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Revenge of the Green Dragons (2014)
Revenge of the Green Dragons (2014)
2014 | Mystery
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Revenge of the Green Dragons starts as we follow the two young boys that immigrated from China to America and New York City, in a neighbourhood that is run by the Chinese gang known as the Green Dragons.

Recruited at a young age Sonny (Chon) and Steven (Wu) have grown up as part of the Green Dragons under the leadership of Paul (Shum Jr) a businessman that uses the gang to get what he wants. We get to see how the two rise through the ranks in the Green Dragons that even grabs the attention of the FBI.


Thoughts on Revenge of the Green Dragons


Characters – Sonny is the quieter of the two friends that gets taken in by the gang, he is the one that would like a life outside the gang which isn’t as easy as it seems, even when he falls in love. Steven was built for the gang, even after he gets seriously injured in the battle between the gangs, he becomes the one that won’t hesitant to pull the trigger. Paul is the leader of the Green Dragons, a businessman on the outside, that uses his intelligence to make sure he can stay ahead of the game in the gang battle.

Performances – The performances in this movie are fine, nothing is great or bad, we get to see the different ranges of emotions that the two friends must face during their decisions. We don’t have any of the performances that stand out though.

Story – The story follows the gangster storylines we have seen before, two young men or in this case boys get recruited to a rising gang to become big players in their gang in a war against another gang, until they step out of line. This time we follow Chinese immigrants in New York and it shows how they would never hold back on anybody of any age or gender. This does give us a brutality in the story, but in the end it is just more of the same.

Action/Crime – The action is just gun battles and brutality to the people who get in the way of the crimes being committed by the Green Dragons, as we see how they try to stay off the radar while conducting their business

Settings – New York will always be a great choice for settings for crime movies, this is unlike any other showing us how gangs had neighbourhoods and always want more.

Scene of the Movie – Put the gun down, it brings a clever kill.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It offered nothing new to the genre.

Final Thoughts – This is a by the book crime movie, it shows the rise of two in a gang and just where they would go onto be in the gang, but otherwise gives us nothing we haven’t seen before.


Overall: Been Here Seen This.

Mothergamer (1536 KP) rated the PC version of Assassin's Creed: Origins in Video Games

Apr 3, 2019  
Assassin's Creed: Origins
Assassin's Creed: Origins
2017 | Action/Adventure
I have been excited about Assassin's Creed Origins since I first heard about it so when I got my copy I began playing right away. The opening for the game is intense and introduces you to Bayek of Siwa, a Medjay (essentially a protector for the people of Egypt sanctioned by the Pharoh) and a bit later his wife Aya. The story starts with a sad event, but it clearly explains in that moment why and how the Brotherhood of Assassins were created. Playing as Bayek, there is an initial tutorial for what the game controls are and they're pretty great. The controls seem more streamlined to the point where my biggest complaint of getting stuck on things during parkour runs and jumps did not happen at all. It was a very welcome change.

Bayek of Siwa.

 I did get the season pass and this is truly worth it because you get access to some great weapons, gear, and mounts. Having the season pass will also give you access to the two DLC chapters, The Hidden Ones and The Curse Of The Pharohs on their release dates. If you're part of the Ubisoft Club, you also get some cool rewards ranging from crafting materials to legendary weapons. This also includes the Altair and Ezio outfits. You can also earn a lot of the weapons and gear from doing side quests and daily quests.

Some of the rewards you get with Ubisoft Club.

Ancient Egypt is huge. This is truly an open world game and it is definitely in your interests to explore everything because there are a lot of interesting things to see and do. I took a long time getting to the main story because I was having fun just exploring and doing all the side quests. There are a ton of side quests which give you the needed experience points and give rewards ranging from weapons to mounts. It is a grind to a soft level cap of 40, but because the game is fun to play I never really noticed and I got to level 40 fairly quickly.

One of many great views in the game.

One of my favorite things in the game was the symbiotic relationship Bayek had with his eagle, Senu. When doing missions where you needed to locate a target you could call Senu and with the ability of eagle vision have Senu search the area and seeing the world from her perspective until you find the target. This was a very useful thing to have especially when scouting enemy forts so I could see how many people there actually were.

Senu scouting an area.

The skill tree for Bayek is easy to navigate and there are three sections to unlock skills; Hunter, Warrior, and Seer. Even after you hit the level cap you can still build up these skills as the experience points then go into the meter and when maxed each time, it rewards you with ability points which can be used to unlock skills. Bow Bearer is incredibly useful for the Hunter because it allows you to carry a bow for stealth and one for melee battles. Chain assassination is also useful because it can get you out of a sticky situation.

The skill map is easy to navigate.

You do get to play as Aya for some missions and it is fun to play as her because there are some ship battles with her as well. The ship battles controls are well done and I wish there had been a few more of them because they were exciting and I enjoyed them. I also wish there were more missions with Aya because she was a smart and brave woman and she was just as interesting a character as Bayek. There is normal sailing also and this helps with getting to other areas or finding a spot where treasure is hidden. You can dive into the water and find those treasures as well as other secrets like tunnels leading into hidden temples.

Sailing in the game is great fun.

The main story is excellent. I really liked Bayek and Aya because they were such interesting characters. I felt sad for their pain and a sense of vindication for them when they accomplished their goal. There are of course real historical people in the game like Cleopatra and they are involved in the story. I did feel the main story was a bit short, but I still enjoyed it a great deal. It answered a lot of the big questions such as how the Brotherhood was started and also gave hints about some of the assassins that followed after Bayek and Aya.

Once you're done with the main game, there are still things you can do. There are mini game events like chariot races at the Hippodrome or gladiator fights at the Cyrene Arena. Both are fun to do and give you a break from the main story and side quests in the game. The chariot controls do have a bit of a learning curve, but once you get the hang of them it's a breeze. The gladiator fights have three rounds and then you unlock an elite mode which is just one challenging boss fight with the champion of each of those rounds. You can also compete with your friends for the best score.

Racing at the Hippodrome.

There are daily quests as well which you get from an NPC named Reda. The quests range from rescuing people to recovering stolen merchandise. When these are done, you get a reward from Reda usually a rare or legendary weapon. Sometimes you get a rare mount which comes in handy. You can take photos and share them with the photo share feature. This is a cool thing where you can use the controls to take a photo and share it with other players in the game. You can also avenge other players. If you find a fellow assassin that has been killed, it gives you a quest to find the perpetrators and you can exact revenge on them.

There is also the event Trial Of The Gods. Currently you can fight Anubis, the god of the dead. You should be level 40 for this fight because it's difficult otherwise. This is a great battle and once you defeat Anubis you get rewarded with a spiffy item. If you missed it, don't worry. There will be another chance to fight him and you will be able to fight other gods later on.

Battling the god Anubis.

Assassin's Creed Origins is an amazing adventure. The story is excellent, the side quests are fun, and there are so many beautiful things to see in this game. There is so much wonderful variety in the people, the voice acting, and the music. It is a joy to play and even after you're finished, there's still a lot of things you can do. I loved the game and and I can't wait to play more.
Game Of Thrones  - Season 6
Game Of Thrones - Season 6
2016 | Sci-Fi
Hold the Goddam Door
Contains spoilers, click to show
Season 6 of Game of thrones is another incredible display of television spinning so many plates.

The season kick starts with the immediate fallout of Jon Snows death at the end of season 5. As many predicted, it doesn't take long for his death to be reversed, thanks to Melisandre, freeing Jon of his duty to the Nights Watch, as he marches off to free Winterfell from the clutches of Ramsay Bolton.

Talking of Ramsay, he continues to show how much of a wretch he truly is (his worst point would be feeding his own infant brother to rabid dogs.)

In King's Landing, the High Sparrow continues to manipulate the crown, and makes them seem powerless whilst doing so, as fanatic religion takes hold of the capital.

Danaerys is still just being Danaerys. The writers continue to subtly hint at her being similar to her mad father before her, and I usually love the slow burn of Game of Thrones, but her story still continues to sort of plod along.

Another storyline that became a bit tiresome this season was Arya training in Bravos. When I look back on GoT, that storyline seems to stick out as the one I found most trying, even if it did result in the much awaited death of Merryn Trant.

Beyond the wall, Bran is still firmly stuck in a tree, but we see some great glimpses into the past history of Westeros in the process - the Tower of Joy scene being a highlight. This infamously leads to the 'Hold the Door' which pretty much tore everyone's hearts in two :(

It's all just very good, and the season ends on a double whammy of two of the best episodes this show ever produced.
Firstly, the Battle of the Bastards is incredible, and surpasses many Hollywood movies in terms of on screen battles. It's a fantastic hour of television (Justice for Rikkon)

And then the last episode - just wow. The opening 15 minutes holds little dialogue, and an incredible piece of score (Ramin Djawadi take a bow), as Cersei ruthlessly and quickly takes her revenge on many who have wrong her, in one fell swoop, killing off a good handful of characters in seconds - GoT was never a show to do things by halves.

The season ends with Cersei as queen, and Danaerys (finally!) crossing the sea to Westeros.

It's all really thrilling and top tier TV.
Saw: The Final Chapter (2010)
Saw: The Final Chapter (2010)
2010 | Horror
6.1 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is it, the Final Saw film (it's not), It even says it in the title, Saw: The Final Chapter (but it's really not.)
After escaping the reverse bear trap placed on him by Jill in the previous film, Detective Hoffman is out for revenge, whilst also running another game or two (Where does he find the time?)
I think this may be the most outrageous Saw film yet, Jill is having nightmares about being ripped apart, there is a Jigsaw survivor group and Hoffman goes over the top with the traps and then decides it's easier to just go on a killing spree. Honestly if he'd decided to do that two films ago we could have saved ourselves a lot of time.
As usual, the traps are interesting and gory with three 'games' played this time (maybe four or even five, depending on what you class as a game) although I'm not sure about the machine gun.
There isn't the backstory in the same way as the other films, not until the end of the film anyway as 'The final chapter' concentrates on the new player of the game and Hoffman's hunt for Jill and yet 'Saw: The final Chapter' still manages to bring the story full circle, with the help of another of John's recruits.
If it's possible I think that this is the most violent of the Saw films (up to now) as we not only have three main games but Hoffman's killing spree and the machine gun and the return of the original bear trap.
For a film that calls itself 'The Final Chapter' it leaves itself quite open, there seems to be an increase in the 'pig' population as well as the return of an old character as a new (old) disciple.
I do like the fact that Jigsaw (John) died in the third film and was never brought back (or faked his death) and the ways that the new disciples are weaved (retconned) into the back story, I think bringing John back would have been a mistake.
Anyway now I've finished the Saw films it's time for, Oh Jigsaw because films don't know the meaning of the word final (especially as there is ninth film out this year (2021)) oh well, on with the gore.
Heroes or Theives (Steps of Power #2)
Heroes or Theives (Steps of Power #2)
J.J. Sherwood | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second book of Sherwood's epic fantasy series picks up the threads from the first, Kings or Pawns, and follows various characters in the aftermath of Saebellus' victory. Some of these are familiar, such as the defeated general Jikun, others are less so and some are completely new.

Once again the story doesn't follow the usual fantasy template. Where in the first book Saebellus was depicted as the main enemy and villain of the piece here shades of grey are cast on his character and his actions. Jikun himself is struggling to come to terms with his situation and is seemingly willing to risk everything to have some sort of revenge. Selemar is playing a risky political game, trying to invoke unrest whilst also acting as the head of the corrupt council.

Sherwood performs a tricky balancing act well, with so many stories to move forward that are only tangentially connected but each is handled effectively and told with an eye to both detail and character that keeps the reader involved in each of the plot threads.

As with the previous book there is a fair amount of political intrigue, although most is away from the claustrophobic council but is just as deadly for whoever is going to be on the losing side. The characters are constantly developing and the new characters introduced are perfectly judged and naturally intertwine with the story as it moves forward.

With this second work continuing in the excellent style of the first this series is a must read for any lover of fantasy.

Content rating: Some sexual references and language and some violence

Ross (3284 KP) rated The Occultist in Books

Feb 12, 2019 (Updated Feb 14, 2019)  
The Occultist
The Occultist
Oliver Mayes | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Far from original LitRPG but a whole lot of fun
** Thanks to Portal Books and the author for giving me the chance to read this in advance of its release **
The LitRPG genre (the best-known example being Ready Player One) is something of a narrow one. There are only a few levers to pull: the main character's real life scenario, the game mechanics, the main character's chosen "class" in-game and the conflicts therein.
The Occultist looks to mix this up a bit with the main character choosing a less traditional class, of occultist - that is, he learns the ability to summon a variety of demons and spells/abilities to use with them. This would mark The Occultist out from the crowd, if it weren't for Awaken Online already having done almost the exact same. In AO, Jason chooses a dark class and summons zombies, skeletons etc, and a large part of the early stages of this book really bear a very close resemblance to AO. We have the main character's problems at home, leading him to want to escape into the game, and to find a way to make money from his gaming hobby. The chosen in-game path is almost identical. There is an extremely strong, popular player that he wants to compete with.
From early on, I was thinking this book was a rip-off of AO. But the second half of the book is really where the book marks itself apart from AO. Whereas that book's action was focused on large scale strategy in battles, here we are scurrying around in the background picking players off one by one and there are some truly excellent action sequences, where the abilities and spells learned and the demons at Damien's disposal are used to some really creative effects. Damien looks to get some revenge on his nemesis and also to try and "level up" quickly (again, a key component of LitRPG books), and tries to pick off players as they battle other players, or take on perilous dungeons.
A lot of LitRPG books have had a very immersive gaming element, at times it was more like reading a more traditional fantasy book but where the main character was more clear what he was doing and what skills/abilities he was using. Here you are always aware the character is in a game: he "equips" clothes rather than getting dressed, there is no need for eating or sleeping, what can and can't be done, what you get from killing another character etc is so much more in line with games than in other books. This again marked it out from other books, and gave it a very different feel.
Another major selling point of The Occultist is that it doesn't mess around with time dilation (game time running at a much faster rate than real time). I don't see why so many of the other books in this genre feel the need to build this in, as it is then hard to keep it consistent, and doesn't really feel right or necessary at any time.
Also, Damien's real world troubles take more focus than in other books, as he struggles to find somewhere to live and is on the run.
While the book manages to stick to its own rules (what can and can't be done etc), there is one moment where the main character manages to do something he shouldn't be able to do (his spells have a cool down period before they can be used again and at least once this isn't observed), which was slightly frustrating given how hard the author had tried to plan out the action in line with the people involved and their skills and strengths.
My only real gripe with the book is the title of the game/series - Saga Online, which sounds less like an exciting new MMORPG, and more like the web portal for booking a pensioners' cruise!
In summary, not an original idea (but hard to have such a thing in this genre) but a superbly well told, exciting and fun read. I heartily recommend this to anyone who likes fantasy books, games like the Witcher or just anyone looking for some real fun escapism.
Deadlock (FBI Thriller #24)
Deadlock (FBI Thriller #24)
Catherine Coulter | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

Fans of Deadlock Catherine Coulter's FBI Thriller series will recognize Savich, Sherlock, and the rest of the recurring characters in the 24th book of the series, Deadlock. Joining them is a familiar foe from the 20th book of the series, Insidious. I am late to the game and started reading the series with book #23, Labyrinth. This book works as a stand-alone novel, but reading Insidious would help you understand the backstory more.

Husband and wife team, Savich and Sherlock, are used to their hectic schedules working as FBI agents. However, they are the focus of a cunning psychopath who is bent on revenge. While trying to find out who is responsible for who attacked them, Savich needs to work on a case in which he was in the right place at the right time, preventing a Congressman's wife, Rebecca, from being kidnapped. He is torn between keeping his family safe and keeping Rebecca safe.

Coulter presents a suspenseful thriller that keeps you guessing until the end. Much of what occurs is unsurprising, but it is those little nuggets of suspense that leaves you wanting more.

I am glad I found Savich and Sherlock and welcome them as old friends.

This 200-word review was published on on 7/27/20.
Saw: The Final Chapter (2010)
Saw: The Final Chapter (2010)
2010 | Horror
6.1 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Game Ends
So this is how it ends, all the lead up and ends on a low note, i expected soo much more, and it ends up disappointed, which is sad because i really liked 1-6 alot and i expected to like this alot. In the end, the final chapter wasnt the final chapter cause in 2017 their made anethor one, a sort of reboot/reintroduction to the franchise. Than this year that going to reboot it again. So all in all this wasnt the final chapter. Just the final chapter for 1-6.

The Plot: As a fierce battle rages over Jigsaw's (Tobin Bell) terrible legacy, survivors seek support from a fellow survivor and self-help guru, who has a few dark secrets of his own. Meanwhile, crooked cop Hoffman (Costas Mandylor) seeks revenge against Jigsaw's wife and an author who has his own story.

Also what did the saw franchsie need, it needed 3d, and of course their choice the final chapter to do 3d. I watched it in 2d and what was ment to be 3d parts were bad, because you can tell their were ment to be watching in 3d, but your watching it in 2d.

Anyways a disappointed finale to a overall great franchise.

Natacha (374 KP) rated Red Rising in Books

Jan 23, 2020  
Red Rising
Red Rising
Pierce Brown | 2014 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (35 Ratings)
Book Rating
More reviews on my blog:

Red Rising is another book that I struggle to rate. I did enjoy the book but it didn't blow my mind. I think it's just an "It's not you, it's me" kind of situation. For the best part of the story, I felt like I was reading a retelling of the Hunger Games (and it was a movie I felt it was just ok, haven't read the books) and mixed with The Punisher (guys loses his wife and needs to get his revenge). I had fun but that's all.

Things I liked:

-The writing was very good. Simple, clear, just the right amount of information and exposition to make us understand the world and characters.
-We have a cast of charters with different and distinct personalities and well fleshed out.
-I really enjoyed the fourth part of the book. At this point, I felt like it lost the Hunger Game vibe. We don't have just one person that needs to take down the system but a whole army that marches against corruption.
-Towards the end, we had two nice twists. One of them had been foreshadowed for a while and the second one I personally saw it coming. Although to be honest when you have 20 pages left you can guess that things will go in a different direction what the author is making you believe. Despite that, I really liked those twists.
-I really like Darrow and Mustang dynamic and relationship. I thought it was well done and it felt natural.
-Now that the Huger Game part of the story is done I'm curious to see what Darrow will do outside in the world and how his plan will unfold.

Things I didn't like

I don't have many negatives. There was nothing wrong with the story but I'll try to point some aspect that bothered me.

-As I mention I didn't care about Hunger Game and throughout a large part of the story I couldn't help but thinking of the similarities.
-I'm a little tired of the "They kill my wife and I need to get revenge and keep her dream alive" trope.
-The story is written in first-person POV and present tense and this is really my least favourite way to tell a story.
-I feel like Darrow is a little bit of a Gary Stu. On so many occasion we have Darrow say things like "I'm stronger, I'm taller, I'm faster than he/she, I know better than them" etc. This is why I don't like first-person POV. When it's the author or another person telling us that the main character is stronger or taller or whatever it feels like an observation. When we have the main character telling us about the fact that they are better than everyone else, for me, they become across as obnoxious and annoying. And because of that, I struggle to really connect with Darrow.

-Rape is used a couple of times to move the plot forward. I don't mind when it's used once but when it's used again and again it feels like the author didn't know what else to do to get the plot going.

So here you have it. It wasn't a bad book there was nothing wrong with it and I understand why so many people rave about it. But personally, I couldn't get into the "this is a great book" place. I'm curious about the rest of the series, I don't feel the need to start right away like with other series, but I will get to the second book eventually.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Black Panther (2018) in Movies

Mar 5, 2018 (Updated Mar 5, 2018)  
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Cool For Cats
Marvel's latest hotly anticipated superhero epic Black Panther, has arrived. Chadwick Boseman stars as the titular hero and gives a subdued, collected performance, which I didn't expect. The first time that we saw this character was in Civil War and while I understand he was on a revenge quest in that movie, he conveyed an sense of energy that is isn't present in Black Panther. I don't think that this was Chadwick Boseman's decision, but is instead based on what Ryan Coogler's vision of who Black Panther should be.

There are a lot of stand out performances in the film though Michael B Jordan, who is a Coogler movie staple at this point, brings us the best Marvel villain so far, or at the very least, the most believable motivation for doing villainous things that we have seen so far in the MCU. The rest of the cast bring their A game too, including Danai Guira, Lupita Nyong’o, Andy Serkis, Daniel Kaluuya, Forest Whittaker, Martin Freeman and Sterling K Brown.

The costume design and sets where fantastic to look at, but some of the character CGI looked a but too bouncy and unrealistic. I also felt like the movie dragged a bit in the second act. While the soundtrack started off great and added to the excitement of certain scenes in the movie's first act, by around halfway through the movie, I was sick of hearing African drums and chanting.

Overall though, this is a pretty great entry into the MCU and although it isn't Marvel's best ever, it is also definitely not their worst.