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Prince of Flowers (Wild Hearts #1)
Prince of Flowers (Wild Hearts #1)
Nazri Noor | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
PRINCE OF FLOWERS is the first book in the Wild Hearts series and we are introduced to a world that is both contemporary and magical. It was a little weird to start with when Playstations are being discussed but it soon turned to the magical side, and all was right for me.

I say for me because it certainly wasn't for Sylvain. Locke is a summoner, a super senior summoner as he has been at Wispwood for years. His father was a big name and it's a lot for him to live up to but, to be honest, it didn't sound as though he was that bothered about doing the work either. Yes, he wants his Summoner's Crest but the only reason that is mentioned is so he can get his hands on his inheritance.

He summons Sylvain and can't understand why Sylvain is a bit perturbed. Sylvain, quite rightly, wants to know what's going on and why. The "Humanoids" have been summoned in the past, but it isn't common," line didn't sit that well with me. It didn't seem quite right. Maybe that's just me.

The spark is there between the two of them from the start - although whether it is attraction or being contrary to each other is up to you to figure out. I did enjoy how they worked things out and ended up working together.

I really did enjoy this book and certainly want to continue with the series. I am hopeful that in subsequent books we will get more world- and character-building than we got here. Although there was some, it just didn't feel as though it was enough. I want to know more about the magical side, about Locke's relationship with his father, about where his father went, about Evander Skink, so much more!

All in all, this was a great read and a brilliant start to a new series. Individual and quirky, I have no hesitation in recommending it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Suicide Squad (2021)
The Suicide Squad (2021)
2021 | Action, Comedy, Crime
Much like the recent Justice League redo we have Suicide Squad... sorry, The Suicide Squad.

The bad guys (and gals) club together to protect America... and by default, the world.

So it's not really a sequel, it's not really a reboot, but it's sort of a rebooted sequel while being a standalone film in the same universe. I've got no idea, but what we've got doesn't really bring out the same character dynamics as we've had previously.

Harley, Flag, Boomerang and Waller make repeat visits to the franchise. Harley and Boomerang are their usual, slightly off the wall, selves to bring the outlandish humour element. But Flag and Waller aren't anywhere near the versions they were in their last outing. Flag isn't sceptical, and that could be acceptance after the previous missions, but he's less of a leader and altogether more... bland. Waller on the other hand is still a hardass, but on a much different level. Before, she was sinister evil with a smidge of understated terrifying. Now... she's just shouty. It didn't make for a good viewing experience.

The dynamic change also left me cold. Harley and Boomerang have great chemistry together, what they did to her and Flag though, that was an odd mood. At least last time he was firm and decisive, now we're getting lingering camera shots that feel like they have romantic undertones. They also took Harley out of a lot of group activity, for a storyline that could easily have been summed up in another way.

Supporting the old familiars are a lot of new faces. In fact, there are over a dozen new named characters in The Suicide Squad.

Idris Elba is obviously a big pull in the advertising of this. Bloodsport isn't a character I know well, but it's handy that there are several, almost identical, characters they could swap in for Deadshot in case they want to bring Will Smith back later. But whether or not the comic book characters are the same, the story on the screen comes across almost identical.

And then there's Peacemaker, played by John Cena... another highly trained marksman. But this one with a penchant for tighty-whities. With this and F9, I'm not sure I have enough words. This is the last in a string of roles for him that I really haven't enjoyed. I'm even more distressed now that I know there's an 8 episode Peacemaker series coming in 2022. Heavy "do not want" vibes.

I couldn't go through this review without talking about King Shark... that would be criminal. Sylvester Stallone did this perfectly. Nanaue has humour, vulnerability, anger, wonder... and that was all conveyed with animation and a minimal script. I will not apologise for saying he was the best thing about the whole movie.

The rest of the characters are a steep learning curve. There was a lot of opportunity, but some rash decisions meant there was also a lot of wasted IP.

Our bad guys were a little all over the place. Front and centre we had Peter Capaldi as Thinker. He's not exactly a force to be reckoned with though, and honestly, I kind of expected more considering his prominence in the trailer. Starro was more of a challenger as a baddie, but they did ignore a lot of his abilities and left him as more of a novelty... and those armpits... *shudder*

Effects were as you'd expect for a DC film, not bad, but nothing that blows your mind. Animating a giant starfish is never going to look all that believable though, so there's a certain amount of leeway you need to give them for that.

The vibrant colours felt very on brand for James Gunn, and almost made this a bit of a companion piece to Birds of Prey... but those flowers... Yes, Harley has her hallucinatory moments, those flowers felt entirely pointless and out of place.

While The Suicide Squad was watchable, I really didn't find it to be the redemption that a lot of people are praising it to be. In fact, it felt like a solid step back for some characters and an excessive waste of others. Had they made the entire movie from King Shark's point of view then this obviously would have been a 5 star film, but as it was I didn't like the tone it had, and a lot of the action felt way too lighthearted for me. This wasn't an improvement on the previous iteration.

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Several patterns for each month of the year (3 more)
Patterns range from retro, to modern, to classic
Beginners can learn how to embroider with detailed instructions and those who are experienced can pick up a few new tricks
Shows a variety of placement ideas, keeps you inspired to add designs to other places than framed art
Gorgeous patterns-For anyone who knows how to embroider and beginners like me!
I have been cross stitching for 30 years and learned how to punch needle 3 years ago. I have always wanted to learn the technique of embroidery. I love taking a piece of cloth and turning it into a piece of art but was always too intimidated to try my hand at embroidery. This week, I was able to put my fears aside when I received an ARC of A Year of Embroidery by Yumiko Higuchi from Netgalley.
A Year of Embroidery: A Month-To-Month Collection of Motifs for Seasonal Stitching, is a book which helped me get over the fear of embroidery and instilled a passion for learning!
My review is through the eyes of a beginner, but the book is for all levels of embroidery technique. I like that the book is not only chock full of patterns but helpful instruction and placement ideas, as well. The designs range from beautiful to whimsical and feature flowers, cacti, seashells, birds, people, reptiles, insects and animals. Each pattern also gives the DMC number for each floss the author used in her designs. Yumiko Higuchi made sure to include several designs for each month of the year, some with a retro feel and others with a more modern take on embroidery.
The ARC I received of this book is in a protected format and I am not able to make any of the patterns provided. With the wealth of information, A Year of Embroidery holds and the number of patterns I adore, this will be on my bookshelf as soon as it becomes available. I cannot wait to try my hand at this new needlecraft and hope that many others will enjoy it as much as I have.
I would like to thank the author, Yumiko Higuchi and Netgalley for providing me with this ARC for free in exchange for my honest review.
Keridan's Journey
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I stopped reading this book at page 88. I just could not stand the blatant lack of proper grammar and punctuation so prevalent on every page. Since I could not understand how something so bad could actually get published, I looked up the "book imprint" and realized that this is self-publishing at its worst. Michelle Peterson runs an art website and teaches art, then conceives of the idea to write her own book and create her own Imprint so that the book can be considered published. Really??
There are so many examples of bad grammar in this book, I don't know where to begin. Commas are so lacking, I want to cry. Specifically, when using prepositions or preposition-like modifiers, commas are needed. Also, compound sentences require the use of a comma. You would be surprised at how much a simple comma allows the reader to garner the true meaning of a sentence. Another example that illustrates how badly this book needed an editor is found on page 86: "I was left to wonder wear my tough skin went." Yes, you read that correctly.
Another huge problem I had with the book is the author's complete disregard for the writer's tool of "show, don't tell." While I understand that sometimes the rule can be disregarded, this book lacks in "showing" so much that I have no connection to any of the characters, and none of the events transpiring can compel any interest or emotional response in me. For example, on page 13, Keridan is thrust into a dream to speak with her mother. It reads "The smells, the colors are only this vibrant in a dream." That's it. No description, no picture painted with words, nothing is detailed, except in the most basic of words, such as "forest grove with flowers", "fairy dress", etc. I don't know what any of the characters look like, nor can I tell the difference between any of them.
I usually love fantasy, especially because of the imaginative descriptions that defy reality and convention, but (see? Comma!) even with a great concept of using the Greek myths of Sirens to build a world, this book is too disappointing and frustrating to be worth my time and energy. In all honesty, this book reads like a first draft of a novel after NanoWrimo -- messy, disorderly, and badly in need of a rewrite.
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