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Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Lethal Weapon (1987) in Movies
Mar 5, 2018

Dean (6927 KP) rated Maneater (2007) in Movies
Apr 30, 2019
A half decent made for TV film starring Gary Busey as a sheriff of a small town with an escaped Tiger on the loose. It has some pretty gory make up scenes, surprised it's a PG?! Very much a Jaws on land and not too be taken seriously.

David McK (3508 KP) rated Point Break (1991) in Movies
Nov 28, 2021
Thor's Quinjet password!
A sereis of high stakes robberies.
Young FBI agent going undercover, and falling in with an extreme sports crowd who later prove to be those responsible for the robberies.
Unsure of where his loyalties lie.
Charismatic leader of the extreme sports group.
Increasingly ridiculous stunts.
Wait, am I describing 'Point Break' or 'The Fast and the Furious' franchise??
Yes, it is clear that that later franchise (Fasrt and Furious) takes many elements from this earlier movie (albeit switching surfing for cars), which stars a - very young!, pre The Matrix or even Speed - Keanu Reeves (Johnny Utah) alongside an impressively mulleted Patrick Swayze (Bodhi) and Gary Busey as Utah's older FBI partner.
Lets face it, though, we're really here for the stunts (or, at least, the male audience is!): in particular the surfing and skydiving (without a parachute) scenes.
Young FBI agent going undercover, and falling in with an extreme sports crowd who later prove to be those responsible for the robberies.
Unsure of where his loyalties lie.
Charismatic leader of the extreme sports group.
Increasingly ridiculous stunts.
Wait, am I describing 'Point Break' or 'The Fast and the Furious' franchise??
Yes, it is clear that that later franchise (Fasrt and Furious) takes many elements from this earlier movie (albeit switching surfing for cars), which stars a - very young!, pre The Matrix or even Speed - Keanu Reeves (Johnny Utah) alongside an impressively mulleted Patrick Swayze (Bodhi) and Gary Busey as Utah's older FBI partner.
Lets face it, though, we're really here for the stunts (or, at least, the male audience is!): in particular the surfing and skydiving (without a parachute) scenes.