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Son (The Giver, #4)
Son (The Giver, #4)
Lois Lowry | 2012
8.4 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow, just wow.

Lois Lowry has weaved yet another wonderful story. This book takes the characters from "The Giver," "Gathering Blue, and "Messenger" and formed a truly amazing book. This novel offers the reader answers to many questions that have been left unanswered.

There were points during this book that dragged but all in all it was fantastic. I am pleasantly surprised with the novel. I never realized how much this series has meant to me until I reached the last 90 pages. I didn't want to read the rest because then the novel would be over.

All in all I highly recommend this book to anyone who has wondered what happened to Jonas and Gabe.

I might have to reread the whole series again.
A story of redemption, second chances and characters that weasel their way into your heart to stay, Ms. Alexander's What Hope Remembers is fantastically done. I instantly transported to Misty Willow(which, in my mind, wasn't hard to do since I live in Willow Spring!) and settle right in for the long haul of Amy and Gabe's story. I loved watching the story unfold and felt like I was among family.

Amy, Gabe and Aunt Tess are my favorites! I loved Gabe and Aunt Tess' characters the most! They really fit well in the story. Amy's character was also a great fit. I loved the way Ms. Alexander chiseled her and her flaws. Watching them come to terms with their past, present and their future really took my breath away, in a good way, of course! Gabe's not so perfect past really opened my heart to him. I can't imagine going through what he went through, and the mama bear in me wanted to wrap him up in a big old hug!

From start to finish, you'll be completely wrapped up and taken on a whirl wind ride of hope! It is the third book in the series, yet the first one I read. It's easily a stand alone novel and I highly recommend it, with 4 stars to all! It's a story of long ago loves, soul searching, learning to forgive yourself and trust in God. Great job, Ms. Alexander! Can't wait to read more of your books. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
The Proposition (Nights Series #6)
The Proposition (Nights Series #6)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
straight back up to 5 stars!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

We met Rhys and Wade in book 3, but I would say you don't need to read the other books before this one. You don't NEED to, but you'd get a better enjoyment of these if you did. And this is book 6, so get a-reading!

Wade and Rhys are partners in the firm that Gabe works for. They've know each other some 16 years. Rhys has lusted over and loved Wade for 12 of those years, and Wade has lusted over Rhys for just 12 months. 12 months ago, he caught Rhys pleasuring himself and calling out Wade's name when he did. So, 6 weeks. They have 6 weeks to get whatever *this* is, out their system. But will 6 weeks really be enough??

Did I mention that I made a new shelf for these books? No?? Oh, well I did, and I called it "fan yourself, it's a hot one!" Books one, two and three are sitting there, and now they are joined by book 6!

Because Rhys and Wade have blow your socks off chemistry! That much was obvious when we met them before but here? Once these guys admit they are doing this, this proposition, they are all in and I think they could probably give Cam and Gabe run for their money!

I loved that both men, separately of each other, came to the conclusion, very quickly, that 6 weeks would NEVER ever be enough. That it took a silly misunderstanding on Rhys' part for them to openly admit their feelings.

Loved that Gabe and Cam (books one and three) and Ethan and Joe (book two) take part here. Luke and Ash (books for and five) are mentioned, but don't appear.

These guys do say those three little words, but they also have another book planned, which is book 9, so I'd say they have their Happy For Now, rather than a Happy Ever After.

Who is book 7 and 8?? No idea, don't care, wanna read them regardless! A certain someone is a little hard done by here, and I'd love for him to have his own book.

After books one through three were five stars, we slipped a little with four and five, but whoosh! Just like that, we're back up to..

5 super sexy stars!!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Dark Prophecy: A Box Set
Dark Prophecy: A Box Set
Kris Norris | 2019 | Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dark Prophecy Box Set by Kris Norris
The Dark Prophecy Box Set contains the three stories of the Dark Prophecy series. In it, we meet Rafe, Gabe, Mathias, and Gideon. All vampires, all charged with keeping a talisman safe... once they find it. Rafe is the first one, and he finds his talisman around the neck of Terryn. He is followed by Gabe and Mathias, and finally Gideon. Now, as you can imagine, all stories are similar in some respects, and yet different in others - which is very good when you are reading a box set. Terryn, Riley, and Genevieve are the three sassy heroines who keep our boys in check. They know nothing about the paranormal world, until they find out about their necklaces.

These books were just what I needed, and came at exactly the right time. There was enough story there to keep me involved, and yet it never went into too much detail that I felt I was drowning. There is enough steam to fill a bathroom, with a big dollop of insta-love that somehow seems to work! There were no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, and the world-building was more than enough for these storylines. I am still left wanting more, which is such a good thing after reading three books back to back. I really hope to hear more from/about Sirus as he was a character that constantly intrigued me.

If you are looking for hot and steamy action, coupled with plenty of sass, and fighting the bad guys, then I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Fight for Me (Captivated, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fight For Me continues with Kat and Gabriel. They were given a choice of whether to move to a hybrid compound which they could never leave, or stay in the 'real' world where they would be constantly looking over their shoulders. Before they can make the decision for themselves, the choice is taken away from them with the knowledge that Liliana (Iris' sister) is now after them. It's not just them that go though, but Sarah, Dawson, Piper, and co. Things are certainly different in the compound and Kat has to face up to some things being different than what she is used to.

This book is more in one place that Captivate Me which just makes it more intense as the drama is concentrated into one space. Kat and Gabe have been through so much, and it hasn't ended yet as Dawson plants a seed of doubt in Kat's mind. Gabe doesn't help his situation by disappearing, although he doesn't actually know what Kat has been told. This just reinforces the notion that actions can be taken the wrong way, even if they are innocent, if trust is an issue and doubts have been raised.

I won't give anything away about anything else in the story, but suffice it to say, things are not as they seem. Full of drama and suspense, Fight For Me is a wonderful addition to the Captivated series. Extremely well-written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow, this was an amazing read and I can't wait to continue with this series.

* I received this book from Xpresso Book Tours in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Matching with Monsters (The Red Agency #1)
Matching with Monsters (The Red Agency #1)
Crystal Lynn | 2023 | Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
so close to 5 stars but I needed the guys too!
Independent reviewer for BookSirens, I was gifted my copy of this book.

One thing, and one thing alone stopped this book getting 5 stars. Well, maybe 2, but the second thing is just me being greedy, but I'm allowed, right??

So that thing? Single person point of view. Only Ari has a say, in the first person. Now, I always want to hear from everyone, but I think HERE, in this case, I am fully justified in wanting to hear from Magnus, the vampire; Gareth, the yeti; Gabe and Lucien, the gargoyles and Rivak, but I'm not telling you what he is, it takes time for the full reveal and you do need that suspense! But it was Rivak that I needed to hear from the most. When he tells of why he holds himself back, you understand but I needed to hear from HIM, you know?

There are other points that I need to make, but I don't think these affect my star rating. The rival clan thing was never fully explained. And I would have loved more about that way this clan of 5 came to be, their history.

It's clear that Ari's two friends, Cami and Lyssa, have a story with their own clan. I hope I get to read them!

So, the other thing that's just me being greedy?? It's very much Ari and HER mates. I would have loved that they were ALL mates, you know?? Obviously, not Gabe and Lucien, since they are twins, but I would have loved some contact between the monsters as well as Ari, you know?? Greedy, like I said!

4 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Ruin (Ruin, #1)
Ruin (Ruin, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Weston Michels, I fell for you within the first couple of pages of meeting you! I think it was the fact you called her "freakin' beautiful.". You were such a nice guy, how could anyone not fall for you?!?!

Then comes the fact that we know there's something wrong with you and it takes almost half the book to find out what...I think I began to cry then :'( and continued to do so throughout when you do your damnedest to not fall for her or let her fall for you but I think it's fair to say that is almost impossible to do!

I really liked Gabe too, he came across as a bit of an arse to start with but by the end, he was making me cry too, he's actually a very sweet guy and I hope he gets a book!

Necole (36 KP) rated The Good Girl in Books

Aug 12, 2018 (Updated Aug 12, 2018)  
The Good Girl
The Good Girl
Mary Kubica | 2015 | Thriller
7.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was really excited about reading this book. I have not read any books by Mary Kubica before so I wanted to start with her first published book. I love psychothriller and mystery books so the synopsis on the back of the book intrigued me.
Mia is kidnapped and held for ransom, however the it did not go as planned. Colin changed the plans and as the story unfolds, you get a better understanding of why. Mia is a daughter of a powerful judge and a stay at home mom. She is a teacher in an underprivileged high school and lives a life different from her rich upbringing and opposite of her older sister. As the story unfolds it is told in the perspectives of Mia's mom Eve, Gabe (the detective on the case) and Colin (the kidnapper) in a format of before Mia was found and after Mia was found. I actually really liked this writing style and found it kept me more intrigued in the story.
I kept reading and not wanting to put it down to see how each of the characters were involved, how these characters developed from the beginning to the end, how things were going to play out and how the few story lines would end and tie in together.
At the beginning of the book all the male characters seemed very machoistic, dominant and arrogant, but as the story unfolded you got a softer side of Colin and Gabe which helped the story develop into different plots and made you feel more compelled to them unlike in the beginning. Even feeling sorry for the kidnapper Colin at the end for reasons you will have to read the book to understand.
I gave this book 4 stars because I felt the ending could have been better, I wasn't as shocked as I thought I would be, and it felt a little rushed.
All in all is what a good book I would recommend and I will definitely read more of Mary Kubica.
please heed trigger warnings!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This box charity anthology comes with a warning of triggers and dark subjects. I strongly suggest you heed them. I have no such triggers, but these books are truly dark and deadly and most I was unable to read. I apologise for that, but they are just the wrong side of dark for me.

I did read and finish 2 of them though, and one I enjoyed immensely and the other was. . different. . .still on the very edge of my limits but I did finish it.

Slay Ride, by Davidson King.

Mason is saved from an attack but his saviours are not all they appear to be. Gabe and his brothers have rather ambiguous morals, but when you find out WHY they have these morals, you get it, totally. And when Gabe and Mason really talk, about their past, and things are revealed, it makes you go. .OH!!

And then. . . we are left hanging! Because this ends on a cliff hanger and I need some closure for these two, for ALL the brothers, so I hope this short story spawns a series.

4 stars for Slay Ride.

The other book I finished, was Little Tree, by Taylor J Gray.

Now, this one pushed my limits, right to the end.

It carries a lot of pain for Mattie but he IS a pleaser and he wants to please Kellan. HOW he does that, really surprised me, and the end surprised me too! I would have loved to hear from Mattie cos only Kellan gets a voice but I might not have liked to hear what he had to say, when he was all trussed up.

This also ends on a bit of a cliff hanger and I really want to, but not sure I can, read more of this couple.

I gave this story 3 stars, because I wanted Mattie.

Overall, because I only finished 2 stories, but started them all, I will give this set 3 stars. It really does push boundaries, and if you can read them, please do. I'm sorry I couldn't.

3 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Gork, the Teenage Dragon
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hilarious, cute (at least to me) adventure in finding love with the young Gork. The authors take on dragons is wholly original. These aren't your typical dragons, either as destructive creatures hording treasure and demanding maidens and being slain by knights or as respected creatures of magic and wisdom. Gork and his dragons are a very interesting alien species that have the characteristics of typical dragons with their wings and tails and scales and claws and breathing fire and just plain fierceness but with an intelligence similar to humans, a more militarized society, and a huge love of poetry. Have I mentioned it's hilarious? yes? well that's cause it is lol. My only problem, and it's not much of one, was the repetition of things like "scaly green ass," the first few times it added to the humor but after that it got a little annoying. Gabe Hudson has clearly shown his talent and I'm interested to see what he does in his (hopefully very long) career.
**Thanks to the publisher for inviting me to review the ARC!**