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Girls of Brackenhill
Girls of Brackenhill
Kate Moretti | 2020 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a kid, Hannah spent several summers at Brackenhill, her aunt and uncle's beautiful mansion in the Catskills. Joined by her older sister, Julia, they enjoyed a peaceful time away from their troubled mother and her boyfriend. But that final summer, Hannah made the journey home alone after Julia disappeared. Now, seventeen years later, Hannah is back at Brackenhill, accompanied by her calm and steady fiance Huck, to deal with the aftermath of her Aunt Fae's death. Her uncle Stuart is quite ill and Hannah must handle the necessary affairs. But once at Brackenhill, long buried memories flood to the surface, along with some undiscovered family secrets.

"She'd escaped Brackenhill once. She could do it again."

I read this completely captivating thriller in one breathless day. It's such a wonderfully eerie and ghostly mystery that excellently captures the spooky atmosphere of Brackenhill. I'm all for a read with a creepy castle, ghostly happenings, and a history of missing girls. Told in a then (Hannah and Julia's summers at Brackenhill) and now format, Moretti sucks you in from the beginning, making the reader feel as if they are a part of the haunted happenings at Brackenhill.

"The Ghost Girls of Brackenhill are an urban legend."

The result is a twisted and dark story--a true Gothic ghost tale. I figured out a few pieces, but still found this impossible to put down. Moretti excels at weaving in the devastation of family secrets and small town mystery. As Hannah unravels the mystery of her family history and her sister's disappearance, we do as well, and you'll share her sense of dread and the overall foreboding that sweeps across the pages.

I wished the ending offered a bit more resolution, but this is an excellent, haunting, and spooky supernatural read. You'll be madly flipping the pages (with the lights on)! 4+ stars.
13 Reasons Why  - Season 1
13 Reasons Why - Season 1
2017 | Drama
Addictive watching (3 more)
Brilliant casting
It goes where alot of shows wont
Must watch it
Watched the pilot, uncertain at the start but then it had me hooked. Watched the entire series over 2 days ( bet im not the only 1 lol). I understand what other reviewers have said about glorifying suicide but to be honest, looking at it just as a tv series, i was brilliant. Casting was perfect, especially hannah ( in my opinion, stunning), a must watch for everyone. I so hope they have a 2nd series
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
1986 | Comedy, Drama, Romance

"I guess I’m gonna have to say Hannah and her Sisters because I only recently saw that in the last year and, I mean, Dianne Wiest… All the female characters are amazing. It’s like before they’re all, before everybody’s…"


Chuck Palahniuk recommended Knockemstiff in Books (curated)

Donald Ray Pollack | 2010 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Every decade, we get a stunning collection of dynamic, heartbreaking short stories. In the past, those collections came from Barry Hannah, Mark Richard, and Thom Jones. For the next 10 years, Pollock’s work will be tough for any writer to beat."


Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Captive in Books

Oct 17, 2021  
The Captive
The Captive
Deborah O'Connor | 2021 | Crime
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
With its unique and interesting plot, this is a book that I really enjoyed.

I haven't read anything by this author before but the blurb reeled me in. I can't even imagine the horror of having to look after a person who has been convicted of a crime against you. You have to look after that person in your own home - would I be able to do that? This book certainly makes you think about it but this is the reality for the main character in this book, Hannah.

Her husband was murdered and Jem has been found guilty; he is now housed in a cell in her kitchen and Hannah is having to face this man every day whilst trying to come to terms with her loss and grief. Hannah is desperate to keep the memories of her husband alive but as she discovers more, he doesn't appear to be the man she knew and loved and when Jem professes his innocence - well he would wouldn't he - more doubts creep in and Hannah finds herself in a very difficult position.

Written from the perspectives of Hannah and Jem, this is a story that just keeps giving. There are some great twists and you never really know what's going to happen until the end.

This is an author I will definitely look out for in the future and my thanks go to Bonnier Books UK and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Thirteen Reasons Why: (TV Tie-in)
Thirteen Reasons Why: (TV Tie-in)
Jay Asher | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (108 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story (1 more)
How clay felt about Hannah
That they didn’t get happy ending. (0 more)
I really enjoyed this, I have been wanting to read it for a while now ad glad to have finally read it. It was sad and horrible, and it showed that people can be bullied and commit suicide from bully alone - it doesn't just have to be because something horrible happened to them. I felt sorry for Hannah and Clay because they were both damaged and hurt.

This book is worth reading, it will pull at your feelings, but it is worth it

Happy reading :)
The Secret of the Wooden Chest
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Mrs Oberto arrives at the nursing home where Hannah and her nurse and odd job man parents live it is the beginning of a whole new adventure for them both. Hannah, a friendly and curious schoolgirl, is inquisitive about the new lady and although things don't get off to the best of starts they soon work things out and a school project creates a close friendship. But the mystery of the chest that stays on Mrs Oberto's bedside is a constant draw to Hannah and when she is given the opportunity to see what's inside, then a whole new world is opened up to her.
A good read for middle school age boys and girls, especially if an elderly relative is spending time in a hospital or a nursing home, this first part of a series of stories shows them how special and rewarding a close relationship with an older person can be.
Girls on Fire
Robin Wasserman | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hannah Dexter has led a fairly mundane life in the small town of Battle Creek, where everyone knows everyone else and everything that happens to everyone. But her life is turned upside town by two events: the suicide of a local boy, Craig, and the arrival of a new girl, Lacey, who quickly becomes the town's resident bad girl. Hannah and Lacey unite over their hatred of the town's "it girl" Nikki Drummond. Lacey transforms Hannah into Dex--a darker version of Hannah--who adores Lacey and Kurt Cobain's music (this is the early '90s after all). But Hannah doesn't realize that Lacey is hiding a secret from her, a pretty big one, which threatens to destroy the very fabric their friendship is based on.

"Girls on Fire" is an oddly captivating and compelling novel. The story unfolds before you and you're powerless to stop the events as they occur. It's told mainly from the alternating points of view of Lacey and Hannah, and we slowly learn about the events that led to their friendship and its aftermath-- and also Craig's suicide. The book wasn't a particularly fast read for me, but it was fascinating. It's an accident where you can't look away, even though you know something horrible will happen. This book is dark and disastrous and makes you afraid to ever send your children off to high school.

Parts of the novel are a bit cliched (it's almost too dark, too awful) but it doesn't stop it from being intriguing and captivating. It pulls you in to Lacey and Hannah's world and as time somehow moves forward, yet we learn about what happened to Craig in the past, Wasserman does an amazing job of unfurling her plot. I was drawn to the book and the characters. Tragic Lacey, confused Hannah, evil queen Nikki: you can see them so clearly in your head. The book almost casts a spell over you as it sucks you into its world. The writing is intense, the storyline is intense, and you're left almost breathless at the end. I didn't really enjoy the book, per se, but I appreciated it. It's a wild ride, a dark one, and definitely one worth taking.

I received an advanced copy of this novel from Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere on 5/17/2016.
Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen Reasons Why
Jay Asher | 2009 | Children
8.4 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
The concept (0 more)
The inaccurate portrayal of depression (0 more)
Trigger Warning
This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Recently filmed as a thirteen-part Netflix drama executively produced by Selena Gomez, Thirteen Reasons Why was the first novel by the award-winning author, Jay Asher. It is the type of book readers will either love or hate, but it should definitely come with a warning. This story is NOT an accurate representation of depression and suicide.

Yes, suicide. A teenaged girl has committed suicide, shocking everyone who knew her. No one could understand why, but thirteen people are going to find out. Clay Jensen is the ninth person to receive a box of thirteen audiotapes from Hannah Baker. However, Hannah died two weeks ago. As she premeditated taking her life, Hannah recorded thirteen stories involving people from her school that caused her to snowball into deep depression and despair. Desperate to find out why his name features in Hannah’s story, Clay begins listening to the tapes in order, putting together the events that led to Hannah’s death.

What follows is a heart-breaking story showing the impact individuals have on other people’s lives, often without realising it. In some cases, the characters only played a minor role in Hannah’s life, whereas others caused significant damage. The saddest thing is, Clay could have helped Hannah, but she had pushed him away.

At times, Hannah seemed like the horrible person, calling all these people out on petty little things, but these things, along with the more horrible ones, all built up to create a life that did not feel worth living. It is eye opening how much a small action, comment or rumour can so drastically alter someone’s future.

Bearing in mind that depression affects everyone differently and has numerous causes, some readers may feel disgusted at Hannah’s extreme action, but this is the fault of the author. Jay Asher fails to completely describe the emotional torment that Hannah felt, and only someone who may have been through a similar situation, or worse, will fully be able to understand the impact everything has had on her mental health.

As Hannah beleaguers her listeners, the thirteen people start to feel like the victims rather than the “attackers”, which is most probably not what the author was intending. Now, these people will have to live their lives believing they caused a girl to commit suicide when really they were only 1/13th of the reason. Although, before criticising this novel, keep in mind it is a work of fiction.

What is most painful about Thirteen Reasons Why, is not Hannah’s plight, but the reaction Clay has to hearing Hannah’s story. Unlike the other people Hannah accuses, Clay is not one of her antagonists; all Hannah wants to do is to say sorry.

It is up to the reader to judge whether Thirteen Reasons Why is worthy of praise or not. Those without an understanding of depression may dislike it on account of misunderstanding Hannah’s reasons, whereas others may feel insulted that she killed herself over things that could have been eased had she told someone. Personally, I understand where Hannah is coming from, and although I would not go to the extremes Hannah did, I do not think she was selfish or stupid or any other insult that may befall her.

The reason I give this book a good rating lies in the quality of writing. Asher seamlessly alternates between two narratives – Hannah’s story and Clay’s reaction and reflection. Although the author may not have clearly expressed Hannah’s emotions, he successful emphasises the grief and despair Clay feels listening to the cassettes. My main concern is that Thirteen Reasons Why will only be short lived. Audiotapes were already obsolete when the book was published, but soon will there be any new readers who know what a tape is?
Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen Reasons Why
Jay Asher | 2009 | Children
8.4 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Recently filmed as a thirteen-part Netflix drama executively produced by Selena Gomez, <i>Thirteen Reasons Why</i> was the first novel by the award-winning author, Jay Asher. It is the type of book readers will either love or hate, but it should definitely come with a warning. This story is NOT an accurate representation of depression and suicide.

Yes, suicide. A teenaged girl has committed suicide, shocking everyone who knew her. No one could understand why, but thirteen people are going to find out. Clay Jensen is the ninth person to receive a box of thirteen audiotapes from Hannah Baker. However, Hannah died two weeks ago. As she premeditated taking her life, Hannah recorded thirteen stories involving people from her school that caused her to snowball into deep depression and despair. Desperate to find out why his name features in Hannah’s story, Clay begins listening to the tapes in order, putting together the events that led to Hannah’s death.

What follows is a heart-breaking story showing the impact individuals have on other people’s lives, often without realising it. In some cases, the characters only played a minor role in Hannah’s life, whereas others caused significant damage. The saddest thing is, Clay could have helped Hannah, but she had pushed him away.

At times, Hannah seemed like the horrible person, calling all these people out on petty little things, but these things, along with the more horrible ones, all built up to create a life that did not feel worth living. It is eye opening how much a small action, comment or rumour can so drastically alter someone’s future.

Bearing in mind that depression affects everyone differently and has numerous causes, some readers may feel disgusted at Hannah’s extreme action, but this is the fault of the author. Jay Asher fails to completely describe the emotional torment that Hannah felt, and only someone who may have been through a similar situation, or worse, will fully be able to understand the impact everything has had on her mental health.

As Hannah beleaguers her listeners, the thirteen people start to feel like the victims rather than the “attackers”, which is most probably not what the author was intending. Now, these people will have to live their lives believing they caused a girl to commit suicide when really they were only 1/13th of the reason. Although, before criticising this novel, keep in mind it is a work of fiction.

What is most painful about <i>Thirteen Reasons Why</i>, is not Hannah’s plight, but the reaction Clay has to hearing Hannah’s story. Unlike the other people Hannah accuses, Clay is not one of her antagonists; all Hannah wants to do is to say sorry.

It is up to the reader to judge whether <i>Thirteen Reasons Why</i> is worthy of praise or not. Those without an understanding of depression may dislike it on account of misunderstanding Hannah’s reasons, whereas others may feel insulted that she killed herself over things that could have been eased had she told someone. Personally, I understand where Hannah is coming from, and although I would not go to the extremes Hannah did, I do not think she was selfish or stupid or any other insult that may befall her.

The reason I give this book a good rating lies in the quality of writing. Asher seamlessly alternates between two narratives – Hannah’s story and Clay’s reaction and reflection. Although the author may not have clearly expressed Hannah’s emotions, he successful emphasises the grief and despair Clay feels listening to the cassettes. My main concern is that <i>Thirteen Reasons Why</i> will only be short lived. Audiotapes were already obsolete when the book was published, but soon will there be any new readers who know what a tape is?