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Betrothed #1
Betrothed #1
Sean Lewis, Steve Uy | 2018 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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Only one issue (0 more)
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A comic book written by a play wright? That's right.

In a world where two warring factions in another dimension are in a war for ages, their two future rulers have been placed on Earth to grow up. When they meet, they immediately feel a connection.
This is not Romeo and Juliet, as the issue immediately tells us.
I was absolutely riveted. For the exposition that this issue had To do, ithought it was done very smoothly. I also found I really enjoyed the characters especially the main two. My biggest regret isthatthere is currently only one issue out. I will be adding this series to my monthly pulls because I believe it warrants the support.
I hesitate to write a review now, rather than waiting until after I finish The Pirate's Wish. There are major plot issues still unresolved at the end of this book, which I dislike. The author did get her main characters to spot where I suppose it is reasonable to pause, though. The book is intended for the YA market, and perhaps (Harry Potter aside) enormous volumes don't go over well there.

In any case, the two main characters are interesting and likable without being unbelievably perfect. Neither are they unbearably annoying - something I have found all too common in the YA genre lately. The plot has drawn me in and I find the world fascinating.

On to the next volume!
The Perils Of Pauline
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
NOTE **I was provided a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review**

At first, I had a hard time relating to Pauline, an ex-military, hockey playing mom on her second marriage. I also had trouble feeling sorry for her since it seemed to me that most of Pauline's perils were, in fact, brought on by her own poor judgement. She grew on me, however, and I soon found myself hoping that everything would work out for her in the end. I couldn't help but laugh both with and at her. This was a quick, funny read that just might leave you thankful that you only have your own problems to worry about, and not Pauline's.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Thanos has been an is searching for all the Infinity Stones (that we have learned about in the previous MCU movies) to fill his gauntlet to make him the most powerful being in the universe. He had acquired one before we started the movie, He found one with Loki, He has tacked two of them to earth who are in protection with the avengers (stange and Vision), One is in Knowwhere and the last one is hidden. The avengers have to become on force and try and protect the stones they know of and not let them fall into the hands of the mighty being. Thanos believes genocide is they way to cleanse the universe. Will they succeed or does Thanos win.
Neil Gaiman | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (35 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a really fun read. I have been wanting to read this book for quite some time but I never found the time. I finally decided to buy the audiobook and boy was I impressed. Neil Gaiman reads the book to you and it was quite a lot of fun.

I always worry when I have the author reading the audiobook. It's either going to be amazing or torturous. Neil did a great job at doing the voices and helping you imagine what each character would sound like.

The plot was cute and sweet. I loved the adult fairy tale aspect of it. I loved the characters and I loved the unique aspects in the book.

If you're looking for a fun read, this is it.
The Revenant (2015)
The Revenant (2015)
2015 | Adventure, Drama, Thriller
Filming of the vistas, battle for survival, the raw feeling of nature through the film. (0 more)
Its so long with not much happening in it. (0 more)
Storyline I found implausible and was frustrating at times.
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I had high expectations for this film and was disappointed, the fact the lead character should have died from hypothermia at least five times was clearly not acknowledged. The pure frustration at why he never seemed to carry the necessary amount of food and tools he needed despite living in the wilderness for so long. It was an implausible storyline, very long considering the content and the fight scene at the end was just irritating despite the film length build up to it. Not worth the hype.
A Spell for Chameleon
A Spell for Chameleon
Piers Anthony | 1977 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really wish that I loved this book as much as I loved it in middle school. I guess science fiction/fantasy really is not my favorite type of book. I found that I was bored quite a lot with this book.

I have realized that I struggle with books when they are logical. I like my emotional books. The logical nature of this novel seemed dull to me. I did like the plot line, I just did not enjoy the writing style.

All in all, this book kept me entertained. It is a good mix between science fiction and fantasy, however, it falls too much to the science fiction side that I had a hard time enjoying the novel.
Reckless (Renegades, #1)
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a really cute book. The characters were interesting and engaging. I found myself enraptured with the story. The characters were both haunted but I was impressed with how the author wrapped it up (even though it was a little to quick of an ending).

This book is definitely a 3 1/2 star book. It is filled with the completely sugary sweet sentiments but it's a good guilty pleasure novel. It's not one that I would recommend to all of my friends unless they wanted a quick romance.

This was a really quick read. It was 640 pages on my nook but it went by very fast. If you're looking for a toe curling, fast paced read, look no further.
The Ritual  (2017)
The Ritual (2017)
2017 | Horror
Nothing new
The problem with The Ritual is that horror films set in a forest with weird goings on have been done before. Many times. And sadly The Ritual has nothing new to add.

I'm very glad it at least didn't go down the shaky cam found footage route, as that has been done to death. It does well to create a tense and uneasy atmosphere but I wouldn't say it was particularly scary. Creepy at best. The characters are alright but I didn't feel like they were particularly well developed and they were fairly weak. The plot wasn't bad but all in all it was just an okay horror film. Nothing special. I've heard the book is much better!

ashezbookz (32 KP) rated Red Queen in Books

Jul 5, 2018  
Red Queen
Red Queen
Victoria Aveyard | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (64 Ratings)
Book Rating
Definitely thought it was going to be more action packed after the first bit of the book was totaly good and I was like, I'm going to love this - then about 40% on I'd say was just boring AF - the end was action packed too which I get, most books do that, but at least give me something in between - the minor issues in there did nothing for the excitement level and I found myself wanting to DNF this book at 70% but I pushed through because that would have been sad. Definitely not continuing with the series but it was alright. I adore her family dynamic and her sense of right and wrong as well. and Cal is a treat.