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Wrigglezeus (511 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Fallout 76 in Video Games

May 4, 2020  
Fallout 76
Fallout 76
2018 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Fantastic story adding to the lore (2 more)
Brilliant environments
Wastelanders Update
Broken gameplay mechanics (5 more)
Randomly kicked out or servers
Bullet weight
Other players
Pay for private worlds
As a lover of all Fallout, there isn’t much I can forgive with this game. Deep within the lore of Fallout you play a vault dweller leaving the vault 25 years after the bombs fell. Hence forth you are the first to venture out and hear from holotapes and letters, and thanks to the new Wastelands update, from characters as well telling their stories before and after the bombs fell.

However, whilst a fantastic lore, world story telling and brilliant story plot can be a saving grace, it’s the lack of gameplay performance that is its biggest downfall. The enemy spawn rate is chaotic, and I have often found myself walking down a barren wasteland to instantaneously become surrounded on all sides from enemies who have suddenly appeared in front of me. This has lead to my near death on several occasions. Furthermore in some dungeon, as other players fast travelled nearby I have found myself often fighting an infinite amount of enemies within one area. It’s not disappointing, it becomes frustrating.

Let’s talk about other players, as I found to my disappointed hunting and gathering throughout the world only to find out a story location has already been raided and looted, meaning those precious chems and materials required have disappeared as you’ve struggled through the enemies spawned as you enter the location. I still believe that Fallout should, and should always remain, a single player game. Now Bethesda have sorted a solution for this issue, after spending so much for a game we are then asked to pay a subscription to allow the use of private worlds, a pay wall behind a pay wall. Something that would’ve saved them face had it been offered to the public.

It’s due to this, that whilst the world is great, with much to do and the story is gripping. Excluding the other players, it’s the gameplay mechanics that brings the whole experience down. However the addition of the wastelanders update has brought to the game what it was severely lacking.
Little & Lethal (Little Paws Haven #2)
Little & Lethal (Little Paws Haven #2)
JP Sayle, Layla Dorine | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loved that Cosmo pushed, just to get punished.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Little Paws Haven series. I don't think it totally necessary to have read book one, Little Treasure He Hides, before this one. I loved that book.

And while I really enjoyed this one, I found this one a bit...disconnected.

Oh don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed it, I just found some bits went off and I lost my concentration.

Nomad and Harley have been mated for 20 years. Harley, though, is certain they should have a third. Meeting Cosmo, and all three of them knew they were mates but Cosmo was not letting them have it easy. Getting up close and personal with another Dom in the club, just to rile Nomad and Harley up. But Cosmo is more than a Little. He is deadly. And not incapable of looking after himself. Nomad and Harley need to get with the programme. Cosmo also needs to get with it, but he struggles. Having only himself to rely on for so long, it takes him time to let Nomad and Harley in.

I liked that all three men have a say. I loved that Cosmo gave the other two a run for their money. I loved that Cosmo, once settled into the relationship, pushed all the boundaries and then some, JUST so he could take the punishment.

I found the issue with The Council a bit confusing as to what was really going on, so reading about those bits, I kinda switched off. It all comes clear, I just took twice as long to get it!

Gabai and Asher from book one take part, but you don't need to have read their book to follow this one. The next book is laid here, well, I mean I hope it is! Looking forward to reading about hippos!

I liked this well enough, but something didn't quite click for me.

4 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Collide in Books

Mar 11, 2019  
The Collide
The Collide
Kimberly McCreight | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Timely & fascinating end to this series
[Note: there may be spoilers if you haven't read the two previous books in the series.]

The third book in McCreight's Outliers series picks up with Wylie finally out of the detention center, but in no way safe and sound. She still hasn't found her Dad and she's jolted by the appearance of the surprise visitor from the end of book two. With the help of her twin brother, Gideon, and a few other trusted friends, Wylie tries to figure out exactly what is going on with the Outliers. Who is hunting them? Where is her dad? But the more she digs, the more secrets she uncovers--and the more trouble she finds herself in.

I was excited to read this book and finally figure out the conclusion of the Outlier story. I've enjoyed this series; it's something a little different from what I usually read. I must admit, I find it hard sometimes to remember all the intricate details from the previous books, but that's just my own fault. If you're lucky to be picking up this series from the beginning, enjoy. It's a really engaging read. At some point, I look forward to re-reading it from the beginning. By now, I'm too caught up in the characters and their lives not to finish. It's very to easy to get attached to McCreight's scrappy band of fighters. Trying to figure things out along the way is almost a bonus.

As for figuring things out, I found parts of this last book to be a little predictable--there was one or two parts I saw coming from a mile away, and it seemed amazing that the characters didn't either. Other pieces were more of a surprise. While some of the predictability was a bit frustrating, overall, I felt this was a good end to the series. There's a good balance of Wylie and other characters, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Gideon showing up (and not being annoying). The book ties things up fairly well, without resolving every loose end. As part of that ending, the books feel timely and apt to our current times. The running thread throughout of the Government trying to manage its citizen's lives is spot-on and one of my favorite aspects of the novels.

Overall, I enjoyed this one. I have a soft spot for this series--I don't think it always gets the attention it deserves. I've come to care for these characters over the years, and I find these books oddly compelling. While I definitely found pieces of this book and the ending to be a bit predictable as things unfolded, I still found it to be timely and fascinating. If you haven't read this series, I do think it's worth picking up. 3.5 stars for the ending of this trilogy.
Review also found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>.

I loved this book! I loved the intrigue and mystery...and it had a gnome!!!! I love gnomes!!!

Hobin Luckyfeller is a fishis (want to know what that is, then look it up in the book, lol). He comes across fourteen letters sent from a husband to his wife that talk about a major project that has to do with runes and how to trap the Dark Lord. Hobin must try to read in between the lines to figure out what everything means.

The title definitely suits the book! I won't say too much because of spoilers, but once you read the book, you'll definitely know why. It's a perfect title!!

The cover is very ominous looking! I like the way it looks like it's made of leather. I think the cover suits the book because of the three runes on it which, the whole book mentions the runes throughout. I don't really get the yellow face on the cover though. That takes away from it a bit, but I kind of like the yellow face for some odd reason.

The pacing of this book was perfect! As I said, it's only a short story, and sometimes it's difficult to get the pacing right in short stories, however Mr. Buckley gets the pacing spot on! I found myself wanting to know more before I had even finished the chapter I was on!

The dialogue was easy to understand especially since there's a glossary type thing in the back of the book which helps with the pronunciation of words and what they mean as well as who people and places are in the book. I found this to be most useful because with some of the words, I had a difficult time pronouncing them!

I loved the character of Hobin Luckyfeller. I'm not just saying that because he's a gnome! I loved his thirst for knowledge and how he wanted to figure everything out. He wouldn't stop for anything. As for Eamon, the author of the letters, I felt so bad for him. I felt his pain at not being able to see his wife and children.

My favourite part of the book was after the end. No, not because the book was over, but because there was information on the authors. Yes, I said authors! It lists Hobin Luckyfeller as one of the authors along with Jaime Buckley. I found this to be quite humouress!

Jaime Buckley definitely has a way with words. I thought this story was very well written. It's definitely piqued my interest in the Wanted: Hero series that Jaime Buckley has written.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 15+ especially those who love fantasy, mystery, dwarves, goblins, etc.
Snuggle with the Shadows: 8 Strange Stories (The Snuggle Series #2)
Snuggle with the Shadows: 8 Strange Stories (The Snuggle Series #2)
Liane Carter | 2021 | Horror, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After loving the first book in The Snuggle Series, I was really looking forward to reading Snuggle with the Shadows by Liane Carter. Just like with the first book in the series, I was not left disappointed.

I found Snuggle with the Shadows to be a little different than Snuggle with the Strange (the first book in the series). In this book, there were a couple of feel good stories unlike the first book in the series. Even though there were some supernatural/paranormal stories, those elements weren't as present in Snuggle with the Shadows. That wasn't a bad thing though! Although the pacing was slower for some stories in this book, I still found myself not wanting to put this book down. The world building was still done fantastically, and I found myself instantly transported to the setting of each story. There were even some plot twists in many of the stories. Even though there are no real cliff hangers with each story, some are open to speculation such as Raisha's Reason. I loved that The Tragedy of the Tides and I was Bought at a Garage Sale were feel good stories which changed up the tone of the series a little. My favorite stories in Snuggle with the Shadows were I was Bought at a Garage Sale and A Bump in the Night. Both of these stories really held my attention, and I was enthralled throughout trying to figure out what would happen. Just like with the first book in the series, Snuggle with the Shadows has a mixture of realistic stories as well as paranormal/supernatural stories.

Liane Carter kills it again with how great her characters are! They are all well written and feel like they could actually be real life people instead of a character in a book. I had no problems picturing each and every character in my mind. I actually found myself wanting to be friends with some of the characters in Snuggle with the Shadows.

Snuggle with the Shadows is a dark adult horror book, so there are quite a few heavy triggers. These include mentions of drug use, profanity, sexual comments, sexual situations, human (child) trafficking, implied child rape and molestation, death, murder, mentions of suicide, and gun violence.

All in all, Snuggle with the Shadows is an interesting read full of entertaining characters and plots. I really believe all horror lovers (and even non-horror lovers) will enjoy all the stories in this book. I would definitely recommend Snuggle with the Shadows by Liane Carter to those aged 16+ who like all sub-genres of horror. This book will not disappoint!
(A special thank you to Liane Carter and Lola's Blog Tours for providing me with a paperback of Snuggle with the Shadows: 8 Strange Stories in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
On the Bright Side
On the Bright Side
Hendrik Groen | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
More reviews can be found on

This is the second diary of Mr H. Groen, where he shares with the reader a year of his life in one of Amsterdam’s elderly care homes, and I really found it fascinating. I didn’t have the chance to read his first diary, however, I found that this book can be easily understood by a first-time reader like myself because Hendrik does a great job by introducing and describing all the residents of his care home.

The main character in this book is, of course, Hendrik Groen, and the whole book was told from his perspective. I found him absolutely adorable. He is incredibly bright minded, funny, and interesting personality. I really enjoyed the way he introduced all his friends and nemesis, his and Everet’s (best friend) sarcastic thoughts and actions got me laughing out loud many times. I liked the way Hendrik showed through his diary, that elderly care homes can be an actually fun place to be, where you are occupied and never alone. And when I will grow old I would not mind spending my old days in such establishment.

Even though this book was from author’s perspective, Hendrik shared many events which he saw on TV or read it in papers throughout the year of 2015, and I loved the way he incorporated different resident’s thoughts about those events. My most favourite thing in this book was the Old-But-Not-Dead club and their members. Even though they hardly can walk, they still choose to explore life and it’s offerings, and it is just admirable. I think this book is very relatable to all the elderly because Groen is sharing not only good stuff and jokes, he is sharing the cruel reality as well. And I did like that a lot, it makes it more realistic and believable.

The writing style is easy to read and very witty, sarcastic and enjoyable. I had to twist my tongue a little bit while pronouncing the Dutch surnames, but that didn’t bother me much. The chapters are short and sweet and the book went quite quick for me. It has a lot of going on in every chapter, but sometimes my mind tended to wonder of, as it was a little bit monotonous sometimes. Hendrik ended this book with a very positive message and big hopes for his fiction novel, which I will be waiting impatiently for. So, to conclude, if your grandparents are still alive, you have to get them this book. I bet they would be able to relate and if not they would have a great laugh while reading it. I had an emotional rollercoaster while reading it, it made happy, pity, sad, excited, and It just made me respect our elderly more, because they all are different, unique and fascinating. I strongly recommend it to all as it is a perfect insight into our possible future. Enjoy &#x1f642;
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Soundtrack (3 more)
Kurt Russell
Baby Groot
Chris Pratt (1 more)
Gold Bitches
A soundtrack with a bonus movie
Following on from the success of the first movie (from which I became a Marvel converter), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 had big breeches to fill. And they, somewhat filled them.

I still prefer Vol 1, however I feel that most sequel's don't usually live up to the first movie. But that doesn't mean they didn't try. Vol 2 hit us with another kickass soundtrack that leaves us foot tapping for weeks post-movie. Any movie that includes 'The Chain' by Fleetwood Mac can never be THAT bad in my opinion.

The movie missed the mark slightly in terms of acting. Chris Pratt was charismatic and funny in Vol 1, but in Vol 2 I found that I spent more time cringing at his acting rather than enjoying it. This was disappointing as I always deemed the first film to be Star Lord ft. everyone else, but this film felt more like everyone else ft. Star Lord.
Karen Gillan was also fairly vapid in her acting, which was disappointing as she was given a much larger role in this movie. Nebula was a fairly interesting character in Vol 1, but I just wanted her to leave my screen in Vol 2.

Great work with the relationship between Rocket and Yondu, I was pleasantly surprised by this addition and found it the most interesting plotline of the movie.