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A graphic novel alternative WWII history thriller, this has some disturbing elements which may not be for every reader, but do add to the realistic element that these things would have happened. This first part of the story takes its reader on a grand journey which leaves the reader wanting to continue in the next part to find out what will happen to its characters. I can easily see this as a blaxploitation-style film, the spies, hitmen and nazi give you a real idea of what to expect.

Liliannar (58 KP) rated It in Books

May 25, 2018  
Stephen King | 1986 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
8.8 (95 Ratings)
Book Rating
Character development (1 more)
World Building
Gritty (1 more)
Sexually graphic
All time favorite book
This is my absolute favorite book and i can't say enough good things about it. I read this as a young child and it has been a yearly read since then. I have no doubt this book shaped who I am in a huge way and I wouldn't be the same person without it. It's often considered a horror novel, and while there is certainly a horror aspect to it, it's really a story about people and friendship.
The Wicked + the Divine: The Faust Act: Volume 1
The Wicked + the Divine: The Faust Act: Volume 1
Kieron Gillen, Jamie Mckelvie | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was my first time reading a graphic novel and the plot of this story sounded interesting but I found that I was quickly confused and losing interest. There didn't seem to be much to the story in this first volume and I don't even feel as though the author did a good job of setting up the plot for future volumes. Originally I had given this story a 4 star rating, and I have since dropped it to a 2 star rating the more I thought about it.
Sons of Ares
Sons of Ares
Pierce Brown | 2018 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
While I'm not a fan of the novel series, the graphic novel won me over.
I’m not a fan of the Red Rising novel series. I think it’s safe to state that seeing that I’ve never successfully made it through the first book without falling asleep. I want to like it – there’s no reason I shouldn’t like it- but the audible version just hits my snooze button instantly. For me, with the trouble sleeping I have, that’s not actually a bad thing, but it doesn’t bode well for my opinion of the book. So… I knew I was taking a risk in checking out Red Rising: Sons of Ares. However, I hoped the graphic novel format would keep my attention a bit better. I was right. I thoroughly enjoyed Red Rising: Sons of Ares Vol 1.

The writing in Sons of Ares is well-done. The story told was surprisingly engaging (though to be honest it did take a couple of issues before I got fully involved with it). I wasn’t expecting to find myself rooting for Fitchner and Brynn, but by the end of the novel I was goggle-eyed at what I thought was going to happen. There might have been a few swears and threats made in the direction of the pages a few times.

Speaking of swears… I wasn’t a fan of the fact that some had apparently taken a black marker to the curse words, though. I mean, if you’re old enough to read about graphic violence that involves people getting limbs cut off, I think you can handle a dirty word or two. Especially given that right after a few swears are marked out, there’s threats of ‘sack’ removal. Someone’s priorities are a bit sideways, yeah?

The pacing for Red Rising: Sons of Ares was great. There was the perfect amount of action. The dialogue was believable. The plot was interesting and I was happy by the end of the volume because I felt like it had been a solid mini story arc. I didn’t like Fitchner, but I don’t feel like I was supposed to like him either. I did like Brynn, though, and there were a few panels that had me cheering her.

My only issue with the graphic novel was the art. The quick, sketchy art style always looks to me like they were more concerned with pushing the issues out rather than taking their time and doing it properly. I’m aware some people like it and feel that it suits the story. I’m not one of them. So I really think it’s just personal preference.

Overall, Red Rising: Sons of Ares is a captivating story that managed to keep my attention even when the art did nothing for me. I know it’s a prequel, but given that I haven’t managed to read the books themselves, I can’t say if it gives any spoilers for the series.

It’s worth checking out.
The Handmaid’s Tale: The Graphic Novel
The Handmaid’s Tale: The Graphic Novel
Margaret Atwood, Renée Nault | 2019 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry
7.8 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
A worthy addition to the original story.
This is a beautifully illustrated graphic novel which remains true to the original novel by Margaret Atwood. It seems even more disturbing with the pictures: the starkness of the almost black and white background against the red of the Handmaids clothes, not only makes the Handmaids stand out, it also, for me, highlights their separateness or ‘otherness’.

It’s a while since I read the original book, but the prose in it felt right. It’s not all prose in speech bubbles, there are more in-depth, explanatory short paragraphs - and I think they really worked well.

I thoroughly enjoyed this, and I can see myself reading this again and again - and I might just have to re-read the original too, especially in the lead up to The Testaments.