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Johnny English (2003)
Johnny English (2003)
2003 | Comedy
6.2 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Rowan Atkinson (0 more)
Not the best action packed movie, but if you're here because of Rowan Atkinson, you will definitely not be dissapointed.

Imagine James Bond. Now imagine a guy that thinks he is James Bond, but actually, he is a below-average anything, let alone a spy. And when all the other spies somehow end up not available (perhaps due to his inability to do his job properly), now he's the only spy they have left. Good luck to us all with such a guy protecting us.

This is like watching an average person be a spy, with the humour that follows Mr. Bean. Definitely a movie that will have you in stitches (from laughing) and will leave a positive mood after it's finished.
The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)
The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Ryan and Samuels are awesome in this movie. (0 more)
The Hitmans Bodyguard
Ryan is very good at being a funy guy but when you combine the funny element with Mr S L Jackson you get a combination where it increase the fun to the extreme. The movie has some great fighting scenes and sometimes you think your watching a Bond movie with all the running and car chases. But this has to be one of my fav movies of 2017. Worth a watch.
Bad Words (2014)
Bad Words (2014)
2014 | Comedy
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Guy Trilby (Jason Bateman) is a man with some issues. At 40 he works away as a proofreader in his small Ohio community and has little going for himself in the way of friends, career, or a social life.

Guy decides to enter into spelling competitions using the loophole that since he never completed the 8th grade, he is still eligible to compete under the bylaws of competition.

Needless to say this does not make him a well-liked person especially when he dominates the competition and wins entry to compete in a nationally televised competition.

To say that the surly Triby is the worst nightmare come true for the competition would be an understatement but despite their best efforts to keep him out and place him at a disadvantage, Guy dominates the competition with a mix of psych out tactics, mind games, and a very well-defined knowledge of spelling.

A journalist named Jenny (Kathryn Hahn), attempts to get Guy to reveal his true reasons for entering the competition but despite the fact that her outlet is sponsoring guy and covering his expenses, he remains largely tight lipped about his reasons and continues to deploy all manner of underhanded tactics to get inside the heads of his much younger competition.

A young Indian prodigy named Chaitanya (Rohan Chad), starts to bond with Guy who despite his best efforts becomes fond of the boy and sees a kindred spirit in the child despite being forced to compete against one another.

As the competition heats up, Guy and his new friend bond which causes Guy to question many aspects of his life all of which results in a funny yet poignant journey.

Jason Bateman is making his directorial debut with the film and does a solid job. While I had expected the film to play much more to the bawdy humor and Guy’s methods to undermine his younger foes, the film actually plays out more as a drama with comedy elements.

The film is not one that is going to light up the numbers at the box office and I would not be surprised if it is largely ignored in favor of the more glamorous films that are opening against it. That being said, the film is a solid and enjoyable story and I believe that when audiences discover it, likely on DVD and Netflix they will come to appreciate the film and the creative team behind it.

As it stands, a very good premise that at times struggles with its identity, but delivers when it counts.
Spectre (2015)
Spectre (2015)
2015 | Action
Well written (1 more)
Good direction
Mr Hinx (1 more)
Not enough Cristoph Waltz
As good as the last?
Contains spoilers, click to show
When Casino Royale released in 2006, it was to be a soft reboot of the franchise that showed viewers the events of Bond’s first mission and it strived to rectify some of the silly gadgets etc that were being over-used with Brosnan’s Bond. In my opinion, Casino Royale was a great film, it just wasn’t a Bond film. It done away with all of the silly gimmicks and cheesy one liners and was an introduction to a more grounded version of the iconic character, which made for a great spy thriller but not a great Bond movie. Then Quantum of Solace came out and literally nobody cared, not many people went to see it, it didn’t make much money at the box office and to this day I’ve still not seen that whole movie from start to finish and to be honest, I’m perfectly okay with that. Skyfall was the third Craig Bond movie to be released and it was a triumph. Finally Craig felt like he was actually playing Bond and not just some random hard ass military spy. It even flirted with the idea of gadgets, had a flamboyant supervillain and introduced a young, fresh faced Q, which was a nice touch. The movie ended with Silva killing Judi Dench’s M and Bond killing Silva, Ralph Fiennes was then appointed with the title of M and Naomi Harris was revealed to be the new Moneypenny. So with the last movie pleasing both long time Bond fans and newcomers alike, SPECTRE had a lot to live up to.

The movie opens with Bond in Mexico City, during the Day Of The Dead festival, Bond listens in on a meeting of two Mafioso and learns about a mysterious organisation hoping to achieve world domination and their illusive leader known as ‘The Pale King.’ He then blows up the building they are in and ends up in a chopper fight with one of the gangsters, whom he eventually kills. This leads into a stunning opening credits sequence, that really is one of the best I’ve seen, (even though the song is still crap.) This is an awesome intro and probably tops Skyfall’s intro which was also very cool.

The rest of the movie is a joy to a long time Bond fan like me. It checks off all of the boxes that make up a classic Bond movie. An awesome Aston Martin car chase – check, a big bad henchman who doesn’t say much but is very hard to kill – check, an effective use of gadgets and cheesy one liners – check, a supervillain that has an epic secret layer that he invites Bond to – check, Bond being strapped to an elaborate device in that secret layer and tortured – check. Now all of this is really well executed, but the problem with it is that it throws any of the gritty realism shown in the last three movies right out of the window, which like I say is perfectly okay, but it causes this movie to feel as if it is taking place in a separate universe from the last three. This is not a problem to me, I am more than happy to have a good old fashioned Bond movie back on our screens that isn’t afraid to shy away from the use of gadgets and witty quips and it’s a movie that actually handles it well unlike some of the naff late Brosnan movies. On the other hand though, I can totally see why some people would have a problem with this movie, especially if you aren’t a long time Bond fan and prefer Craig’s more realistic turn as Bond. If that is the case then this movie really won’t be for you and the chances are that you will leave the cinema leaving pretty disappointed.

Now, let’s forget for a minute that this is a 007 movie and just analyse it as a traditional piece of cinema. First off, I’m really glad that they brought Sam Mendes back to direct this one, he is very obviously a passionate Bond fan and I think he has done a great job with both Bond movies that he has made and I also really hope they can keep him on to do at least one more movie in the series. This is also a well written movie, its script is witty and fast paced, while keeping making sure that although the audience is kept intrigued, they are never lost in whatever is going on. The cinematography in this movie is also great, besides a shaky cam chase sequence during the opening of the movie, I’d actually say that this is a masterfully shot movie. Hoyte Van Hoytema was the principle of photography for this movie and that guy really likes his eye pleasing shots and his use of the rule of thirds, which is especially evident in the funeral scene where Monica Belluci is introduced. There were two Bond girls in this movie and they were both serviceable, Belluci was really only there for exposition, but Lea Seadoux did a good job with her more fleshed out role.

Now, I want to talk about the main villain in the movie, played by the incredible Christophe Waltz. When he is in the movie, he steals every scene, however that leads me on to a problem I have with the movie. He is introduced near the beginning of the movie, within the first half hour, then a good hour passes before he is reintroduced, and although what is going on during that hour is entertaining, when you have already introduced a villain played by the master of playing villains that is Mr Waltz, it’s hard not to wonder when he is going to be back in the movie. Also I feel that this movie is quite long, possibly due to the large number of different locales and although it is actually only a few more minutes longer than Skyfall, Skyfall didn’t feel that long and this movie feels a lot longer. Also Mr Hinx is a pretty rubbish henchman, he is as forgetful as Jaws and Oddjob were memorable and doesn’t have a line until the last fight with Bond, I felt he was just very underused.

Now I’m going to go into spoiler territory, so if you haven’t seen the film yet, you may want to jump to the end of the review. Okay, we all good? Well turns out Christophe Waltz is actually the new Blofeld, which really isn’t surprising since he is the head of SPECTRE. What did annoy me a little, is the fact that he was Bond’s step-brother, kind of? But whatever, I can live with it. Also, although the villains lair was kind of a trope and wasn’t really used all too much before it was blown up, once Blofeld got his scar, he did look the part. So that is another classic Bond thing to introduce, Blofeld is to Bond what The Joker is to Batman and it is nice to have the arch nemesis introduced. One of the downsides to introducing Blofeld though is that it was obvious they weren’t going to kill him off, at least not in this movie, also Mr Hinx’s death was also rather anticlimactic. Andrew Scott’s character C was revealed to be a spy for SPECTRE and again had a fairly anticlimactic death, but he was perfectly serviceable in the role.

Overall I did enjoy the movie a great deal and although this is a review based on my opinion, I do somewhat have to take into consideration the bigger picture and how other fans will feel upon seeing this film. Like I have said, I think fans of old fashioned traditional Bond will love this movie as it finally fulfils the criteria for it to be labelled a ‘Bond’ movie, I can definitely see a lot of people being disappointed in the film if they go in expected another realistic spy thriller.
Goldfinger (1964)
Goldfinger (1964)
1964 | Action, Classics, Mystery
Characters – James Bond is the guy we know, he breaks into hotel rooms to sleep with women, uses his charm to seduce others. This time he starts his own investigation into a mysterious smuggler, getting up close and personal to him hoping to let the rest of team to follow the trails he leaves. Goldfinger is a competitive gold smuggler who has grabbed the attention of the governments across the globe, we learn early on that he will kill the people that cross him including leaving his trademark gold paint behind, his latest job will see him take on the world’s biggest gold reserve. Pussy Galore is a pilot that is instrumentally to Goldfinger’s plans which will includes her skill set. Oddjob is the henchman for Goldfinger, he uses his hat to kill people, making him one of the first and most memorable of all of the henchmen.

Performances –Sean Connery in the leading role once again is good for the most part, he has the charm needed for the whole film. Gert Frobe brings us a different type of villain to the franchise, he makes the character seem likable on the outside while having his motive kept below a smile. Honor Blackman does a solid job even if for some reason we get a total of three bond girls in this film. Harold Sakata brings us the first truly memorable henchman which soon became the key to the success of the Bond franchise.

Story – The story here puts James Bond on his latest mission, this time there isn’t a connection to the previous two like the last two and this is refreshing because this being a solo story we get to see how James operates. The negatives in the story come from seeing him so close to the villain for most of the film with most of the film being him trying to get a message out about where he is. It is strange though because I did enjoy this one more than the last two because this is one that can be picked up without needing to see anything in the franchise before. Simply put this is one that can be enjoyed as a casual viewer because of how simple the story unfolds.

Action/Adventure – The action in this film does feel toned down from the previous films, simple enough action related material, while the adventure does take Bond around the world next to the Goldfinger.

Settings – We get plenty of settings which all relate to the idea of where you would find gold, this is perfect for the idea the film is needed.

Scene of the Movie – Oddjob.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The final twist

Final Thoughts – This is one of the fun James Bond movies, it isn’t connected to the rest of the franchise which does help make it enjoyable.


Overall: Fun Bond movie.
To the Nines (Stephanie Plum #9)
Janet Evanovich | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the 9th installment of the Stepahnie Plum series Stephanie finds herself as the "prize" in a real-life game of murder. The players in this game are set up to hunt each other down by being given email clues from the Web Master an unknown person who directs the game & controls those who play it. Stephanie unknowingly thrusts herself into the game when she goes out to hunt down a guy who has bailed on his visa bond.
This book was much more suspensful than the last few in the series. There's lots of tasering, shooting, kidnapping, & bodyguarding. I figured out who the Web Master was with about 100 pages left to go...though I had my suspcisions earlier on. That didn't take away from the plot though.
Layer Cake (2004)
Layer Cake (2004)
2004 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
7.4 (22 Ratings)
Movie Rating
British crime thriller. A highly professional and goal-oriented businessman in the drugs trade finds his well-organised life falling into chaos when he gets mixed up with stolen Ecstasy, Serbian war criminals and a missing heiress. Could he be forced to become something he despises - an actual gangster?

Looks a bit like a Guy Ritchie movie - and not without reason, for Matthew Vaughn produced the early Ritchie films - but the tone is (thankfully) more measured and serious. The plot is nothing very distinctive, although the subtext about Craig's character having to adopt the brutal methods of the people he encounters has some interest. Good performances from a strong cast; Michael Gambon is scary as a gang boss, but it's Daniel Craig's movie. This is apparently the performance that swung Bond for him, but the film deserves to be recognised on its own merits.
Infinity Chronicles: Book 2
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
41 of 220
Infinity Chronicles:Book 2
By Albany Walker

I’m learning to accept that my entire life has been a lie, and that with my mother’s disappearance there are mysteries I may never uncover. Not to mention, my abilities are manifesting and I’m just beginning to understand what being part of an Infinity really means.

As my relationship with each guy grows, so does the Infinity bond between us. Living with four moody guys—who give me butterflies with a simple look—can be slightly overwhelming. Still, I need answers, and moving forward is the only way to get them.

But there is a problem—each revelation provokes new questions, and secrets I may not be ready for are rising to the surface.

I found myself enjoying this a lot more than the first book. We had a lot more interest and a bit more story development. The characters were rounding out and coming into their own.
Casino Royale (1967)
Casino Royale (1967)
1967 | Adventure, Comedy
It Gets Real Bad
Here’s what Rotten Tomatoes has to say because I couldn’t begin to tell you what this shit-show is about: “This James Bond spoof features the hero coming out of retirement to attempt to fix some problems for SMERSH, while a multitude of other subplots unwind about the central figure.” Yeah, even RT was having trouble trying to figure out what the hell was going on with the 1967 Casino Royale. How bad is it? Well, let’s just say I just finished reading a list of the Top 100 Worst Movies of All Time and I was very surprised to not see this movie on there.

Acting: 10
The movie was bad, but I honestly can’t say that the acting was. These professionals had a job to do and they did it…more or less. While there’s no one performance that really stood out for me, I can definitely remember thinking that no one shit the bed at least.

Beginning: 6
This movie is weird through and through and the beginning is no exception. I will say there was some mild interest after the first ten minutes. I knew it was going to be different than the previous Bond movies, but I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.

Characters: 8
In addition to solid acting, the characters weren’t all that bad either. Sure James Bond was way more lame than the usual guy we had come to know and love over the previous few movies. But throw in characters like the aloof Evelyn Tremble (Peter Sellers) and you’ve got a fun cast of characters that at least try to keep things interesting.

Cinematography/Visuals: 5
Casino Royale is shot like they were given the lowest budget imaginable. Everything feels extremely cheap and done with little to no effort. It is a far cry from the previous Bond movies that give you groundbreaking shots and decent special effects. This movie’s visuals are mediocre at best.

Conflict: 6

Entertainment Value: 3
It’s never a good sign when I have to stop watching a movie at night and continue on in the morning. When it’s good enough, I will stay up no matter how tired I am. This movie was bad enough to put me right to sleep. I scored it a 3 because it reached a point where my interest was piqued in just how bad things were going to get.

Memorability: 8
It’s bad sure…but boy is it unforgettable bad. With all the craziness that ensued, they made sure you would remember it a long time after watching it. And you know what? There’s a fun respectability that comes with that.

Pace: 1

Plot: 2

Resolution: 6
The best part about the end? It was the end.

Overall: 55
I wanted to watch all the Bond movies, including the stinkers. Casino Royale is easily one of the stinkers. But, with movies as it is with everything, you can’t know where you’re going unless you see where you’ve been.
Stan & Ollie (2018)
Stan & Ollie (2018)
2018 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Laurel & Hardy were one of the world's greatest comedy duos to ever step, or stumble, rumble, and dance rather, in front of audiences. I'll be honest, I've never really watched a lot of their work, I was always more of an Abbott and Costello guy myself, but you don't have to know or love their work to love this movie. Stan & Ollie gives a beautiful look into the real lives of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy at the end of their career. Their friendship and career, often like the hats on their heads, had its ups and downs, but they had a true chemistry and bond that could not be broken; whether their wives liked it or not. Steve Coogan and John C. Reilly each give one of their best performances to date. And a huge tip of the hat to the special effects, makeup, and costuming department of this film. What are you waiting for? Don't make me give you a swift kick to the butt to dance away and add this to your watch list.