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Auburn (57 KP) rated Lovestruck in Books

Apr 10, 2019  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book.

When I looked this book up it immediately knew it would be perfect for me. Greek gods, love arrows, and a girl who just can't figure out what she wants. Sign me up! I loved the relations to the big gods but also the fact the author threw in some minor gods and focused on them. It wasn't about Zues and that made it all the better. Instead we see a group of friends willing to do anything to help a girl out of a tough situation. A guy who will do anything for her and one collosal misunderstanding.
My only problem with this book, it's long. So long that in the middle I wondered what was going to take it so long. But I pushed through and the ending is worth it.
Perfect for fans of Olympian Challenger and other Greek God stories.