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Darth Vader.

Both legs chopped off.

Only one arm.

Left on the lave beds of Mustafar.

No, we're not talking about the end of 'Revenge of the Sith' here, but about part of what happens to Vader in this, the second compilation of Greg Pak's run on the Darth Vader series of graphic novels (here, comprising issues 6 through 11), at the behest of The Emperor, who has found out about Vader's previous 'failings' from Volume 1 (Star Wars: Darth Vader by Greg Pak, Vol. 1: Dark Heart of the Sith in which he allowed his personal feelings to get the better of him.

This run also introduces Ochi of Bestoon - who The Emperor has sent to kill Vader - and actaulyl makes a better attempt at tying together the Original Trilogy and the Sequel Trilogy (with Vader discovering about, and travelling to Exegol and encountering the Sith Eternal) than any of those latter movies did!
Casual Farming 5: A Slow Living LitRPG (Sowing Season)
Wolfe Locke, Mike Caliban | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (0 more)
Puking (but it is non-graphic, thankfully) (0 more)
Another slice of life farming/dungeon book
I've read all 5 of the Casual Farming novels that are currently out, though this is the first one I've actually written a review on. We've followed Jason from his arrival in Summer Shandy to his marriage and first child. Old friends have new roles, new faces have joined the town so he's not the newest guy, and he has thoroughly settled in. I really enjoyed this.

I am still, after 5 books, unsure of what to make of the time system in this universe. I'm happy we don't have Jason's wife puking all day every day for 7 months, but getting through the pregnancy in one season is a little strange. It works though, kind of like the seasons changing at midnight exactly on the last day of the season.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to book 6, whenever they get it published. :)
Sin City (2005)
Sin City (2005)
2005 | Action, Drama, Mystery
In a dazzling blend of muted color, violence, and eroticism Frank Millers graphic novel Sin City has burst upon the screen with a visual style that is as diverse as the star studded cast that drives it.

Set in the fictional Basin City, the film is a series of segments that weave in and around each other to tell various stories and side plots without a clear cut beginning and end as the conclusion of one segment often mirrors portions of the events in another.

While the film does not have a linear plot in the traditional sense, each segment is a snapshot of life in Basin City and how it is viewed by the various people that dwell within. It does not take a genius to see that the city is rife with all manner of unsavory characters from child molesters to cannibals. Basin City is also a place where people are not always the sum of their parts as a violent and disfigured thug named Marv (Mickey Rourke) can show humanity and compassion as he attempts to avenge those who were wronged. It is a place where a person with a dubious past and a new face named Dwight (Clive Owen), is town between the life he left behind and his desire to protect those who are in danger.

The film is chocked full of dialogue that is reminiscent of classic pulp novels and comics of the 40’s and 50’s where characters were often as two dimensional as the pages in which their exploits were chronicled. While this at first seems awkward and hokey it tends to grow on you as it is an accurate reflection of the locales and inhabitants that comprise the city.

While most of the film is shot in a black and white style, there are flashes of color that make a gripping contrast to the usually blank characters. Examples of which are seen in many of the films violent action sequences where blood and other gore are used for artistic effect. In one example, graphic shooting segments are left in a muted black and white allowing us to see the gore in a muted sense. The impact of the scene is not lost but it is rendered in an artistic and unique manner that is amazing to see. While you should be horrified at what you see, you find yourself captivated by the clever color and camera work that is used to render the scene. At other times, the crimson color of blood is used to emphasize a scene and illustrate and illuminate a character.

If this sounds confusing, it is due to the fact that to many “Sin City”, is a film that is a unique looking film, that has a pacing and style all its own, and does not play by the traditional rules for a film. While films such as “Heavy Metal” and “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow” have brought graphic novels and visually unique pulp stories to the screen, it is the constant adherence to the source material, and directors Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller, and Quentin Tarantinos ability to blend their unique styles seamlessly that makes this film interesting.

The action of the film is very well choreographed and despite being very, very graphic in places, it nonetheless entertains and rarely seems gratuitous. The film also has a surprising amount of comedy as there were several moments that caused the audience at my press screening to erupt.

While it does not offer much in the way of plot or acting, the performances are appropriate to the characters and settings .The all-star cast does a great job in conveying the motivations of their characters as the audience is given just what the need to know about a character to make the segments work.

While the film may not appeal to a mass audience due to the unique look and structure of the film, fans of Tarantino and Rodriguez are likely to embrace this film which should likely result in further adventures in Basin City sometime in the near future.

Ross (3284 KP) rated Domino Strays in Books

Sep 3, 2020 (Updated Sep 3, 2020)  
Domino Strays
Domino Strays
Tristan Palmgren | 2020 | Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great comic novel
I received an advance copy of this book from the publishers in exchange for an honest review.
I have to admit to being a little disappointed when I realised this was an actual novel rather than a graphic novel. It had been filed as a graphic novel on netgalley and I was looking forward to my first reading of a Domino comic. However, once I started this disappointment evaporated. This is a wonderfully told and thrilling, charming book.
The story switches from different times through Domino's life so is very much an origin story. We have when Domino was growing up in a variation of Wolverine's Weapon X programme, as Project Armageddon sought to create the perfect soldier. Domino was one output from that programme, as she developed the mutant ability to have luck on her side. Then we have her time in an orphanage, having escaped the programme. Then her mission to track down the person who might have been responsible for her upbringing and finally her present mission, to rescue two adolescents who have been brainwashed by a cult leader. These different time periods are covered throughout the book, layering up her back story as we follow her on her current mission. This is superbly woven together, and we have almost parallel storylines near the end, her infiltrating Project Armageddon and her sneaking into the cult's base. A few times this got a little muddled in my head, but served to wonderfully draw a parallel between her upbringing and that of the non-mutant, more traditional cult.
Domino is accompanied on her later mission by Black Widow amongst others (the characters' real names are generally used, so it was fun to try and track down which Marvel characters they actually were), but she is very much the leader of her merc crew.
The storyline is good, combining plenty of backstory and exciting missions, with excellently narrated action sequences. I don't tend to like first person books as much as third person, but this angle gave Domino a much more likable personality, having a fair chunk of her friend Deadpool's humour, mixed with Rogue's childhood trauma and Wolverine's anger at experimentation.
As noted in Deadpool 2, having luck on your side isn't a superpower, and it isn't very cinematic. Domino's power is not overly laboured in the book, and it isn't used to make her seen completely invulnerable to injury. She uses it sparingly because luck going her way in a fight (bullets being deflected etc) can have adverse consequences for those around her. It was used when absolutely needed, but she has so many capabilities that she barely did.
This is a really great book that gives so much more backstory to a lesser-known Marvel character than could have been achieved in a graphic novel. A very strong female cast of role models.
The only downside was the overuse of footnotes which didn't tend to add much to the story, other than witty asides, and are quite frustrating on a kindle.
True Romance (1993)
True Romance (1993)
1993 | Action, Drama, Mystery
I know people that hate this film, but I know far more that love it.
Contains spoilers, click to show
The film was written by Quentin Tarantino, and it really shows with the sharp dialogue and crazy plot. The film centres around Clarence (Christian Slater) who meets and marries Alabama (Patricia Arquette). After Clarence goes to get Alabama's belongings, through a series of mishaps, he ends up with suitcase of coke and they decide to sell it. This leads to a wild adventure involving drug dealers, police and movie executives.

The casting in this film is amazing with Hollywood greats turning up and each one adds something special to the film. But by far the best performance is by Brad Pitt as the roommate of Clarence's friend Dick. He is on screen for a total of about 5 minutes but steals every scene he is in. However every one of the characters in the film brings something special. The performances by Hollywood greats, including Dennis Hopper, Christopher Walken and Gary Oldman all come so close to being over the top, but the incredible script and brilliant directing manage to hold back just enough to stop it going too far.

This film is a true masterpiece where everything just falls in to place. The film is not for the faint of heart though. There are very graphic scenes of violence. One particular scene involving a woman getting severely beaten. The perpetrator definitely gets his comeuppance though. While the violence is very graphic, as with most of Tarantino's films, it is very bloody but also portrayed in a realistic manor. This adds to the shock and also to bring you closer to the victims.

I cannot praise this film enough. It is one of the greats that has been overlooked by many including Hollywood. Almost all of the performances are worthy of Oscar nomination, as with the script. But this film was overlooked by all the major awards.

If you are a fan of Tarantino films, or films with a good cast and great story give this film a try. I know people that hate this film, but I know far more that love it.
I was provided a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publishers in exchange for an honest opinion.

The artwork in this graphic novel is very simplistic and colourful, easy to follow as targeted for middle grade.

I enjoyed this Graphic Novel it was very informative on a basic level, it showed family dynamics and symptoms of aspergers. I believe this should be put in all schools for children to read, to recognise that there are illnesses out there that define people the way they are. I have only really learnt about AS in my adult life, this could be that it's more recognised and understood now.

There are several characters in this story that surround Ben and you get to see all their ways in which they communicate.

Grandma is around to look after Ben when his father is working, she is very supportive and understanding and is a go between Ben and his father.

The dad, is a stereotypical dad, wants his son to be good at sports and have a rough and tumble, he doesn't understand why Ben is the way he is and clearly gets frustrated when Ben can't explain himself.

Andy, Ben's best friend, is a decent kid and is very tolerant but he himself also gets frustrated with Ben on occasions but sticks with him, its great to see that true friends will stick around and keep coming back.

The teacher (I have forgotten her name.... it's something double-barreled) is very frustrated, she has her own problems too, but Ben can't read her emotions, he takes things too literally and is mistaken for being rude.

The blue bottle and the genie is just added to make the story interesting for the kids to read, It doesn't have any real relevance to AS.

This book looks at family dynamics, friendship, bullying and obviously Aspergers Syndrome.

This is such an easy read, definitely one to read with kids to make them more aware or anyone that has never heard of AS as it shows all they symptoms in Ben's character.

Overall I rated this 3.5 stars out of 5.
Change of Heart
Change of Heart
K.M. Neuhold | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Change of Heart is a wonderful, heart-warming story that actually covers an intriguing topic - organ transplants and the emotions that go with that. I was immediately gripped by this story, from the heart-rending opening, to the devastation Easton lives with. I loved the little snippets you got, just enough to make you wonder - why did River's heart flutter when Easton was nearby? Why did he feel loss after the transplant? Now, this is fiction, but there are documented cases where someone's behaviour or tastes have changed. Can it just be the 'trauma' their body has been through, or something else? I love the possibilities.

Now, back to the book, River and Easton are the perfect pair. I know Paul was it for Easton until the accident, but the quality of Ms. Neuhold's writing is such that I can't imagine a more perfect partner for Easton than River. No, not everything is easy, and yes, I did want to whomp Easton over the head as he kept putting off the big reveal, but at the same time, I found it to be completely understandable.

Easton is a graphic artist, and the use of the colours given throughout the book not only made perfect sense to him, but to me as well. Did I have tears in my eyes when River showed him his graphic novel? Maybe just a few 😉

Change of Heart deals with a very hard subject, the love and loss of the person you thought you'd spend your life with, and Ms. Neuhold worked it perfectly. It could have become a bad love triangle, with River competing with a ghost. Instead, it was River and Easton throughout the book, with Paul being there, almost tangible, but never in the way. I loved the photo frames at the end, but won't say more than that.

There is nothing about this book I didn't enjoy, and I have no hesitation in highly recommending it!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!