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The Hemlock Cure
The Hemlock Cure
Joanne Burn | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Hemlock Cure was a fascinating insight into the lives of ordinary people during the Black Death (Bubonic Plague) epidemic of 1665-1666. The plague is very much in the background of this story for most of it, though.

The real evil isn’t a disease, it’s being shut in with people who clearly do not have good intentions.

The village of Eyam is well known for the decision to shut itself off from the outside world when its inhabitants started to become ill and die. They understood that the only way to halt the spread of the disease was to isolate themselves - a selfless act.

This novel looks at some of the families and their relationships inside and outside of their family units. The local apothecary and his daughter Mae, are one such family. Mae is desperate to be her fathers apprentice, but this isn’t a time in history where it’s safe for a woman to be working with herbs. So Mae studies with the midwife and a local wise woman (who are both also skating on thin ice, truth be told).

The plague wasn’t a constant in London it appears, and we travel there with one of the main characters. The contrast between the country village and London was quite something to read. I could almost smell the difference off the page!!

I enjoyed the pacing of this book: in Eyam the time crawls, whilst in London everything is all hustle and bustle.

The slow reveal of the terrible secrets in Mae’s family are not so much shocking as terrifying. Wulfric, Mae’s father, is not a well man. It seems to be a race against time for Mae.

I would most definitely recommend this book to historical fiction fans - and if you like a mystery, you may well like this as well.
Grand Opening (Kiss of Leather #4)
Grand Opening (Kiss of Leather #4)
Morticia Knight | 2016 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
still a great read, just fell short of Master Josh and David.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Kiss of Leather series, and you really SHOULD read the other books first, you won't get the full enjoyment out of this one if you don't.

This is all about Master Josh and his sub, David. Although they are already in a committed relationship, things between are tense, with Master Josh so busy at the club, and David left at home. Usually, David enjoys the Total Power Exchange part of their relationship, but how can he care for his Master, when said Master is never home?

This one, for me, fell a little short. While it IS Master Josh and David's story, it felt like there was very little of Master Josh and David! When David calls "moratorium" and calls a halt to their relationship, Master Josh is placed in a situation he never was meant to be: at the feet of another Dom. Gavin, to be exact. And we get so little of what Master Josh goes through, during those two weeks! I so desperately wanted it all: every single thing Master Gavin does to make Josh (cos let's face it, at this point, he doesn't deserve his Master title!) see, to really SEE what he has been putting David through, and we only get the very last bit.

The Grand Opening does eventually go off without a hitch, Master Josh and David's problems notwithstanding, but there is an unwelcome visitor, and Corey's kidnapping comes right back into the action.

I do enjoy the continuing story arc, and the fact that ALL the players from previous books continue to take part in subsequent books.

Just that this one fell a little flat.

so, 4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Then She Was Gone
Then She Was Gone
Lisa Jewell | 2017 | Thriller
8.1 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Loved This Book
Ten years ago, Ellie Mack went missing. The police think she is just another teenage runaway, but her mother, Laurel, doesn't believe that for a second. Ellie's disappearance destroyed the family and now that her remains have been found, Laurel will finally have some closure. When she meets Floyd, it's like she's getting a second chance at life. But when she meets his daughter, Poppy, life comes to an alarming halt. Poppy looks so much like Ellie, but why? Of course people look like other people all the time, but there is just something about this child that keeps Ellie at the forefront. When Laurel discovers a connection between Floyd and her family, she embarks on a journey to find out exactly what happened to her daughter and who did it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

After the first few chapters of this book, I figured out a few things about this story that I think most readers will discover as well. But the thing that made this book so hard to put down was how it was all going to come together, it's an incredible journey.

Losing a child is the most painful experience. When Laurel loses Ellis, her whole world is turned upside down and she can no longer function as she once did. She stops cooking for her family, her relationships become strained and eventually she and her husband divorce. Once they find the body of her daughter, the pain becomes a little less since she now has some closure. But why does this young girl look so much like her dead daughter. Did Floyd have something to do with Ellie's disappearance and death? Her family doesn't get a good vibe from this man, but Laurel feels as if she needs to stay with him until the whole truth is revealed.
The Meg (2018)
The Meg (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
#themeg all be it a highly forgettable film manages to be an extreamly enjoyable #shark romp that ends just before it begins to out stay its welcome. Sitting somewhere between #Theshallows & #deepbluesea #meg is an an American-Chinese co-production & it shows. There's an incredible amount of #chinese cast members here witch is very refreshing to see in a big #American #blockbuster & they all do a fantastic job at acting too. China locations are also #beautiful to look at & there's a fantastic sense of depth to the #ocean visuals making for some gorgeously tense silent under #water scenes. Cgi is alright for the most part & does a good job with its highly detailed shark models. Surprisingly #jasonstatham is the star of the show here & when he wasnt on screen I was longing for more time with him rather than the shark itself. Not only is he extremely #charming & charismatic he's absolutely hilarious, clearly realising what type of movie he signed up for & just having a ton of fun. Its a very silly film which plays to its advantage but the problems come when it tries to get to serious, it just kills the flow & makes the film #grind to a halt at times. Over all the message was alright too with its themes of how the human ego leads us to being so #cocky & sure of ourselves that we believe we are superior & invulnerable only to be shot down or knocked off guard by something more primitive. Major influences from old #japanese #monster #movies are a nice touch & characters are all very likable but they seem to have no cares for each other at all which all though odd actually does work in the films favour. A bit repetitive after a while with an abrupt anticlimactic ending Meg is well worth a watch & a ton of #silly forgettable #fun. Way less violent than I expected too. #odeon #odeonlimitless #friyay #gore #horror #scary #themegmovie #review #filmbuff #sharknado
When Hitler Took Cocaine and Lenin Lost His Brain
When Hitler Took Cocaine and Lenin Lost His Brain
Giles Milton | 2018 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review by Cari Mayhew.

If only all events in history could be taught this way! This is his hands down one of the most entertaining history books you’ll ever read! The book is composed of 50 chapters depicting from lesser known points in history. The stories are dramatic, compelling, and often shocking. There are tales of heroism, injustice, conspiracy and cannibalism.

Each chapter is it's own little, well written, real-life story. And each is rounded off with a profound sentence or two to summarise. I gained an appreciation of the role of pigeons and dogs in the war, I learned why the Dodo bird became extinct, and I discovered that it’s possible to survive 2 nuclear bombs.

Normally with non-fiction book with so many isolated sections, I'd be tempted to skip sections, but that was not the case this time - I enjoyed every single one! I’ve noticed there are more books in the series, and I intend to read them all!

The best way to convey how well written the stories are, is to leave you with an excerpt:
“There was a sickening crunch and a violent jerk. The right wing of the plane was ripped off by the mountain peak and flung backwards into the rear of the fuselage. The plane, wildly out of control, smashed into a second peak, which tore off the left wing.

Inside the cabin, the terrified passengers expected the shattered plane to plunge them to their deaths. But the plane’s crash-landing miraculously spared some of those on board. The fuselage hit a snow-covered mountain slope and slid downwards before coming to a halt in a deep drift.
As a wall of silence descended over the wreckage, the injured and groaning survivors came to their senses. They were lost in the wilds of the High Andes. But they were alive!”

For more of my reviews, check out
The Boy in the Attic (Wartime Holland Book 3)
The Boy in the Attic (Wartime Holland Book 3)
Imogen Matthews | 2022 | History & Politics, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Firstly, I must point out that the description I was provided with (above) was not accurate to how the book played out - I'm not sure what happened there but regardless, it's still a really good story and although part of a series, it can most definitely be read as a standalone.

The Boy in the Attic is a story told from 2 timelines, 2 perspectives and 2 countries.

Ilse's story takes place in Holland during World War II. The Nazi's have put a halt to her studies to become a doctor and she is living with her parents. Food is scarce and it's a daily battle to find enough to keep them from starving to death. Ilse then receives a request to help out at a hospital and she moves to live with her friend and her parents but what she discovers and the choices she makes, puts all their lives in jeopardy.

Anna's story is based in the UK in the early 2000's. Her father has just past away and whilst sorting through his affairs, discovers he was adopted and his origins are in Holland. Anna sets out to find out more.

I found the dual timelines worked really well although I admit to being more emotionally attached to Ilse's story. Both characters are well developed and I found myself completely immersed in both their stories and desperate to find out how Ilse and Anna were connected.

I found Ilse's story captivating, Anna's not as much but they worked well together and I did feel connected and invested in both their stories to the end.

This is a story of heartbreak and tragedy but also one of discovery and survival and one I would recommend to those who enjoy historical fiction stories that are set in this period. This one uses the author's own family history to give a believable feel to this story.

Thanks go to Bookouture and NetGalley for enabling me to read The Boy in the Attic and share my views.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated The Zookeeper's Wife (2017) in Movies

Nov 24, 2017 (Updated Nov 24, 2017)  
The Zookeeper's Wife (2017)
The Zookeeper's Wife (2017)
2017 | Drama
Story is harrowing and essential but film could have been made better
As a massive fan of biopics, The Zookeeper's Wife is an incredibly important tale of a the real life Polish couple who sheltered Jews in their zoo during the Second World War, helping 300 people to escape from Warsaw.

Dr. Jan Zabinski was the director of the Warsaw Zoo in the 1930's, and along with his wife Antonina and young son, they ensured the safety and care of animals in the area. Their life came to an abrupt halt with the German invasion of Poland in 1939, when most of their animals and structures were destroyed in the bombings and siege of the city. The zoo was closed under German occupation, but the Zabinskis continued to occupy the villa, and the zoo itself was used first as a pig farm and subsequently as a fur farm. All the while, Dr Zabinski smuggled Jewish people out of the Warsaw Ghetto and aided their way out of city, not before allowing them to stay in their own house. He was injured while fighting in the Polish resistance, but the couple were given an honorary title by Yad Vashem (Israel's official memorial for Jewish victims of the Holocaust) for their brave efforts.

Similar in the vein of films such as @Schindler's List (1993), there is an element of a saviour complex in these films, but unlike Steven Spielberg's Oscar-winner, it is less extravagant and less well-made, as there was very little engagement with the Jewish characters - focusing more on Antonina, played by Jessica Chastain. It is definitely heart-wrenching watching films based on the holocaust, and there were scenes I had to turn away from, such as when an elderly woman and her mother were shot dead in the streets by soldiers. The script and cinematography weren't at a high standard, however, and as a result the film definitely fell short. I would suggest reading the book @The Zookeeper's Wife - it has far more detail than the film, in which there were glaringly obvious plot holes.
The Blood Confession
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>4.5 stars</i>
After reading THE BLOOD CONFESSION, I find it a bit surprising that this is specifically targeted to young adults. Not that they wouldn't appreciate or like it, although I don't know how much the appeal would be to that age range unless they're especially morbid (as I was and still am), but because of the subtle nuances and intricate study of character, morality, and belief system, which is well suited for adult readers as well. The book is mainly a character study and the author does a fantastic job bringing Erzebet to life, while slowly and believably evolving her into a mentally ill woman. I never could quite figure out if she was narcissistic, schizophrenic, suffering from some sort of body dysmorphic disorder, something altogether different, or all previously mentioned.

The writing is solid and I found myself sinking into the world Ms. Libby created, with it's brilliant Gothic atmosphere. The pacing had a few slow spots, but nothing that made the book come to a screeching halt. I confess to a few queasy moments thanks to an overactive imagination, but the gore is minimal and the author doesn't romanticize blood letting or murder for vanity.

What I should warn readers is that comparing this Erzebet Bizecka to the real Erzsebet Bathory would be a mistake. This fictional Countess doesn't have much in common with the legendary figure and is only (very) loosely based on her. That Erzsebet Bathory bathed in blood is an unfounded rumor and no one really knows why she killed these girls or how many. Some even say she was framed. Unfortunately the truth is lost to history and we'll never really know.

Only a few quibbles keep me from giving it a perfect rating, but all in all, it was an absorbing read. A couple of lingering questions remained, such as how exactly did Erzebet's mother go insane? I can guess what could have helped it along, but I don't really believe that's all it would have taken. What happened to Snow at the end?
If You&#039;re Not The One
If You're Not The One
Laura Briggs | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Fun, Fabulous Book All About Friendship And Love!
What a treat this pleasant and delightful romance was, from the best-seller author, Laura Briggs. I have read a couple of Briggs’ novels before, so I knew when I chose to read this that I would be in for a treat.

Although this book is the third in a series of stories about three women running a wedding planning business together, I thought this story worked fine as a standalone. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about the Wedding Belles - the three friends with their wedding planning business. Tessa is the planner, Natalie the designer, and Ama the caterer. Each have their own, unique voice and different opinions on love.

The protagonist in this third book is Natalie, the wedding dress designer. Natalie isn’t particularly romantic, herself. She doesn’t believe in true love, or destiny and she thinks that people are just plain lucky if they happen to find that certain someone. It’s coincidence and nothing more.

As a wedding dress designer though, she knows she has to keep these feelings under wraps. Even if she’s suspicious that Harper, the bride she’s currently working with, might secretly agree with her. However, Natalie’s own love life is not straight-forward. Her family and friends are so keen for Natalie to ‘settle down’ that she comes to an agreement with her casual boyfriend, Chad, to call a halt on their constant speculation. But what of boy-next-door, Brayden, who has been smitten with Natalie since they were at High School together?

For me, the greatest part of IF YOU’RE NOT THE ONE is the friendship between these three young women. These are girl-friends with whom you want to share your innermost secrets, to be there for you, or to party or have lunch with.

I love that Laura Briggs writes with flair, which helped to make this novel as wonderful as it is. This book will be highly enjoyable for anyone who loves a good romance. Overall, it’s been an incredibly entertaining story and I very much recommend it.

[Thanks to NetGalley, Bookouture and Laura Briggs for my free ARC, in exchange for my voluntary review.]
She Has A Broken Thing Where Her Heart Should Be
She Has A Broken Thing Where Her Heart Should Be
J.D. Barker | 2020 | Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good suspenseful paranormal story
I received a free copy of this book from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Prior to starting this book, I was only aware of Barker from his work with Dacre Stoker on Dracul, the prequel-cum-biography telling a variation of Bram Stoker's life story. This book is very different, though it also tells someone's full life story.
Jack Thatch has had a tough life already when we meet him, his parents dying in a car crash when he was very young, and he spends his childhood living with his Aunt. A chance meeting with a mysterious girl in the cemetery on the anniversary of his parents' death haunts him and each year he returns looking for her, and the mystery continues. This carries on, with a new chapter telling the events of each subsequent year, and the "burned but not burned" bodies that appear on the same day.
There is a little of a Stephen King feel about the book - telling of a young boy growing up and telling every detail of his life and his friendships and gradually letting the paranormal elements of the story build up.
The first third of the book is excellent, setting the scene and sewing the seeds of the mystery to follow and introducing the cast of characters and their interactions and conflicts. This part of the story rattles along with decent pace and the reader can get a good feeling of momentum.
The middle third ground to a halt for me. The chapters became longer, the story being told felt less important and the reduction in pace was a bit of a kick in the teeth.
But the final third this book gets going again in superb style. This could well have been an excellent story in its own right, but definitely benefits from the lengthy build-up. We gradually have one group of characters grow and come into conflict with another, all building up to an inevitable meeting.
This is a great, but long, story of special abilities, how they could impact someone's life and be abused by those in power, and how they will eventually become out of control.