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Jean Reno recommended Apocalypse Now (1979) in Movies (curated)

Apocalypse Now (1979)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
1979 | Action, Drama, War

"It’s like a surge of intimacy of human beings, you know? It is spectacular. It is well done, a lot of actors, and I like very much Coppola as a director. I like the performance of the main role, the guy…he had a heart attack. I don’t remember his name. Martin Sheen. I almost said Martin Short. [laughs] I like also the performance of Marlon Brando. I like it very much, that movie."

The Departed (2006)
The Departed (2006)
2006 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Leonardo Dicaprio (4 more)
Matt Damon
Jack Nicholson
The direction is superb
Dialog is gritty and great.
A great 2 sided coin spinning on the edge of a 3rd story window...
This shouldn't be the first oscar Scorsese wins, but tragedies happen every day I guess... That said this is deserving of the honor, more so than most oscar winners. The Cat and Rat runaround is interesting to watch unfold. plus lines like "I'm the guy who does his job, you must be the other guy." make this a great watch.

A little bit of trivia:Martin Scorsese did not realize this was a remake of a Hong Kong movie until after he had agreed to direct it. It's the only remake of a foreign film to win an Academy Award for Best Picture. Martin Scorsese said that he was surprised the film had won, because the film is such a tough, nasty, and violent film, he never thought about the idea of awards while he was filming it.

Here's some great alternate movie posters to enjoy as well.

"It was my manager, Ryan Martin, who also does Dais Records, who said, “You don’t know who Acid Mothers Temple are?!” I knew the name, but had never listened to them, so he immediately burned about 30 CDs! We loved it, and then he rang me to tell me they were playing live at The Knitting Factory the following week. He took me, and I was absolutely entranced. The guy at the front, with hair longer than mine that had gone grey, and he was swaying off the rhythm of the music, in perfect time to something in his head. It just blows you away. And then, what’s his name with the guitar, begins with an M…"

Ghostbusters (2016)
Ghostbusters (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Cast was incredible! McCarthy and Hemsworth were perfect choices, would have loved more of Bill Murray's character though! (2 more)
Great story flow and sequences. I would have liked more from Rowan, but the Kevin twist was superb!
Characters blended perfectly together. EXCELLENT CHEMISTRY from top billing to minor characters.
The movie should have acknowledged that this is an alternate dimension, which it is. People are more intrigued with it being an alternate dimension that a reboot, because the sequel comics are even more awesome! (1 more)
I need more depth from Rowan, guy was a genius who was left looking like a bumbling fool, and a whole lot more Martin Heiss, especially after the fall! Imagine a wacky neck brace sporting Dr. Heiss freaking out about being proven wrong and going crazy!
Third Chapter IS Alternate Dimension!
The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
1988 | Drama

"I was raised Catholic and I still consider myself a fairly spiritual person even though I have a hard time identifying with most Christians in this country. But I still maintain a belief in God and in Jesus, and that gets tried on a daily basis. The older I get, the wiser I get, the tougher it is to believe in a divine power or whatnot. So that movie appeals to me on that level alone. To take it beyond, it’s just a fantastic Martin Scorsese picture. Great performances in it. The first portrayal of Christ where I was, “Wow, this might be what it was like.” He wasn’t a guy of all beatitude and perfection. He was a man, first and foremost, who just happened to be the son of God."


Michael Phillips recommended Taxi Driver (1976) in Movies (curated)

Taxi Driver (1976)
Taxi Driver (1976)
1976 | Thriller

"So here’s where, for me, it comes down to either the second Godfather, Taxi Driver, which is [Martin] Scorsese’s best film, I think, or one of two or three Altmans, I guess. And of those three, I’d probably go with Taxi Driver. It’s pretty great, and it’s one of the most dangerous films ever to come out of this country, I think. And it’s got great performances, and it’s got such electric ambiguity in what it’s saying about this guy. For me, that film marks, probably, the end point of that great period of the 1970s. So many fine directors; Altman, Coppola, the freedom of expression. I almost didn’t have the resources to deal with Taxi Driver when I first saw it . I don’t go back to it all the time, because it’s such a handful, but I think that’s Scorsese’s best film."

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Becky Albertalli | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Gender Studies
9.0 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was really a wild ride. I think this book managed to get me out of a mini reading slump (yay!).

The book starts off with Simon's private email being read by some guy in his drama club. This may not seem like a huge deal, except Simon's secretly been emailing this guy who he's maybe in love with. But they don't know each other's real identity, and neither of them have come out yet.

So Simon has to help the guy - Martin - get with one of his best friends. Only she isn't interested (at all). At the same time, Simon is falling for Blue more and more with each email, and is becoming desperate to find him in real life. He starts to decode the clues in an attempt to figure out his identity - only for Blue to beat him to it.

Simon's also struggling with tons of friendship issues, a big play coming up, and his family (and the entire school, for that matter) finding out about him being gay. He doesn't want any of it to be a big deal. But it is.

He's a great character, portrayed to be a normal human being. His relationships all seem pretty realistic (though I'm sceptical about the situation with Blue. Would anyone really be that lucky?). I really felt for him throughout the novel, and I was so unbelievably pleased for him at the end. I'm so not used to such great, adorable endings.

My biggest issues are that sometimes the teen voice was being pushed a bit too hard - we don't always say "freaking" or whatever. And the scenarios seemed a little too far-fetched sometimes. (Seriously, has anyone ever experienced people dancing in the crowd at a school talent show?) But generally this was a good representation of life, and I really enjoyed reading it.

I very nearly marked this as a favourite, but decided on just 4.5 stars in the end. I loved the book, but there were a few minor details that put me off just a little bit. It is most definitely a fantastic book, though! I'd definitely recommend this book for the YA audience.
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987)
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987)
1987 | Comedy

"I know three right off the bat. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. How’d it influence me? Big Steve Martin fan. Knew I wanted to be a comedian when I was very young. And my sister brought the Wild and Crazy Guy album home, which I still have in my office. When Planes, Trains came out, that was the first film that really I looked at and said, “I’d love to, someday if I’m lucky enough to have a comedy audience, bring them into film and make that kind of movie.” Big heart, big laughs. And, of course, Steve Martin at the car rental shop, you know, “I want my f–king car right f–king now.” Unbelievably funny movie. Of course, John Hughes, John Candy, one of my favorites ever. Can I take two minutes to tell a story? Awesome f–king John Hughes story. [My Best Friend’s Girl director] Howie [Deutch] was directing Some Kind of Wonderful and the studio wanted a four-page rewrite on a scene. So Howie’s all, “I can’t figure out what to do.” Calls John, says, “Can you come over and help me write these four pages?” For two-and-a-half hours they’re just pacing around, John is just smoking incessantly. Howie says, “I need to lay down. I’m beat. I’m going to sleep a few hours and then we’ll finish it.” Then he says, “Dane, I wake up at about five in the morning and John is scribbling like crazy. He hands it to me and says, ‘Read this. It’s only 50 pages right now, but read it. I’m calling it Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.’"


Vince Clarke recommended Glassworks by Philip Glass in Music (curated)

Glassworks by Philip Glass
Glassworks by Philip Glass
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I got into him in about 1987 or something. If people ask me who I'd like to work with, he's the person I'd like to work with more than anybody. Glassworks is a very accessible album. I used to fall asleep to that record, that was my end of the day relaxation record. I'd leave it on the CD player going round and fall asleep to it, I loved it. Then I started getting interested in the idea of doing music with odd time signatures, and then Martin Ware and I formed a company called Illustrious, and we started doing more music like that. I find it really really soothing, and I'd love to meet the guy, well I'd love not to meet him, but I'd love to work with him. I'm nervous of meeting most people, but him I don't think I would be. I think it would be alright, obviously he does a lot of sequential music but with real instruments and real voices, and I guess he's made the decision not to do it with synthesisers, but I'd be the one trying to persuade him to do it with keyboards."

8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another fun Pepper Martin mystery that's as good as the first and better than the second in the series. Again, the ghost is the best character, this time a 60s rocker who possibly died of an overdose forty years ago. I couldn't help but think he was a Jim Morrison prototype, especially with some of the lyrics.

Pepper was thankfully brighter in this book and figured things out at a good pace. Unfortunately, I have a tendency to figure out whodunnit early on in this series, for lack of suspects, but I liked how the author had Pepper go about it anyway.

I could do without the constant who-wears-what, how Pepper's hair or nails are done, everything she wears at every given moment, and most of all, I get annoyed at her overactive libido every time a hot guy - dead or alive - comes into contact with her. Get it together girl! What's your problem. Luckily, it looks as if she might (finally) get her act together for the fourth book. Hopefully it is not Quinn, because he is a boring, cut-out character that adds nothing to this series. However, I still look forward to the next book and hope it continues to get better.