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More Than Friends (More Than Friends #1)
Aria Grace | 2012
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It wasn't a bad story but it felt very rushed. The characters were wam bam Im not gay but now I love you and am gay and I'm in love with you...just far fetched for me...I did enjoy the story though and the characters were fun. It was a good sweet read for free
While at camp for gifted kids Nic meets Battle. They both like guys but fall for each other. Is love worth losing friendship

This was a cute book about trying to figure out who you are and the pitfalls along the way. This can be especially hard for gay kids since society tells you it is wrong. Throughout this book all the characters grew and changed. It was typical teenage drama with a gay twist.
Coming Out On Top
Coming Out On Top
2015 | Simulation
Exclusively Gay Romance (3 more)
Good Character Art
HIgh Replay Value
Multiple Story Arcs
Repetitious (0 more)
The Daddy of Gay Visual Novels
Coming Out on Top is a visual novel about Mark Matthews (who's kind of a weenie), college senior, newly out of the closet. Guide him through his last semester of school and through various sexual misadventures. There are several characters you can develop a "romance" with, and the storylines are not always obvious. You have to learn the characters motives to get them to like you. Other times, it feels more random. However, there is a good variety of characters for you to meet and romance.

(And the art is pretty sexy. Something for everyone, I think.)
The Perfect Whore
The Perfect Whore
Josephine Myles | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fanfiction is usually free. You can find better stuff there
Once upon a time, I read Star Wars slash fanfiction. That was a lot better than this. I don't quite know what the author was going for here, as the story leans too far into plot and exposition to be a "romance" novel (not a bad thing, if the plot wasn't just a vehicle for the romance), and the erotica was less than erotic. I've read female authors who could write believable gay characters, but this isn't one of them. These characters interact more like men in Japanese yaoi, which is to say, you could sub one of the men with a woman and have the same story. I would be more generous (considering one character is a shapeshifting alien with no true gender) but her author's bio specifically states she writes gay erotica. So let's be clear: this is gay erotica for women. So if you're a lady who fetishizes gay men, this is in your wheelhouse. If you're a gay man, probably avoid this one, unless you really have a thing for sci-fi and lizardmen.

Circling back around, of course the title is attention grabbing. And the story is short enough to be fun. Both characters are obnoxious, but not so much that you can't sit two or three hours with them. The story employs standard tropes, including using rape as a dramatic crutch. If that's your thing, you'll probably enjoy this and also what's wrong with you?
The Times of Harvey Milk (1984)
The Times of Harvey Milk (1984)
1984 | Biography, Documentary, History
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"""When it comes to documentaries, I am not a fan of current trends of reenactments and celebrities reading the words of unavailable subjects. Skip the elaborately constructed interstitial animations and give me old-school talking heads and archival footage with scripted, voice-of-God narration to help move me where you want me to go. The Times of Harvey Milk is what I’m talking about. Winner of the 1985 Oscar for Best Documentary, Rob Epstein and Richard Schmiechen’s powerful account of the assassination of San Francisco’s first openly gay elected official remains one of the most riveting documentaries ever made. It tells the story of San Francisco’s gay community and the fight for gay rights in the late 1970s through dynamic talking-head interviews, gripping archival footage, and devastating narration by Harvey Fierstein. It is also one of the very few gay-themed films to be selected for the Library of Congress’s National Film Registry."


Logan Eccles (135 KP) rated Isn't It Romantic (2019) in Movies

Oct 1, 2020 (Updated Oct 2, 2020)  
Isn't It Romantic (2019)
Isn't It Romantic (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Romance
A Joke of a Movie In a Good Way
I didn't really care to see this movie but it was available for me to watch so I watched it. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was smart and clever in all the funny ways it needed to be. Both the writers and producers obviously did their research on romantic comedies to make the joke really stretch long but not seem forced. The writers made sure every cliché was there and made them extremely funny in reality, The gay sidekick cliché in this movie is my favorite because in the reality of the main character its just her next-door neighbor she knows nothing about I didn't even realize he was gay because he doesn't look like a stereotypical gay man. The soundtrack is what pulls this whole joke together though because every sappy great love song from every sappy great romcom wraps this movie in a pretty bow. If you want to laugh along with this cast at the stupidity behind romantic comedies this is the film for you because it is stupid funny.

Beth Ditto recommended Singles Going Steady by Buzzcocks in Music (curated)

Singles Going Steady by Buzzcocks
Singles Going Steady by Buzzcocks
1979 | Punk
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Look, I'm a hits only person. When I go see a show, I don't want filler. Unless you're Sonic Youth or Tori Amos, I don't want your B-sides. Hits only. It's so self-indulgent. I picked Buzzcocks Singles Going Steady because I like that it's a little campy and gay. And the harmonies are good. It's that simple. I think with music sometimes it is that simple. It was pop punk, not pop punk as it is now, but it was poppy. I got into punk late because what I thought punk was did not appeal to me at all. I was like I couldn't care less about [whispers conspiratorially] Sex Pistols. But Buzzcocks, Gang Of Four, Wire, that's my jam. Melodic and smart and put together and catchy and the rest of it? I don't care. It's self-indulgent, like you say you don't care what we think of you but, yes you do. Singles Going Steady doesn't take itself too seriously, and it's gay. It's so gay. I think it's cool to think about being gay in the punk scene, I don't think it could have been too easy but to me that's ultimately not giving a fuck. It must be easy to be some straight, white dude and be anti-establishment. Well you're part of the problem, get out of here. You're anti what? What are you talking about? We were so lucky to come along in the 90s, because it was really a turning point for pop culture. Look at Riot Grrl, it made punk a safer place for women, and then Queercore came along and made it a safer place for queers. I think, there is a refuge in punk rock now, but that's the thing why I think the Buzzcocks was more punk than punk, because I don't necessarily think there was a refuge then. I think it probably felt pretty lonely, because you weren't disco, you weren't pop, that's where queer culture, or the gay scene really was, and to be a punk then? I don't think you could seek refuge in that. "

Latter Days (2004)
Latter Days (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Contains spoilers, click to show
I saw this movie back when it was released fourteen years ago, when I was still young and had faith in things. I picked it up again to see if it held up, and you know? It's not bad. Usually romantic comedies don't do much for me, gay or straight, but I have a thing for Mormons--what can I say?

So Christian is a gay party boy livin' it up in LA, but ultimately lacking in purpose and drive. Aaron is a Mormon missionary from Iowa, who experiences culture shock and desire for the first time, because of course they become neighbors and hijinks ensue. Fun fact! This movie also stars Joseph Gorgon-Levitt as a total butt, which is quite a contrast to his role in Mysterious Skin, another gay-themed movie which came out in the same year.

The acting is actually not as horrible as you would think from the production value/budget, and the story is typical romantic comedy fare. Still, I think it would strike a chord with anyone who is queer and was brought up in a religious household. It doesn't shy away from how agonizing it can be to be betrayed by family, especially fourteen years ago. And you know, some of the dialogue is actually really poignant. If you can get over the vaguely "afterschool special" feeling of this movie, it's definitely worth a watch.

(It has a happy ending!)

Andrew Ahn recommended Weekend (2011) in Movies (curated)

Weekend (2011)
Weekend (2011)
2011 | Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It’s safe to say that Haigh’s Weekend messed up an entire generation of gay men looking for love. The film wears its heart on its sleeve and does it with such grace. There’s this feeling I get when I break up with someone or meet someone new. It’s this feeling of flux, transition, and tension, of someone either pulling away or pulling you close. It’s the gravitational forces of love. Weekend captures this perfectly."

A Matter of Time Book I (A Matter of Time #1)
A Matter of Time Book I (A Matter of Time #1)
Mary Calmes | 2009 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm a bit of a mess right now. The whole on again off again thing was driving me crazy but I understood in a way. Being a gay cop, I imagine, can be very hard. Its seen as a mans job and people expect you to be some sort of hard guy with a loving wife and kids at home... But no! Life and modern society are so much more advanced than they used to be and gay people should be able to work in any profession and not get judged or bullied for it.

That aside I was so into this series. I really need to know what's going to happen next with Jory and Sam so need to buy book three and four now