Flightless Bird (Flightless Bird #1)
A secret from the past... The summer of her seventeenth birthday, Livy Eckels was faced with...
time travel YA young adult romance fiction Flightless Bird

Broken Wings (Flightless Bird #2)
Nothing left to lose… After a turbulent start to her senior year of high school, graduation...
YA Young Adult time travel romance fiction series

Timeless Sky (Flightless Bird #4)
When it all ends... In the tumultuous world of time travel, Livy does her best to adjust to her...
time travel YA Young Adult romance fiction Timeless Sky

Fair Feathered (Flightless Bird #3)
No return to normalcy... Livy barely escaped the Society’s clutches after risking everything...
time travel fiction romance YA Young Adult series

Palaeobiology of Extinct Giant Flightless Birds
Delphine Angst and Eric Buffetaut
Palaeobiology of Extinct Giant Flightless Birds reviews what is known of the palaeobiology of...

Lose: Volume 7
The multi-award winning Lose series is Michael DeForge's comics laboratory. The art form is pushed...