Heart Loa
Black Heart Loa
Adrian Phoenix | 2011 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A rolicking fun ride through Louisiana
Black Heart Loa is actually the second in Phoenix’s Hoodoo series, the first being Black Dust Mambo. Even without reading the first one, Black Heart Loa is easy to follow, and the events of Black Dust Mambo are easily understood, without really having them rehashed to the reader. Part of that, I expect, is because Black Heart Loa is dealing with the fallout of the events of Black Dust Mambo, so things get explained in a natural progression in the book.

BHL was a rolicking fun ride through the swamps of Louisiana. I can’t speak for the accuracy of how the hoodoo belief system is represented, but most religious beliefs in urban fantasy get a vigorous twisting from the author, as miracles and magic become real in the fictional world. So I’m not terribly worried about the accuracy, as long as they’re not portrayed solely in a good or bad light. And in BHL there are both good and bad practitioners of hoodoo, illustrating the point that it’s not the religion that is inherently good or bad, but the person practicing it. So that moral quandary aside, I really, REALLY enjoyed this book. Kallie is a fun, ass-kicking, smart-talking protagonist, though I found myself wanting to know more about her best friend, a mambo-in-training.

I especially want to know more about a character who was introduced late in the book, but the ending of the book implies more books to come, and more focus on the character I’m intrigued by, so I’ll have to see if I can dig up more of this series. Amazon says this book is 2 of 2 in the series, but it was published in 2011 and I don't see any more in the series, which is sad. Goodreads mentions a third book, Black Moon Mojo, but I can't find any news about a release date.

You can find all my reviews at

Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated Battlemage in Books

Apr 27, 2018  
Stephen Aryan | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Battlemage was so exciting. It held on tight and didn’t let go. I was hooked from the very first few sentences from the first chapter and from there it just got better. It was everything I’d hoped it would be. It had an exciting, well thought-out plot, complex and interesting characters, good writing, great humor, and amazing war-time magic. It had an interesting (subtle) religious and political commentary running through it that added dimension to the world. It made it more real. And it had a character that I had to really think about, really pay attention to, to figure out his true identity! I love that. I love a book that makes me think, and that surprises me.

I love good-guy/bad-guy magic. Magic that can take you to higher levels of selflessness and servant-hood and kindness, and that same magic can be used to pull you and everyone around you into filth and degradation. The Source is so powerful that, if used in the wrong hands, can completely break and ruin a person. And we see that in the battlemages. That’s my favorite kind of magic.

The narration was very good. Addis created a perfect voice for the personalities of the characters. He has superb accents and articulation, spoke clearly at a good pace, and took a book that was at 100% great and made it 200% great (which is exactly what the narrator should do! Add to the experience, not take away from it.)

The only thing about Battlemage I thought was slightly lacking was the very end. It was a little abrupt and open. Open in a good way, meaning it immediately demands a sequel. But I felt like the author was like “Hah! It’s over! bwahahahah!” rather than the kind of gentile ease away that leaves the reader feeling satisfied but still excited for what is to come. However I was still highly satisfied with the story, would totally read/listen to it again, and recommend it to anyone 18+.
Wreck and Order
Hannah Tennant-Moore | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Elsie is a wreck just as the title of the book suggests. She is living mostly off of her father's money with some little jobs to hold her over. She's seeing a guy who barely respects her and she doesn't really seem to have found her direction in life. Taking trips overseas to Paris and Sri Lanka improves on her recklessness, but once she's back in the states, it's hard to control old habits. Will Elsie find her place in this world before she destroys her life?

At the beginning of the book, I could relate to Elsie on some level. During my early 20's I was pretty reckless with my own life doing things that now I can look back and see weren't the best decisions. Those things have made me into the person I am today, but who would I of been without those experiences. Who is Elsie without her crazy alcohol induced, drug addicted boyfriend, Jared? Who is she without Suriya, her Sri Lankan "sister" and without her parents who continue to support her financially even if it's not the best thing for her

I was so looking forward to this book. I first discovered it through Penguin's First To Read Program, but at the time I had some difficulty downloading it to my Kindle I had the opportunity to borrow it from the library, but I was not as thrilled with the overall story as I was hoping to be from the description. To me Elsie seemed like she was going in circles instead of moving forward in her life. Continuing to make the same choices sh know are not good for her, not learning from her mistakes, or maybe she does learn from them but doesn't implement these changes into her life. I rated it three stars, but it's more of 2.5 for me. It started off strong, but the ending left something to be desired.
The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig'
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Prior to selecting The Boats of the ‘Glen Carrig’ as my next read on Serial Reader, I was unaware that William Hope Hodgson was a source of inspiration for Lovecraft. In fact, as I devoured the novel, I remember remarking to myself how much it felt like something Lovecraft would write – and no wonder!

The Boats of the ‘Glen Carrig’ is written in first-person point of view and feels largely epistolary in form (though it is actually a travelogue). There is no dialogue and readers only know what Winterstraw writes. The story follows a marooned ship and its crew first as they encounter an odd island and then as they end up stranded in what appears as a Hell on Earth – or in this case, the sea. There, they discover another ship entangled in seaweed for seven years (yeah, I don’t get that either, but hey who’s judging?).

Oddly enough, despite the myriad oddities that those aboard the Glen Carrig encounter, it is the second ship they find that truly bewilders me and crosses me as unbelievable. I’m all for the time of creatures this group encounters, but I cannot fathom how it is possible that so many individuals survived on ship that was, for the most part, dead in the water. I kept waiting and waiting for something to go wrong, for something truly disturbing to happen in regards to the other boat and well… there was nothing.

Even though I feel disappointed by the outcome of things with the other ship, overall I found The Boats of the ‘Glen Carrig’ a fun read. For fans of H. P. Lovecraft, it is a must-read. The Wildside Press publication of this book, as well as several other public domain publications, are available on Amazon, free of charge. An audio version can be found on Librivox, an organization comprised of volunteers that come together to record audiobooks of titles that are in the Public Domain.
The Perfect Mother
The Perfect Mother
Aimee Molloy | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
The May Mothers is a group of first time mothers in New York City who all have babies coming in May. Winnie, Francie, Nell, Collette, and Token seem to have the closest relationships in the group. The ladies meet before the babies are born and then a couple of months after the babies are born, they decide it's a good time for them to have a night out to enjoy themselves. Nell arranges for them to all meet at a bar called The Jolly Llama. While there, Winnie's son, Midas goes missing. All of the women are determined to find out what happened. But in their investigations, they find out more about each other than they ever could have imagined.

I really enjoyed this book. Normally, I listen to audio books on they way back and forth to work or when I'm in the car, but I found myself listening to this book as often as I could, so I could find out what happened to Baby Midas. The author has you fooled for a while thinking one person is responsible for this heinous crime, but then the twist comes along and **BOOM** mind blown. I didn't see it coming.

The funny part was when the twist did come, I was walking around the grocery store and I said a little loudly, "What the F***!" That got a few people to look in my direction. I was never a part of a mommy group, so I couldn't quite relate to that part of the story. But being concerned about the welfare of your child is something every mother can relate too. There were parts when I was sure I knew how this story was going to end. But I was quite shocked. Another great un-put-downable.

This is the first book I've read by Aimee Molloy, but I look forward to reading more. If you haven't read this book, I highly recommend that you do.
My Forbidden Desire (My Immortals #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Honestly, this book was <i>very confusing.</i> The overall theme was easy to understand: girl is put in danger, her psychotic father doesn't care if she dies as long as he obtains what he wants, her overprotective foster brother forces a fiend to guard her, they are sexually attracted to each other, eventually emotionally involved, and together they survive through a major tragedy, defeat her father, and live happily ever after. That pretty much seems to be the outline for every novel I read nowadays. It has indeed become old. Despite that, I still enjoyed this novel.

However, I often found myself confused. It wasn’t because I didn’t know what was going on, who somebody was, and didn’t read the first in the series. No, the characters’ gestures and dialogues confused me. Sometimes, one character would touch another in a certain way, and I didn’t understand why. Other times, characters would be conversing and I just didn’t understand <i>why</i> they were saying the things they were. I don’t know if I was tired or what, but I found myself wondering more often than not why they were doing the things they were. After awhile, I just stopped questioning and read.

Xia and Alexandrine’s relationship also had me scratching my head. At first, all they did was bicker. And not even intelligent arguing either. There was no trying to prove a point or open the other’s eyes. Nope, this was just flat out arguing for the sake of arguing. I was to the point of pulling my hair when all of a sudden, they cared about each other. They weren’t emotionally attached yet, just one person caring about the safety of another. I think the turnabout gave me whiplash. Then events actually started happening. By the time I finished the book, I literally had no idea about anything. I think I was just too exhausted to read this novel and actually comprehend it.

T.N. Nova (30 KP) rated Why I Trust You in Books

Jun 24, 2018 (Updated Jun 24, 2018)  
Why I Trust You
Why I Trust You
Colette Davison | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Why I Trust You by Colette Davison is the third book in the Why I series. You can find our reviews for Why I Left You and Why I Need You by following the links. Each one can be read as a stand-alone and is loosely tied together by recurring characters.

I started reading the Why I series from the very beginning and have followed Colette throughout the series. I fell in love with her writing from the first page. Each book is an amazing work of art and her latest release - Why I Trust You - did not disappoint. In fact, while I love the first two books, this book goes above and beyond. It has to be my absolute favorite - and that says quite a bit.

Martin is a computer developer who is on a mission to find the best graphic artist for his latest game that he’s crating. An overachiever who turns everything he makes into gold has quite the high standards for the person he hires. Ryan is an artist who is in an abusive relationship but wants to get out of it. He wows Martin with his art designs for the game that’s being developed. Both men have trust issues from their past.

There is so much I can say about this book. It’s sweet, sexy, hot and loving. So many feelings that this story draws out of you! There are times when I actually found myself laughing out loud and other times when I wanted to beat the living daylights out of Ryan’s ex, Zane. The story grabs you by the arm, draws you right in, and refuses to let you go until the very last sentence.It’s a must-read for anyone who loves a good romance with characters who are working toward bettering themselves and overcoming obstacles.

I’m a complete and total #TeamMartin and #TeamRyan fan! Thank you Colette! (less) [edit]
Mar 31, 2018 [edi
Waking to Black (Uninhibited #1)
Waking to Black (Uninhibited #1)
V.H. Luis | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
3 good solid stars
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

First person, present tense is the reason why I very nearly didn't finish this one. Not my favourite way for a book to be written, and I make no apologies for having dumped books before upon finding out they are written this way.

But I didn't dump this one. I kept at it, and I was pleasantly surprised that I liked this. I did not love it though.

Evelyn has secrets and has been hiding from the world, existing say to day. Getting held up in a bank, and meeting Adam Black made her start living. But those secrets are hard to share, and she doesn't know if Adam will share his secrets too.

Aside from the present tense thing, I wanted Adam to have a voice, I really did and he doesn't. And because he doesn't, Evelyn began to grate on my nerves. I've no particular idea WHY, she just did. That's what I'm left felling and ya'll know I'm all about sharing my feelings!

This is book one in the Uninhibited trilogy. This is, as far as I can see, also book one for this author. Do I want to read more of the trilogy?? I don't know yet. I'm waiting to find out if Adam gets a say. I'm not sure I can face two more long (400 odd pages) full only of Evelyn.

The book comes with a BDSM tag, but I saw no evidence of that. I've tagged it over 18, and darker/grittier, because of what Evelyn went through and is still dealing with. Some readers may find it difficult reading. I'm not saying here, because that is a HUGE spoiler, but feel free to message me if you wish to know.


For a first time author, something must have clicked because I got past the present tense thing and read it all. So well done for that!

3 solid GOOD stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Bishop Ridge (Sawyer&#039;s Ferry #2)
Bishop Ridge (Sawyer's Ferry #2)
Cate Ashwood | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a far more engaging read than book one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Sawyer's Ferry series. It's not really necessary to read book one, Alaska, first but I would personally say you should. Gage and Holden play a huge part here. And their story is really rather good too!

Jackson walks into Logan's clinic and sparks fly. I mean, even Logan was thinking about going against his doctor/patient rules. But Logan passes Jackson's case to Holden and all bets are off. But both men have a no-repeat rule. So just why are they going for round two, three and more?

Logan is Gage's partner at the hospital and best friend. We met him in Alaska. I'm glad he got his story!

It is again told from both men's point of view in the first person. Not my favourite, but Ms Ashwood seems to somehow negate that fact and I really am enjoying this series.

I loved the fact that this . . . Non-relationship kinda creeps up on both the guys. Its very much a slow burn in regards to the emotions involved for them both. Steam and passion? Immediate and powerful but the emotions creep up on them and it takes a while for them to see. Loved that they both fought it, hard.

Loved how Logan made Jackson admit to his feelings but not what got them to that point! Scary, I was worried!

We never did get to the story about how Jackson has a gunshot wound from 6 years ago, but it's only when typing this up that I realised that!

I gave Alaska 4 stars, but I found myself far more engaged with Logan and Jackson, than I was with Gage and Holden, so. . .

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A Walk to Remember (2002)
A Walk to Remember (2002)
2002 | Drama, Romance
7.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Whenever you get opposites collide you will see sparks fly in a love story. This has a good message for the teenage audience who believe being popular can make you different when it is the people around you that you ignore that make the difference in people’s lives. The story shows how powerful love is and once you first feel it, it can be so hard to stop the feeling. (8/10)


Actor Review: Shane West – Landon the bad boy of the school who falls for the outsider. Shane is a good in the lead role showing how letting someone you’re your life can change you forever. (8/10)


Actor Review: Mandy Moore – Jamie the outsider who goes to church and everything Landon dislikes. Good performance playing the role trying to avoid a romance but in the end it becomes the best thing to ever happen to her. (8/10)


Director Review: Adam Shankman – Good direction showing all the emotional levels very well. (8/10)


Drama: Very good drama showed how people will deal with such a head part of life. (8/10)

Romance: Great romances showing how when you find that one person you will do everything to make sure they are you’re everything. (9/10)

Chemistry: Great chemistry between Landon and Jamie. (9/10)

Believability: This sort of heart breaking situation does happen. (8/10)

Chances of Tears: Pretty high chance. (7/10)

Suggestion: This is something I would suggest to someone lost for ideas for date night, it is full of heart break but they story is so very touching. (Date Night)


Best Part: Landon and Jamie’s first date.

Favourite Quote: Landon ‘Our love is like the wind, I can’t see it but I sure can feel it.’

Trivia: Shane West bought the car he uses in the film.

Oscar Chances: No

Chances of Sequel: No


Overall: A tragic love story that will pull some heart strings, bring the tissues.