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Say you Swear
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
24 of 235
Say you Swear
By Meagan Brandy

If she isn't mine in the end, I'll still be hers.
It's torture, but it's true...

My brothers best friend broke my heart, but what happens when his new teammate wants to put it back together?

For years, I've dreamt of what college life could bring and while some things changed, there was always one constant.
It didn't matter how wild I allowed my imagination to run, it always led me to the same place in the end.

It led me to him.
My future was clear, and he was it.

Until suddenly, he wasn't.

Now there's a new man in my life, one who isn't afraid to go after what he wants, and what he wants ... is me.

They say first loves last forever.
What about the second?

I don’t normally really enjoy the college romance books unless there is some sort of supernatural element. But this is definitely a book I think I needed to read it was just such a well written enjoyable read it’s definitely one I don’t regret picking up. The characters were likeable the story was decent. I’m an emotional reader to so this made me feel good while reading.
Dark Protector introduces an interesting new concept in the paranormal romance field. If there are other books that deal with something like a paladin and this sort of plot, I don't know about them and haven't ever come across anything similar.

Laurel and Devlin were nice characters but that was about it; there wasn't much depth to them or back story. I would have liked to know more about Devlin and how he came to be a paladin exactly (at least I don't think it was mentioned). I mean he was about three times Laurel's age, so he had to have lived some outside the paladin world. You don't just start fighting in diapers. What is the whole history of the paladins and how do they come back? Also, I'd love to know more about the Others, which I suspect is to come, but they sound so intriguing! Why do they cause chaos to the human world? Why are they on the other side? What are they like? Were they really humans long ago but were sent/punished/whatever to be on the other side?(My hypothesis) I hope Ms. Morgan answers these questions in the future!

I still can't help but feel that there was something missing (besides my before mentioned questions :P) - I'm not sure what it was, maybe because the whole book was an introduction to the paladins and the rest of the series, but I don't know. Or it could be the relationship itself, which wasn't quite believable - nice but not something I'll remember. Still, I will read more in the series, especially Trahern's and Cullen's books, and hope they progress nicely in the future.
3.5 stars

Excuse me if I've missed things mentioned in the actual book but I had started it a couple months ago, couldn't concentrate on reading at all, and just picked it back up yesterday.
Irish Meadows (Courage to Dream, #1)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Romance, drama and faith can be found on every page of Irish Meadows. Delve into the pages of this book and get lost on Long Island, 1911.

 In order to save his farm from complete ruin, James O'Leary pressures his family to do what they have to do in order to save their home. His daughters, Brianna and Coleen, have very different plans for their future however. Brianna wishes to further her education by attending college. And Coleen is content to marry, as long as the man in questions meets her standards. Gilbert Whelan, who has practically been adopted by the O'Learys, returns and Brianna begins to question her outlook on her future. While Rylan Montgomery, a distant cousin attending seminary, sends Coleen's heart on a wild ride. Will they live the life that James has dictated for them? Or will they have the courage to dream?

 Irish Meadows had me riding an emotional roller coaster from beginning to end. This book is packed with dramatic events that left me frustrated, yet I kept turning the page in hopes that everything would work out for the best. I am going to need a couple of days for my emotions to settle down. While reading this book, I was reminded of how crucial it is to keep in mind the effects our actions have on others. Are we acting with other people's best interest in mind? Or are we only concerned with furthering our own ambitions and goals? And most importantly, are we keeping God at the center of our decisions? I really enjoyed Susan's first historical novel. And I am looking forward to the second book A Worthy Heart coming 2016.

I received a free copy of Irish Meadows from Susan Anne Mason and Bethany House Publishers for promotional purposes. I was not required to post a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.