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Andy K (10821 KP) created a video about Starman (1984) in Movies

Nov 12, 2017 (Updated Nov 13, 2017)  

I Send Greetings


Merissa (11731 KP) created a post

Nov 19, 2020  
"Angela Grimalke appears more blonde bombshell than the gremlin she is."

TOUR, EXCERPT & #GIVEAWAY - All Bags Go to Cleveland by C.S. Hale - @Archaeolibrary, @GoddessFish, @CatSHale, #Paranormal, #Romantic, #Comedy,

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Gremlins (1984) in Movies

Dec 24, 2019  
Gremlins (1984)
Gremlins (1984)
1984 | Comedy, Horror
8.1 (56 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I appear to be having a bit of a run on Joe Dante films at the moment, but it would be rude not to watch Gremlins over Christmas.

This film is so much fun from start to finish. It's everything you'd want and more from a Christmas horror film - laughs, some festive christmas spirit and a whole host of gremlin gore and wacky deaths. Considering this was made in 1984 the special effects with the Gremlins are surprisingly impressive and very inventive. The scenarios that they get themselves into are hilarious. Admittedly considering it's now 35 years old there are parts that look a little dated, but overall this is such a brilliant and entertaining film and definitely a classic at Christmas.

Karla Dee (6 KP) rated Little Thieves in Books

Nov 19, 2021  
Little Thieves
Little Thieves
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am a fan of the cover because the bone skull and the little Sailor Moon symbol at the top. Also the intro or dedication to the gremlin girls was inspiring and I hope it encourages all the young girly readers to continue breaking the glass ceilings with bricks or whatevs else they can get their hands on. There are trigger warnings at the beginning of the book warning the reader about the content in her reading which included child abuse and assault.

This read is a grimm retelling story and is very dark and magical. The author, Margaret Owen, based this book on the "The Goose Girl" which I have never heard of or read. This retelling is also a series so there is another book after this one which is the first of the series. I'd also categorize this retelling as LGBTQ+ which I love. I have no idea what Goose Girl is about but the idea of there being a more woke version is AMAZING to me <3<3<3 Bring on the next book please!
Shadow in the Cloud (2020)
Shadow in the Cloud (2020)
2020 | Action, Horror, War
6.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
In short, Shadow in the Cloud is a whole load of silly, but entertaining nonsense. In all honesty, the opening 30 or so minutes completely grabbed me - it has a foreboding synth heavy soundtrack that's completely at odds with its WWII time period but still works, it has a sort of gothic aesthetic in it's cloudy night sky setting that boasts some wonderful shots, it has a well built up sense of dread, and then, when the penny drops that there's something not quite right, there's a shot that is legitimately chilling. I was hooked and found myself thinking "this is going to be one of my new favourite films", but alas, it wasn't to last.
From the moment the gremlin creature is fully revealed, proceedings get sillier and sillier - there is one bit in particular that is so mind numbingly dumb, I felt some brain cells die off (but it still made me audibly laugh so, every cloud). The silliness isn't even the main problem, it's actually a plus, but it does highlight how shoddy most of the writing is. Chloë Grace Moretz does the best with what she's given, but honestly, Max Landis' claims that 95% of the finished product is still his work despite re-writes isn't something to be proud of. There's just a lot of iffy dialogue, and some narrative twists later down the line that feel forced and unnecessary.
However, all the silliness that I mentioned makes up for it, if that's your kind of thing. I really can't hate on a film too much when it has its lead beating the shit out of a CGI monkey-bat thing that's trying to eat her baby after all.
Tempest Rising (Jane True, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Horror, Romance, Mystery, Urban Fantasy? None of those really, though it falls under the UF genre.

I'm not quite sure why TEMPEST RISING is categorized as horror (fantasy - yes, horror - no), as there is nothing horrific at all about the book, except maybe a little bit of violence. The book was slow to start and, sadly, it never really got very far, and ended up more boring than not. The world building was good, and learning about the different species was interesting, but most of it was, at best, just okay.

The character development was next to nil. Jane starts off decent enough, could be fairly witty, but as the book progressed she became less likeable and her inner monologue started to grate on my nerves. Even though she's had some tough experiences, overall she came across as rather juvenile and I wasn't very impressed with her. And how many 'duh' moments could one person possibly have? Yes, she's new to the 'supe' world, yes, she doesn't know all there is to it, but c'mon, use some smarts girl, it's not that hard to put two and two together. So now it comes to Ryu. Oh, Ryu, ye of no personality. You may be hot, but that's all you have going for you. Talk about a flat character, he was pretty darn boring, which was unfortunate because he took up a big part of the book, and I just plain didn't like him. I got pretty sick of Jane and Ryu going at it like rabbits all the time, which would have been better used by giving him some much needed personality. Along with that, maybe an explanation of how Ryu's Japanese (I'm guessing because of his first name and almond eyes) and who also just happens to be a baobhan sith, which is a type of female vampire, from Scotland at that. The most interesting characters were Anyan, and the town pariah's (that's Jane) many friends, both human and non. How a social outcast has so many friends is beyond me, but you know Jane is despised by her woe-is-me attitude and the two people who hate her. Despite what she thinks, I highly doubt the town revolves around her.

Some of the author's descriptions are confusing and I had to reread them to 'get' it. How can something be both squat and tall (pg. 216), pray tell? I'm still pondering that one. Also, the descriptions and analogies could be really odd, and not in a good way, more in a 'where in the world did that come from?' and 'what the heck?' sorta ways. Like what was up with Ryu's laugh? Barking like a seal, giggling like a choking Pomeranian, and whatever other weird ways he laughed. I'm sorry, but that's not very attractive, but I guess it was supposed to be funny and endearing. Editing problems arose when I couldn't figure out if a certain creature was a goblin or gremlin (there is a difference). I finally figured it out when goblin edged out gremlin for the lead. A mistake dealing with the Porsche's trunk was another minor detail that I picked up on, but most people would probably miss it. I only noticed because I've wanted a Porsche since I was ten. :P

The end does show some promise that Jane might actually get some grit, being a half-selkie is a nice change from the supernatural usual after all, and Ryu just might not be featured as much. So, even with all the problems I had with the book, which did unfortunately top what I did like about the book, I probably will check out the next book in the series.
The Iron Traitor (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #2)
The Iron Traitor (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #2)
Julie Kagawa | 2013 | Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted at <a title="The Iron Traitor" href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

<i><b>Note:</b> Formatting and pictures have been removed due to copy and paste</i>

<b><u>Before Reading:</b></u>
      I thought I had to wait an additional 3 weeks maximum to get my hands on the county library's ebook copy of The Iron Traitor.

      But then a genie decided to grant my wish – or was it because there were more holds on it? – and the county library bought a second copy, much to my enthusiasm and glee that I wouldn't have to wait for about 3 weeks (all I'm going to respond to your envy, L, is to go put yourself on the hold list before it gets bigger or buy a copy. Sorry! Dx).

      And then I realized I was going to have juggle with multiple books (more than the usual). >_< I feel like making an anime face that's saying, "OMG, WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" and then facepalming. Or doing a classic headdesk with the hair fanning out. :p

      So I essentially had to wing it out and check it out on the last day it would be held for me... and then attempt to finish it within 3 weeks.

      Looks like I need to lock myself in my room again and turn off the – oh, wait. I can't turn off the laptop. It's an ebook. -_- Mother, we need to have a mother-daughter talk of going to the library ASAP.

      Looks like my challenge for the next 21 days is to avoid doing tasks that can be put off until a bit later. (I'll fail alright... but all that matters is that I'll hopefully not have to stick myself to the hold list and wait for a few more months.) o_o
     Despite all that, I was still literally "dancing" on books.
     But there's no torturous cliffhanger at the end like it was in The Eternity Cure, is there Julie? :O x30
<b><u>After Reading:</b></u>
      No. Just. NO. *shakes head in a "Nope, that wasn't what I just read. Nope. I don't believe this at all. I'm sleeping and someone needs to pinch me and then I'll be awake and everyone will be living a happily ever after, despite the fact they're not real." (I wish they were. :p)*

      You know what? Forget that I asked that last question about torturous cliffhangers. It's going to happen.

      And it shall be EXCRUSIATING.

      Simply because I – and possibly many others – have to wait a year. >_< Julie, you are officially an evil author.

      But I still love your writing. Why? Because while it may be set in the same world as Books 1-4 in the series, it's still amazingly well-written and there are still surprises in store that are totally unexpected.

      (psst! Recommendation! Go. Read the series if you haven't; you have a lot of awesomeness to catch up to! :o)

      But I'm still not happy with the ending.

      I'll deal with it. And survive.

      I think. O_o

      Oh, and I was thankfully spared from having to deal with reading so many books. *phew* On the bright side of everything, I'm also spared from staying on the hold list. Not that I mind rereading The Iron Traitor.

      And I forgot another thing... can I have a gremlin? :D? Razor's simply adorable.
<blockquote>Sometimes, the simplest answers are the hardest to see.</blockquote>
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
1990 | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
Christopher Lee (0 more)
Gremlins Take Over The Big Apple
Gremlins 2: The New Batch- is a good sequel. Its still has its dark humor, comedy, horror and of course many gremlins. And you cant not forgot about Hulk Hogan, yes you read that right Hulk Hogan is in this. And the horror legend and icon Christopher Lee is also in this.

The plot: The magical collectibles store that Gizmo calls home has just been destroyed, and the tiny monster finds his way into a newly erected skyscraper. Billy Peltzer (Zach Galligan) and his bride-to-be, Kate (Phoebe Cates), who have previously dealt with Gremlins run amok, discover that Gizmo and an impish legion of reptilian pals are inhabiting the downtown building. The couple tries to stop the creatures from escaping into New York City, but this new batch of beasts might be uncontrollable.

Like the first film, Gremlins 2: The New Batch is a live-action horror comedy film; however, Dante put effort into taking the sequel in new anarchistic directions. The film is meant to be more cartoon-like and less dark than the original, with slapstick violence, so the film received a PG-13 rating by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). There are also a number of parodies of other films and stories, including Gremlins itself, the Rambo films, The Wizard of Oz, Marathon Man and The Phantom of the Opera.

Along with the main plot, there is animation by Chuck Jones in the film featuring the Looney Tunes characters Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Porky Pig. Jones had actually quit animation before returning to work on Gremlins 2: The New Batch.Dante explained the animation at the beginning of the film was meant to "set the anarchic tone."

The first scene appears at the very beginning of the movie, and features the classic Looney Tunes opening card, causing people to assume it is the short cartoon that usually plays before a movie begins; however, when Bugs appears through the rings on top of the Warner Bros. shield, Daffy interrupts the intro, and steals the shield from Bugs. Daffy attempts to recreate the opening with himself in Bugs' place, but the shield overshoots, causing the entire title card to fall apart. Daffy surrenders the stardom, claiming that since he will not star in the cartoon, they might as well just skip straight to the movie. Bugs is willing to do so, and spins Daffy off screen like a spinning top for the movie title to appear.

The DVD and Blu-ray include a longer version of the cartoon short. In it, Daffy is informed by Bugs that he has been promoted to executive and is subsequently put in charge writing the title of the movie. When Daffy mistakenly writes the title Gremlins 2 as "Gremlin Stew", Bugs corrects the error. Daffy then attempts to rename the film The Return of Super-Daffy Meets Gremlins 2 Part 6: The Movie, but Bugs rejects this for being too long, changing it back to Gremlins 2 (rendered in the font of the official logo). Daffy then quits his new job and Bugs decides to add in the subtitle, saying it looks "a little skimpy". This material was removed from the film because early audiences expected a live-action film and were bewildered by the lengthy animated sequence.

Throughout the film's closing credits, Daffy pops into frame sporadically and spouts off sarcastic comments. The last scene appears after the credits, and again features the Looney Tunes rings. This time, Porky comes out of the rings and tries to say his usual "Th-th-th-that's all, folks!" However, Daffy interrupts again and takes over. After Daffy says the slogan, the back of the Warner Bros. shield, with the words, "Title Animation Written & Directed by Chuck Jones (with Chuck Jones' signature)", smashes him. He peeks his head out to the left side and says, "Fade out," and the segment ends.

Its a good film.