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please add your voice to this poll.... My bias is Food and Drink.... I'd love to rate Beer, and Wine

Bird (1700 KP) created a poll about in Smashbomb Feedback

Mar 31, 2018  
What category would you like to see after we have launched the next category (Tech)?

*Note - ‘Places is a big one and will involve a longer development time than the others!


Food & Drink

13 votes


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Lumos (380 KP) Apr 1, 2018

I think it would be cool to post recipies as well.


QuestLove recommended The Hungry Ear in Books (curated)

The Hungry Ear
The Hungry Ear
Kevin Young | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I like reading poetry, and I like eating and drinking. This book combines all of that with poetry about food and drink"


Bird (1700 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Feedback

Apr 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 15, 2018)  

Hi folks - we're looking into the sub-categories to include with a new 'Food & Drink' category.

The question is, what would you like to review within this category? We know that there is a lot of support for the ability to rate beers, wines and spirits, but what about foods?

What food categories would you like to see included?

Thanks for your feedback as always ? ?.
Show all 9 comments.

Traceym (9 KP) Apr 15, 2018

Coffee, fast foods


Stormi (105 KP) Apr 15, 2018

Candy, drinks (all kinds soda, alcohol, tea, energy etc.), recipes...


Bird (1700 KP) created a poll about in Smashbomb Feedback

Mar 31, 2018  
What category would you like to see after we have launched the next category (Tech)?

*Note - ‘Places is a big one and will involve a longer development time than the others!



2 votes


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Food & Drink

13 votes


Vegas (725 KP) rated The Guest House in Books

Jan 24, 2020  
The Guest House
The Guest House
Abbie Frost | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Keeps you guessing (2 more)
Great setting
Can picture this as a good film
7 people in a remote house in Ireland, booked as a B&B through an online app. A family of 3, A man and his father and 2 young ladies, both on their own.

The weather sets in and strange things start happening, from food and drink going missing to sounds of a child crying and power cuts, but when a body is found, things can only get worse...

You learn a lot obout the history of the house, the back ground of the guests, with some of the story told in flashback form, and it is difficult to try and second guess what is going to happen.

The author manages to make the setting very atmospheric and you can almost feel the tension and pressure they are suffering through the narrative...

If you are a fan of psychological thrillers either as a book or film you should enjoy this.

HerCrazyReviews (247 KP) rated Super Size Me (2004) in Movies

Sep 8, 2019 (Updated Sep 8, 2019)  
Super Size Me (2004)
Super Size Me (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Documentary, Drama
Fast Food May Be Bad But Most Points Made In This Documentary Are Worse
We had to watch this film in school when I was younger and I remember agreeing with most of his points. After re-watching this though, I agree with a few of his statements but what mainly puts me off is how he conducted his thirty day challenge. He went from exercising every day (more then the average person) and eating extremely healthy to not exercising at all and ordering RIDICULOUS sized portions. After ordering these portions instead of saving some for later (you know, like most people do) he decided that he had to eat it all which caused him to constantly throw up. He did this over and over! His doctor also recommended to drink water instead of constantly drinking pop. Even told him that this would help him out a lot but he still didn’t listen. Like, DUDE, listen to your freaking doctors. Instead, he decided not to put his health in peril. I don’t get why he wouldn’t because obviously McDonalds serves water and not everyone gets pop.

This could have been a great documentary talking about how bad fast food is. Which I mean, most people already know about, but he still could have made serious points. And I will admit there were point in here that were good. Such as the Super Size portions are not necessary and when he interviewed that doctor whose family founded an ice cream business. When the doctor was describing the connection between his family’s severe health problems and their eating habits I felt like that was an excellent point! Other then that though most points aren’t proven in the best way possible. Plus, he was adding in bits that didn’t even connect to the fact that fast food is bad. For example, when he showed a child a card with Jesus on it and was surprised that the kid didn’t know Jesus but knew Ronald McDonald. Dude, there is more then one religion out there and not everyone is even religious! (This just upset me a ton!)

I’m just going to jump straight into it and say this documentary pisses me off. While, yes, some people may be obese it isn’t always because they eat too much fast food. There are other reasons why they may not be societies perfect skinny ass version of the normal weight. I do understand though that he is focusing on people being overweight because of fast food not because health reasons or why the BMI index is wrong. I just think that he is going to extreme lengths on purpose which showed an inaccurate representation of what fast food does to the normal consumer because most people don’t eat fast food everyday like Don Gorske.

Imogen SB (4507 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Council

Dec 9, 2019  

WE NEED NOMINATIONS! Below I have a list of all the categories we need to come up with nominations for - Also this is for the DECADE, not just the previous year, so anything released between 2010 and 2019 counts! :) - Feel free to give as many ideas as you want for as many categories!

1. Best Biography/Non-Fiction Book
2. Best Children's Book
3. Best Young Adult Book
4. Best Graphic Novel
5. Best Food & Drink Book
6. Best Horror/Thriller Book
7. Best Romance Book

8. Best Action Movie
9. Best Animation/Family Movie
10. Best Comedy Movie
11. Best Drama Movie
12. Best Horror Movie
13. Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy Movie
14. Best Romance Movie
Show all 3 comments.

Darren (1599 KP) Dec 10, 2019

8. Best Action Movie - The Raid, John Wick Chapter 3
9. Best Animation/Family Movie - Your Name
10. Best Comedy Movie - 50/50, Booksmart
11. Best Drama Movie - Hidden Figures, Marriage Story, Parasite
12. Best Horror Movie - Train to Busan, US, The Wailing
13. Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy Movie - Inception, Interstellar
14. Best Romance Movie - Love, Simon


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Dec 14, 2019

I've tried to include a few of my favourites for each...

Best action - Mad Max: Fury Road, Dredd, Infinity War
Animation - Inside Out, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Comedy - Four Lions, Tucker & Dale vs Evil
Drama - True Grit, The Hateful Eight, Black Swan
Best Horror - It Follows, The Witch, Hereditary, Cabin in the Woods
Best Sci-fi/Fantasy - Interstellar, Gravity, Edge of Tomorrow
Best Romance - the fault in our Stars, does Deadpool count!? 😂

Killer Chardonnay
Killer Chardonnay
Kate Lansing | 2020 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poisoned Opening
Parker Valentine’s dream is coming true today with the opening of Vino Valentine in her hometown of Boulder, Colorado. However, her joy turns to worry when renowned local food and wine blogger Gaskel Brown shows up. He is notoriously hard to please, and his blog can make or break local restaurants. After sampling her chardonnay, Gaskel dies, and the police are quick to label it poison. Everyone is blaming Parker for the crime, and no one is coming to her store for fear they will be next. In order to save her dream, she has to find the killer. Can she do it?

Since I don’t drink wine, I almost passed on this debut, but I’m glad I picked it up. The book starts quickly, introducing us to characters while also setting the murder in motion. The pace continues to be strong with plenty of secrets and motives before we reach the climax, where everything fell into place. All the characters were also fantastic, with some good growth thanks to the subplots. The book is written in first person present tense, which is a bit unusual, but I quickly got used to it as I read. There are a handful of four-letter words, but they are worth noting mostly in passing. If the food descriptions make your mouth water, you’ll welcome the three recipes and wine pairings at the end. This book was aged to perfection, and I’m already looking forward to Parker’s next case.
Confessions of an Expat in Paris
Confessions of an Expat in Paris
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ve been a fan of Vicki Lesage for years. I’ve read both Confessions of a Paris Party Girl and Confessions of a Paris Potty Trainer. So I was thrilled when she contacted me for an honest review (click here to learn how to get me to review your book).

Paris Potty Girl details her first few years in Paris, from bar-hopping to getting her first apartment to meeting her husband and Paris Potty Trainer, of course, details pregnancies and getting used to parenthood.

Confessions of an Expat in Paris is an anthology of anecdotes spanning across both these eras in Vicki Lesage’s life. You’ll learn about the cheesy and downright weird pick-up lines she received from French guys as well as the time she might have eaten part of her friend’s thumb.

Yep, you read that last sentence right.
Each anecdote is paired with a drink recipe, many of which sound really good. I can’t wait to try the mulled gin recipe.

Mulled Gin
For when you need to recover from face mask fails
1 bottle of red wine
12 oz. gin
1 teaspoon honey
1 oz. orange juice
1 oz. lemon juice
1 cinnamon stick
Add all the ingredients to a pot
Stir and Simmer until honey is dissolved
Serve warm
I really enjoyed Expat in Paris. The stories are usually hilarious and sometimes just a little bit cringy in a good way. Others are sweet and make me smile, like when she was on her honeymoon with her husband.

With her first two books, I felt like there was more of an overall story instead of disjointed anecdotes. As much as I liked being able to enjoy a quick and witty snapshot of her life before I had to get back to my own, I think I preferred the more continuous storyline in Party Girl and Potty Trainer.

While some of the stories were without a doubt hilariously absurd, like her boss’s father asking about how her vaginal rejuvenation was coming along in front of her coworkers (what the everloving fuck), others were less climactic. Lesage included an entire chapter about how she’s an awkward dancer, except when she did the Dirty Dancing move with her brother on her wedding.

A perfect wedding dance move.
The dancing chapter felt more like a summary than a specific moment in her life, which made my eyes glaze over. And she only casually mentioned what could have been some good stories, like her drunkenly dancing on tabletops in public. I would have loved a complete chapter about one of those times, but they are only mentioned now and then.

Vicki Lesage often makes me laugh out loud when reading her books. Her chapter “10 Ways Living in Paris is Like Dental Work” will always make me smile. She talks about how both involve interesting flavors, a lot of paperwork, and a lot of money, and I’ll go “Oh shit, she’s right.”

Now and then, however, her jokes miss the mark. At one point she veered off-topic to stage an imaginary trial to defend herself against herself for eating so much Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and then, within the trial, she goes even more off-topic by talking about how France doesn’t have Phish Food flavor until I just wanted to skip the chapter.

As of this review, I still haven’t tried any of the drink recipes, but I trust a former hardcore drinker like Vicki Lesage to come up with some good drinks, although I don’t think I’ll ever try The Fluoride Treatment because, well, ew. Not the drink itself, but the name. Even though it’s relevant to the chapter, I’m weirdly squeamish.

However, most of these drinks are probably not for amateurs like me, who drink wine out of a box and can’t tell the difference between Stella Artois and Schlitz (I’m guessing. I’ve never actually had Schlitz. But Stella Artois tastes like every other beer to me).

With the exception of the mulled gin, most of the drink recipes require either a martini shaker or a blender. You can probably mostly pull off these recipes without either, though. Just don’t take a page out of Lesage’s book and use lite pancake syrup instead of honey.

I rate Confessions of an Expat in Paris 4 out of 5 stars. It’s a hilarious book that I recommend to anyone who wants a light-hearted memoir.
The One Safe Place
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Review of an uncorrected bound manuscript.
<i>The One Safe Place</i> is a gripping tale by Tania Unsworth aimed at older children, although completely enjoyable by teens and adults too. Written in the third person and set in the not so distant future, we follow Devin’s story.

In the future the climate has changed, the temperature has risen and rain is very rare. The opening scene reveals Devin, a young boy, on a farm, digging a grave to bury his grandfather who has recently died (presumably of old age and not something sinister). Devin, now alone, decides to head to the city, a place he has never visited, in order to find some help for the farm. The problem is he has never once left the farm and knows nothing of the real world. Here he meets Kit, a young girl on her own living on the roof of a building, and decides to tag along with her. But then they meet Roman who promises them a safe home. Although skeptical, they decide to trust him and thus they arrive at the <i>Gabriel H. Penn Home For Childhood</i>. The place is amazing and has everything a child could want: toys, games, clothes, individual bedrooms, a swimming pool, and most importantly, food and drink. So why are all the other children walking around in limbo, uninterested in everything around them?

Devin, with the help of his friends, and his synesthesia, soon discovers and pieces together what is wrong about the home. The pace picks up as they plan their escape leading to the exciting ending.

<i>The One Safe Place</i> is a book young readers will love. Well what child would not love a book where the children outsmart the adults?