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An Unrivaled Off Season (Hockey Ever After #3.5)
An Unrivaled Off Season (Hockey Ever After #3.5)
Morgan James, Ashlyn Kane | 2024 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
perfect for these two!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3.5 in the Hockey Ever After series, and you MUST read book 3, Unrivaled, before you read this one. This is a continuation of Max and Grady's story. The other books are not necessary though, but they are all 4 and 5 star reads.

What this is, is an immediate pick up from Unrivaled and the summer that Max and Grady spent at Max's home in New Bruinswick. (I have no clue where that is, in relation to Florida or California, but I know its north and colder that those two places!)

Both men are wanting to ask THE QUESTION, but neither man can figure out how best to do it and what follows is a wonderful 100 odd pages of them getting up the courage and spitting the darn question out. But things keep happening and the question comes, finally, at the most perfect time!

These guys love each other, and they make no bones about it! I loved that the smexy times is again fade to grey, maybe even to black, but hey! I don't care! Yes I usually like the smexier times, but I'm big enough and ugly enough to admit that it's not always necessary and these guys do fade to grey perfectly!

I loved the way these two integrated into each others lives, homes, and hearts. They are quite devious in gettting what they want, and I loved that neither one really realsied what the other was doing!

It's got laugh out loud moments (or in my case, a croak cos I have a raging sore throat!) It's got so much love. It's got guys from book 1, Gabe and Dante, playing a huge part. It's got some emotional bits, mostly when Max and Grady are having the internal conversations with themselves about asking the question, but it's not heavy. It's a lighthearted read and it was the perfect way to spend a lazy Sunday morning.

I don't ususally give such short reads 5 stars, since I almost ALWAY want more, but this one??

5 full and shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Blackbird Season
The Blackbird Season
Kate Moretti | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's just another day in Mount Oanoke, Pennsylvania when the birds start to fall. Hundreds of dead starlings, dropping from the sky during a baseball game. It seems like the birds started it all, but really the secrets and lies began much earlier. Nate Winters, high school teacher and baseball coach, is beloved in the town. That is, until a reporter, in town to cover the birds, catches Nate hugging a student at a local motel. Suddenly, the birds are forgotten, and the story becomes much juicier: Nate; his student, Lucia; and their supposed affair. Lucia fuels the fire by affirming the affair and suddenly Nate and his wife, Alecia, are swept up in the story. The only who believes in Nate's innocence, even a sliver, is his friend and co-worker, Bridget. As Lucia's creative writing teacher, she has unique insight into the girl's mind. But when Lucia suddenly goes missing--with Nate as the prime suspect in her disappearance--not even Bridget may be able to save Nate. But is there more to Lucia's disappearance than an affair with her teacher?

<i>Wow, I was really impressed by this novel. It's a complicated novel that is just as much a character-driven study as it is a mystery.</i> It's incredibly well-written, and Moretti expertly embodies the voice of each of her characters, from beleaguered Alecia, who is worn down from mothering her autistic son, Gabe; to the cast of teenager characters; to Bridget, who lost her husband to cancer a year ago. It's <i>so well-done</i> that often with each chapter (which skip from various points of view -- Bridget, Kate, Lucia, Nate, etc.), I found my myself veering between whom I preferred or believed, constantly second-guessing my allegiances or what happened. This is very rare for me: typically I find my "person" in a novel and stick with them, no matter what.

But here, I was confused, wondering. Was Nate really a cad, who cheated on his wife every second he got, or was he the sweet, affable teacher and baseball coach that the whole town admired and adored? And Alecia--was she more than just a weary mom, broken down by years of staying at home with her autistic son, Gabe, unable to give to anyone beyond him? Did she push Nate away, into the arms of others? Or was the truth more complicated that all of this? I have to hand it to Moretti--she was excellent at creating confusion and doubt. In addition to different perspectives, the novel shifts in time (before the birds fell, after the birds fell, before Lucia disappeared, etc.). It's a little tough to keep track of, but it also keeps you on your toes and always wondering, as you piece various parts of the puzzle together.

For me--even more than the mystery of what exactly happened with Lucia--<i>the strength of this novel was the writing and the characters.</i> I felt for them, even when I was frustrated with them. Moretti captures the angst and meanness of high school extremely well, portraying the cliques of a small town quite superbly. (I was reminded of <a href="">WHEN WE WERE WORTHY</a>, which I just finished.) I loved the juxtaposition of this being a small town, so the idea is that everyone knows everyone and everything, and yet there are so many secrets, so much unknown. Being a witness to Alecia and Nate's marriage is amazing-- you see firsthand how the events affect them and how they've reached this point. <i>It's an incredibly realistic portrayal of marriage and of motherhood.</i>

As you probably tell, I just really liked this novel. It's very well-written, with quite compelling characters. I worked out some of the plot, but it didn't stop me from reading at all. I think some of the emphasis on character development slows the story at places, but not in any detrimental way. This one will make you think, as well as intrigue you with what happened to Lucia. Quite worth the read. 4+ stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review; it is available everywhere as of 09/26/2017.

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You Were Always Mine
You Were Always Mine
Nicole Baart | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Enjoyable book with a twisty plot and realistic, relatable characters
Jessica Chamberlain and her husband, Evan, have been separated for months, so she's quite surprised when she gets a call from the police regarding him. Even more shocking is that the police believe Evan to be dead--his body found on a hunting ground in another state. As Jessica attempts to figure out what happened, she must also try to mother her two boys, thirteen-year-old Max and six-year-old Gabe, who is adopted. Jess can't believe Evan is dead, however, and the more she digs, the more she starts to wonder if it was truly a hunting accident. She's sure her house was broken into, for instance, and she feels like Evan was investigating something in the months before his death. Soon, she wonders if that had something to do with Gabe's adoptive mother--someone with whom Jess vowed never to be involved. What really happened to Evan? And are the rest of the Chamberlains safe?

It's always exciting to request an ARC on a whim and have it be enjoyable. I've never read anything by Nicole Baart before, but I will certainly be picking up some of her past books. This novel was a little outlandish and unbelievable at times, but it was just so compelling and readable. It was exactly what I needed at the moment.

Jess was a very relatable character: as a mother too, I felt quite connected to her. Baart put in a lot of little details that made her feel real, not a cardboard cutout parent that you so often see. She did a great job at capturing parenthood in all its ups and downs. I found myself very attached to Jessica's two boys, as well. They went through a lot in the book, and you found yourself rooting for the entire family unit.

The plot itself--while a bit of a soap opera sometimes--was really quite fascinating. I couldn't put this one down, even during a crazy time at work. The writing was crisp and the novel just flowed so easily. I was actually really surprised by the twists and turns (it's always so fun when that happens) and certainly along for the ride with Jess and her clan.

Overall, this was just a really enjoyable book with an interesting, twisty plot and realistic, relatable characters. It was a pleasant surprise, and I'll definitely be reading more from this author.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
The Light We Lost
The Light We Lost
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
^ This is totally not what I was expecting. Maybe I thought it would a love story based around how a couple met at the time 9/11 happened. Yes. It is. But staying together and having a happy ever after? Hmm. Nope. You don’t get that, and this becomes very clear from the onset. In fact, the very way this has been written in a past tense, makes that awfully clear the protagonist is telling us something that has already happened. This in itself made for a tantalising read. The story could have gone anywhere. Not knowing what would happen between them, when at times their lives were so different and far apart, is probably why I enjoyed this more than I thought I would.

^^ This story revolves around two lost souls, Lucy and Gabriel (Gabe) Samson who first meet during the Twin Towers terror attacks, and watch the horror unfold right in front of their eyes. Did fate bring these two together for a reason?

^^ Throughout the book we follow their relationship and learn how that first meeting on that fateful day effected them for the rest of their lives. Imagine being witness to something so horrifying. Surely it would affect you. Perhaps you’d want to live your life as if every day is your last, or you’ll go the other way and blame yourself for not being able to do anything to help. Even when you couldn’t have at the time. Survivors guilt, I think they call it.

^ These are the sort of issues, this couple face. You know they should be together, but they both need different things, so their lives are never as simple as you think they’re going to be.

^ I enjoyed how the author allowed this couple to search for what they wanted out of life, but they never truly forgot, or even stopped loving each other. Whenever they did meet, well, it was never the right time. Yet something in the universe, a powerful source, kept drawing them back into each other’s paths. Even when they’d both long gone their separate ways. Is it destiny? Or chance?

Overall: Well, who’d of thought the first book of the year would reduce me to tears? I kind of saw the ending coming, but when I reached those last few pages I found it much more emotional than expected. Jill Santopolo poses an elegant narrative around two people looking in very different places for that one elusive answer: What if?
Hard To Let Go (Haven&#039;s Cove #1)
Hard To Let Go (Haven's Cove #1)
Jaclyn Quinn | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jumping straight in, cos this is gonna be hard to write, so bare with me, okay??

Freaking LOVED this book! And if THIS class of writing is what a first time author can produce, I so very much want to be on the end of the next book!

Because, let me tell ya, there I was, merrily plodding along, reading away, thinking 4 stars, balancing across between 4 and 5, back to 4. Great book, extremely well written from both Owen and Brody's point of view.
Some sexy parts, some emotional parts, even a few funny ones, with Owen's female family members. A good book, just not quite hitting THAT spot yet, you know??

And then it hits, FULL in the face, just why Brody is back in town. I mean, I READ why he was there, I KNEW why he was there, but for some reason it didn't really sink in, you know?? Am I making sense?? Probably not, but I read the words, and then shit got real. And I was faced with a sledgehammer upside the head and I sobbed my bloody socks off. Because I've been there, where Brody was, that dark place, waiting, waiting. You know what's coming, there ain't nothing you can do to stop that freight train, but Lord you wish you could. Just one more day, one more hug. Just one MORE, you know? And its been 11 years, ELEVEN years since I had to sit through that and still, here I am, sobbing while writing this.

I've read two, very different, emotionally heavy books that connected to me on a very personal level. I had two very fluffy romance books before them, and stoopid me wrote the fluffy reviews before tackling these two heavier ones. So I've spent most of this afternoon in tears!

So, when you've read a book that you CANNOT fault, a book that grabs your heart, chews it up, and spits it out again, a book that does that to its characters too. A book that is FLAWLESS in its delivery, its flow. A book that lays out, very nicely, thank you very much, a view of the second book: a window into what's to come, and please Lord let me get the chance to read it, because Gabe and Nate have a story to tell that I really wanna read.

A book such as that can only get.....

5 full stars! Outstanding debut novel from Ms Quinn!
The Lightning Thief
The Lightning Thief
Rick Riordan | 2005 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (100 Ratings)
Book Rating
This one has been on my ‘to-read’ list for a couple of years now, since the film came out and I saw how much enthusiasm my teenage American cousins showed for the books. I must say, I enjoyed it and I’ll be reading further in the series.

It’s probably for the best that Percy finds out about everything at the same time as the reader – I only know the basics of Greek mythology, and it kept me reading to find out why Percy (or Perseus, to use his full name) was coming so much under attack. I should probably mention that when I’m reading books on my Kindle, I have usually downloaded a lot of books at once, and then don’t bother re-reading the blurb before I start the book. It’s well paced, with a lot of action making it a book I got through quickly, although I also think it would have worked well slowed down a little.

I must say, I was struggling a little to talk about this book. While it is good, I think the characterisation could be worked on just a weeny bit more. Throughout, Percy refers to people as either friends or bullies, and, whilst he is immersed in camp and the reader is ‘just’ reading, I don’t think I was told quite enough about characters like Clarisse and Luke for them to have much of an impact in terms of how I should feel about them for Percy’s sake. Then, though I really liked that nothing romantic was introduced between 12 year-olds Percy and Annabeth, and I also liked her feistiness, I wasn’t all the way there in rooting for Annabeth either. I could even have hated Smelly Gabe (Percy’s detested stepfather) more. This may just be me, or possibly because I’ve just read The Hunger Games, which I find has so far beaten off competitors fairly well! Saying that though, I reckon this will get a lot better in the following Percy Jackson books.

I thought it was a great idea to use Greek mythology, and it was a great part of the plot to see gods using the trio as pawns to get their own way and/or create havoc. I loved the sub-plot about Medusa, and often wondered how Percy was going to get out of certain situations. I’ve just read a great <a href="">review</a>; that links the similarities of The Lightning Thief to Harry Potter, particularly the first book. They are definitely big similarities, and as the review author puts it, The Lightning Thief is like methadone when trying to come off Harry Potter. I thought that was an awesome way to put it, and probably accurate – Percy Jackson is a watered down version of Harry Potter!
Almost Midnight
Almost Midnight
Rainbow Rowell, Simini Blocker | 2017 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rainbow Rowell ! (3 more)
Amazing Pictures by Blocker
Almost Midnight is a short, cute story of how two people came to meet to become best friends and then become a couple all due to it being almost midnight at a New Year’s party in 2011.

In a way you are left to wonder if Mags, a possible shy girl, had not checked out in 2011 to hide outside to eat the snacks to avoid everyone would she have ever spoke to Noel, a more outgoing type? Would they have ever spoken to one another beyond that moment? And if they had not attended the parties each year would their bond be the same, even if they were well enough friends with everyone else there? Well, Noel was. Before Noel, Mags only knew Alicia.

Then Mags had to spend a year without everyone, without Noel. Everyone else left to go to college somewhere else. Mags stayed, not because she was not able to leave, but she had a local school for free and it would've been crazy not to take that offer.

She's spoken to no one and everyone has changed.

Well, she texts Noel always. They stay in contact even if it wasn't like before, but she still has him, so she has one person still even while everyone else has grown a part.

It's noticeable, too, when they all come for the New Year's party of 2015.

But maybe that's a good thing.

In a few pages we’re able to see how a friendship grew into a budding romance. Yes, I want more because I adore Rowell’s writing style. I need more about Mags and Noel. I need to know they are happy. I want to know the little tidbits of their lives because it is learned they do EVERYTHING together. So, it is without much else I loved Almost Midnight.

- - - - -

Elena has been a fan of Star Wars for as long as she can remember. It’s been part of her whole life because of her father. Now after being unable to experience any other event to the series, she is going to wait in line for the newest movies hoping to meet other fans that are stoked for the new movies Disney is putting out. However it isn’t what she hoped and somehow becomes more.

It may have been a short story, but Rowell was able to put some of her charm into tale. It may not have been packed like her actual novels, but it is nothing short of her normal work. Yes, I certainly need more of Elena and Gabe and of the overall story. However it doesn’t mean five stars wasn’t earned. There were such small pieces that added to the appeal of this story. I know many complained, but I thought it was perfectly fine as it was. It isn’t like we aren’t left wanting more anyway.
Undisclosed (Nights Series #7)
Undisclosed (Nights Series #7)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
And Sparks Fly!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

When informed she does not own the land her most lucrative club, Le Secret, sits on, Eveline makes a deal with the devil to escort Lincoln while he is in Tokyo. But Lincoln affects Eveline in ways she never knew were possible and quickly finds herself head over heels in lust. Then that email comes, and Eveline runs and Lincoln race to undo the damage he may have caused: to Eveline, and to his heart.

SO!! This is book 7 in the Nights Series, but you don't need to have read books one through six first. You don't NEED to. But personally, I would recommend that you do. Cos, you know, they are rather awesome! BUT you should know that the other 6 books are all male/male pairings and this is a male/female pairing. I'm not picky, but I know some readers prefer to stick to one or the other.

I think Eveline pops up on most of the others books, and I'm so glad she gets her own story! Didn't expect her to, since the others are all gay erotica, but so pleased!

Eveline is a own boss, and although she will *sometimes* escort, she is extremely selective in her bed partners. When she discovers that the previous owners of the land her club sits on swindled her, she storms off to Lincoln's office to demand he sell it to her.


I talking Bonfire Night, Fourth of July and New Years Eve all condensed into Lincoln's office and I expected the pair of them to spontaneously combust! I mean, I'm sitting there, eating my lunch, and the office scene pops up. And I'm like WHOA!!! This is gonna be hot Hot HOT!!!

And I was not disappointed. Not for the heat level, and for how quickly they both came to the realization that they need each other.

What I AM slightly disappointed about (but it doesn't effect my star rating, I just need to mention it!) was that while there was a scene in Eveline's "special" room at the club, it was tame. And I wanted them to return to the room at some point and for Lincoln to show Eveline the other end of the whip that she usually wields. That would have been the icing on the very hot cake! Maybe they will get another book, and the return visit will be in there, who knows!

Cam and Gabe; Ethan and Joe; and Wade and Rhys all pop up here, if only for a little bit, but it was nice that they did.

So, landing itself firmly on the "fan yourself, its a hot one" shelf I made just for these books...

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Us (2019)
Us (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Lupita N'Yongo's performance was phenomenal, scary yet still had it's funny parts, awesome cinematography, lots of clues and hidden meaning to things if you look (0 more)
Suffers from plot holes, and was a little predictable (0 more)
Damn Good Horror Film - 9/10
Us is a 2019 horror movie written, directed, and co-produced by Jordan Peele. It was also produced by Jason Blum, Ian Cooper, and Sean McKittrick; through Monkeypaw Productions and distributed by Universal. It stars Lupita Nyong'o, Winston Duke, Shahadi Wright Joseph, and Evan Alex.

In 1986, on vacation with her parents in Santa Cruz, one night Adelaide Thomas (Madison Curry) wanders off while at the boardwalk on the beach. Only a young girl at the time she enters a scary looking funhouse where she gets lost in the hall of mirrors. Panicking, afraid and looking for the exit, she encounters a doppelganger of herself, leaving her traumatized and unable to speak when she is reunited with her parents. Now an adult, Adelaide (Lupita Nyong'o) reluctantly heads with her family: husband Gabe Wilson (Winston Duke), daughter Zora Wilson (Shahadi Wright Joseph), and son Jason Wilson (Evan Alex) to their beach house in Santa Cruz. Adelaide is very apprehensive about the trip, remembering the traumatic incident from her youth, and becomes very discontent. Even during the day while meeting up with friends at the beach, she becomes very erratic for a moment when she cannot find her son who walked a way to use the restroom. She becomes increasingly concerned something bad is going to happen. Later that evening, back at the beach house, she confides in her husband the details of her childhood trauma, which he laughs off until four masked people storm the house forcing them to fight for their survival.

I cannot say how much I enjoyed this movie. It was an awesome horror movie. Jordan Peele knocked it out of the park with this film. It was masterfully done. I like how you can see a lot of the influences from other films yet it was still very original. This movie had me at the edge of my seat gripping the armrests of my chair with a lot of its scarier scenes. Yet it was still funny in a lot of parts. I thought the acting was great especially for so many actors playing duo roles, even the children. The cinematography was very good too with a lot of visuals that will stay with you and hidden meanings to things you will probably only notice or realize on your 2nd or 3rd viewing. I personally can't wait to watch it again. Another critic summed it up better than I ever could "originality in concept, physiological torment+twists, old-world suspense building, and one of the best scorings in modern Horror history"-(Cinema Lovers Club Gmail). I really loved the soundtrack and music in this movie. I give it a 9/10.
Noelle (2019)
Noelle (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Family, Fantasy
It's been 84 years...okay, only a year, but Disney+ really screwed us over on that one in the UK.

Noelle and Nick have grown up in the wonderful world of Christmas. Nick is destined to take his father's place, but when that time comes the magic doesn't, and he decides to take a break the week before Christmas to relax... and doesn't come back. Noelle must venture out into the real world to rescue Nick, and Christmas.

I had managed to zone out on the film before seeing it, I was basically sold on the idea of a Christmas film starring Anna Kendrick that was written and directed by Marc Lawrence... I genuinely didn't need to hear anything else, and so didn't bother with anything extra before I pressed play.

To say I was shocked at the beginning is an understatement, but I can understand why this particular piece of information wasn't in the descriptions... though the blatant lie in the synopsis above seems a little off. I doubt me revealing the actual shocking moment could constitute a spoiler as in hindsight it's pretty obvious, but I'm going to leave it at that vagueness just incase... sorry!

Noelle is easy to predict, but as traditional Christmas fodder I don't think that's really an issue. Its predictability allows you to sit back and relax while you watch it.

I did enjoy the story, and Anna Kendrick does a wonderful job of the naivety in Noelle as she explores the city. She gives the film an amusing lightness with some genuine moments that add some emotion into the proceedings.

Shirley MacLaine as Polly works well in her role as a sidekick and the humour at the beginning particularly amused me. There was definitely something in her that I could identify with.

I sadly wasn't really wowed with much of the ensemble. Maceo Smedley as Alex made a great job of his role and the relationship he had with his father, the script seemed to work nicely with to highlight his kind nature and personality... but other performances were... fine... and helped to move everything along. The characters were much the same, though Gabe Kringle seemed to be missing something to give him that little extra, even with the "nerdiness" factor that they could have worked with he didn't hit the spot.

Early on I was really worried about the effect that were used, Snowcone looked a little ropey, thankfully, although it didn't get any better, the adorableness made up for it in spades.

I really did enjoy the feeling I got from this film, Kendrick's spirit was rather infectious and her humour, intentional or not, brought a smile to my face. At just 1 hour 40 this is well worth your time to watch. While there might be room for improvement I think it's exactly the sort of film that's needed at Christmas, and especially this year.

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