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What Magic Is This?
What Magic Is This?
Holly Bourne | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Three friends, Sophia, Mia and Alexis are trying to do some magic during a sleepover at Sophia’s house. They all have something they want to cast a spell on. Sophia wants her sweetheart Aidan, Mia needs to stop harming herself, and Alexis wants to wish her dog (that she hated) a farewell. All three of these girls are very different, but they fit in together very well. Holly chose such a believable and realistic characters for this book, and the school life looks like straight from the TV screen. The story is told from Sophia’s perspective, where she is sharing details about her and Aidan’s love story.

The narrative was really gripping, I wanted to find out, what happened between Sophia and Aidan. The plot keeps changing between the events happening in the room, and Sophia’s love story in the past. This book is funny, very easy to read, and I liked the lessons it had to offer. There are not many surprises in this book, and sometimes it was quite predictable.

The writing style was really pleasant and easy to read. This edition has dyslexia friendly font, and the book itself wasn’t very long, so it was a quick read for me. The setting of this book doesn’t change much, it is either Sophia’s bedroom or the school. The ending of the book was quite predictable, but I liked the way it rounded up this story. The chapters are not very long, and this novel didn’t leave me bored.

So, to conclude, it was a great story about friendship, magic and finding what you really want. It has realistic characters and is an entertaining and educational read for young girls.
The Friend Zone
The Friend Zone
Abby Jimenez | 2020 | Humor & Comedy, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kristen Petersen is a no-nonsense kind of girl. She's loyal to her best friend, Sloan, and worried about finally living with her boyfriend, who has been deployed for most of their relationship. She's also struggled for years with medical issues and is about to have a procedure that will leave her unable to have children. Then she meets Josh, the best friend and best man of Sloan's fiance, Brandon. Thrown together as they plan Sloan and Brandon's wedding, Kristen realizes she has feelings for Josh that she's never felt for anyone else. He's funny, kind, and puts up with all her quirks. But Josh wants a big family in the future. So Kristen distances herself from him. But the more time they spend together, the harder and harder it becomes to keep up the boundaries she's trying so hard to enforce.

The Friend Zone is one of those books that has been everywhere, but I clearly wasn't paying total attention to the plot. This is not your standard rom-com. The last note in my bookly app for this book reads, "fun sad enjoyed," and that really sums it all up. I found this one to be wonderfully written, much sadder than I expected, richly witty, rather dirty, and quite an enjoyable read. It wasn't at all what I went in expecting, but it was really more. Apparently there's a second book coming out soon, delving more into Sloan's story, and I'll certainly be reading that too.

Kristen is a tough character. She drove me crazy at first. I'm not a fan of books where so much could be resolved if someone just told someone else their secret. Sure, they may have their reasons for not wanting to spill, but good grief. Enough already! Luckily, Kristen was also a self-made businesswoman, really funny, a fully-fleshed out character, and easy to get hangry, which I could identify with (perhaps too much). She's a trip.

The friendship between Sloan and Kristen is a great part of the story--it's nice to see two women have a relationship that isn't marred by in-fighting or one that isn't based just on boys. It's real and flawed and, like much of the book, has its funny and sad moments. Josh is also a wonderful character, and, truly, he was a patient guy. The book's coverage of infertility is, mostly, quite well-done.

Overall, this was a strong read: funny and heartbreaking while featuring two characters with strong voices. It covers several serious topics without losing its way, and it's nearly impossible not to root for the main couple, even you want to shake Kristen once in a while. 4 stars.
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>

Three Mages and a Margarita </em>is entertaining, funny and mythical (ha. ha. pun intended)</strong></h2>
There are books you can tell you'll love or hate right away from the synopsis right away, and ones you can't tell until you actually read the book. I LOVED <em>Three Mages and a Margarita</em> and can't wait for the sequel to come out so I can go back to the Mythic world.
<img class="aligncenter wp-image-10327 size-medium" src=""; alt="come to me gif" width="300" height="169" />

<h3>Tori is funny and sassy</h3>
<p style="text-align: center;">Tori Dawson, the Server of Doom and Despair.
Our main character Tori takes no bullshit - literally! She gets fired from all her jobs because she doesn't take crap from her guests. While Tori's actions in <em>Three Mages and a Margarita</em> are an exaggeration, it was funny and entertaining to read. I think the last time I laughed was <a href=""><em>American Panda</em> by Gloria Chao</a>.

<h3>The friendship is genuine, golden and #goals.</h3>
<p style="text-align: left;">"If you want pizza with pineapple on it, we'll have throw you out."
<p style="text-align: left;">I blinked, not entirely sure if he was joking, but Aaron laughed. "If she wants pineable, she can have it. You don't have to eat it."
"Its existence alone is an insult to all pizza."</blockquote>
The friendship between the three mages Tori meets is genuine, and I loved seeing the interactions between Aaron, Kai and Ezra. They're a close group but are also welcoming to Tori despite the rough beginning.

<h3>Fast-paced and full of action</h3>
I got through <em>Three Mages and a Margarita</em> in less than two days. Annette Marie's latest novel is full of humor, but it is also fast-paced and full of action. Whether the book will make you laugh out loud or worry over the characters, there is never a dull moment.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Good Development of Characters, Humour and Plot (0 more)
Slightly awkward writing at times (0 more)
The Best Book So Far in the Series
The 'Blurb':

'The Peculiar Children are back in the third installment in the bestselling series of YA novels by Ransom Riggs. Time is running out for the Peculiar Children. With a dangerous madman on the loose, and their beloved Miss Peregrine still in danger, it's up to Jacob Portman to channel his newfound abilities and defeat Caul before he loses his friends--and their world--forever. This action-packed adventure features all-new Peculiar photographs from times and places all over the world.'

I've recently finished reading 'Library of Souls' by Ransom Riggs and I thought that this was the best book in the series. I'm not sure if this book was the last in a trilogy or the new book due to come out, follows on from what happened in 'Library of Souls', but I liked the plot of this novel.

Whilst I enjoyed the other two books, I think with 'Library of Souls', the story really gets going and this book was really well-paced and exciting.

I liked the development of the characters and I also thought that the themes running through the book, about how power use others to gain power for themselves, was thought provoking and mature. The teen romance is the only thing that lets this down slightly throughout the other books, but that element was dealt with well in 'Library of Souls'.

Also I think that the writing style is better in this novel. In the first novel, there were a few times where the writing seemed a bit awkward, but I think 'Library of Souls' is well written and at times, funny. At times, the story mirrored 'Harry Potter', but I still thought that it was still quite original.

I hope the new book continues Jacob's story, but even if that's the last thing we hear of this set of characters, this was a fitting end to their adventures.

My Rating **** 1/2 Stars
The Girl In Between
The Girl In Between
Laekan Zea Kemp | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great, characters, imaginative mix of Fantasy and issues connected with Disability (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
‘The Girl In Between’ was the first book I read for the ‘Disability Read-a-Thon’ in October and, because this was a free download, I didn’t have high expectations for this book at all. However, I was very pleasantly surprised.

This book’s main character Bryn has a sleeping syndrome, which means that she can suddenly sleep for weeks and months on end. This didn’t mean however, that she a poor defenseless girl, in fact she was the opposite. She was funny, sarcastic and a fully rounded teenager and I thought she was relatable and likeable.

This book wasn’t just about Disability but the book does cover some of the issues that, even though I don’t have the same condition as Bryn, I could relate to, when I was growing up. However, it was also a complex mix of real life, fantasy and Bryn’s condition, which was seamlessly and imaginatively, incorporated into the story.

There were a couple of times when I thought that this book would develop into a slushy teen romance, but thankfully, this just managed not to turn into this and any kind of romance was maturely and sensitively handled.

I found the pace of this to be excellent. In no part of the book did I feel the story dragged and I really wanted to know what would happen to the characters.

I think that the ending was really good and it resolved enough to feel satisfied at the end, but it left enough for me to want to read the rest of the series.

I will definitely be reading the rest of this series at some point. I would recommend reading this book, whether you want to read something with a strong main character who has a Disability, or you enjoy a good Fantasy read.

My Rating ****
Twenty-One Truths About Love
Twenty-One Truths About Love
Matthew Dicks | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dan Mayrock is an obsessive list maker who has quit his job as a teacher and opened a bookstore. But now he's in financial trouble and afraid to tell his wife, Jill. Jill was previously married and Dan feels he can never quite live up to Jill's late husband. And then, Jill gets pregnant. Now Dan feels even more pressure to be the best he can be for Jill.

The shtick of this book is that it's told entirely in list form. No dialogue, no narrative, nothing. Just lists. It did wear a little thin at times, but it was an interesting way to learn about someone's life. You learn about Dan's finances, feelings, and amazingly, a lot about his past.

For me, what really got me about this book is that I just couldn't warm to Dan. I think most people find this book heartwarming and cute, but I found him--and it--annoying and whiny. He doesn't want to tell his wife about his financial problems with the store, so he concocts some ridiculous scheme to "help" the family instead. It was just too much for me. Man up, tell your wife, and take responsibility for your actions. I didn't find it cute, and if I was his wife, I would have kicked him to the curb.

It's a shame, because a lot of the book was filled with really funny and spot-on observations about life. I especially loved Dan's ruminations on teaching and meetings. They were incredibly true to life. There are a lot of humorous and touching moments in this book, but I could never really push past the fact that he was a spineless liar.

"'Let's start off with an icebreaker' are words no human being has ever wanted to hear."

Overall, I enjoyed pieces of this book, but found myself skimming others. I liked the idea of it, but could never warm to Dan and since the whole book was his lists and life, it was hard to enjoy without liking him. I need a book from the POV of his older Bingo buddy, Bill. Now he was a cool dude.
The Kiss (The Cotiere Chronicles #1)
The Kiss (The Cotiere Chronicles #1)
Michelle Bolanger | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was a bit wary when starting this book as I knew from the synopsis that there were three people involved and my immediate fear was a love triangle, which I'm really fed up with reading about! However, my fears were groundless as this book took a turn that I never saw coming and by this point, I was totally engrossed in the story.

Liesl, Baden and Koen all change and grow in this book, no stagnation for any of these characters! However, Liesl is the one who grows the most. She has been lied to and manipulated for most of her life but once the truth is given to her, she makes her stand in her own quiet way, showing a strength of will and character where you might have thought of weakness. I loved her! Baden and Koen are both fantastic characters and I loved both of them. One thing I will point out in particular though, and it's about Koen. He has asthma and I LOVED that. He was not an Alpha Male absolutely perfect in every way. Instead, he has a debilitating illness (that I also suffer with so my chest tightened every time I read about his suffering!) and STILL manages to be an Alpha Male absolutely perfect in every way! He is romantic, funny, caring, protective, and loving - everything a romantic like me needs to read about.

The plot was fantastic and was very smoothly written. There is enough depth to this to make it a fantastic book and, speaking as an English transplant in Germany, I loved reading the German sentences because I understood them without the translation. Trust me, this means that it is simple enough for anyone but the translation is there just in case.

Overall, this book swept me away. Well written, edited and with no grammatical mistakes that I found, I was lost within this book and certainly didn't want it to end. Absolutely brilliant and highly recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 26, 2015
The Treatment
The Treatment
C. L. Taylor | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm

<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo 13527235_f520_zps01bvcnj2.jpg"/></a>

The Treatment By C.L. Taylor was a decent enough read that I really quite enjoyed.
I also took into account when reading, that this was aimed at a much younger audience than myself, so I have been slightly lenient in my rating as I feel there were things I noticed that would probably go over the heads of this books intended demographic.
I would say this is a read my twelve and thirteen-year-old boys would really enjoy, Myself being a mum in my forties, well let's just say I enjoyed this, while not overtaxing my brain overmuch.
So The Treatment is about sixteen-year-old Drew Finch and her actions when her younger brother Mason gets expelled from yet another school and sent to Norton House, a residential reform academy.
so After being followed by the mysterious Dr Cobey and receiving a strange message about the treatment, her brother is receiving while residing at Norton House. Drew decides to investigate herself by getting herself admitted as a pupil.
So as I said this was an enjoyable read that does what it says on the tin.
There were no great surprises here, This was more, the underdog saves the day type of tale.
Drew herself, well I felt a bit sorry for her bullied by her ex-best friend (which there was no real explanation for)
Does one thing wrong and then gets shipped off to a reform academy, I know she needs to be for the story to work but jeez, her mum, hardly mother of the year actions are they.
Drew herself seems to be quite a resilient girl with a bit of a kick-ass attitude, more so maybe than I would expect from someone who's been bullied so relentlessly.
But anyway she seems a very likeable pragmatic type of girl.
She teams up inside Norton with her roommate Mouse and the two try to coordinate an escape while steering clear of there other roomy Jude.
Jude is every mean girl cliche you can think off, horrid just for the sake of it. Shes even worse when Lacey, Drew's arch nemesis turns up like a bad penny and the two join forces to torment Drew.
I did find both Jude and Lacey to be slightly one dimensional in their behaviour.
So anyway to cut a long story short Drew strives to save the day, while rescuing her friends and brother along the way.
This is done in true kick-butt style with only the one extra unsurprising twist along the way.
So the wrap up of "The Treatment" I felt was a little bit rushed, I would have liked to have seen things eked out and explored in a little more depth.
But besides that, this is a great addition to the Young Adult/teen genre-leaning more heavily towards the Teen age group.
So I would definitely recommend this to the younger generation, It is a fun action packed clean read, that is well written and is sure to catch imaginations.
thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for providing me with an Arc of "The Treatment" By C.L. Taylor this is my own honest unbiased opinion.

<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo cb2989776ebd90b183a9e563b27fb6a9--funny-reading-quotes-funny-book-quotes_zpse5d7bszz.jpg"/></a>

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm