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Scream 2 (1997)
Scream 2 (1997)
1997 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
“By definition alone, sequels are inferior films”
As much as this sequel tries to be very clever and for the most part succeeds, you can’t help realising that the line uttered by Randy about sequels being inferior films and the ensuing discussion in the film class, pretty much sums up this entire film.

Released only a year after the original, this sequel keeps most of what made the first one great - just sadly in lesser amounts. Yes it’s funny, witty and has some great film references, but it just isn’t quite up to the level of the original. There are some shocks and lots of blood and gore, and the ending is still a little unpredictable (but not as much as the original. Great cast again, both returning and fairly well known faces. The opening scene too is just as disturbing even if it’s missing the signature Ghostface phone call and I loved the entire scene set in the film class. The debate about life imitating art is a shame relevant now as it was when this was made over 20 years ago. It amazes me to think this film is 21 years old, and aside from the retro technology, it doesn’t feel dated in the slightest.

For a sequel, this is definitely one of the better ones out there. Yes it doesn’t have quite the impact of the original, but it definitely doesn’t suck and at least sticks to Randy’s rules to create a successful sequel. Shame 3 and 4 couldn’t do the same...

Awix (3310 KP) rated Peterloo (2018) in Movies

Nov 9, 2018 (Updated Nov 9, 2018)  
Peterloo (2018)
Peterloo (2018)
2018 | Drama
Inescapably worthy costume drama sheds some light on a half-forgotten landmark in British political history, but in the process kind of comes across as Barry Lyndon as written by Jeremy Corbyn. Decent, heroic, possibly slightly naive reformers campaign to reform society; greedy and self-serving politicians, magistrates and businessmen unite to stop them; in the end the troops are sent in.

Not quite as punishingly didactic as it sounds, but this may not have been intentional: what may also have been an accident is how close the film frequently comes to being actually quite funny. There are some spectacular wigs and hats, startling accents, and very broad performances from most of the cast - it almost feels like a parody of a bad costume drama in places. There's a scene where a family of semi-literate mill-workers pause to discuss the economic effects of the Corn Laws in some detail, mostly for the audience's benefit, while another scene arguably recycles a Monty Python gag. Casting someone from Blackadder as the Prince Regent was probably a misstep, too.

Still, it all reeks with conviction and moral outrage, and in the end the Peterloo massacre itself is staged quite well - though I still think it could have been handled slightly more cinematically. This is the movie equivalent of someone who hands out the Socialist Worker in the street: the intentions are so laudable that you kind of feel obliged to indulge the earnest lack of self-awareness. Looks quite good too.
Shifter Woods: Snarl (Esposito County Shifters #3)
Shifter Woods: Snarl (Esposito County Shifters #3)
Nicola M. Cameron | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shifter Woods: Snarl (Esposito County Shifters #3) by Nicola M. Cameron
Shifter Woods: Snarl is the third novella in the Esposito County Shifters series, and this time we are at the snow resort at Cougar Ridge. As you might expect, there are plenty of cougar shifters around, including Commander Robert Chandler, and his daughter, Kate. When a down-on-his-luck Alpha turns up, citing an offer the Commander had made for him, Kate is willing to give him a chance. He fits in with their life easily enough, but Kate wants more.

I loved how this story progressed. The instant 'Mate' bond is there for Jack, but I loved how it was different for Kate being as she had anosmia. Jack has his morals, but is prepared to bend them to get what he wants. Of course, when he realises the Commander gave him a loophole right at the start, well, that was just downright funny!

With fast pacing, character cameos, and very smooth though, this story transitioned without any hitches from one scene to another. There were also no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. With a full story that is hot and steamy in places packed within the pages, this is sure to delight. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Witch & Wizard (Witch & Wizard, #1)
Witch & Wizard (Witch & Wizard, #1)
James Patterson | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
5.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has so much potential. I almost gave it a two & 1/2 stars. The characters can at times be funny and humorous. It has almost no romance beyond the acknowledgement that Whit has a girlfriend. Although, the prophecy is one of the largest let downs since I found out the name of the childlike empress in The Neverending Story. I kinda started to root a little for the siblings.
However, I kept getting hung up on the layout of the book. The chapters really? Truly? I don’t think that there is a chapter longer than 5 pages. I’m not even sure there is a chapter that is 5 pages long. I’m all about short chapters but this takes the cake. There is no reason for at all for some of the chapter breaks. Especially when a double space between the paragraphs or an asterisk (*) would do the job much better.

Here’s an example of one of the worst breaks. This is the last two sentences of chapter 58 which is in Whisty’s pov

“His thick, black hair fell forward over his eyes. ‘Sorry about that, Freckles.’

Chapter 59
‘Not Freckles either,’ suggested Whit. ‘Or Carrottop.’”

For the reals. There is no need for this to be a new chapter. All it does is distract and chop up the flow of he book. It made me think they are getting paid per chapter. There are 104 of them!
The idea is there and like I said massive potential.... just feels unfinished.
Bumblebee (2018)
Bumblebee (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
It really is the Transformers film we all wanted
I had heard this called "the Transformers film we all wanted" and wasn't quite sure what that meant - I knew the recent few films had been slated but didn't think I was that big a fan as a child in the 80s. How wrong I was, I was almost instantly transported back to being a child again! Not only a true Transformers film, but an authentic 80s buddy movie as well!
The film opens with a battle scene between the Autobots and the ... bad ones. At this point I thought "oh not more of this CGI head-ache inducing nonsense". But within a few minutes we are back on Earth and there is a real Goonies/ET vibe about the film. Bumblebee has escaped ... the Transformers planet (meh) and made it to Earth, where he was pursued and badly damaged. After a few years he is taken from a salvage yard and meets his new owner. The next hour or so was good, honest family action film fun - gone was the overly complex, pseudo-science nonsense that most films have now, just simply disbelief-suspending funny action.
The plot was kept simple and it is to the film's credit - Bumblebee is tracked down and hunted by both the US Army and the ... bad robots
Simply and honestly, good family fun. It has been years since I have enjoyed taking the kids to see a film like this.


Amy Curtis (49 KP) rated Gnome Alone (2018) in Movies

Dec 14, 2018 (Updated Dec 14, 2018)  
Gnome Alone (2018)
Gnome Alone (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Funny (1 more)
Easy to watch
Good light-hearted film
Contains spoilers, click to show
I stumbled across this film on Netflix and after seeing Gnomeo and Juliet and being impressed with that I decided to give it a go. I was expecting it to be a remake of the Christmas film Home Alone. I believe that was the original intention. Instead, the protagonist Chloe has recently moved into a new home with her mum and after travelling around and moving schools finds it difficult to make friends and keep them. She discovers a necklace in a secret room in the house and removed it. Later she discovers that the gnomes left in her house are alive and they need the necklace back. With the help of her nerd friend Liam, they combat both high school popular girls and aliens and save the world. Whilst the film does have some comedy in parts, it wasn't as humourous as I was expecting. It is a children's film however and there is an underlying message of 'dont judge a book by it's chsracter', 'be friends with who you want to be friends with' and the ultimate one 'be kind'. I also liked the fact that Chloe was glued to her iPhone and then when push come to shove she had to part with it. I think it gave a good message to modern society today of how absorbed we become with technology (she says writing this review on her smart phone). Anyway, it was a very good film and I thoroughly enjoyed it but it wasn't what I expected in the slightest.
Hearts Abroad (The Atlas Series #1)
Hearts Abroad (The Atlas Series #1)
Skye McNeil | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
really rather cute!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Londyn takes a nanny job, while thinking what to do about her play writing. Since her 'boyfriend' stole the last play she wrote, she thinks she might give up. A summer out of town, looking after two little girls, might give her the clarity she needs. She just never expected to fall in love with the girls or their daddy. Callum is a museum curator and spends a lot of time away from his family. But the new nanny makes him see, really see, what that is doing to his girls. He just didn't see Londyn coming!

This was a really great, fun read. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

It's well told, with both Callum and Londyn having a say, in the third person. We get all of Londyn's stressing about her playwriting, and how much fun she wants the girls to have. We get all of Callum's fretting over his feelings for the nanny, and we get his dawning realisation that it might not just be infatuation.

I liked the marked differences between Londyn and Callum, it made me giggle in some places!

It's funny, it's witty, it's sexy and it's emotional. It has a little bit of everything! It's one of those books you just fall into, you know, and the book runs out before the afternoon does.

It's the first book I've read of Ms McNeil, and I look forward to reading more.

A very well deserved 4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

365Flicks (235 KP) rated Who's Jenna...? (2018) in Movies

Oct 31, 2019 (Updated Oct 31, 2019)  
Who's Jenna...? (2018)
Who's Jenna...? (2018)
2018 | Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Tracey Birdsall Smashes Another...
I genuinely had fun with this movie, that is once I figured out what Baldinger was doing with some of these characters. Let me explain... There are a couple of characters in this movie that are borderline offensive in almost any situation and for a minute I found myself thinking 'wow theses are characters you really don't need in your movie' however if you give it a minute the movie fully explains itself and pays off a lot of ground work adding a lot of extra layers to characters that could of been mistaken for throwaway Sopranos imitations.

I love Tracey in this role she is having a ball stretching her comedy chops. There is one scene I think you should look out for when Jenna and Johnathan profess there feelings to each other, not only is this a really well written and naturally performed scene but the two leads make it believable and I bought it (Keep and eye on Tracey's face in this scene, that's an actress in the moment).

So yeah I really enjoyed the flick, I was taken aback at moments but that's the sign of a good comedy (your supposed to feel a little uncomfortable). Everyone in it is great in there respective roles, big shout outs to Joseph D'Onofrio and Tracey Birdsall in particular. Its a quick, its funny, its laugh out loud and an easy 90 odd minute light hearted good time. I strongly recommend so get it watched.
Blade Runner (1982)
Blade Runner (1982)
1982 | Sci-Fi
8.5 (75 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sci Fi Film Noir Masterpiece
When film scholars debate whether Alien or Blade Runner is director Ridley Scott's best film it is hard to make an argument against each as both are masterpieces It's funny that although they are both science fiction films, they are completely different in tone, style and action.

The art direction and cinematography are almost unmatched even under today's standards and then consider this movie is from 1982 and it is just astonishing. I won't argue with someone who says the film is slow developing or style or substance; however, I do not consider that a negative whatsoever. Consider it just another way to tell a story. Why do movies always have to follow the same formula to be considered a acceptable?

It is hard to believe the film only managed US box office of $27 million upon its original theatrical release. It's cult status was almost immediate along with the rise of home video and eventually DVD. The various cuts of the film and the vast and minor differences between them can make the meaning of the film quite different depending on how you interpret it.

The argument whether or not Deckard is a replicant could really depend on which version of the film you have seen or what you choose to believe.

Nevertheless, the film still stands the test of time as a sci fi classic and one of the most visually stunning films ever made!

Bongo Fury Novella Collection
Bongo Fury Novella Collection
Simon Maltman | 2019 | Crime, Humor & Comedy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Meet Jimmy Black, a man with family connections to both organised crime and, historically, the Troubles in Northern Ireland. But apart from maybe a little light drug dealing the thing Jimmy wants most is to be left alone to run his music shop (the titular Bongo Fury), spend time with his family and maybe do a little private detective work on the side. Unfortunately fate has other plans for Jimmy as helping a friend in need spirals very much out of control.

Although this is three novellas, the first two already published separately plus a third first released in this volume, this really is a book in three parts. Plus there's a soundtrack as well, how many novels can say that? And what a book it is. Despite his slightly shady connections, Jimmy is the perfect narrator. Funny, irreverent, tough, likeable and well versed in popular music he engages right from the start, keeping his sardonic tone throughout. He might run afoul of some very dangerous characters but he is a tough customer himself.

The writing is a joy, easy to read between Jimmy's swear-word laden musings, the laugh out loud humour, the tense encounters when the stakes are raised and the rapid and efficient action scenes. And the story doesn't let up either as Jimmy's life threatens to be turned upside down from asking too many questions, the fall out from which carry the plot through all the three novellas.

Bongo Fury the Collection is one of those books that you shouldn't allow to pass you by.