Ben 10 Challenge
Games and Entertainment
Become part of the action yourself in the unique new camera-based game Ben 10 Challenge. UNIQUE NEW...

Stand O’Food® 3 (Full)
Games and Entertainment
The immersive free-to-play version, Stand O’Food® City: Virtual Frenzy, is already live! Don't...

Weather4D 2.0
Weather and Navigation
Weather4D 2.0 is a powerful application for maritime chart navigation and weather routing. ...

Business Expense Tracker 3.0 with Custom Reports
Business and Productivity
SPECIAL PRICE TODAY. REGULAR PRICE $6.99 Business Expense Tracker 3.0 makes your Tax Reporting...

Invoice Manager
Business and Productivity
30% OFF TODAY. REGULAR PRICE $9.99 USD Invoice Manager is the only invoice app on the App store...