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Dennis Lehane recommended M (Movie) (1931) in Movies (curated)

M (Movie) (1931)
M (Movie) (1931)
1931 |
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"German expressionism, thinly veiled indictments of the growing Nazi menace, some of the sleekest camera work on record, and Peter Lorre’s groundbreaking portrayal of a child killer who you nearly find yourself rooting for. An unshakable experience."

Ivan The Terrible: Part I (1944)
Ivan The Terrible: Part I (1944)
1944 | Biography, Drama, History
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Potemkin is taught in film schools worldwide, more like a fossil than a real, breathing animal that must be dissected. Watch it because it’s important. So budding filmmakers are taught about formalism and montage, and they rarely get to watch Eisenstein’s later works, like Ivan the Terrible. They’re missing out: imagine a biopic run through the meat grinder of German expressionism, with every image connoting the pitfalls of absolute power, with cutaways of faces that are thankfully forever captured in celluloid marble, with a sense of mounting state paranoia and ever-crumbling artifice. Potemkin may have the classic scenes, like the dish, the lion, the guns, but Ivan has taken all those early lessons and boyhood feints and given us a masterpiece."


Keegan McHargue recommended Lola (2001) in Movies (curated)

Lola (2001)
Lola (2001)
2001 | International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In the recent documentary Gerhard Richter Painting, the painter speaks at length about being a young artist emerging in post–World War II Germany. He says that he always considered painting to be nothing more than a trade that one dedicates oneself to day after day. Working is, above all, very respectable. Perhaps this attitude can be attributed to the fact that postwar Germans were faced with the arduous (but perhaps liberating) task of writing a new history for themselves—trying to come to terms with the past while simultaneously looking toward the future and the endless possibilities therein. With such daunting business at hand, a workhorse spirit would be a must for all German artists. Fassbinder most definitely had that spirit, leaving behind forty feature-length films and playing countless other roles over the course of his short career. Lola alludes to some of these particular pressures and concerns. Lola herself is a woman with a troubled past pressing forward with her life. It is a great, classic story, and a lot can be read into it. But on a purely aesthetic level, Lola is a sumptuous visual journey. So many textures and colors . . . if Zéro de conduite is a Dadaist masterpiece and The Scarlet Empress is expressionism on film, Lola is pure Technicolor pop art, and one of the best late Fassbinder films. Coincidentally, Rainer Werner Fassbinder died the day before I was born."
