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The Gods In Anger (The Omaran Saga #4)
The Gods In Anger (The Omaran Saga #4)
Adrian Cole | 1991 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The climax of the Omaran tetralogy sees redeemed Deliverer Simon Wargallow lead a small band to defeat the sorceror Anakhizer before he can destroy the world.

So far so epic-fantasy-by-the-numbers. But this is no Tolkien clone. Cole was doing Grimdark fantasy long before there was any Grimdark fantasy and this still stands amongst one of the best final books in a fantasy series.

Despite any summary of the story sounding very cliched, it is anything but. The characters must dig deep to survive, the danger growing as they get closer to their goal.

If you want an epic fantasy that still feels refreshingly different, you can't do better.
The Grey Bastards
The Grey Bastards
Jonathan French | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
world-building, dirty language, character growth (0 more)
Shelf Life – The Grey Bastards Exemplifies Grimdark Fantasy at Its Damn Finest
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Grey Bastards is a fun, foul-mouthed read. If you’re turned off by bad language, steamy sex, or a good plot with plenty of action and twists, then this book isn’t for you. The Grey Bastards falls into the fantasy sub-genre known as grimdark. Where high fantasy has your Tolkien beautiful and noble elves, dwarves, humans, and wizards with epic battles between good and evil, grimdark takes all of that and covers it in shit, pus, and blood. Notice how in high fantasy nobody ever takes a piss or fucks? In grimdark, everyone does.

But don’t be fooled into thinking this book will be any less intelligent, epic, or heartfelt for it. The Grey Bastards is all of that and more. The novel follows Jackal, a half-breed orc living in the Lot Lands, the barren desert wasteland of Hispartha. He is a Grey Bastard, one of many half-orc hoofs, each protecting its own small town in the Lots. Members of a hoof are elite warriors that ride out on their Barbarians—giant warthogs—and slaughter invading bands of orcs.

Hispartha is a vibrant world, with a mix of fantastical species (orcs, half-orcs, elves, humans, halflings, and centaurs) with unique cultures and religions. Hispartha itself takes influences from Reconquista Spain, which is especially noticeable in the nomenclature, geography, and architecture.
The primarily atheistic half-orcs recently won their freedom from slavery at the hands of humans. Humans treat the half-orcs like second-class citizens, but tolerate them because of their strength, using them as a shield from the orcs. The elves are beautiful, reclusive, and probably the most cliché; there is one important elf character, but for the most part, we don’t get a good look into their culture in the first book. The centaurs worship Romanesque deities and go on crazed, Bacchanalian killing sprees during the blood moon.

Besides the half-orcs, the halflings are perhaps the most interesting. I still have a hard time visualizing them, trying to figure out if they are thin, pixie-like creatures or more stocky like dwarves. Their small stature and black skin makes me think of pygmies. They worship a god they expect will reincarnate someday, (view spoiler)

One thing that has always annoyed me about fantasy is that many authors feel that the characters of their world, being pre-industrial and thus “medieval,” must all be white, straight, Christian (or proto-Christian), cisgender males. If a woman appears at all is to act as the damsel, prize, or, if she’s lucky, a mystical enchantress to guide the heroes or provide a maguffin. It has come to the point in which this has become a tired and accepted baseline for fantasy. I don’t necessarily think that these fantasy authors are intentionally trying to be uninclusive, so much as they just seem to forget that other groups of people can exist in fantasy thanks to its fathers, Tolkien and Lewis.

But enough with my rant, the purpose of which is to highlight why I am often drawn to grimdark fantasy: at the very least I know that women, people of color, lgbt people, and other religions will be present, even if they are often victimized. This is because grimdark fantasy honestly depicts the horrors of rape, war, murder, slavery, and racism (or rather, speciesism in most cases) and has heroes and villains that are morally grey.

However, many authors describe these atrocities and then leave it at that, assuming that simply depicting them is enough to make a book mature and meaningful. They often fail to make any sort of statement on evil, and thus can seem to be, at best, blindly accepting it and, at worst, glorifying it (this often happens in the cases of magnificent bastard characters, who are absolute monsters but are so charming you almost respect or like them).

Jonathan French, however, does not fall short of the mark as many authors do, and for two main reasons: humor and humanity.

Let’s start with the humor. This book is hilarious. I mean in the I literally laughed out loud while reading it way. Sure, the jokes are often crass, but I have a dirty mind, so inappropriate humor is my favorite kind. The dialogue is especially top-notch, and the interactions between Jackal and his friends Fetching and Oats feel genuine, full of in-jokes, insults, and sexually-charged humor, all of which are exactly how I interact with my own close friends. And every major character in this book is so damn witty that I’m honestly jealous of them. If I could be quick enough to make even one of their zingers at the right time in a conversation, I would feel proud of myself for the rest of the day.

Humor is necessary to prevent any grimdark fantasy from becoming too over-the-top or depressing. And honestly, humor is needed most when the world is a dark and frightening place. But too much humor could accidentally downplay the point of grimdark: the brutally honest depiction of the atrocities that people are capable of.

And this is where it is important to have an element of humanity. By this I mean that the “good guys” must make some action or statement on those atrocities. Too often I read or watch hardened badass characters with no emotion who can watch a person get tortured and killed without flinching (maybe even do it themselves) and who never stop to question the nature of their society (even as part of their character growth), and I have difficulty finding them at all relatable or even the least bit interesting.

Now, often for this type of character, he or she is dead inside as a coping mechanism and part of their character arc is learning to allow themselves to feel their repressed emotions: heartbreak, anger, fear, etc. This can be done very well (see The Hunger Games for a great example—dystopian scifi and grimdark fantasy have very similar undertones). But most times it just ends up falling flat.

But Jackal already starts out with more personality than most grimdark protagonists. He is a humorous and light-hearted person. Sure, he lives in a desert wasteland, his race is entirely created by rape, he’s treated as a second-class citizen, and his life and the lives of those around him are in constant danger of rape and/or murder by invading orcs or blood-crazed centaurs. But despite all of that, he still has a sense of humor, people he loves, a community, ambitions, moral code, and all of the other things that these protagonists are often lacking.

Don’t get me wrong, he can be an asshole, and he’s often acts rashly before he thinks. But the scene that really stuck with me the most was [when Jackal and the wizard Crafty come across an unconscious elf sex-slave. I was expecting him to say something along the lines of “There’s nothing we can do for her, we have to save ourselves” or “This isn’t any of our business” or “It would be best to just put her out of her mercy.” These are the typical lines that a grimdark protagonist might utter while their companion—accused of being a bleeding heart—frees the slave. But this was not the case. Jackal and Crafty both immediately set out to free the girl and steal her away from her owner, despite the danger to themselves. And when he comes across an entire castle-full of these women, Jackal again sets about freeing them without a moment’s hesitation. (hide spoiler)]

And it’s no surprise that Jackal has a serious problem with rape. As I’ve mentioned before, half-orcs are entirely the product of roving bands of orcs raping human, elven, or even half-orc women. [When Jackal learns that Starling, the elf slave he rescued, is pregnant with a half-orc baby, he is not only furious with the orcs that gang-raped her, but also disturbed by the fact that elven society shuns any of their women who have been raped, and that these victims often end up taking their own lives rather than give birth to an impure half-elf. (hide spoiler)]

Furthermore, Jackal, unlike many people in Hispartha, does not buy into misogyny or sexism. His best friend Fetching is the first female half-orc to have joined a group of riders. Not only does Jackal respect Fetching, he understands the emotional turmoil that she is dealing with being the first female rider and how she overcompensates as a result to earn the respect of the other men.

While there is quite a bit of speciesism (pretty much none of the species get along with one another), the inhabitants of Hispartha come in every skin color and nobody gives a damn. Furthermore, sexuality is primarily treated as each person’s individual preference and nobody else’s business. While characters may make jokes about acting “backy” (gay), these are made in good humor between friends, and nobody gets particularly offended by them. Fetching is herself openly bisexual (though she seems to suppress her heterosexual desires more than her homosexual ones out of that same need to be “one of the boys”), and Oats and Jackal are one of my favorite bromantic pairings.

Grimdark fantasy can often be depressing to read. But Jonathan French does an excellent job of infusing hope into his narrative. The story actually has a happier ending than I was expecting. [I was especially pleased when Jackal chooses Fetching to be the new leader of the hoof (she is voted in unanimously by the other riders). I find it incredibly annoying in books and movies when revolutionaries/usurpers decide to appoint themselves leaders, as the former does not qualify you for the latter. Part of Jackal’s arc is realizing that he is not meant to lead the hoof like he’d once desired. (hide spoiler)]

For the sequel, The True Bastards, I’m hoping to see [if a cure can be found for the thrice-blood child now infected with plague, how Fetching is doing leading the hoof, and what the mysterious Starling is up to (I don’t buy for a second that she’s killed herself). And of course, I fully expect that Jackal is going to have to fulfill his empty promise to the halfling’s resurrected god, Belico.

The Craggus (360 KP) rated Shazam! (2019) in Movies

Apr 6, 2019 (Updated Apr 6, 2019)  
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
The Shazam! (2019) movie is the Billy Batson of the DCEU
The movie comes properly into focus when it becomes clear that thematically, the movie itself is echoing Billy Batson’s character arc. Just as SHAZAM derives his power from the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas; the energy bolts of Zeus, the courage of Achilles and the speed of Mercury, so “Shazam!” inherits potent traits from its forebears. Like “Man Of Steel”, it’s perhaps a little too fond of fight scenes featuring flying people being flung through skyscrapers. Like “Aquaman”, it suffers the curse of a conspicuously ropey special effects moment. Like “Suicide Squad”, it’s trying a little too hard with its soundtrack choices and like “Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice” it relies too heavily on YouTube clips for exposition. And just as Billy Batson has to battle his own mean-spirited, selfish and angsty urges to become the hero Shazam is meant to be, so too does “Shazam!” push back against the DCEU grimdark tropes to forge a bright new pathway to fun, adventure and a hopeful tone without sacrificing the superhero action...

Brannog, who has been declared king of the Earthwrought despite being human, is hunting down the spawn of the evil city of Xennidhum that he helped destroy when he discovers something troubling. There are songs under the earth, beguiling the Earthwrought. Both his enemy turned ally Simon Wargallow and the rod of power held by Orhung have been captured. Who are the Earthwise and what do they want?

This was my introduction into the work of Adrian Cole, and it certainly impressed me. Firstly the tone is very much what would be described now as 'grimdark' with Wargallow being a particularly fine antihero. Secondly this is resolutely non-Tolkien and avoids so many fantasy tropes that were prevalent at the time. No orcs or elves. Instead we have altogether more imaginative creations - Children of the Mound, Deliverers.

This does start slow - it after all is part way through the saga and the characters are already established - but gradually builds to some fantastic set pieces, and a rather well executed and low key ending, setting up the fourth and final part of the series perfectly.

Ross (3282 KP) rated The Grey Bastards in Books

Jul 12, 2018  
The Grey Bastards
The Grey Bastards
Jonathan French | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
* Disclosure - I received a free copy of this book from the publishers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
This grimdark fantasy tale takes place in a world where human-orc halfbreeds (half-orcs) have been freed from slavery and grudgingly given patches of land by the humans in thanks for their help in vanquishing the bloodthirsty orcs. These half-orcs roam the land in biker gangs looking to protect their Lots from orcs and the occasional mindless centaur raid. These hoofs have a fierce brotherhood with strict laws and rules and take no nonsense.
The story follows the Grey Bastards, one such hoof, as they inadvertently anger their human opposites and put their truce at danger. There then follows a twisting, turning adventure revealing more and more of the land's past as Jackal, the main PoV character, looks to strengthen and protect his hoof from internal and external forces.
A fantastically written tale set in an exciting land with a fresh feel to it - some standard fantasy races portrayed differently here, and in a world that feels like the Mexican borderlands.
An utterly gripping story with brilliant narrative and an enjoyable complex plot revealed at perfect pace.
Half a King (Shattered Sea #1)
Half a King (Shattered Sea #1)
Joe Abercrombie | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Original review :

Another book that I picked because of booktuber Holly Hearts Books and once again a book that I really enjoyed.

At its base, the main story is a very basic and simple one: a young prince betrayed by his own family and now sicks revenge. We've seen that many times, by what makes it different is the execution.

Things I liked:

    - The characters. We have a group of six characters all very interesting, intriguing, well rounded, they all have their own voice and their own motivations. I love watching them bound and go from hating each other to be willing to die for each other.
    - Yarvi's growth. Yarvi gowns a lot throughout the story. He goes from peaceful minister to-be, to an insecure king, to hopeless slave and much more. And with every step, we can see the changes to his personality, from a sweet little boy to a man that walks the line of becoming something he hates and much more.
    - Nothing. And when a say Nothing I mean the character Nothing. That's right there is a character call like this. And he was one very mysterious and twisted character.
    - But most off all what really makes this book amazing for me was the ending. There were a couple of passages where I could easily predict what was going to happen, but boy I didn't see the two plot twist at the end! And especially the first one was so good!!!
    -<spoiler> You don't get the ending that you would expect. When you have a revenge story you usually expect at the end the main character to get what he wanted. But not here. It came close but it didn't quite end up like someone would assume.</spoiler>

Things I didn't like:

There wasn't much I didn't like so I'll have to be picky for the section

    - There were mentions of old magic and elves in the past and I would have like to see a little more about that.
    - I was told that Joe Abercrombie is a go-to for grimdark fantasy so I won't lie, although I knew that this book it not as grimdark as The First Law, I was still expecting a more "dark" ending. I know I said I like the ending because it was not what you would expect but... it could have being barker.
    - Dear fantasy authors. I know you like creating whole new worlds and come up with some amazing names for your characters and places but, could you please, please think or your dyslexic and non-native English readers before naming a characters Grom-gil-Gorm and Shadikshirram. I spent the entire book without being able to pronounce those names.

Ross (3282 KP) rated Blackwing in Books

May 7, 2018  
Ed McDonald | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gritty narrative (1 more)
Twisting turning plot
Fantastic dystopian fantasy
This book came highly rated by people on the fantasy faction facebook group and goodreads, so I had high expectations when I started reading. The reader is thrown straight into the thick of this strange post-apocalyptic magical world and the terms and creatures therein.
The story follows Ryhalt Galharrow, a captain in the Blackwing, a group of soldiers and enforcers working for the supreme magician Crowfoot. They are charged with keeping order along the Range and tracking down dissenters and run-aways.
Galharrow quickly finds himself embroiled in a plot and a battle to save the republic from itself and the evil Deep Kings and their hordes of mutated zombies.
The narrative is extremely gritty and at times you can almost smell the filth and second-hand brandy.
While you are thrown into it without warning and without preamble, this is to McDonald's credit, as the reader pieces things together quite quickly, or can make up their own mind about how things look and work.
To sum this up, I would say it was like Mark Lawrence or Joe Abercrombie ghost-writing a Brandon Sanderson plot - with the best aspects of both sides (the gritty dialogue from the grimdark authors with the intricately designed magic system and urban landscape of the plotter).
A superbly crafted story with excellent flowing prose.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023)
Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023)
2023 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
6.3 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I've always quite liekd Zachary Levi, going back to when I first encountered him in his TV days on the spy comedy drama show 'Chuck' (remember that?)

Beyond that - and a few side character appearances in the early Thor films - I would struggle to name a single movie with him in it.

Except for 2019s Shazam!, where he took the leading role of the grown-up alter-ego of a teenager who is granted magic (superheroic) powers when he shouts the word Shazam!

That movie, itself, was enjoyable and a breath of fresh air from the grimdark of the DC brand (in the movies) at the time.

This follows on from the events of the first movie, with a certain select group of people now aware of who Shazam *is*, and with the same sprinkling of the horror genre throughout; albeit not quite so much 'on the nose' as the Seven Deadly Sins were. Instead, we have the mythical Daughters of Atlas out for revenge, viewing their powers as having been stolen and gifted to the mortals by the (still nameless) Wizard (who makes a return, despite having turned to dust previously - don't ask).

Whilst the future structure of the whole DC universe is currently 'under review', it may be interesting to see where this lesser-known (at least, to me) brand goes!

Ross (3282 KP) rated The Grim Company in Books

Sep 27, 2017  
The Grim Company
The Grim Company
Luke Scull | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once I got into the swing of the book (it chops and changes between different characters each chapter) I started to really enjoy it. I like being thrown into a world without having a long made-up history lesson first and getting straight into the action.
I liked the setting for this book: numerous city states ruled by magelords who are constantly battling each other.
We join the action just as one magelord overcomes another (from a distance), but in the aftermath a third looks to capitalise on the weakened victor's defences.
I like how nobody was really the good guy here, everyone was pretty sure they would be fighting for an evil overlord against someone who would likely be just as evil. Citizens were unwilling to fight for their own magelord because their own lives couldn't possibly get any worse.
As is common in more modern, "grimdark" fantasy, none of the characters are the flawless hero of old, all have their own failings and foibles, whether it be drug abuse, being useless, being a psychopath or just generally nasty. All except Brodar Kayne, who for me was somewhat reminiscent of Logen Ninefingers from Joe Abercrombie's First Law series. He is an aging warrior who is no longer welcome in the savage North and is looking for a new life in the baffling, more civilised South.
I found the story and characters somewhat similar to Joe Abercrombie's in other areas, but the writing style was very different, flowing much more smoothly I would say. And this is not to suggest in any way it is a rip-off of the First Law series, only that some of the characters and certain aspects of the plot bore a similarity.
Altogether a thoroughly enjoyable read with a well designed world and great characters.
Prince of Thorns
Prince of Thorns
Mark Lawrence | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
There are heroes who will stop at nothing. There are anti-heroes. Then there is Jorg.

As wider events across the kingdoms unfold, Jorg must face up to his past in order to survive the present, and make a future for himself and his band of Brothers.

In any other series of books, Jorg would be the villain of the piece. A prince of one of the hundred kingdoms, he is the leader of a violent gang despite being only a teenager. He demonstrates a complete lack of compassion and pursues his goals with a single minded ruthlessness that is unusual even by the standard of 'grimdark' fantasy fiction. But in Lawrence's very capable hands the reader will be rooting for him, despite his highly questionable motives, morals and actions.

The narrative follows two lines, the 'present' and the events of four years previously when Jorg first took up his life of robbery and violence, with other flashbacks into his deeper past, exploring just why he is the way he is.

The characterisation is superb, and the description of the fantasy world Jorg inhabits is spellbinding. As the odds he faces mount, Jorg simply becomes more cunning, more devious and more deadly. If he can't win within the rules that the world has set, he simply changes the rules to suit himself. There is also a terrific streak of black humour that runs throughout the book, which somewhat lifts the tone.

This does show a little as a first novel. The writing is maybe not as fluent as the subsequent works and sometimes the story wanders a little before getting back on track but, just like Jorg, it does what it sets out to do.

If you like your fantasy full of happy elves and heroes prepared to risk all for a noble cause this probably isn't the book for you. If you want to read about someone who will stop at nothing when he is pushed to the limit then this may well be what you are looking for.

Rating: Plenty of graphic violence and sexual references throughout