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Death Proof (2007)
Death Proof (2007)
2007 | Action, Horror, Mystery
Worth it for the car chase scene alone!
Tarantino's half of Grindhouse (other half Planet Terror , also very good) seems to have been forgotten, but deserves another look.

Kurt Russell carries the weight of the film and has a lot of funny dialogue.

The car chase scene as well as some of the barroom bits are worth watching. I actually really liked this movie.

Dean (6921 KP) rated Machete (2010) in Movies

Apr 30, 2018  
Machete (2010)
Machete (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery
A great fun, action, bloody, Grindhouse B-Movie with an all star cast. Not heard much about this, apparently a follow up film from a short trailer from the Death Proof film. So imagine the likes of Sin City, Pulp fiction with a latin feel and tongue in cheek humour firmly in place. A pure fun, entertaining film not to be taken seriously. If you're a fan of Robert Rodriguez's films, you'll like it.

Jeremy King (346 KP) rated Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS (1975) in Movies

Oct 29, 2019 (Updated Oct 29, 2019)  
Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS (1975)
Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS (1975)
1975 | Horror
If you like a little camp, a little porn, and a lot of horror you have to see this movie grindhouse cult film. Dyanne Thorne is incredible but the premise of the movie is a laugh. I am glad i found this on a free movie streaming site. I would have not paid to see this.
 If you choose to watch this I recommendation is to have a few drinks and then watch. I would skip this movie.
Thanksgiving (2023)
Thanksgiving (2023)
2023 | Horror
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Watched last week and boy I liked it from the black friday riot to the kills thruout the movie this was one thrill ride I liked when I first heard they were gonna make a movie from the grindhouse trailer on the gridhouse movie i thought it wouldn't be as good as the trailer but how wrong I was there's plenty of gore and some old school including the one on the trampoline overall good horror movie
Machete (2010)
Machete (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery
Dont try and piece together any semblance of a coherent storyline here, just sit back and let it happen is what I told myself whilst taking in this over the top Danny Trejo vehicle.
One thing going for it is that it never tries to be something it isn't and is of the pulp grindhouse nature that means thin plot and lots of blood and incoherent dialogue which you will absolutely love or loath, I was somewhere firmly in the middle.

Darren Fisher (2447 KP) rated Siege (1982) in Movies

Dec 13, 2020 (Updated Dec 13, 2020)  
Siege (1982)
Siege (1982)
1982 | Action, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Overlooked excellent grindhouse thriller.
I rented this out a lot back in the 80s. This film needs an official re-release desperately (remains only available on VHS and Laserdisc).
Siege motors along at a fast pace, no lulls, just scene upon scene of intense cat and mouse between a gang of murderous thugs and a group of people (in what looks like the most rundown and scuzziest building ever) who take in a survivor from the gangs previous assault. Shades of John Carpenter's Assault on Precinct 13 and a cheeky wink towards Escape From New York, the gang take on more than they bargain for when the ever resourceful victims strike back. Solid acting all round and a sucker punch of a twist at the end. This is a must see! Essential grindhouse viewing!

1# It contains the only existing news footage of the actual 1981 Halifax Police strike.
2# Aka Self Defense (USA), Night Warriors (Europe), New York 1991 (Various countries). Seige was the UK title.
3# The Japanese release has a further 7 minutes of extra 'day-time' footage. Although this is interesting it doesn't really add anything to the final cut. Personally I prefer the 'night-time' version as it evokes more menace and gets straight to the point.
Planet Terror (2007)
Planet Terror (2007)
2007 | Action, Comedy, Horror
If you seek a movie so absurdly over the top in almost every regard, then look no further.

Planet Terror is a glorious throwback to practical driven and blood soaked video nasties of the 70s and 80s, is super stylized to the point of self aware stupidity, and boasts a fantastic cast - a roll call of who's who in the cinema of Rodriguez/Tarantino.
Of course, Planet Terror is one half of the duos Grindhouse project, and for me, slightly takes the edge over Death Proof. Both films are great and gleefully brimming with tributes to the exploitative sub genre of its namesake, but Planet Terror is just balls to the wall fun, a blast from start to finish.
Its has badass female leads - Cherry Darling, a former go-go dancer with a gun-leg, and Dakota Block, a nurse who shoots trigger functioning syringes full of sedatives at anyone who pisses her off - Rose McGowan and Marley Shelton and both brilliant.
It has Bruce Willis mutating into God knows what. It has Tom Savini and Michael Biehn as zombie fighting sherrifs. It has Sayid from Lost collecting people's testicles in a pickle jar.
And Jesus Christ it has so. much. gore. It must have been a hell of a sticky set to work on to say the least.
To top it all off, it even opens with the now infamous Machete "trailer", with Danny Trejo and motherfucking Cheech Marin.

Planet Terror is a ride as soon as the opening credits start. An absolute must for any horror or grindhouse fan.
The House of the Dead: Overkill
The House of the Dead: Overkill
2009 | Action/Adventure, Horror, Shooter
Great graphics (2 more)
Variety of levels and enemies
Very funny!
A little bit easy (0 more)
A bloody good shooter!
An excellent light gun game for the Wii. One of the best I've played on any console and definitely the most fun. The best House of the Dead game for me, this was the first game that really sold the light gun gaming on the Wii.
The graphics are very good, it's quite a big game compared to other gun games. Some levels could take a good 15-20 minutes to complete. The music is groovy, there are plenty of guns to use. There is plenty of replay value with mini-games, various achievements to go for.
The thing that stands out the most is the humour. The whole feel is a tongue in cheek '70's grindhouse, Horror B Movie vibe. It works, the voice acting is good and it will probably make you laugh.
Overall it is a little easy on the normal levels but it's so enjoyable. If you like Horror films and light gun games you'll love this.