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10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sometimes, we don’t search for a particular book to read. It just finds us. That happened to me with “Quietus”. One of the best books I’ve read this year. I connected to Nick immediately, and the story was appealing, so it was a struggle to close the book. This is one of the books that you read in one breath. I could connect with all the characters, with Nick, with Carrie, even with Sophie.

The description about them made me like them in a different way, all of them, yes, even Sophie. The author describes not only the physical part, but also their thoughts and how their mind works, and before you even realize it, you have this strong bond with every single one of them.

The personality of Sophie is so well described, that’s it’s almost unbelievable. All the sociopathic characteristics, the whole building of this character is so appealing to read, it makes you want to know what’s wrong and how it can be fixed, and it is told by Nick, by someone who has affection towards this person and it tells both sides of the story, how a person can make you like them and make you hate them at the same time.

The scenes are so realistic, that I felt like I was there. Each chapter is left unfinished, and it only makes you want to read more and more. The whole death-life thing made this book special to me. It made me think way deeper than just how the scene are put, or how was the description of the characters. Maybe I didn’t get the point of the story… I just wonder now. It will bother me for days, that’s for sure. It will haunt me and make me think again and again, deeper and deeper about what was the character’s purpose in this book. Why they were exactly where they were, and why did Nick went to Jersey right after his death in the first place.

All in all, this indeed was a story that has a deep meaning behind her, that reaches into people’s minds and hearts and certainly stays there for a while, like I’m certain it will stay in mine too. It is a story that makes us realize things about life, and then ask ourselves if what we believed in up until now is really true. It made me think how sometimes dead people can influence us, like Carrie influenced Nick, and Nick influenced Sophie. It makes me think how, in fact, it isn’t the dead people that influence us, but just us ourselves.

When you think about it deeper, you’ll realize we don’t change because someone is influencing, but we change because someone woke up some thoughts in us, and it’s us that realize it all and then change. Did Sophie kill herself, or they were actually there, because the whole trip was their imagination. Did they influence her, or it was only Sophie herself? I guess I’ll never answer some of those questions, but I still do think sometimes it’s us ourselves that realize some things, even though Nick and Carrie’s deaths had a purpose too. If there wasn’t a Carrie, there wouldn’t be an imaginary trip to Sophie’s hospital. And if there wasn’t a Nick, we’d never realize that she’s a sociopath.
Only Mr Darcy Will Do
Only Mr Darcy Will Do
Kara Louise | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great retelling, despite the shortfalls
I’m such a sucker for these kinds of books featuring Pride and Prejudice. There are so many different types of retellings and most of them are good. This one has its moments and it was enjoyable to read.

So in this twist, our beloved Mr Bennet dies prematurely and Elizabeth becomes a governess. This was rather interesting, and it does suit Elizabeth rather well - although back then in the day it’s a drop in the society ladder and everyone she knows makes sure she knows it.

So she meets Rosalyn which I thought at first, was an ideal friend for our dear Lizzie. She’s a bit vapid and valley girl type of character. Especially when Mr Darcy is around (can’t blame her, we all love Mr Darcy) but it’s almost to the point where she’s annoying about it. It’s not until the latter half of the novel where Rosalyn does a complete 360 and she becomes a pretty awful person (including her mother).

The plot in this one tries to stay within the main one we’re all familiar with it just diverts the path a bit and comes back to full circle. Which is nice as it tries to stay true to the original story at the same time you just get a different “what if” scenario to enjoy reading. I’d have to say I enjoy reading Hamilton (another cousin of Darcy’s) playing along with Elizabeth. It was playful banter and he sounded like the type of rogue we all love to read and fall for (albeit, foolishly). It was a bit hard to get into at first but it’s worth going through to the end as once Rosalyn does her 360 turn, everything becomes much more interesting.

The only thing I did not enjoy reading is towards the end Darcy does something completely out of character and it just did not sit well with me. He’s not the type to be outspoken even when it comes to be madly in love. Don’t make him something he’s not. It nearly ruined the entire book as it was doing so well staying close to the true nature of the characters only to have him do something he wouldn’t EVER do (nor can you picture him doing so).

Also, the ending just dragged too much for me. We get it. We all know what’s going to happen. We all know what did happen. There’s no need for extra fodder in the last few chapters of the book. It could have just ended with the proposal or wedding and done. Perhaps the last few chapters could have been made into an entirely new idea for another book to be made. It was just so unnecessary.

Overall, it was a good read for those that love Pride and Prejudice “what if” scenarios and fans. I enjoyed it despite those changes in characters that nearly caused me to grind my teeth and yelling out certain expletives.
Who (Stalker #1)
Who (Stalker #1)
Megan Mitcham | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Touch Of Brilliance!
Who scares you the most, a complete stranger or a person you know that has you in their sight?

Megan Mitcham’s latest novel, "WHO," delivers an intensely evocative story in this first book of her new Stalker series. With intelligently crafted words and an intriguing plot that has plenty of suspenseful twists, this novel made me want to keep on turning the pages. At first, I found the book a little slow and I was worried that the story wouldn’t live up to its promise, however, the pace soon picked up and I knew I was reading a book that I would come to really enjoy.

Billionaire Larkin Ashford is the fiercely independent owner of her fashion empire which was founded on the back of wedlock. When her company has the opportunity to go public, her Board of Directors won’t give her the green light, unless she agrees to marry. A series of threatening messages aren’t making her decision any easier. As she retreats to her rooftop hideaway to clear her head, she finds herself imprisoned in the strong arms of a mysterious chap who thinks she was about to jump…

Despite her friends’ warnings that her knight in shining armour could be her stalker, she can’t get him out of her head. Determined to find the truth, she searches for her mystery man and discovers a dark secret that could destroy everything that she holds dear. With her empire in danger, she’ll have to uncover the truth before her fortune and her life are reduced to tatters.

I loved the character of Larkin who is efficient, imaginative and extremely shrewd. She has deep-rooted issues with trust from her past and she doesn’t believe in love or long-term relationships. Her mother died when she was thirteen, and she has a tense relationship with her emotionally distant father. She does have a few really close friends that are supportive and loyal. I loved that Megan Mitcham introduced us to an abundance of wonderful characters, especially Larkin’s girlfriends, Genevieve, Marlis and Libby. Their exuberance collectively provides many moments of fun, support and girlie laughter.

Larkin’s high profile life is very much lived in the limelight and with major personal and business decisions needing to be made, who is causing so much trouble for her and what will be the price she has to pay?

I had so many different scenarios playing out in my head, and even though I anticipated some of the twists, I couldn’t settle on the outcome and I was kept guessing until the end. The author definitely did not disappoint with the conclusion of this book!

If you love dramatic plots, intrigue and enjoy crime novels with a bit of romance, then Megan Mitcham delivers with abundance in "WHO."

Thank you to Hidden Gems and the author, Megan Mitcham for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.
Scott (Owatonna U Hockey #2)
Scott (Owatonna U Hockey #2)
RJ Scott, V.L. Locey | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
much better than book one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Owatonna U Hockey trilogy, but you don't need to have read book one first. I have though, and found THAT book not really to my liking.

THIS one, however, I enjoyed far more.

Scott is suffering, since his brother died, and decides to self medicate with illegal steroids. After punching his best friend in the face, Scott is suspended for a whole 12 months, and is quite literally, chucked out his home. With nowhere to go, he happens to meet Hayne at a mandatory counselling session. Hayne, for reasons he cannot fathom, takes pity on Scott and the pair become inseparable. They each have their own demons, but together, they just might be able to overcome them.

Like I said, a MUCH better read, for me anyway, that Ryker. And much of that is because I didn't much care for Ryker in his book and I'll come back to that in a minute, though.

Hayne is a free spirited artist, in his final year at college. He is terrorised by his tenants, and spends all his time in his room, trying to paint his final piece. Meeting Scott, who turns out to be the muse he was missing, wasn't planned, but Hayne runs with it. Helping Scott get back to hockey seems the right and best thing to do. That Scott helps Hayne is a much added bonus.

Hayne is LOVELY!! So sweet, I wanted to punch his housemates! And the fact that he really sees Scott helps. Scott is trying to be the son his father wants, but he isn't his brother Luke. He will NEVER be Luke. His father pushes Scott away, and it takes his mother, who has been self medicating in the bottom of a bottle, to pull HER big girl panties up, and make her husband and son see that they are BOTH suffering and TOGETHER they can make some semblance of a relationship again.

Loved Hayne's mum and Mimi! Loved that they took Scott in when he needed someone the most, Hayne aside.

Back to Ryker. I did not like him in his book, but he does redeem himself somewhat here! While Scott is hiding, his friends, the ones he thought hated him, were planning an intervention, and Ryker is foremost at getting Scott to see that his friends don't hate him, they just didn't see how much he was suffering.

It does carry some darker story lines, grief, bereavement, alcohol and drug abuse, but they are all part and parcel of Scott's story, and they are very well written.

Oh, and you'll need tissues. I cried a LOT with this book!

Can't QUITE get past the first person to stretch to 5 stars, but a much better than book one:

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A Simple Favor (2018)
A Simple Favor (2018)
2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
A sexy, stylish and smart mystery
The first time I saw a trailer for A Simple Favor, I was sucked in. We learn that this story follows Emily, a mysterious, secretive woman, and why she went missing. I love a good mystery, and immediately knew I had to go and see it ASAP to answer that simple question: what happened to Emily? On a separate note, I really like both Kendrick and Lively, so was interested to see the two of them in the leading roles. The trailer alluded to some interesting dynamics between the two, which made it more appealing.

The film is told from Kendrick’s perspective, as a single mum and lifestyle vlogger, Stephanie. She has a reputation for always wanting to keep her hands busy and stick her nose in everything, much to the annoyance of the other mums in the neighbourhood. Because of this, she is quite an isolated character, which ultimately leads her to befriend Emily. The two are polar opposites; Stephanie is a quirky, awkward and cheerful person, whilst Emily is sarcastic, brash and cynical. This pairing is a delight to watch on screen, as their friendship becomes a strange and complicated one.

When we’re first introduced to Emily, she has a powerful presence, emphasised by her luxurious and fashionable dress sense. One thing that has stood out to me and many other reviewers, is the stunning costume and set design and how they contrast with each other throughout the narrative. Characters personalities are brought to life through their wardrobes, perfectly crafted to speak louder than words could. I don’t normally place so much focus on costumes in my reviews, but in A Simple Favor’s case, it’s so important.

Unsurprisingly, the story is full of twists and turns as we are gradually shown what truly did happen to Emily. There’s not much I can say about this without spoiling it, but it’s a thrilling ride from start to finish. Admittedly it feels far-fetched in places, but I wasn’t bothered by this to the extent some others were. It isn’t the strongest thriller story I’ve seen, but it was still very entertaining.

Emily’s husband and son play central roles too, both expertly acted throughout. Class divide is a clear theme throughout the film, and I loved the way both Stephanie’s and Emily’s family compared and often clashed with each other. The visuals do a great job of emphasising this divide, juxtaposing luxurious environments with more humble ones. The visuals do make up for a weaker storyline, as they transport you to the characters world.

Overall, A Simple Favor is worth a watch and makes for a very entertaining couple of hours. If you’re a fan of thrillers with a bit of comedy thrown into the mix, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this one. It’s nothing particularly outstanding, but I still thought it was a good film.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Confidence in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Many university students will be able to relate to the panic and dread caused by dissertations and final exams. <i>Confidence</i>, co-written by Rowland Manthorpe and Kirstin Smith, is set at an English university where third year students are cramming in revision sessions in the lead up to their examinations. This story combines two character’s experiences which, although rarely overlap, reveal the effects of the lack of and over-confidence.

Whilst Ellie struggles with her dissertation, Charlie believes that he will successfully complete his degree without the need to revise, giving him more time to focus on his social (and sex) life. Both students are distracted by their less-than-perfect social lives, jeopardizing their exam results and discover that life is not at all what they predicted it to be.

<i>Confidence</i> is a book of multiple stories. Firstly (and secondly) there are Ellie’s and Charlie’s predicaments, but the remainder of the novel contains an autobiography of sorts about the nineteenth-century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche – whom Ellie is penning her philosophy dissertation on. Whether these sections are an example of a student essay – are the authors aware that they are all written in the third person these days? – Nietzsche’s theories regarding confidence are highly relevant to the theme of the book.

The academically well-written sections about Nietzsche, his life and his spiral into insanity are very interesting to read. Composed in an essay-like format, the information is presented in an easy-to-understand, clear manner, making what in reality is a difficult concept to fathom, simple to comprehend. The fictional narrative, however, is much less pleasing in comparison. Filled with expletives, Manthorpe and Smith paint a stereotypical view of student life. Instead of the hard-working and dedicated people that many students are, they are depicted as alcoholic sex-maniacs.

Whilst negatively categorizing students, other issues are also raised such as feminism and mental health. Whereas these concerns are important topics in the twenty first century, the stigma and inaccurate knowledge about illnesses such as Anorexia is almost unforgivable – “[She] would grow out of it…” Seriously?!

As a story,<i> Confidence</i> falls well below my expectations. Although the stresses of university life are relatable, the characters go to extremes, making their scenarios all the more unrealistic. The essay on Nietzsche on the other hand is an enjoyable, informative piece of writing, which saves <i>Confidence</i> from the fate of a completely negative review. Perhaps my interest in philosophy helped me appreciate the depth of detail and knowledge written about Nietzsche, however I still maintain that it has been composed in such a way as to make it entertaining. Perhaps created with a student audience in mind, <i>Confidence</i> will most likely appeal to readers with the ability to think about the world from a philosophical perspective.
A Serbian Film (2010)
A Serbian Film (2010)
2010 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Cinematography, Storyline, Acting (0 more)
Not neccessarily bad, but the Storyline is extremely shocking and definitely not for everyone. (0 more)
Be Prepared to Cry...
Contains spoilers, click to show
Milos is a successful Porn Star who is now retired with a small Family of a Wife and little Boy. As with any Family, they have everyday expenses that are soon racking up and eating into what little savings they have left. In need of cash, Milos meets up with an old friend and Co-Worker, who tells him about a new Director in the Industry who wants to work with Milos. Milos of course seizes this opportunity, and goes to meet with the Director in question, Vukmir.
Vukmir, it turns out, is eccentric to say the least, and offers Milos an amount that would set his Family up financially for the rest of their lives... on the condition that Milos comes, has sex with whomever (or whatever) and then leaves. Milos signs, thinking "how bad can it be?!"... yeah, BAD idea. His first job with Vukmir turns out to be in an abandoned Orphanage, recieving Oral Sex from a Woman, whilst he is forced to watch a young girl eating a Lolly on multiple screens. Distressed and wierded out by his first job, Milos confronts Vukmir about what type of Movies he's actually doing... to which Vukmir shows him an abhorrent "Movie" that leaves Milos understandably sick to his stomach, and extremely distressed that he has entered into work with this type of person. Milos decides to try and leave the business again, disgusted by what he's seen, but Vukmir hasn't finished with Milos, or his Family, yet. And what he has in mind for Milos to do next is going to possibly destroy Milos and his Family forever...
I'd just like to make a point before I go on that A Serbian Film is a Drama, and is not intended to be a Horror at all. It's regularly dumped into the Horror genre, and there are definitely some scenes us Horror fans can appreciate, but I believe this Movie really is a Drama and should be watched as such. I personally liked Milos and his little Family, and felt incredibly saddened that this was happening to them. The end made me ugly cry, it's an extremely tragic Movie.
Ignore all the hype around ASF, and just watch it for the tense, shocking, heartbreaking Drama that is truly is. The scenes that are horrible are put across as such, and are put across to be the vile and cruel situations that they are (there's a lot of hype around these scenes... normally from people who've never even seen the Movie) and the plot speaks volumes about the politics in Serbia, how the poor are treated and what lengths people will go to to provide for themselves and/or their families. You've been warned, but give it a watch. It's the Drama to end all Dramas.
Original Review posted on <a title="Dance in Shadow and Whisper by Sarah Godfrey and Victoria deRubeis" href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Original Rating: 4.5

Note: Formatting is lost due to copy and paste

<i><b>Disclaimer:</b> The authors provided a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. The review is not influenced in any way.</i>
     Basically from the first chapter, I was pretty hooked. Actually, I would say the first sentence, but that could have changed from sentence two or even sentence three.

      Though if I said I nearly chucked the book across the room after sentence one, I would be telling a white lie.

      So I actually did like Dance in Shadow & Whisper. Really liked it. And I pretty much believed I was in for a good read from sentence one. In fact, I would have recommend it to my school book club but due to language, I would probably get whacked in the head. Literally.

      Yeah. Not happening. I'm the last fan of migraines and headaches (and bruises). I'm pretty sure the lot of us are as well.

      But here are a few reasons why I really liked the book and labeled it potential book club recommendation:

1. I think this tends to be the very obvious in a lot of books I read: the idea. Demons vs. Vampires. Finally vampires have a new group of people they don't really like that aren't called werewolves.
~ ABOUT TIME – in my very humble opinion. Not that anyone cares because they're probably too busy screaming “Team Jacob!” or perhaps “Team Teen Wolf!” (I probably made the Team Teen Wolf up. It is about werewolves after all.

2. I loved almost all of the characters' personalities, in which most are humorous and witty. But I particularly liked Kali, who is the main character in the book and seems to be a really fun person to be around (pigtails, lol).

3. Even though there are a few different POV changes throughout the book, it's easy to tell who's POV it is when it's not Kali.

4. The ending. Literally. If I say why I like it, I'll spill the milk and I might get haunted in the middle of the night. Because really...
<img src=""; />

     It was flawless in the transition. That's all I'm going to say about the ending. But now I'm in another waiting room... just keep waiting.

      That's all I'm going to say and I refuse to say any more. But for Sarah Godfrey and Victoria DeRubeis's debut novel, Dance in Shadow & Whisper is definitely worth a read.
Queen &amp; Slim (2019)
Queen & Slim (2019)
2019 | Drama, Romance
Queen and Slim share a nice, if odd, first date. Driving her home after dinner their night takes a turn as they're pulled over by a police officer. It's clear that he's less than happy, and when he asks Slim to step out of the car with no real reason Queen, as a lawyer, tries to stand for what's right. What happens next leaves them both changed and they need to escape what's coming, but neither are prepared for what it'll lead them to.

Queen and Slim was interesting and yet at times boring. The basic idea is that these two are on the run after committing a crime, that can be a thrilling ride to be on, but between the thrilling, there was a lot of filler. It wasn't bad, it's artistically shot, but at some point that doesn't make up for the lack of scene.

There's also a technique employed that really didn't sit well with me. In those in-between bits when we're shown characters there's a voiceover when they're sitting looking intense. The first time it happened I honestly thought something had gone wrong with the audio but it all went back to normal fairly quickly. Then it happened a second time and I suddenly realised... this is a thing. I didn't feel like it added anything to the film, rather it took me out of the scenes every time.

Our peripheral characters are all solid and I was particularly impressed with the lad playing the mechanics son, Jahi Di'Allo Winston. While he wasn't in a lot of the film his moments were important and held an interesting message about what was occurring in the film.

With our main characters there was a big issue I had from the very beginning. I didn't particularly like Queen as a character. Even considering the events that take place for her outside of the film's main timeline I found her actions to be unbelievable compared to the image of her as a person that we'd already gleaned. In turn, I found the reactions of Slim to be against character too. This led to a lot of other similar issues through the whole film.

Jodie Turner-Smith's performance felt a little flat, while some of that will be to do with the way Queen was written I didn't get any flashes of something unique to latch on to. Daniel Kaluuya also might not have had the best writing to deal with but his performance was much more impressive.

While the story was an interesting one and brings up a lot to think about when it comes to social justice I was almost instantly taken out of it by Queen's actions, and then put off again by the strange voiceovers. I don't think I will need to watch this one again, while there are good bits in Queen and Slim there was way too much that was just okay between them.

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