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Here Be Sexist Vampires (Deep In Your Veins book #1)
Here Be Sexist Vampires (Deep In Your Veins book #1)
Suzanne Wright | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Just brilliant
Sam Parker is a vampire with a gift so strong and substantial that she is invited to partake in a test for a place in the Grand High Master Vampire’s private army. She finds that not only has the army never included a woman, but it has never included a Sventé vampire; a breed that is regarded by the super strong Pagori breed and the hypnotically beautiful Keja breed to be too tame and human-like. Most refuse to take her seriously, especially a Pagori commander named Jared who she craves in spite of herself.

The Grand High Master, however, sees her potential and offers her the position of Jared’s co-commander to help train the newest squad in time for the impending attack on his home. Sam has to demonstrate to Jared and the squad of chauvinists why it is incredibly foolish to underestimate a willful, temperamental, borderline-homicidal Sventé female.

Warning: This novel contains an iron-willed female vampire with an energy whip, a sexist male vampire who is determined to have her, explicit vampy sex, and a romance story with real bite.So when I looked at the title I thought this isn't going to be good but I am so glad I was wrong!! I loved it! From start to finish it was brilliant. I love that she's British I love that she kicks arse! Jared's not to bad either. It did remind me of the same style as some of Keri Arthur's books which I also love. So looking forward to reading more from Suzanne.
The Hobbit
The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien | 1937 | Children
8.4 (144 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (2 more)
Introduction and backstory to a character
What good is a book without a dragon or two in it?
The Hobbit is my all time favourite book not just as a child but as an adult as well, capturing my imagination and love from the first time I picked it up to it now being my go to book when I am feeling sad or when I need to feel like ‘home’.
This book is definitely not as lengthly as the it’s cousin, Lord of the Rings, but it holds a certain charm to it. We come to love the foolish but courageous Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, and follow his adventure to the lonely mountain with the rag-tag group of Dwarves and the mischievous and ever in trouble Gandalf the Grey.
Coming from a small town that was similar to Hobbiton (I was told that Tolkien actually based Hobbiton on the town I am from) I could relate so well to Bilbo when he had misgivings about leaving his home, but that urge for adventure and lust for the unknown was too much to resist.
This story, although quite sad at the end, is full of humour, wit and no end of riddles and charm that even the grumpiest reader should not be able to resist. Perhaps it is not the most powerful or awe-inspiring book, but I think that’s what makes it so great. It’s not trying to be the best book that you’ve ever read, it’s simply telling a story the best way it can, you can’t help but be drawn in to the characters and the descriptions that Tolkien gives you.
It might not be The Lord of the Rings, but to me it will always be my favourite and best book to keep with me wherever I go and I would be lost without it!
Girls of Paper and Fire
Girls of Paper and Fire
Natasha Ngan | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fresh YA fantasy
Natasha Ngan created a fascinating world in GIRLS OF PAPER AND FIRE, it was complex and yet not difficult to grasp a hold of. It is a world of castes, paper, moon, steel and demon, with the Demon King at the head. Lei is paper caste, the most lowly of the castes but there is something special about her, her eyes. She is kidnapped and brought to be one of the honoured paper girls that the king gets to choose and bed for a year as he wishes. A grim life for a 17 year old.

This is a tale of politics, war, oppression, slavery and fear. Lei embarks in a journey from fearful new paper girl to a young woman who has a streak of fearless bravery, almost foolish at times. The land of the Demon King was colourful and diverse, the descriptions were excellent and my mind supplied all the mental pictures that I needed. The characters were a range of sweet, fiery, plain mean and evil.

The diversity elements of this book were fabulous. I welcomed the relationship between Lei and Wren and yet sometimes I struggled to connect with their coupling because the chemistry lacked a little something. This being a first in the series, I am hoping for more of a a build in the relationship between these two. The sisterly relationships of the paper girls were almost like a high school corridor with the resident mean girl, Blue. In addition, I loved to hate the Demon King, he really was vile.

This had both a sense of completion and an “oh heck, what” moment at the end. I am definitely looking forward to catching up with these characters again and finding out what happens in this world.

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.
Tower of London (1962)
Tower of London (1962)
1962 | Horror
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Vincent Price (0 more)
Haunted Memories
Did you know that Vincent Price appeared in the 1939 version of "Tower of London" with Boris Karloff and Basil Rathbone. I thought that was intresting. Anyways this version adds the horror element to it mixed with historical drama and it does a good job. The drama added with the horror combines well.

The plot: In 15th-century England, Richard III (Vincent Price) desperately wants the throne, but his ailing brother, King Edward IV (Justice Watson), instead bestows it upon his other sibling, Clarence (Richard McCauly). This sends Richard into a homicidal rage, resulting in Clarence's murder and the deaths and torture of many others who could keep the crown from the crazed man. But as the mayhem continues, Richard's sanity slips, and the ghosts of the murdered men begin to haunt the beleaguered royal.

Aside from the historical setting, the movie is not connected to the 1939 film of the same name, starring Price, Basil Rathbone and Boris Karloff.

The movie was meant to be the first of a three-picture contract between Corman and Small. Corman later called the movie:

"The most foolish thing I’ve ever filmed. Every night he [Small] would come to see me or call me. The script was changed, reworked without my consent. Lots of strange things were happening all the time, and finally I asked him to tear up our contract. He realized he wouldn’t get anything worthwhile out of me and tore it up. I have nothing against Eddie Small. He’s an old man who had lots of success during the thirties, and who doesn’t know that times have changed".

I thought it was a really good film.