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Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
A strong move in the right direction
A brighter and more humorous movie (compared to B v S which I also enjoyed) For me it did the job of putting a smile on my face throughout most of the movie. I still wish Green Lantern was properly in the mix but I know the Green Lantern Corps movie is upcoming. I've waited for this movie to be made since I was a kid and while it's a long way from perfect, it's fun to watch and watching Batman interactions with heroes new to the screen was always going to be exciting for me
The CGI was pretty poor in places and the story workman like,but like I said before I had a smile on my face a lot of the time. To me it was a good movie,just wish I could be writing that it was great. Hopefully we will still get to see the hero's in a movie truly worthy of their comic book counterparts
Game Of Thrones  - Season 4
Game Of Thrones - Season 4
2014 | Sci-Fi
The Mountain and Viper episode (5 more)
Purple Wedding
Dragons come into play
Finally this season the Dragons are big enough to be fun to watch Daenerys is finally becoming a strong leader and has some power. Without a doubt this season my favorite episode was the mountain and viper episode and what a great fight scene that consisted of. For the first time in game of thrones series i cant remember much about the final two episode so this is slightly disappointing but my biggest disappointment came in the fact they didn't bring the character Lady Stoneheart into play. By know we all know charterers that get killed on game of thrones don't always stay dead and in the book the character that was killed last season should of returned as a big bad but alas they didn't create her in the TV show and i was highly disappointed by this.

Tee highlight of this season was the second episode got to love a game of thrones wedding. Didn't I say the queen of thorns was brilliant

Ameeka (131 KP) rated Deadpool (2016) in Movies

Jul 16, 2017  
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Great cast (4 more)
Humour and 4th wall breaks
True to it's original sources
Action sequences and effects
Well written
Ryan Reynolds was made for this role!
Ryan Reynolds was born to play this character, his sense and style of humour fits this film. You can see why he fought so hard for this to be made, and I am absolutely sure that nobody else could really do the character justice. After the poor attempt at bringing Deadpool to the big screen seen in Wolverine: Origins, this is refreshing and far truer to its source material. The constant breaking of the forth wall (for which Deadpool is so famous) serves to keep the audience intimately involved and literally invites them along for the ridiculous ride. The action is impressively done, and that there is a real sense that the film embodies Deadpool's lunacy. I am struggling to pinpoint any issues, as it was just too much fun. This film was exactly what it should have been and I couldn't have asked for anything more...
Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
1986 | Comedy, Horror, Musical
Feed Me Seymor
A great musical turned into a film. The story of a love sick flower shop worker Seymore (Morannis) who is deadly in love with Adurey (Green) comes across a little plant after an eclipse of the sun. He names it Audrey II after his love and begins to learn of its horrible thirst for blood. After a few weeks out mystery plant can talk and can manipulate seymore to get him what he craves. However he only picks people who seem as a threat to seymore but seymor has to do the deed to bring the fly to the trap. One of the victims happens to be the boyfriend of Audrey. A dentist Orin Scrivello (Martin who gives an amazing performance) who is psychically abusing Audrey. Lets just say most of his victims do their own their own self in but, he delivers the food. A ton of great cameos (Murray,Belushi and John Candy just to name a few) who make this movie fun and the songs are well done as well.

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Outlander in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
Diana Gabaldon | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.4 (52 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay so like pretty much everyone else I'd heard of this series & heard great reviews. I was very unsure about diving into the series because I am not & never have been a "romance novel" fan. It took me winning a copy of this book on Goodreads to actually pick it up & start reading. I have to say that I am glad I won it.
Outlander is NOT your typical trashy romance. The story is very well written & it hooks the reader in from the very first chapter. Are there typical romance novel things in it? Of course, but they were NOT out of this world sex scenes that make you uncomfortable reading it. In fact, I was more into the story line & the character development throughout the book than I was getting into that part of it. It was more a necessary component to move the plot along than a gratuitous sex scene that was just stuck in there for fun.
I can't wait to continue reading the series & find out what happens to Claire, Jamie, & yes, even Frank.
The Dark Tower (2017)
The Dark Tower (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Western
Elba and McConaughey (1 more)
Stephen King references
Not quite up to the same standard as the source material (0 more)
Better Than Expected
I have been looking forward to this movie since it was announced, as I am a huge Stephen King fan and I am a fan of the source material that this movie is based on. However, when the movie was released it was ruthlessly torn apart by critics and I even heard a few brandish it as the worst movie of the year or as one of Stephen King's worst adaptions.
You can look at this movie from two perspectives. You can look at it as a lazy adaption of a fantastic layered story full of intrigue, or you can see it for what it is, a big, dumb, mindless summer blockbuster. As someone who saw it as the latter, I enjoyed it for what it was. Yes it was ridiculous and pretty cheesy at times, but if you enjoy it as intended and don't take it too seriously, there is a fun time to be had here.
Rating: 4.5

The Breakout Novelist is a fantastic handbook that should be on every writer's desk. It should be marked up, highlighted, paper-clipped, and sticky-noted (if that's a word. Let's pretend it is). There is so much great advice and information in here it would take weeks and multiple readings to really get it all: but it's not meant to be read through from start to finish. It's a handbook, workbook, dictionary type tool.

There are many categories such as plot, theme, characters, chapters on voice and hyper-reality, protagonists vs. heroes, and information about what to do when you've got your manuscript done and "ready." There are exercises questions, prompts, and examples carefully explained and outlined. It's easy to read and understand and doesn't feel like an instruction manual: it's fun and enjoyable and interesting to read.

I wholeheartedly recommend any serious writer—just starting or multi-published—to grab a copy of The Breakout Novelist.

check out my blog for an excerpt/guest post:
Wake of Vultures
Wake of Vultures
Lila Bowen | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wake of Vultures was an exciting, fast paced, interesting read. It was fun and different for me. It wasn’t phenomenal. I would probably read the next one in the series, but I wouldn’t spend money on it.

The biggest problem I had with the story was I felt that it tried to deal with too many things at once. Racism, sexism, sexual identity, slavery, nudity, and religion are all important and heavy topics. All of them together in one YA urban fantasy novel? It’s a bit excessive. Even though I of all people understand that sometimes when a story comes to you, as an author, you can’t change your character! That’s just who they are! And don’t get me wrong, the story was great and I enjoyed listening to it, and I was totally caught up in it. But there were times when I would listen and something would come up and I’d be like “this is too much. this is ridiculous.” It felt like overkill.

That aside, I enjoyed the book and look forward to the sequel.
Witchfinder General (1968)
Witchfinder General (1968)
1968 | Horror
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Famously nasty cult horror movie looks a bit like another Poe-Corman-Price adaptation (and was marketed as such in the States) but is really the work of a much darker sensibility. No actual supernatural elements, just people being sadistic to each other in the middle of a vicious civil war.

The story is a pretty standard revenge melodrama, made distinctive by the sheer bleakness of tone throughout the movie. At a time when pretty much every Hammer movie concluded with the defeat of the forces of evil (at least until the next sequel) the sheer amoral nihilism of Witchfinder General is distinctive.

Notable for the closest thing to a completely straight performance you will ever find Vincent Price contributing as the star of a horror movie, and also for the censor-troubling levels of violence and general grisliness. As is standard for British horror films of this period, fun is also to be had spotting youthful appearances by people who went on to have rather distinguished appearances in less extreme material.
The Art of Vanishing
The Art of Vanishing
Cynthia Kuhn | 2017 | Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Someone is Out to Destroy Arts Week
Every spring semester, Stonedale University puts on an arts festival, and Lila has been roped into serving on the committee. The big name for the week is author Damon Von Tussel, who has just released his second book decades after his critically acclaimed debut. Lila is sent to interview him before the big event to gain some publicity, but before she can talk to him, he disappears. Then everyone on the committee starts to get threatening e-mails. What is going on?

I don’t read too many mysteries set in the academic world, so I enjoyed changing that with this book. The internal politics of the college and Lila’s worries since this is her first-year teaching there overshadowed the mystery at times. The mystery itself is a little different than many of the books I read, and I found it a refreshing break. The characters are fun, especially Lila’s mother, and I am curious how some of these relationships will develop in the future.