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Miss Frost Solves A Cold Case (Jayne Frost #1)
Miss Frost Solves A Cold Case (Jayne Frost #1)
Kristen Painter | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Welcome to Nocturne Falls, the town that celebrates Halloween 365 days a year.

Jayne Frost is a lot of things. Winter elf, Jack Frost’s daughter, Santa Claus’s niece, heir to the Winter Throne and now…private investigator. Sort of.
Needing someone he can trust, her father sends her undercover to Nocturne Falls to find out why employees at the Santa’s Workshop toy store are going missing.
Doing that requires getting to know the town, which leads to interesting encounters with a sexy vampire, an old flame, and an elevator that’s strictly off-limits. The more Jayne finds out, the more questions she has, but the answers lead her deeper into danger.
Will her magic save her? Or will she come up cold?

First of all I don't think I've read anything like this ever! I found it so bizarre at first I really couldn't get my head round Jack frost and uncle Kris 🤣. But once into it I loved it! I think Jayne is brilliant! The whole idea was so refreshing I definitely need to start the Nocturne series too!


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Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)
1988 | Horror
6.7 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Ignore the fact that Michael Myers' mask looks a bit silly in this one and there's a lot to love.
It's back-to-basics approach of Myers stalking his way though Haddonfield is a welcome one after the hospital setting of II, and the bonkers acid trip of III.
Danielle Harris displays a damn fine performance as lead kid character Jamie Lloyd, and Donald Pleasance returns again as Loomis (apparently not dead after the almost certainly fatal explosion he was right next to at the end of II), acting suitably crazy as is to be expected by now.
There are some great shots on display, once again, courtesy of the simple, striking, and terrifying look of Michael Myers (from far away this time though, seriously, the mask looks really silly close up) and the general production values are pretty decent.

It's of course not a patch on the original, but as far as sequels go, Halloween 4 is one of the better ones. Also, one character gets impaled with a shotgun, which is just ridiculous and fantastic at the same time.
Prince of Darkness (1987)
Prince of Darkness (1987)
1987 | Horror
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
John Carpenter is rightly considered a master of his craft, especially in the horror genre, and Prince of Darkness is yet another prime example of why.

The overall tone of PoD is one of constant dread, thanks in no small part to Carpenters' fantastic score work (probably my favourite film music of his), and also his directing style. It's a portfolio of wonderful shots, plenty of them are creepy as hell, and there's an air of mystery to compliment it all. The narrative is never clear cut, even by then end. The viewer has a solid idea of what if happening, but it's not a handled in a hand holding way, and leaves a load of questions in its wake, well still being satisfying in its conclusion.

It has a decent cast headed by Halloween alumni Donald Pleasence, and features the talents of Lisa Blout and era fixture Victor Wong, and an engaging screenplay. The dialogue is plentiful here, but none of it comes across like dead weight, and the finished product is a competent and unsettling religious horror.
Hell Fest (2018)
Hell Fest (2018)
2018 | Horror
276. Hell Fest. Low budget horror, on the big screen, I love it! So this one involves a horror theme park, teenagers, and a masked killer, perfection! So, yep it follows a group of teens to this years Hell Fest, and they are targeted by a masked killer, the tough part about it is, going up to the security at a horror theme park, and telling them that a masked man is scaring them. So this killer's M.O. seems to target people who aren't scared of the attractions offered by the park, so he kindly gives them a scare to remember for the rest of their short lives. The main actress who has the pleasure of being stalked, Amy Forsyth, I swear is the doppelganger of, Christina Robinson, Astor of Dexter fame. You be the judge! So yea, a blood bath in an amusement park, during the Halloween season, go see it, its a fun flick. The Candyman, Tony Todd even makes an appearance! And I loved the ending scene so, so much... Filmbufftim on FB