Prison Break - Season 5
TV Season
After discovering Michael is alive, Lincoln and the team travel to the Middle East to take on Isis...
Action drama

tapestry100 (306 KP) rated Renato Jones: The One%, Season 1 in Books
Aug 2, 2017

Tropic of Capricorn
A cult modern classic, Tropic of Capricorn is as daring, frank and influential as Henry Miller first...

License to Drive (1988)
Teenager Les Anderson (Corey Haim) thinks his life can't get any worse after he flunks his driver's...

The Freshman (1990)
Movie Watch
Marlon Brando triumphs in his first starring role in ten years as Carmine Sabatini, a powerful New...

Prison Break - Season 1
TV Season Watch
An American serial drama television series. It commenced airing in 2005 on the Fox Broadcasting...

Awix (3310 KP) rated On the Town (1949) in Movies
Nov 15, 2020
Made in 1949, and you can almost taste the buoyancy and optimism of post-war America: there are no social issues to be explored in this film, which is all about being young and carefree and enjoying yourself. Subverts expectations by having some of the girls be much more romantically pro-active than the boys they encounter; this is rather charming and funny. Still, one of those musicals where a lot of the songs are slightly forgettable, but Gene Kelly and Ann Miller dance up a storm every time they get the chance. It's almost pure froth, but rather touching and enormously likeable.

David McK (3505 KP) rated Batman the Killing Joke in Books
Jan 28, 2019
Commonly cited as one the best Batman stories (after [b:The Dark Knight Returns|59960|Batman The Dark Knight Returns|Frank Miller|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327892039s/59960.jpg|1104159]), The Killing Joke is, in reality, an origin story.
However, rather than being the origin story of a Superhero, this takes the somewhat unusual idea of being that of a villain instead: in this case, how did the most Notorious (and deadly) of Batman's foes - The Joker - come to be how he is?
This also draws parallels between The Joker and Batman himself, depicting them each as, if you will, two sides of the same coin - both have had a very bad day, but each have reacted to it differently (or have they?).
Personally, I feel that the origins of The Joker would have been better left to mystery rather than detailed as in this story; however, that's not denying that this is a good (if short) read in its own right.

The Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade
Frank Miller, Brian Azzarello and John Romita JR (art)
Frank Miller, along with co-writer Brian Azarrello and artist John Romita Jr., revisit the gritty...