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Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Everyone my age remembers where they were and what they were doing when they first heard about the contest.’’

We are in the year 2045, where while Earth is deserted and almost destroyed, people don’t realise because they are too busy living in a virtual world - the Oasis!
The Oasis is a place where you can create an avatar for free, you can level up, you go to a school and you work inside the Oasis. This virtual world is filled with references from the 1980s. Cities are built in such a way, video games and books and movies still go on.

When the famous creator of the Oasis, James Halliday, dies, it turns out that there is a contest, and the person that will manage to find the ''Easter egg'' would inherit ownership of the Oasis.

We see the story from the point of view of the young Wade, that calls himself Parzival in the Oasis. He is in love with everything from the 1980’s, you name it - video games, pop culture, movies, shows, books. He is also amazed with Halliday’s work and life.

When five years from James Halliday’s death pass, people seem to have forgotten about the contest, and that’s when Parzival’s courage and knowledge will help him find the first key that unlocks the first of the three gates for the contest, putting him on the top of the scoreboard, and after five years, people start talking about Haliday’s ‘’egg’’ again.

Making friends along the way, and maybe finding the love of his life, Parzival faces millions of challenges, adventures, dangerous, funny and adorable moments. This is a book that will reveal a whole new world for you, and make you love Parzival while you follow his adventure into winning the contest.

With time running out, danger surrounding from all sides, and suddenly finding the ‘’egg’’ becoming a life or death game, Parzival and his friends have no choice but to win this contest. But will they make it, with the IOI Corporation behind their backs, following them both in the real and in the virtual world, endangering their lives?
Room 25
Room 25
2013 | Bluff, Deduction, Exploration, Horror, Maze
Loads of game modes (2 more)
Variable difficulty adds to replayability
Hectic fun at higher player counts
No difference in characters (1 more)
Games can be over very quick due to bad luck
A Quick Game, With A Lot To Offer
Despite the appearance, Room 25 is one of those games that has a lot to offer, and can be played pretty much how you want it.

The game is played out over 25 room tiles, which are laid out face down apart from the starting room in the middle, and the basic goal is to make it to the elusive Room 25, somewhere out on the grid, but you have to do it quick, as there is a set number of turns to find it in.

Players will simultaneously choose to do 1 or 2 actions on their turn, and can choose to move into a room, thus revealing it's effect to everyone, push another player into a room, peek at a room, or slide a whole row of rooms in the direction of their choosing (nit including the starting room.)

Rooms are split into 3 colours: Green are safe, and can sometimes help you, yellow are normally traps or hinderances, and red rooms can kill you in one way or another (there's even a room that is instant death if you move into it.) Players have to navigate the rooms using their actions, and hope they don't meet their demise.

There are also varying game modes and difficulties to choose from. Competitive pits everyone against each other, co-operative means everyone is trying to work together, and team mode has two groups trying to outwit the other team. You can also adjust the difficulty by adding or removing more yellow and red rooms (the manual has set layouts for the tiles, but you can also customise as you see fit.)

Room 25 has a lot of replayability, but does suffer from a bit of luck. If there is bad decisions made, you can be eliminated very early on. The characters in the base game, although looking cool, have no differences to them either (which is resolved in the expansion.)

These are minor gripes though, and doesn't stop Room 25 being a fast paced, hectic, but enjoyable game.

David McK (3207 KP) rated Insurgent in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Veronica Roth | 2013 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (59 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second book in [a:Veronica Roth|4039811|Veronica Roth|]'s 'Divergent' series, this picks up almost exactly - like, exactly exactly - after the climax of [b:Divergent|13335037|Divergent (Divergent, #1)|Veronica Roth||13155899], with Beatrice ('Tris') on a train about to leave the desolate future city of Chicago following the 'Simulation' attack by the Erudite faction.

I can't stress this enough: when I say exactly, I really do mean exactly: almost as if the first sentence of this book is the second half of the last sentence of the previous.

Anyway, it's not too much longer until Tris is heading back to Chicago, in company with some old friends and enemies-who-later-prove-not-to-be, in order to find a way to deal with the consequences of that attack, and to prevent further mistakes being made by members of both her own and other factions.

For a large portion of this, she is still struggling with guilt over some of her actions in the previous novel - in particular, over one that she (was forced to) carry out during the Erudite attack. This one also ends with a(n attempted) cliffhanger ending, in which we may yet find out how and why the faction system came about if we read the next in the series ([b:Allegiant|18710190|Allegiant (Divergent, #3)|Veronica Roth||15524549])

While I did feel that this had its own identity maybe a bit more than [b:Divergent|13335037|Divergent (Divergent, #1)|Veronica Roth||13155899] (which, at times, felt to me almost like it was trying too hard to be another 'Hunger Games'), there is still a strong resemblance between the two series', in particular in their choice of leading characters, and in the theme of sacrifices.

I've come this far, so I probably will read the next (and, like The Hunger Games, maybe the whole will prove to be more than the sum of its parts).
Fieldwork Footage (1928)
Fieldwork Footage (1928)
1928 |
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The last one I think might be the most unusual one and this is footage shot by Zora Neale Hurston, who we know as a writer, a novelist, the author of Their Eyes were Watching God (the basis for the eponymous film), which is her best-known work. [She] was also a playwright, short story writer, and screenwriter for a while in her career. Really a Renaissance woman. When she was a student, she was studying anthropology with France Boulez at Columbia, and she was doing her fieldwork as an anthropologist on the kinds of communities that she grew up in, in Florida. In the late 1920s, she had a car and a 16-millimeter camera and she drove down to Alabama and Florida and she shot footage, ethnographic footage, as a part of her research. We featured some of this material on the Pioneers of African-American Cinema box set that I co-curated that was released by Kino. The footage is not narrative and it’s not exactly documentary either, in the sense that she never put together a work that then she was sharing with other people — it was for her research purposes. But she shows men who are logging, for example. My favorite passage of the footage was when she shows children playing games. The can game, and games when they’re in a circle or square and trading off movement and those kinds of things. We can see she’s capturing information that she’s going to use to talk about these cultural practices in her academic writing. It’s also really clear in the attention she pays the children and the attention that she pays to the movements of women, the way that she captures, even in the silent films, the rhythm and the musicality of church service. We can see visually the style that she’s developing that then she folds into her writing practice. We can say, because we know about this work that Zora Neale Hurston seems to be one of the first African-American women filmmakers, and so it gives us a deeper sense of her creative practice and her intellectual practice as well."

Monster Hunter (2020)
Monster Hunter (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Contains spoilers, click to show
First off I'll start by saying that I've never played any of the Monster Hunter games so I went into this with no real point of reference.
For the most part I found 'Monster Hunter' a pretty average film, the story has been done many times before, a group of solders find themselves in another reality and try to find there way back. Excepted (Spoolers) most of the solders are killed off near the beginning and there is no explanation as to why Artemis (Milla Jovovich) comes back to life (or if there is it's a blink and miss it explanation), I'm guessing that this is something explained more in the games.
There is no real investigation to how they got there they just see a storm by a strange tower and figure that a storm brought them there so that must be the way back.
This all leads to there being almost no story, there are hints to back story's, Artemis keeps looking at a wedding ring, the Hunter (Tony Jaa) preys to icons of his (assumed) family and the Admiral (Ron Perlman) states that people from Artemis' world (earth) had been there before. But that's it, apart from one or to other one liners that's all the back story we get.
The essence of 'Monster hunter' is that it's a journey, mostly Artemis and the Hunter going from the dessert to the tower, but a journey with monsters. The monsters are part of what pushes the film (just) above average, TOHO were involved in the production of the film and, for those of you who don't know, TOHO were the people behind the original, Japanese, Godzilla monster and they have continued do monsters eve since so you know that, when they are involved the monsters are going to be more than just cannon fodder.
The other thing that raises the film up are the action scenes, especially the fights between Artemis and the Hunter.
If you have nothing better to do then maybe give 'Monster Hunter' a watch, just don't expect a master peace, there is nothing wrong with the film but I feel that I've seen it all before in other films.
Batman - The Telltale Series
Batman - The Telltale Series
2016 | Action/Adventure
It's Batman (1 more)
Troy Baker
Frequent glitches are still present (1 more)
The Joker
Telltale's best for a while
The world's greatest detective gets the Telltale treatment and for the most part it works.
Playing as both Bruce Wayne and Batman is a lot of fun, the original storyline is interesting and the incorporation of the other characters in the Batman universe is well done.
Troy Baker makes a great younger Batman and the voice acting is pretty solid all round.
Unfortunately Telltale still refuse to update their engine and the game suffers from a frequent amount of glitches due to this.
Also, while I was willing to accept a different take on the characters in this world for the most part, I found this version of the Joker underwhelming. He didn't seem like much of a threat and I didn't like his voice actor either.
Overall though, as a Batman fan, I had fun with this and I am looking forward to seeing how Telltale's version of the Batman mythos plays out in future games.
Matched (Matched #1)
Matched (Matched #1)
Ally Condie | 2010 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (35 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved, LOVED this book! I've had it sitting in my "to read" pile for quite awhile now & decided it was time to read it. Now I'm pissed off at myself that I waited so long!!!
The book was engaging. I didn't want to put it down. It was an easy, quick read. Kind of a mixture between the Twilight books & the Hunger Games series...but don't take that as being it is the same. Some of elements of those great series show up in this one, but it is by NO means a copy.
Cassia, Ky, & Xander are all very well developed, easy to like characters. They add a great depth to the story which is, in some ways a typical teenage love triangle story, but different from the usual too.
I am very much looking forward to jumping into the 2nd book in the series to find out what happens to all 3 of them. It left me feeling the need to say, "Do not go gentle into that good night." ;)
2008 | Medical
Cooperative (1 more)
Thematically interesting
Quarterbacking is a problem with players who have a varying degree of skill (0 more)
Pandemic is a lot of board gamers first cooperative game, and for that it has a lot of value. A lot of people have fond memories getting destroyed over and over, feeling that their first win was a big accomplishment. Unfortunately, after your first few wins, the game loses a lot of its charm. You start to recognize the patterns, and can pretty much tell within the first few terms if your group is going to win. As a result, this game is likely gathering dust in a lot of people's collections: too nostalgic to sell, but not good enough to play.

The game also suffers a lot of the basic problems of cooperative games. Experienced players quarterbacking is common. The randomness of the cards drawn is frustrating. The roles drawn don't always work well together (and can largely dictate if you win).

Overall, I would still recommend this to a new board gamer. But I would still probably recommend the Legacy versions more highly.
Barker's Row
Barker's Row
2018 | Card Game
Excellent Art (1 more)
Nice Components
Repetitive After A While (0 more)
Fun Game - Especially With A Sideshow Performer In The Group
I got the Kickstarter for Barker's Row because I have friends who work in sideshow and I knew they would like the theme. The theme of the game is very strong through the game and it was fun to play with these folks.

Without them, the game is a straightforward card drafting and hand management affair where luck can have a strong effect on who wins in the end. If you have good Attraction cards with useful powers then you can make multiple calls and pull way ahead of everyone else. This is, however, true for a good number of games that involves an element of luck.

I really enjoyed playing this game because of the theme and because some of the cards are fun. The art is excellent and the pieces are good quality. The "Rube" meeples all have different people on them so you can fill your grandstand with all kinds of strange people coming to see your shows.

MaryAnn (14 KP) rated Stratagem in Books

Mar 5, 2019  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Deep in the gritty underbelly of New Orleans, psychologist Grayson Thibodeaux loses everything when his wife leaves him to climb her company’s corporate ladder. He buries himself in his job of creating mind-bending adventure games for businesses as team-building explorations. When his ex-wife’s company hires Grayson’s to create an elaborate game, he doesn’t see how things can get worse. Until she dies during the course of the game he created…makmaking him the prime suspect for murder.

My Thoughts: Everyone loves a good mystery and this is no exception. Fast paced and keeps the reader guessing until the end. With so many twists and turns that keeps the readers' interest.

This is a well-written novel with interesting characters that the reader will easily identify with. This is my first novel from Robin Caroll, and it won't be my last. I truly enjoyed her writing and the plot for this novel was interesting.

Not only a mystery but a story about forgiving as well. A wonderful read for those who love a good mystery and suspense book.