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Nintendo Selects: Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Nintendo Selects: Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Great for all ages
Everyone in my house loves this game from my 3 yr old son to my 35 yr old husband. There was even a study on how it's good for someone with depression and anxiety because of the socializing you do with the characters and the pace of the game. Fishing, bugs, fossils, and artwork make it educational and add in the occasional character who needs help with his countries rounds out the learning. Also, you can help your neighbors, create your own landscaping, and even design your own shirts! Plenty to do and events to participate in.
3.5 stars

As I have mentioned before in another review I find it difficult to rate self help books. The reason for this is because I cannot state if the activities within these pages will actually work. Recovery from depression is a very long journey, longer than this book takes to read and so I can't really comment on if these theories work as I'm yet to delve deeper. I was struggling between 3 stars and 4 stars so I settled with a 3.5. Some of the terminology was a bit much to understand in places and I thought there was perhaps a bit too much repetition, also there were a couple mistakes which could actually offend some people. On the other hand, this book was filled with some great information. I have read a fair few self help books on depression and so I was surprised to come across some new information I didn't already know. I was able to discover more ways in which depression can take hold and actually found out I drastically need to change my diet...I never really thought about it before but after doing one of the exercises I discovered how poor my diet actually is. The meditation parts in this book were ok, easy to follow and understand but I'm yet to know if they will work. The journey of recovery will continue long after this book is returned to the library.