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Carnival Row
Carnival Row
2019 | Drama, Fantasy
The depth of the 1st season building a wonderful dark fantasy world (0 more)
So dark, i had trouble watching in well lit areas (0 more)
Like Game of Thrones with fairies...
The Last Mrs. Parrish
The Last Mrs. Parrish
Liv Constantine | 2017 | Thriller
9.6 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Just when you think you've got it figured out, PLOT TWIST! (0 more)
Thriller That Will Keep You Guessing
Don't you love a good ol' fashioned "Who's the real bad guy" thriller? Well, in this case, it's rather "who is the bad woman?" because even though Amber, our first narrator, would like you to think she's the alpha-female who deserves what everyone else has, there are more sinister plans going on in the minds of the other characters.

The first Mrs. Parrish, Daphne, is impeccably dressed, refined and living in the lap of luxury. Amber nestled herself next to her, under the pretense of friendship, all the while planning to rip the Parrish thrown right out from underneath her.

But beyond the mansions, the cars, the luxurious vacations, Mr. & Mrs. Parrish have secrets of their own and Amber may find out too late that their facade is anything but grand.

There is a major plot twist and a shift of power in this thriller that will make you start reading with a quicker pace because you won't be able to put it down until you figure it all out.

Amber's plan to mimic Daphne and steal her husband may come with a much higher price that she bargained for. Who's the real loser in this game? Lovers of grit lit, you will hate to love this book.

For more books like this one, check out my "Grit Lit" reading list on Goodreads!
Horrified: Universal Monsters Strategy Board Game
Horrified: Universal Monsters Strategy Board Game
2019 | Horror, Murder & Mystery
I was a child a long time ago. Okay, not THAT long ago, but I remember being frightened of a great many thing on TV: Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” music video, the TV show “V,” and so many others. I still to this day have not watched an entire old school Universal Studios Monster movie. However, I used to live in California for part of my childhood and my family had season passes to Universal Studios and we would go quite a lot, so I have always been familiar with the monsters. So when I saw a game was being crafted featuring these lovable, but in a nostalgic way, creatures I knew I just had to have it.

Horrified is a pickup and deliver, action points, cooperative game with dice and miniatures utilizing a variable setup. In it players take on the role of a hero in a monster movie – but not just A monster movie, but SEVERAL monsters will be haunting the town! It is the heroes’ goal to defeat the monsters before the Terror Marker reaches maximum or the heroes run out of time and the monsters take over the town.
To setup, place the board on the table and draw 12 Item tokens from the bag. Place these Items on the board in the specified location printed on the Item. Depending on how many players (for this review I will be using the Solo rules in the rule book) place the Terror Marker appropriately on the board – the photo above was taken before I realized that it starts on three in the Solo game. Choose the monsters to be faced and place their mats near the board. The rulebook states where the monster minis will start the game. Place the Frenzy token on the lowest Frenzy-numbered monster. Shuffle the Monster and Perk decks of cards separately and deal each player one Perk card. Each player chooses or is randomly dealt a character badge and places the standee in the appropriate location on the board. The game may now begin!

Players will be taking turns traveling the town, picking up Items, attempting to defeat the monsters per their defeat instructions on their mats, delivering villagers that randomly appear to their safe locations, and keeping the Terror Marker in the acceptable range. Each character has a certain number of actions that can be taken on their turns, but any Perk cards used are spent as a bonus action on the hero’s turn. The hero actions are: Move (one space along the lit pathways, even with a villager in tow), Guide (a villager one space away from the hero), Pick Up (Items from locations), Share (Items from player to player – not needed in a Solo game), Special Action (if the character being played has one on their badge), Advance (complete a task on the Monster mat to move one step closer to defeat), and Defeat (once all the tasks are complete and the player has enough Items to defeat the Monster at the same location). Once a hero has used up all their Action Points per their badge, it will be the Monster phase.

Monster phases begin with a draw from the Monster deck. Upon the card will be a number printed on the top which instructs players as to how many Items to draw and place from the bag. Next, players will read the text on the card and complete any instructions. Finally, the Monsters will strike. At the bottom of the card will be printed several icons pertaining to Monsters individually and also the Monster who happens to currently be Frenzied. These icons instruct players to move certain Monsters and if they share a space with a hero or villager, to roll the attack dice. One hit from a Monster defeats either a villager or hero (unless the hero discards any Item to block the attack). If a hero or villager is defeated, the Terror Marker moves up a space toward ultimate doom. Play then is passed to the players again. The game continues in this fashion until one of the game end conditions is met and the heroe(s) win or the Monsters succeed in their hostile haunted takeover.
Components. I’d like to start with the art. I love it. The art has a very 1930s Hollywood style and is simply beautiful. The colors are vibrant, where color is used, and the board is stunning. All of the cardboard components are top notch quality, and the Monster minis are fab. Obviously it would be great for all the heroes and villagers to have minis as well, but there is text printed on those standees that just can’t translate to a miniature. All in all, the components here are wonderful and high quality.

The gameplay is also wonderful and high quality. The solo game from which these photos are taken I randomly drew the Mayor character and decided to hit the town with Dracula, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, and The Invisible Man. That’s a Standard game in the rules. The Mayor is great because she is able to take five actions on her turn (plus Perks), but she has no special abilities. That is both a blessing and a curse and wonderfully balanced. I would say I finished the game needing just one or two more Monster cards to draw before all three baddies were defeated. But, that’s the difficulty of having three Monsters showing. With just two Monsters I would have won handily, but maybe would not have enjoyed it as much and written it off as too easy. Luckily I always learn games on normal standard difficulty first.

Traipsing around town picking up Items and ushering villagers to their safe spaces sounds relaxing, but when the Monsters are on your trail and ready to Strike it adds a layer of anxiety that is just delicious. I admit I probably spent too much time trying to save every villager and that’s partly why I failed at this one game. Also I miscalculated how many extra Items to have on hand when attempting to Advance the Monster tasks. Couple those with my strategy to concentrate on defeating one Monster at a time and, well, that’s a losing strategy it seems.

The gameplay is so much fun, and the components are so wonderful to play with, it’s really no surprise I enjoy this game as much as I do. I have purposely left out some rules for readers to enjoy discovering themselves, but this is a tight game with pressure from different fronts to complete objectives. It’s the kind of game where even with a loss you find yourself wanting to try again right away. And that’s a sing of an excellent game. Purple Phoenix Games gives this very high ratings, even as a solo experience. If you need more horror-style adventure games in your collection, please check out Horrified. It’s not really that scary to play, but you will certainly be haunted by your choices you make throughout the game.
Progression by Ray J
Progression by Ray J
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Ray J is a is a singer-songwriter, rapper, and actor based in Los Angeles, California. Not too long ago, he released a music video for his “Rewind” single.

“Baby, cancel all your plans tonight. I got the chauffeur waiting right outside. Don’t worry babe you’ll be here soon. So go on take a shot get in the mood. I grab on your waist. You’re making it shake. I swear that you never get tired. Your body is hot, we’re keeping it lit, we’re setting the roof on fire. She moves her hips like Shakira, she got that swag like Rihanna, she holding it down like Beyoncé. She tryna be my baby mama so back it up for me one time. Make it clap for me two times. Roll it back baby three times. Don’t stop baby rewind.” – lyrics

‘Rewind’ features label mates, and UK pioneering artist Ironik, British producer act Designer Doubt, and Ray J’s artist and best friend Truth. The likable tune follows Ray J’s “Right On Time” single featuring Flo Rida, Brandy, and Designer Doubt.
It will be featured on Ray J’s upcoming album, entitled, “Raydemption”. The project already features the likes of Chris Brown, The Game, and Snoop Dogg with more records in the works.

Also, it’s coming in visual album format, not dissimilar to Beyoncé’s “Lemonade”. Basically, a 45-minute mini-movie that’s already exciting Grammy’s buzz.

However, preceding its release is Jay J’s London exclusive EP, entitled, “Progression”, which includes his “Rewind” single.
Mortal Kombat (2021)
Mortal Kombat (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
You know when you watch a movie, and you're completely entertained during it, but afterwards, all you remember is the action portions, and none of the plot? That's me right now, after watching this movie just a little less than three hours ago.
I'll get this out of the way, the plot was obviously forgettable. Now, if this was a dramatic film, this would be a huge issue, but, this is a movie based on the first insanely violent video game ever produced. I was there for the fighting, and not the plot. The main focus was Cole, and sorry, but he was kind of a yawn until he got his stuff together.
Now, let's get into why I saw this movie. The action, the fighting, the gore. This earned its R-rating. The fighting choreography was great, and I loved that they used the some of the same moves from the video games. Also - the fact that some of the characters quipped with the closing fight messages was hilarious. The best placed one was 'Flawless Victory', after a kill.
Sub-Zero has always been one of my favorite characters, so I was glad he got the most screen time, out of the villain squad.. I have to say, as the movie was nearing the end, I was wondering when Scorpion would make his grand entrance. Finally, the pay dirt came at the very end, and yes, the 'Get Over Here' line did make an appearance.
They obviously left it open-ended for a sequel, which has been green-lit already. You can bet I'll be there on opening day for some big, dumb, gory fun.
Horrified: Universal Monsters Strategy Board Game
Horrified: Universal Monsters Strategy Board Game
2019 | Horror, Murder & Mystery
The Universal Monsters (3 more)
The Strategy
Replay Value
Think Ten Steps Ahead
The Excellent Universal Monsters Board Game
When I heard about Horrorified, i wanted to buy it right away. A board game that has the universal monsters and it revolves around them, i really wanted to buy it. Cause i love the universal monsters. My favorite being The Invisible Man and Dracula. So lets talk more about it.

The Gameplay:

Horrified is a cooperative game in which all the players win or lose together. The players win if they defeat all of the Monsters they are playing against. In order to defeat a Monster, you must first complete a task.

Each Monster's task and subsequent defeat is unique:

Creature from the Black Lagoon: Find the Creature's hidden lair, then drive the Creature away.

Dracula: Smash Dracula's four coffins, then overcome Dracula.

Frankenstein and the Bride: Teach Frankenstein and the Bride what it means to be human so they can live peacefully.

The Invisible Man: Supply evidence to the police of the Invisible Man's existence, then trap him.

The Mummy: Break the Mummy's curse, then return him to his tomb.

 The Wolf Man: Discover the cure for lycanthropy, then administer it to the Wolf Man.

The players lose immediately if one of the following occurs:

 Terror: Each time a Hero or Villager is defeated, the Terror Level will increase. If the Terror Level reaches its maximum, indicated by the skull, the Monsters have overrun the village and the players lose.

Out Of Time: Each turn, you will draw a card from the Monster deck. If you need to draw a Monster card but the deck is empty, you have taken too long to defeat the Monsters and the players lose.

Each turn has two phases, performed in this order:

Hero Phase: Take as many actions as indicated on your Badge. In addition, any player may play any number of Perk cards.

Monster Phase: Draw one Monster card from the top of the Monster deck and resolve all three parts of the card. After completing both phases, play proceeds clockwise, starting with the next player's Hero Phase.

Hero Phase: Actions: Take up to the number of actions indicated on your Badge. You may choose to take fewer. Actions may be taken multiple times and in any order. The possible actions are:

Move: Move your Hero along a lit path to an adjacent space. You cannot move to water spaces and can only cross the river using one of the two bridge spaces. In addition, you may take any number of Villagers in your Hero's space with you when you move.

Guide: Move one Villager from your Hero's space to an adjacent space, or move one Villager from an adjacent space to your Hero's space. Villagers also cannot move to water spaces, and Monsters do not affect their movement.

Special Action: Some Heroes have a special action, as indicated on their Badge. Just like other actions, special actions count as one of the total number of actions for your turn and can be taken multiple times.

Pick Up: Take any number of Items from your Hero's space. Keep all your Items in front of you, next to your Badge.

Share: All Heroes in the same space as your Hero may freely give or take any number of Items from each other.

Advance: At a specific location, use one of your Items to advance a Monster's task.

Defeat: In a Monster's space, use your Items to defeat that Monster.

Monster Phase:

Draw a card from the top of the Monster deck and resolve the three parts of the card, from top to bottom. After resolving the entire Monster card, put it in a discard pile face up.

1. Items: Draw the number of Items listed at the top of the card, if any, from the Item bag. Place each Item at the location indicated on the Item.

If you need to draw an Item when the Item bag is empty, place all the Items from the discard pile into the bag, mix them up, and continue drawing.

2. Event: Each Event either involves one of the Monsters or the Villagers.

The card's color, as well as the symbol above the Event's name, indicates who the Event is about. Gray cards are about the Villagers. Colored cards are about a specific Monster.

If the Event Monster is not in your game, completely ignore the Event and continue with the Monster Strike. Otherwise, read the Event out loud and do what it says.

3. Monster Strike: Certain Monsters move and attack, as indicated by the symbols at the bottom of the card. In order from left to right, move and attack with the first Monster before proceeding to the next Monster.

If an indicated Monster is not in your game, ignore that symbol. If the Frenzy symbol is shown, the Monster with the Frenzy Marker moves and attacks. This could result in the same Monster moving and attacking twice in one turn.

Move the Monster the number of spaces indicated on the card towards the closest person (Hero or Villager). As soon as the Monster is in a space with a person, they stop moving. If the Monster started in a space with a person, they don't move at all.

Attack one person in the Monster's space by rolling the number of attack dice indicated. If there are no people in the Monster's space, the Monster does not attack-do not roll dice. If there are multiple people in that space, the Monster will attack a Hero rather than a Villager.

If there are still multiple people the Monster could attack, the current player chooses one to attack before rolling.

Perk Cards: Each player starts the game with a Perk card, and more Perk cards can be earned by getting Villagers to their safe locations. Keep all your Perk cards face up in front of you. It's a good idea to discuss your Perk cards, and when to play them, with the other players.

Perks may be played on any player's turn, but only during the Hero Phase. When you play a Perk card, do what the card says, and then put it in a discard pile face up. Playing a Perk card does not take an action.

Items: Items are important for advancing tasks and defeating Monsters, as well as defending yourself from the Monsters' attacks. Each Item has a color, indicating its type, and a strength, which is the number at the top. Each Item also has a location, which indicates where the Item is placed when it is drawn from the Item bag.

Hit by a Monster:

Heroes: To ignore being hit by a Monster's attack, a Hero may discard one Item for each Hit symbol rolled. If the Hero does not have enough Items, or does not wish to discard any Items, they are defeated. One hit defeats a Hero.

When a Hero is defeated, increase the Terror Level by moving the Terror Marker one space and remove that Hero from the board.

At the start of that player's next turn, they place their Hero at the Hospital and take their turn as normal, including their full number of actions. A defeated Hero does not lose any Items or Perk cards.

Villagers: A Villager does not have any Items and is therefore defeated immediately when hit. When a Villager is defeated, increase the Terror Level by moving the Terror Marker one space and remove that Villager from the board.

End of the Game: The game can end in one of three ways:

Heroes Triumph: If you defeat all the Monsters, the game immediately ends and the players have won! You've saved the village from a horrific fate, and perhaps even the Monsters themselves.

Terror!: If the Terror Level reaches its maximum, indicated by the skull, the game immediately ends and the players have lost. Everyone, including the Heroes, are too horrified to continue. You abandon the village to the Monsters.

Out Of Time: If you need to draw a card when the Monster deck is empty, the game immediately ends and the players have lost. You've taken too long to save the village. The Villagers have fled and you aren't able to continue.

Solo Play: The Villagers are more fearful if there is only one Hero trying to save the village. Begin the game with the Terror Marker on the "3" of the Terror Level Track.

All the rules remain the same. However, do not play as the Courier-that Hero's Special Action cannot be taken in a solo game. Also the Perk cards "Special Delivery" and "Conduct An Investigation" cannot be used.

Either remove these cards before playing, or when drawn, immediately discard and draw a new Perk card to replace it.

Its a fantasic excellent strategy game based around the universal monsters. I love it so much its such a fun game. If you want to learn more go to BoardGameGeek, Dice Tower Review or One Stop Co-Op Shop.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Layers of Fear in Video Games

Nov 19, 2019 (Updated Nov 19, 2019)  
Layers of Fear
Layers of Fear
2016 | Action/Adventure
On the surface, Layers of Fear seems like a game that was designed purely for YouTubers to play and scream at, and I think that's a fair enough assumption based on the sheer amount of jumpscares throughout (some are cheap, some are effective).
But look a little deeper and you will be rewarded with more that you might expect.

You play as a Victorian era painter, trying to paint his magnum opus, unlocking more to your painting as you dive ever deeper into his fractured psyche.
It's one of those games that leaves a lot up to you to interpret, only finding more concrete plot pointers if you care enough to explore and find clues.
Visually, Layers of Fear is great. It captures the feeling of spiralling madness perfectly, with some decent graphics to go with it.
The constant presence of subtly morphing paintings scattered along the walls is suitably creepy, and creates a general feeling of unease as you navigate through dimly lit hallways.
The classic first person perspective adds to this unease as you constantly feel little to no control over what you're seeing, as the house shifts around you regularly.
The further you venture into the artists mind, the darker the narrative insinuations become, as the visions turn increasingly twisted.

Layers of Fear can be finished in a couple of hours, and isn't particularly challenging, but the addition of multiple endings will keep you coming back, just out of shear intrigue.
The jump scares feel a little excessive after a while but if you are a fan of the recent wave of first person horror exploration games (in the wake of P.T.) then Layers of Fear is worth seeking out.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) Nov 19, 2019

Good review

Escape Room (2019)
Escape Room (2019)
2019 | Action, Horror, Thriller
Get me out of here
#escaperoom is a #saw movie without the gore & while it maybe better than the last 6 movies in that series its by no means a rewarding #escape. I can't tell you i hated this film because there are elements & sections i did find tense/entertaining however its a long way off being a GOOD film. Right off the bat the direction annoyed me, its all over the place & was clearly trying to create tension from moving/cutting & it just didnt work for me at all feelong like a #90s #music video. Camera work also feels cheap as does the cgi so much so that immersion is #pretty much not possible. Acting is bad with no realistic emotion or reaction from most characters but at least its not as bad as the terrible dialog which felt exhausting & repetitive. #loganmiller & #tylerlabine were standouts & actually saved the movie for me with some good acting here & there as well as being the most interesting characters too. So why a 5? the movie entertained me & there was one escape room (set in an upside down bar) that managed to be not only quite creative but a lot of fun & fairly tense too with cool camera angles & nice set design. Deaths were tame for a 15 & the plot is your standard predictable twaddle with what seemed to be an abudence of #overkill endings trying to shock with twist after non effective twist. Teens will no doubt get a huge kick out of this film as its based on the latest #craze but i #feel everyone else will be like me wishing this genre would do something #fresh now. Its not a bad film its just an ok & lacking one just like a #haunted house you've visited already it passes the time. #odeon #odeonlimitless #horror #jigsaw #trap #filmbuff #filmcritic #gore #fridayfeeling #teen #silly #game #escaperoommovie #puzzle #fire #lit #scary

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Alita: Battle Angel (2019) in Movies

May 26, 2020 (Updated Jun 18, 2020)  
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
2019 | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Alita: Battle Angel is great. Is there a good helping of sci-fi dumbfuckery to be found? Of course. But the positives far outweigh any negatives in this instance.

Based on a Manga series and subsequent Anime from the early nineties, Alita brings the signature Japanese comic style to life in style, as a whole heap of (mostly) decent digital effects collides with real-life.
The world of A:BA is really well realised, with the film taking place in the 26th Century, a future that sees man and cyborg live side by side. The plot takes place in The Iron City on the ground, eclipsed by the floating city of Zalem above. It's a striking aesthetic that reminded me of something from a Final Fantasy game. The main narrative follows Dr. Ido (Christoph Waltz) who finds the remains of a deactivated cyborg in a trash heap. He gives the cyborg a new body and a new life, and gives her the name Alita. She has no memory of who she was before, but as she begins to explore the world, her memories slowly return. Alita (Rosa Salazar) is a stupidly likable protagonist. She's a fiery, lethal weapon who has a child like innocence. The motion capture combined with Salazar's performance work really well. In fact, the whole cast is great. Christoph Waltz, Mahershala Ali, Jennifer Connelly, Jackie Earl-Hailey - it's a stellar line up. The only cast member I couldn't get on with was Hugo (Keean Johnson) who mainly serves as Alita's love interest. I didn't particularly like his character and as a result didn't fully buy their romance side plot.
The main issue I had was the pacing. The plot is trying to pack so much into 2 hours, that it moved forward at breakneck speed at times. Some plot points become a bit lost in the whole thing, and a few of the characters seemed inconsequential as a result.
It does go a bit CGI overload at times but that's to be expected by the very nature of what A:BA is. The effects on some of the other cyborg characters are ropey as well, but honestly, these are small gripes against a film that I found myself really enjoying.

I sincerely hope a sequel gets green lit as I for one want more of this world to be explored.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Don't Breathe (2016) in Movies

Feb 22, 2020 (Updated Feb 22, 2020)  
Don't Breathe (2016)
Don't Breathe (2016)
2016 | Crime, Horror, Thriller
For the most part, Don't Breathe is a really tight gem of a thriller with some decent horror elements throughout.

The movie revolves around three thieves - Rocky (Jane Levy), Alex (Dylan Minnette) and Money (Daniel Zovatto) trying to steal themselves enough valuables to be able to move away from their home city of Detroit.
When they hear about a sizable stash of cash hidden in the house of a blind war veteran (Stephen Lang), they get to work on what they assume will be an easy score. Things go rapidly downhill as it becomes apparent that The Blind Man isn't as helpless as they thought, and they become Tangled in a game of cat and mouse as they try to escape with their lives.

Don't Breathe is an incredibly tense film. It's dimly lit set pieces and it's frequently silent atmosphere are hugely effective. Director Fede Alvarez provides continuously great shots throughout (there's an extended sequence around the mid point which takes place in total darkness which is a particular highlight) and utilizes the small set (95% of the film takes place in The Blind Man's house) fantastically.

The cast are pretty good as well. The three thieves are both likable and dislikable at the appropriate moments, and serve their purpose well. Jane Levy is the stand out of the three, playing the role of 'the final girl' with a satisfying mixture of being terrified, vulnerable, and a strong survivalist all at once.
Stephen Lang is the MVP here though. He steals the show as The Blind Man, and manages to portray a genuinely batshit-scary movie monster, well at the same time, being a tragic and sympathetic characters.
This is one of the main strengths if the whole movie actually. Both The Blind Man and the set of thieves are portrayed as characters we should be siding with at one point or another, and then it will flip it over and give us the reverse one point later. The moral compass of who is to root for is in constant flux, and lends the narrative a unique edge.

My main criticism here though is the films final third. After being a stupidly tense thriller and a fight for survival for an hour, Don't Breathe gets a little silly towards it's climax, and downright gratuitous in parts, (the turkey baster to the face ffs!?).
There's not a huge amount of gore in display, so it doesn't quite fall into torture-porn territory, but the vibe is quite similar, and it tarnishes what is otherwise a pretty decent horror.

Overall though, Don't Breathe is worth a watch if you have any passing interest at all in thrillers or horror. With the news of a sequel in the way, I'm excited to see where the story will go.