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Cat About Town (Cat Cafe Mystery, #1)
Cate Conte | 2017
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maddie James has returned to Daybreak Island as a result of her grandmother’s death. While there, she learns that Frank O’Malley, head of the local chamber of commerce, wants to buy her grandfather’s house, a house that has been in the family for generations. Frank is used to getting his way and is trying to scare Maddie’s grandfather into selling. So when Frank turns up dead, Maddie and her grandfather find themselves as suspects. Can Maddie clear their name?

I’ve been looking forward to this debut ever since I heard about it, and I wasn’t disappointed. The tension starts early, and once Frank’s body is found, we are off and running. I didn’t have things figured out until Maddie then, but then everything fell into place. The characters, including Maddie’s new cat, are completely charming. And the setting, a resort island off the coast of Massachusetts, is absolutely wonderful. I can’t wait for the next in the series.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
The Death of Mrs Westaway
The Death of Mrs Westaway
Ruth Ware | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
You'll be on the edge of your seat!
Suspenseful. This is my first Ruth Ware novel, and it was definitely suspenseful. It reminded me a lot of the Agatha Christie films - a family shut away in a big old house with a mystery to solve. But this has a very modern edge to it. The house is still spooky though: I expected it to go full on James Herbert (it didn't)!
Hal gets a letter to tell her that she has come in to some money, after the death of a rich grandmother she has never known about. Up to this point, she has been living hand to mouth with loan sharks after her. She reads tarot cards on Brighton pier (not the good one). She goes to her grandmothers funeral and decides that she is going to try and 'blag' the money out of the will. She can't possibly be related to these people! This is where it gets very interesting and all twisty-turny.
Great characters and a great story. I didn't see the end coming at all!
Thanks to The Pigeonhole and the author for my copy of this book.
Meet Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. All the kids love hanging out at her house since she serves tea and cookies and is lots of fun. And the parents love her, too, because she has cures that will get kids to take baths or stop being selfish or fighting or not putting toys away….

This book is filled with fun short stories as the kids quickly realize why they wouldn't want to have their own way all the time. These cures are a bit more realistic than some in later books, so I love the later books better. Still, this is a fun introduction to a charming character.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Milleen (47 KP) rated City of Friends in Books

Nov 14, 2018 (Updated Nov 14, 2018)  
City of Friends
City of Friends
Joanna Trollope | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A light, easy read about four university friends whose lives are full of family, work, love and all going through transitions in their life. Stacey has lost her job as a high-flying city businesswoman and her elderly mother needs care. Beth and her partner are renovating a house and achieving academic success. Gaby spends her days ruthlessly running an empire and her nights controlling a household with a husband and three children. Whilst successful and single, Melissa's past love catches up with her and her teenage son. The characters are endearing in their honest approach to mid-life changes. Their lives will resonate with anyone who has endured, or even encountered, the juggling act of being a modern woman.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Midnight Man in Books

Oct 10, 2021  
The Midnight Man
The Midnight Man
Caroline Mitchell | 2021 | Crime, Mystery, Paranormal, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Deliciously creepy and full of tension.

I haven't read anything by Caroline Mitchell before but I was initially drawn by the cover and then intrigued by the blurb which sounded like something I would enjoy and, overall, I wasn't disappointed.

There are some great characters and a fabulous plot which combines urban legend, creepy house, serial killer, murder mystery, police procedural and the paranormal. The pace is pretty good and the twists and turns provided suspense from the start.

This is a good spooky read and certainly made a nice change to the usual crime thrillers and I have to give a thank you to Embla Books and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
The Dead of Winter
The Dead of Winter
Stuart MacBride | 2023 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have enjoyed a number of Stuart MacBride's books before; I enjoy his writing style, his dark sense of humour, twisty plots and excellent characters - The Dead of Winter is no different and I loved it.

DI Victoria Montgomery-Porter (also known as Bigtoria but don't let her hear you call her that!) and her underling, DC Edward Reekie are tasked with transporting a dying prisoner to spend his final days in the village of Glenfarach a 'special' village where ex-prisoners live when they can't be released back into full freedom. A straight-forward job I hear you say however it turns into anything but when a resident is found tortured to death and no one can get in or out as the weather closes in.

Full of dark humour, violence, gore and unsavoury characters along with a fast paced plot full of twists and turns, this was a book I really enjoyed. There are many laugh-out-loud moments, moments that make you wince and several "no way" moments that had me swiping my screen at a great rate of knots desperate to find out how it was all going to end but also not wanting it to.

It's all a bit crackers and not particularly plausible but I loved it from start to finish and I must thank Random House UK, Transworld Publishers and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of The Dead of Winter.
The House Swap
The House Swap
Rebecca Fleet | 2018 | Thriller
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow, did this book have me on the edge of my seat the ENTIRE TIME. So much tension in this book - a marriage in shambles, addictions of the physical and mental kind, suspicious neighbors, and a house full of devastating clues of an affair that had deadly consequences ... I found myself flipping pages at a rapid speed, watching these clues and secrets unfold.

Caroline and Francis swap houses in what seems to be an innocent week away to try to rekindle a very strained marriage. The narrative flips back from Caroline's past and future, with a bit of Francis injected thoughout, as well as this mysterious person they've swapped houses with. Things. Get. Weird. I felt myself having some heart palpitations at different points of the story and jumping at noises in my house as I was reading alone at night! What an awesome movie this would make.

Somehow this house is connected to her, and little snippets of a past life keep peeking through and they totally freak Caroline out and totally freaked me out as well! I cannot imagine going though such paranoia, but I also can't help but thinking Caroline made her bed, and now she has to lie in it. It's always safe to assume that when you hold on to such horrible secrets, eventually, no matter how hard you try to forget them, they'll be revealed when you least expect it - and in the most freakingly intense ways! And that just makes this book all the better.

Edge of my seat might be an understatement - I was totally entranced by this book and I enjoyed the suspense very much.
Headshot (Model Love)
Headshot (Model Love)
JP Sayle | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
freaking loved it!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This book, right?? I freaking LOVED IT!!

Oh I might gush, so #sorrynotsorry it was so bloody good!

It's part of the Model Love series, a multi author series of stand alone books. But here we get to revisit with some of Sayle's other characters and I loved being able to cath up with Griffin and Charlie and of course, Nana!

Kit saved jack has loved him ever since. He's not quite sure when things changed for him, but they did. Now Kit's lifes work, Garfield House for homeless kids, is threatened and Jack will do anything for Kit.

I loved that while Jack loves Kit, he really does try to keep away. I loved that he decided to go for Kit and he really goes all in. I love that Kit loved Jack but was bound by his own sense of proper, even if Jack had left the house ages ago.

I loved that once they both accepted that they should be together they go all in and fully and totally commit to each other. I'm not usually one for professions of love early on but these two have dacned around each other for years!

It's steamy, and smexy. It's emotional and funny, Nana does her best to wreak her havoc. There isn't much drama, except that about the house, but I think this book didn't need it.

I loved this book, I really did. And I'll leave it at that.

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
December of 1906 finds Molly Murphy Sullivan hoping that the new year will bring some changes and good news. When she, her husband Daniel, and their son Liam get invited to a house party for Christmas on the Hudson, Molly thinks this might help take her mind off everything going on in her life. However, she finds the household has a weird tension to it, with relationships she can’t quite read. Then she learns that a child disappeared from this house 10 years before right before Christmas. Molly is determined to figure out what happened, but has it been too long?

As is often the case, we start out with some updates on the series regulars before Molly fully plunges into the mystery, but once she does, I was hooked. In fact, as soon as I got off work, I sat down to finish. While I don’t feel like Daniel has grown, I love the rest of the cast, and the new characters are very strong. There is a more serious tone than you might expect from a Christmas mystery, but the contrast works well in this case.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The evil organization SPYDER is back, and they are planning to assassinate the President. Because of Ben Ripley’s success fighting them in the past, he is sent under cover into the White House to try to find the sleeper agent. However, with the large number of people in the White House each day, Ben soon realizes just how mammoth the task is. Can he figure out what is going on in time to save the President?

This premise sets us off on another wonderful wild ride into the world of espionage. Oh, the fact that Ben is only twelve-years-old might be unrealistic, but it is so much fun and author Stuart Gibbs makes it work here. There are lots of twists leading up to the wonderful climax. The characters are good, although they could be a little stronger. That’s probably just the adult in me talking, however because it certainly wasn’t on my mind when I was busy turning pages. The book also packs a fair number of laughs that caught me off guard and truly made me laugh out loud. Kids of all ages will love this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.