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Escaping Solitude (Escape Trilogy #2)
Escaping Solitude (Escape Trilogy #2)
Sara Dobie Bauer | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
desperately wanted to hear from Edmund!
I was gifted my copy of this book, direct from the author, that I write a review was not required.

Andrew takes Edmund back to civilization, to his home in New Orleans. Andrew's coven has some members who wish to harm Edmund, to take him away from Andrew and Andrew will not have it. To turn Edmund, Andrew needs an Elder so Edmund is let lose in the coven's library to find him. Then Andrew is called home to England, so the trip to find the Elder is put on hold. That is, til a terrible accident on board.

Again, written only from Andrew's point of view, in the first person/present tense, same as book one. Knowing this going in, made it easier to overlook that personal quirk that I don't much care for books written as such.

And of COURSE I wanted to hear from Edmund! There were several keys points along the way that I really needed to hear what he was thinking.

Andrew introduces Edmund to some of his more baser pleasures, several of them, in the club with the red door, and oh that was such a surprise cos I did not see that one coming at me! So bloody hot! He also introduces Edmund to his coven's parties. But rather than Andrew go all ALPHA-protect-what-is-mine, it's Edmund who goes all don't-touch-what-isn't-yours on Felix, the one who touches Edmund. Oh of course Andrew wanted to rip Felix' head off for that, but he left Edmund stake the claim of Andrew, rather than the other way round.

The trip home to England brought some more surprises, but also tragedy, when there is a storm.

And we're left hanging!

Cliff hanger, people, of the highest order! Not QUITE the one I was expecting, but still a massive one, that could still go either way! And I have to wait til Jan next year for the final part, and Lord is that gonna be a wait!!

So, ONLY, only because Edmund doesn't have his say, because I think if he had, this may well have been a 5 star review...

4 stars
Death Overdue
Death Overdue
Allison Brook | 2018 | Mystery
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wasn't enough to get my attention
What I enjoyed the most about this novel is the relationships Carrie develops throughout the book. She finally finds her place in the small town, has a mystery to solve, develops friendships, and even has a ghost to help her out with the mystery.

The book was all right, but it wasn’t that great either. The mystery aspect was fine and you were guessing throughout the novel, a few red herrings planted here and there. I took a liking to Carrie’s Aunt and Uncle who are loving and great characters and treat Carrie like gold. The mood and setting of the book was also pretty good. It’s quaint and cozy like it should be. There’s even a library cat that comes into the story. Libraries and cats just go together so well :)

The romance aspect of the book was one of the weak points. At first you thought Carrie was going to go for one person but then it turns out to be someone completely different and you’re left wondering where did this come from all of a sudden. It’s awkwardly placed and just doesn’t feel quite right until later. It’s almost as if Carrie’s crush was placed there conveniently just when it was time to solve the mystery. A bit eye rolling, but nevertheless still awkward.

Although the ghost assists Carrie when possible you’d rather wish there was more to her story instead of just being a secondary assistant. Perhaps that will be further developed and mentioned as the series progresses. The revealing of the culprit and the climax ending was pretty good and satisfactory but by the time this was happening I was pretty much done.

So although the setting, the characters, and the mystery were fine, it just wasn’t enough to get me to continue onto reading the series. To me, it just seemed to dragged towards the last half of the book and I did put it down several times because it didn’t seem to be progressing anywhere. Other cozy mystery readers may enjoy this more than I will though, as this is one of the better ones out there. Worth picking up if you’re into small towns, libraries and a ghostly assistant.
Bayside Heat (Bayside Summers, #3)
Bayside Heat (Bayside Summers, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bayside Heat is book 3 in the Love in Bloom: Bayside Summers series. It was a wonderful love story from Melissa Foster earning 4.5 stars from this reviewer.

Drake Savage and Serena Mallery have known each other since they were children. Serena and her sister spent many days and nights with the Savage family, their daughter Mira and sons Drake and Rick. Serena and Mira are best friends and Serena has had a crush on Drake since she was a teenager.
Drake has had a crush on Serena since she asked him to sing a duet with her one summer long ago. He knew he couldn’t hold her back from whatever dreams she was meant to accomplish so he had to be satisfied with having her as his best friend. Keeping her close without getting close was torture.

Serena and Drake work together at his family resort but when her dream designer job becomes available in Boston she realizes it is now or never to put her feelings on the table where Drake is concerned.

Drake realizes that he is about to lose the one person who knows him better than anyone else. He knows he can’t make her choose him over Boston but also knows he can’t live without her. He confesses his feelings and finds out she feels the same way.

Drake and Serena make their new long distance relationship work as well as they can. They travel the 2 hour drive back and forth to each other each chance they get but life gets in the way more than once. Serena finds herself questioning her decision to leave but not wanting to end up like her mother (following men around).

Serena and Drake each find that the one thing they want more than anything is to be together, but can they find a way to survive together in their new worlds?

I have read a few books by Ms Foster by now and this one keeps with the good love stories I’ve come to expect from her. I received an advance copy without expectations for review; any opinions expressed are my own. Not having read the first 2 in this series has my TBR list growing by two.

Little Ray Of Sunshine (41 KP) rated Beside Myself in Books

Jan 11, 2019 (Updated Feb 10, 2019)  
Beside Myself
Beside Myself
Ann Morgan | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review | Beside Myself by Ann Morgan
*Original post:*

Beside Myself is about Helen and Ellie who are identical twins. Helen is the leader and Ellie is the follower. Ellie was born after Helen she had problems when she was born she had her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck so this caused Ellie communication and functional skills.
I started to hate the character, Helen
because she was awful to Ellie she bullied her and pulled pranks. I felt sorry for Ellie as she doesn't get the attention from their mother. Helen and Ellie as gone through a traumatic event in their life as their biological father took his own life so their mother couldn't cope and started neglecting them. I didn't like how their mother always spoiled Helen over Ellie and Helen always got the best of everything.
The story is all about that one day when Helen and Ellie were out playing and Helen thought it would be fun to swap places and fool everyone around them. But Helen thought it would only last for one day and everything will go back to normal the next day. But Ellie grabbed the chance as she was getting the attention she needs. So Helen life turns upside down and she starts to live Ellie life and she is shocked how Ellie is treated. Helen did try to tell their mother but she didn't believe her and so you follow Helen's nightmare through her school life, home life and through her adult life.

Helen doesn't get the support from home so she starts to rebel and go down the wrong path. You really feel for her and you experience what she is going through as the author writes in the first person.

This book touches on Mental Health and the writing is so true and beautiful as Helen is suffering from Bipolar Disorder. The book gripped me as I wanted to know how Helen's life will end. I keep wanting her mother to realize that she is the real 'Helen'. I won't say anymore as I would like you to read it for yourself.
Escaping Mortality (Escape Trilogy #3)
Escaping Mortality (Escape Trilogy #3)
Sara Dobie Bauer | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a very fitting end!!
I was gifted my copy of this book, direct from the author, that I write a review was not required. But since I read and reviewed the other two parts, it's only fitting I review this one, too, don't you think??

This is the third and final book in the Escape trilogy and you rally MUST read the other two books first. You need to know how Edmund and Andrew found themselves in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, looking for an Elder!

Only Andrew has a say in these books, and THIS one, more than the other two, I NEEDED Edmund I really did! Some things happen here, that made me want to hear what he had to say, so bloody bad and he doesn't. I KNEW that he probably would not have a say, but a girl can hope, right?

Edmund and Andrew and their friends are on a boat to England and to find the Elder. Once the Elder has located and Edmund turned, they continue on to visit Edmund's sick mother. The "friend" looking after her is vile and dealing with her and the gifts the Elder has bestowed upon him, pushes Edmund to his limits. Then WHY the Elder gave Edmund these gifts becomes clear and Edmund has a choice: Andrew or the Elder.

I found this one a little less sexy than the others, but a whole lot more bloody! The way Edmund deals with the friend was scary, but needed I think. The Elder? Well he choose his path, once it became clear that there is, and there will only ever be, ONE person for Edmund.

I did not see what the "friend" was up to, looking after Edmund's mother, nor did I see what the Elder had planned fro Edmund, so it was nice to be surprised by those things.

I LOVED the epilogue! Seriously well played with that one!

I have enjoyed these three short bursts of Andrew and Edmund, but I really think had Edmund been given a voice too, these would have been all 5 star reads.

Thank you, for letting me read your books, Ms Dobie Bauer!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Blue Jay (London Stories #3)
Blue Jay (London Stories #3)
A. Zukowski | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Blue Jay is the third book in the London Stories series. Chris featured in Liam and Ali's story, but now he has his own. Alex has just come out of the prison, with secrets he doesn't want to share.

Oh my. Seriously!!! This is an amazing book and a brilliant addition to the series. Alex is most definitely a gentle giant who has made mistakes and has no intention of repeating them. Once you have a place in his heart, that's it. You're there for life. And Chris finds himself there, he just doesn't understand how. Their relationship is smooth and gentle, which considering their pasts is absolutely the way to go. The most obvious thing is it shows just how much Chris thinks of Alex, even if he won't admit it. Alex is a rock though, and isn't willing to let Chris push him away.

There are a whole host of characters in this book that you will either love or loathe. I loved Dex, but Alex's family grated on me until towards the end. The same with Chris' mum, Annette. I won't tell you how big the smile was on my face with one of the last scenes between her and Chris. You'll just have to read it for yourself, and figure out why I was smiling!

I loved how Chris' pronouns changed dependent upon their mood, and I ADORED that Alex accepted it all - no judgements, only questions to try and help him understand. This was written as first person, present tense, which isn't my favourite way of reading. It does help with getting into the mind of the character, but sometimes I wasn't ready for it to change. Even so, it was a fantastic book that I thoroughly enjoyed, and I have no hesitation in recommending it or the series as a whole. Perfect for those who like their romance a little darker.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

ClareR (5686 KP) rated Baby in Books

Oct 24, 2019  
Annaleese Jochems | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fascinating book with truly unpleasant characters!
Baby by Annaleese Jochems really intrigued me when I read the synopsis. I wasn’t under any illusions that this would be an odd read. I mean, 21 year old Cynthia runs off with her newly divorced fitness-instructor (Anahera), steals all,of her dads money from his bank account, and uses the money to buy a boat, Baby. And she takes her pug, Snot-head, along too. She thinks that she and Anahera will fall in love and live happily ever after. I don’t know whether Anahera knows this, at least not at first.

Cynthia is really not a nice person. ‘Vacuous’ would be a good word to describe her, as would ‘immature’ and ‘vindictive’. She’s shallow, and even around such natural beauty whilst on the boat, she is obsessed with social media and reality TV. Oh, and the way she looks. She thinks about what she looks like a lot, but doesn’t expect to have to do anything about it: she’s incredibly lazy, and expects Anahera to do everything for her.

Her reaction to a terrible accident involving a young boy sealed the deal for me: Cynthia thinks of no one but herself.

This all sounds really negative, as though I’m not going to like it, doesn’t it. I’ve left writing my review for a week or two, because I needed to think about it. I couldn’t actually get this book out of my head. It made me feel supremely uncomfortable whilst reading it, and I could feel myself wincing, metaphorically hiding my face behind my hands when I thought about it afterwards. But do you know what, I think I actually liked it. To make characters so thoroughly unpleasant, but to make the reader want to carry on reading, takes quite some skill. I’ve told friends about it, said they should read it, because it does say something about the world we live in and those who inhabit it. And honestly, it’s not all good.
So read this book. I’ve no doubt you’ll be wanting to throttle Cynthia as well!
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Scary Spooky
Condemned: Criminal Origins (known in Europe as Condemned) is a first-person survival horror video game, that is very good but underrated.

Condemned: Criminal Origins places an emphasis on melee combat and puzzle solving, including searching for fingerprints and gathering evidence. Lets talk more about the crime scene's, and gathing evidence.

Condemned directly involves the player in crime scene investigations, offering the ability to, at the press of a context-sensitive button, call upon a suite of forensic tools to find and record evidence. The player character is linked to an FBI lab via his mobile phone throughout the investigation, allowing (almost immediate) remote examination and analysis by his support worker, Rosa. Crime scene evidence can be used to solve puzzles, allowing the player to pass previously impassable barriers, and provide clues to the overall mysteries of the story.

Examples of evidence include fingerprints, footprints, fibers, fluids (such as blood or chemicals), particles, residues, markings/etchings, material, imprints, wounds, small objects, documents, and body parts.

The player character is gifted with the instinctual ability to detect when forensic evidence is nearby, allowing players to bring up the detection and collection tools when appropriate. However, the "instincts" of the character only vaguely highlight the area in which the evidence resides; it is up to the player to methodically sweep the scene and catalog any findings.

Lets talk about the plot: Condemned: Criminal Origins is set in the fictional American city of Metro. The player takes on the role of Ethan Thomas, a crime scene investigation agent with the FBI's Serial Crime Unit, as he traverses the seedier sides of the city. His journey takes him through a number of condemned buildings as he searches for the one who framed him for murder, the evasive Serial Killer X. Along the way, Ethan must use his investigative intuition and technology to examine evidence left behind by SKX, all the while fighting off the violently psychotic denizens of Metro City, who seem to be driven to such madness by a mysterious, yet seemingly extraneous force.

Their are two different ends: but really its the same ending.

If you do like psychological, crime solving horror games than you will like this one.
Wipe Out (Ryder Bay #4)
Wipe Out (Ryder Bay #4)
Jordan Ford | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wipe Out by Jordan Ford
And here it is! Wipe Out is the fourth book in the Ryder Bay series, and it is the one that ticked all my boxes. It doesn't matter which series of Jordan Ford's I am reading, there is always one that shines just that little bit more for me. In this series, it's this one!! Now, don't get me wrong. I have thoroughly enjoyed ALL of the other books, but this one though... Sheer perfection!

We first met Jace, also known as Bass, and Lettie (Snap Dragon) in Riptide, which is part of the Boys of Summer series by various authors. We find out that Jace is struggling to cope with life's changes, and as such, searches out for that elusive adrenaline rush. Lettie is still struggling with her mother's death, even though she is told that three years is enough time, and she should move on. These two find something in the other that soothes their souls.

In Wipe Out, we learn more about them. We see Jace move to Ryder Bay, and start off by having just as much 'fun' as before. We see Lettie struggling with the new school year after being dumped by her best friend. And these two still connect - either in email form, or in person. I adored how both of them were concerned about cheating on their on-line personas.

There is a bit of everything in here - so many emotions, feelings, situations to deal with. I loved the ending with Reed, although I won't say anything further because, you know, spoilers!

All in all, this is a fantastically written book, with plenty to get your teeth into. There were no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, and the pacing was oh so very smooth. For me, this is the best of the series so far, but I reserve the right to amend that once I have read White Water, the Ryder Bay Epilogue! Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Diary of a Young Girl
The Diary of a Young Girl
8.2 (52 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Diary of a Young Girl
We have all heard about or read this book. I remember reading it in high-school as a project. And since I never had written a proper book review, I decided to read it again.

I went to the library, and they only had the short Penguin version, with the most important diary entries of Anne Frank. It is only 65 pages. So, I decided to also grab another book – The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank by Willy Lindwer, so I can write a full overview.

This is a diary of a young girl, and she was writing these stories during two years of hiding. Anne Frank and her family are Jews and they live in The Netherlands. After the Germans invade, many people are captured and go to designated camps. A few manage to escape and go into hiding. Anne’s family hides in her father’s office.

If you are reading this diary, without knowing anything about history – this could be a happy story. These diary entries are filled with love and hope, dreams of a young girl, beliefs, opinions, descriptions of her first crush and planning a future.

But this is not a happy story. This girl doesn’t get the chance to grow up. This girl doesn’t get the chance to experience freedom, and live to get to know her grandchildren. This is a sad story of not just Anne Frank, but all these people that have gone through that painful journey.

While this book deserves to be read by every person, and this history needs to keep being told many years after us, I feel the need to make a proper book review.

This is not a well-written book, with a great plot and amazing description. So based on that, this doesn’t stand up to the standards. But this book has a meaning that makes up for all the amateur writing. After all, this was a teenager writing it, without even knowing this will someday be shared with the world.

To all of you that haven’t read it yet – I highly recommend it. If you don’t want to go with the long version, read the short Penguin one, like I did.