Ruth Frampton (577 KP) rated Ghosts of the Past (The Bleiberg Project, #1) in Books
Apr 10, 2018

Jessica - Where the Book Ends (15 KP) rated The Wicked + the Divine: The Faust Act: Volume 1 in Books
Jan 30, 2019

Bat Mite
Bat-Mite is here to fix the DC Universe-one hero at a time! Convinced that he's the imp that put...

Batman the Golden Age: Vol 1
Bill Finger and Bob Kane
The stories that catapulted Batman to legendary status are collected here in this new graphic novel...

Don Quixote: v. 1
Miguel de Cervantes and Rob Davis
In a sleepy village in medieval Spain, a retired country gentleman spends his waking hours consuming...

Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV, Vol 1: From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness by Coheed and Cambria
Album Watch
The album begins to resolve the issues of Claudio Kilgannon's quest to protect the Keywork, and...

Lilyn G - Sci-Fi & Scary (91 KP) rated Sons of Ares in Books
Feb 7, 2018
The writing in Sons of Ares is well-done. The story told was surprisingly engaging (though to be honest it did take a couple of issues before I got fully involved with it). I wasn’t expecting to find myself rooting for Fitchner and Brynn, but by the end of the novel I was goggle-eyed at what I thought was going to happen. There might have been a few swears and threats made in the direction of the pages a few times.
Speaking of swears… I wasn’t a fan of the fact that some had apparently taken a black marker to the curse words, though. I mean, if you’re old enough to read about graphic violence that involves people getting limbs cut off, I think you can handle a dirty word or two. Especially given that right after a few swears are marked out, there’s threats of ‘sack’ removal. Someone’s priorities are a bit sideways, yeah?
The pacing for Red Rising: Sons of Ares was great. There was the perfect amount of action. The dialogue was believable. The plot was interesting and I was happy by the end of the volume because I felt like it had been a solid mini story arc. I didn’t like Fitchner, but I don’t feel like I was supposed to like him either. I did like Brynn, though, and there were a few panels that had me cheering her.
My only issue with the graphic novel was the art. The quick, sketchy art style always looks to me like they were more concerned with pushing the issues out rather than taking their time and doing it properly. I’m aware some people like it and feel that it suits the story. I’m not one of them. So I really think it’s just personal preference.
Overall, Red Rising: Sons of Ares is a captivating story that managed to keep my attention even when the art did nothing for me. I know it’s a prequel, but given that I haven’t managed to read the books themselves, I can’t say if it gives any spoilers for the series.
It’s worth checking out.

ClareR (5789 KP) rated The Handmaid’s Tale: The Graphic Novel in Books
Aug 6, 2019
It’s a while since I read the original book, but the prose in it felt right. It’s not all prose in speech bubbles, there are more in-depth, explanatory short paragraphs - and I think they really worked well.
I thoroughly enjoyed this, and I can see myself reading this again and again - and I might just have to re-read the original too, especially in the lead up to The Testaments.

The Arab of the Future: Volume 2: A Childhood in the Middle East, 1984-1985 - A Graphic Memoir