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The Bell Chime
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
207 of 235
The Bell Chime
By Mona Kabbani

"Can you hear the bell chime?"

A girl suffering from paralyzing night terrors finds a missing poster hanging from the door of her apartment building. On that poster is a photograph of a frighteningly familiar face.

It’s her.

Only, she’s never seen this photo before and something about its grin scares her. How its eyes seem to follow her no matter where she finds herself in the room.

Over a series of strange events to follow—events that will make her question whether her sanity is still there or fleeting—she must discover:

What is real and what is the nightmare?

This was eerily sad in so many ways. As someone who deals with psychosis and depression it struck home so hard! The question in the the foreword is thought provoking what exactly would you give up for peace of mind or happiness? Really well written.
Synopsis: For most Americans, the pursuit of happiness really means the pursuit of more--more money, more prestige, more stuff. We've made idols out of innovation, growth, power, and wealth. Far from offering us happiness and satisfaction, this has only left us exhausted, isolated, miserable, and wondering if there is a better way.

There is. Less of More exposes our pursuit of more for what it truly is: an attempt to satisfy our souls with the temporary instead of the eternal. Pastor and writer Chris Nye invites us to consider what a full and abundant life looks like apart from money, status, and power. He exposes the lies inherent in our obsession with growth, fame, and wealth and calls us to a countercultural life marked by connection, obscurity, vulnerability, and generosity.

If you have gained the world but lost your soul, Less of More offers a compelling path toward a life of true, deep, lasting satisfaction with Jesus--not us--at the center of it.

My Thoughts: We live in a world that seems to push bigger is better, more makes us happier, but is that really true? Is that what God really wants for us? In this book author, Chris Nye takes a long hard look at how the world and the culture are forming what we think we need to live our lives. The author asks us to think about what a full life looks like without all the extras in our life; the money, status, and power that individuals seek every day. The author shows us the lies that are in these things, the obsession with having it all, the fame, the bigger churches, instead of seeking what God wants for us in our lives.

This book is an eye opener and a must read for everyone.


 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Eat Pray Love: One Woman's Search for Everything
Eat Pray Love: One Woman's Search for Everything
Elizabeth Gilbert | 2016 | Biography
7.2 (34 Ratings)
Book Rating
A book that inspires you to live while you're alive and to find yourself (2 more)
Easy to get lost in this book, you'll find yourself wandering thru Rome, India and Bali, personally experiencing Elizabeth's journey
Loss, humor, insight and drama and romance, this book has it all
"I used to have this appetite for my life. And now it’s just gone. I want to go someplace where I can MARVEL at something." Elizabeth Gilbert
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Elizabeth Gilbert is one of my favorite authors so I knew this would be an amazing book and I was not disappointed! She has this amazing ability to make you forget you're reading a book...suddenly you're in the book, experiencing everything due to the beautiful detail and honesty with which she writes. An inspiration to everyone who has ever felt lost, stuck, hopeless or lost their zest for life. While we can't all take off and travel the world to find ourselves like Elizabeth, we can live vicariously through her writing and gain hope, insight and in the end happiness.
Between Heaven and Earth
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was an adorably sweet story. I love good vs evil and I love angels so this was a plus on so many levels. I was happy with the characters and I was sad with them. The writing made me feel with them and made me feel as if I was in the story with them. I love when a writer yanks me into the story so I am part of it with the characters. Damascus was awesome but I will admit... his brother was hotter ;) I know he wasn't the "good" one but what can I say... I love a good bad boy. Amelia was very strong and smart. She was pretty and sassy and I loved her character. I loved who she was and how she loved. I was glad that it wasn't just a "wam bam we love each other no issues" type story. They had issues, they had happiness and sadness, and it wasn't easy. It was a very good story and I would recommend it to my YA loving friends for sure.