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A Dangerous Man
A Dangerous Man
Robert Crais | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“We Know Your Secret.”
Joe Pike’s trip to the bank for a routine deposit ends when he witnesses two men try to kidnap his teller, Isabel Roland. Joe being Joe, he jumps into action and rescues her. However, when the kidnappers are released from jail, they are both murdered. Was kidnapping Isabel a crime of opportunity, or was she a target? Is she safe? Why would someone target her?

Those familiar with the series will notice a similar set up to a previous entry, but that’s where the similarity ends. This book takes off in some unexpected places, and author Robert Crais uses multiple viewpoints well to hook us as events unfold. This is a thriller that kept me glued the entire time. While we don’t learn much new about PI partners Elvis Cole or Joe Pike, it is wonderful to spend time with them and see them in action again. Most of the new characters are wonderful and fully developed, but a few very minor characters are very annoying. Likewise, I don’t find John Chen, a recurring character in the series, that funny. I’m sure the characters who annoy me are supposed to be comic relief, but I just don’t get it. While the book certainly has more language and violence than the cozies I normally read, I didn’t feel it was excessive here. Elvis and Joe have a huge following, and I’m sure there many fans will be thrilled with this book. Pick it up and hang on because it is going to be a very wild ride you won’t want to put down.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated Ghost Moon in Books

Jul 28, 2020  
Ghost Moon
Ghost Moon
Kathryn Knight | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ghost Moon is something different. Though not by ghosts or paranormal. Just different in a way that it tells a story but given that it more mystery and romance than paranormal. The title does not give away much about what this book is about.

We meet Lark as she is driving to the new place that she inherited. When she arrives she sees someone in the front window. Things get even more interesting and enjoyable once she comes goes into the house. Her cat is my favorite. How he reacts is funny. I guess if your pet is acting weird you might want to think about it. They seem to be able to sense something or someone.

Kathryn Knight writes a well-written story. Though it seems this one was very heavy in the romance department. He also meets Jesse Holt. What is happening at Holloway House seems to affect Jesse neighbor Lark. He meets him and he comes to Lark recuse the first night. He offers to talk to his mother and her friends to find out who this ghost is.

If you enjoy ghost or ghost stories, this one is good. It seems it should be ghost mystery or at least paranormal mystery. This is good for fans of mystery and or romance as well. My favorite part is the paranormal which is the ghost in it. Why I do not know, could be that I want to know what happens to the ghost and why she there. There are many twists and turns throughout. You will be trying to guess along the way as to what happens and what does this ghost want until the end.
A Few Good Men (1992)
A Few Good Men (1992)
1992 | Drama, Mystery
Brilliantly done
I'm ashamed to say that until tonight, I'd never seen this film. I had thought it was just another monotonous and dull courtroom drama (despite knowing most people refer to it as a classic), however had I known this was written by Aaron Sorkin I would've watched it a long time ago!

The star of this film is by far Sorkin's script and writing. It isn't just a dreary by the bools legal drama, the script is spot on - it's whip sharp, witty and surprisingly funny at parts. This film keeps you hanging on every minute and guessing about the outcome. This paired with a truly phenomenal cast makes the movie a must see. I'm not the biggest fan of Tom Cruise, but he's an absolute star in this and displays a range I never thought possible from him. And then of course there's Jack Nicholson who manages to almost steal the show with his iconic line and speech, despite it really only being a minor part. And the rest of the cast too are really great, even Demi Moore who I've never thought much of either.

My only criticism of this film is that it may be overly long. Not massively, but at 2h15 I feel like it could've been cut down a little to around 2 hours without any real detriment to the story. But that said, this did pretty much hold my attention throughout and this is mainly due to Tom Cruise's performance and Sorkin's unbelievably brilliant script. If you're looking for a shining example of a courtroom drama, you can do no better than this.
The Falcon Always Wings Twice
The Falcon Always Wings Twice
Donna Andrews | 2020 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Game’s Afoot!
Meg Langslow is spending the summer at her grandmother’s craft center helping with the Renaissance Faire Cordelia is hosting on weekends as Cordelia’s second in command as well as doing blacksmithing demonstrations. Her husband, Michael, is in charge of the actors in “The Game,” which is the code for the improvised scenes he and the rest are doing during the day about who will inherit a fictional kingdom. They are mostly having fun with it, but Terence, one of the other actors, is making life difficult for everyone. Meg isn’t super surprised when he is found dead one morning, but as she goes about her day, she keeps picking up information related to the murder. Will she solve it?

This entry is the series at the top of its game. The murder may take place a little later than some books, but the time is well spent setting up the suspects and motives. I was hooked before the body dropped and happily followed the investigation after it happened. Everything is wrapped up in a climax that has us on the edge of our seats and makes us laugh. The characters are at their most charming – funny without being annoying. I laughed many times as the pages flew by. All the characters are great, and I found myself tearing up at some of the development we got thanks to some strong sub-plots. Since Meg is a blacksmith (not that we see her doing it much in the series), I’m surprised we haven’t been to a Renaissance Fair with her before, but this entry was well worth the wait.
Hunted (Werewolf Academy #2)
Hunted (Werewolf Academy #2)
Cheree Alsop | 2014 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hunted is the second book in the Werewolf Academy series and follows on from Strays. Alex and Cassie are still being hunted but it seems Alex remains the number one target. Alex is doing all he can to protect Cassie and live up to being Jet's brother. It all becomes too much for a fifteen-year-old boy to cope with though and he starts down the path of self-destruction. Luckily for him, Jaze is there before he explodes and helps to channel some of the anger into different avenues.

Second book into the series and I'm already wanting the next. Alex is a complex character with good parts and bad. His reaction to Boris and Kalia's house (and I use the word deliberately as it was not a home,) was funny and I loved how he refused to speak down to the servants. I want Amos back though!!! It's not right, him being with a different Pack. He belongs with Jericho and Alex.

There are some errors in here but, to be honest, I paid them no attention as they do not detract from the story at all. My stars are for the story and how it gripped me. The minute I started reading, I was hooked. I love the characters, new and old. The story continues to fascinate and lead you onto the next book.

No 'second book slump' here and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sunrise at the Mayan Temple
Sunrise at the Mayan Temple
Sigmund Brouwer | 1993 | Children, Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slow Start, Fast Paced Second Half
Ricky Kidd is surprised when his younger brother, Joel, is given six tickets to spend 10 days down in Mexico. He’s even more surprised when his parents agree to send the two of them plus his friend Mike, Ralphy, and Lisa, along with Old Lady Bugsby as their chaperon, down there. When the group arrives, they learn they are there to be part of a dig at Chichen Itza. It sounds great, but Ricky soon begins to get new worries. Like why is everyone afraid of the leader of their dig? Are the rumors of an ancient legend come back to life true? Or is something more sinister happening?

Normally, I love this series, but this is definitely the weakest book. The mystery starts slowly with a travelogue as Ricky and the gang head south. Once the plot does begin, it moves quickly, but Ricky has to have much of it explained to him at the end. He does have a few insights, but not the usual ones that solve the case. The short story used to introduce the plot also causes some issues with the book overall, ignoring some of Ricky’s drive for justice we’d normally see. It twists the broader story instead of just introducing it. Fortunately, the characters are as wonderful as always, and I enjoy spending time with them. It also has some funny moments, including a great running gag. If you are already a fan, you’ll want to pick up this book, but if you are new to the characters, start with one of the earlier, better ones.
Guaranteed to Bleed
Guaranteed to Bleed
Julie Mulhern | 2015 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Guaranteed to Entertain
Ellison Russel is spending this particular Friday night in September 1974 at a high school football game. Not because she loves the sport, but because her daughter, Grace, is a cheerleader. Unfortunately, early in the second half, she stumbles on Bobby Lowell who begs Ellison “Tell her I love her” before he dies. Bobby and Grace grew up together, so the murder hits close to home. Ellison isn’t trying to solve things, but she can’t help but figure it out as she tries to figure out who the mysterious woman is. Will she pass on Bobby’s message? Will she find the killer?

I’m glad I was finally able to return to Ellison’s world. The story is strong. It doesn’t unfold in typical cozy mystery fashion, but that didn’t bother me. I got more and more involved the further into the book I got. Ellison is a great main character, and I loved watching the growth in the character here. The rest of the cast is also great, although I wish her Mother weren’t so focused on everything being perfect. I find it funny at times, but it can be annoying. The book walks a fine line between humor and more serious themes, and the result is rich. The book does venture into some PG-13 topics, but know that going into the book and you’ll be fine since it never gets too graphic. I do recommend reading book one before you read this one since it includes fallout from the events of that story. Hopefully, it won’t be so long before I visit Ellison again.
Sigfried's Smelly Socks!
Sigfried's Smelly Socks!
Len Foley | 2020
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sigfried's Smelly Socks! is an illustration book for children that focuses on describing the smell of dirty socks at its fullest. Whilst I have mixed feelings as to how disgusting this subject is, I quite liked the bright-coloured illustrations.

I strongly believe that children are meant to love this book - it is full of wittiness and it made me giggle a few times, when the author describes how different coloured socks smell differently, and all so awful.

This book has a tendency to make you imagine the smells in your mind while reading and watching the illustrations. It can even make you feel like you could actually smell them in the room. Lovely description, though some parts might be too hard to be understood by the younger audience:

But nothing compares to the other smell that burns the hairs on my head.

While we discuss the subject of how the book focuses on dirty socks and some people might find it unbearable - I would point to the fact that this book is a perfect masterpiece in reminding the little cute monsters that they need to keep their socks (and their hygiene in general) neat and clean. It is a great moral and life lesson through a very funny story told by the silly Sigfried, who seems to notice all the rotten smells that surround him.

Lovely read, and a lovely told story in a witty way. This book deserved a 4 out of 5 stars for the sole reason of this book maybe being too rich in the vocabulary for the audience it wants to reach.
Sprinkles of Suspicion
Sprinkles of Suspicion
Kim Davis | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emory Finds Herself Caught up in a Murder
When Emory discovers that her husband, Philip, is having an affair with her best friend, Tori, Emory naturally gets very angry and gets into a very public fight with Tori. That creates a problem, however, when Emory finds Tori’s very dead body just a few hours later. Naturally, the police consider Emory their best suspect, so Emory sets out to give them other suspects. As she tries to clear her name, is she prepared for the secrets she will uncover?

Between the Orange County, California, setting and the culinary cozy hook, I couldn’t pass this book up. As always, I enjoyed seeing the action taking place in areas I recognized even if I don’t know them super well. This book works in many ways like a TV pilot, readjusting Emory’s life as well as giving us a murder to solve. The murder got overshadowed a bit at times, but I always found the book compelling to read. There are several good surprises and twists to the mystery. The ending was a little weak, but it does answer all of our questions. I certainly sympathized with Emory since she comes across as very trusting, something that creates problems when your life becomes a mystery. I did feel her family was a little too self-absorbed. I’m sure it was supposed to be funny, but I found it more annoying. The 11 recipes at the end include some Western themed dishes as well as a couple of delicious sounding cupcakes. All told, this is a fun series debut that will leave you wondering just where cupcakes and murder will take Emory next.
The Ugly Stepsister (Unfinished Fairy Tales #1)
The Ugly Stepsister (Unfinished Fairy Tales #1)
Aya Ling, Arisa May | 2015 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off, let me start by saying that I LOVED THIS BOOK! There, I feel better now. This book left me with a book hangover and I found myself regurgitating things that were done and said within the pages. Let me also say that, like so many others, the ending slayed me. I won't go into why - you either know already or you want to find out for yourself. I understand why she did it but still couldn't believe it. I found myself the following morning going back through the start of the book to find out if there were any links between the two males mentioned! And before you panic, NO there isn't a love triangle!

There is so much more to this story than just Cinderella and the antics that Kat gets up to and involved with are both brilliant and also understandable given the circumstances.

This was both well-written and well-paced. It is a slow burner as it sets the scene but once Kat is in StoryLand, the ball just keeps on a-rolling. Funny, poignant, roll your eyes and laugh out loud, all these things were felt or done whilst I was reading this story. Absolutely adored it and am definitely adding Aya Ling to my list of authors to look out for. Highly recommended.

*And yes, just in case you're wondering, I did go and sign up for the newsletter to gain an extra scene of Kat and Edward after the ball!*

* I received this book in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 21, 2015