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First Love
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
First Love is a story of two young people, Alexandra and Robinson. Axi is sitting at Ernie's, a cafe in their small town, waiting for Robinson. Next week, she has finals for her two AP classes. Now, normally, this straight laced, straight A student would be studying for those finals, but today she has something else on her mind. As Robinson enters the store, all thoughts of finals escape her mind and a smile spreads across her face. He has that skill, to brighten her mood whenever he is around. As he sits down, worry starts to envelope Axi. What if her plan backfires? What if Robinson isn't interested in what she has to say? She takes a deep breath and says..."Let's Run Away".
All over the country they travel, breaking the rules and trying not to get hurt or arrested along the way. When this carefree trip takes a devastating turn, Axi comes to realize that life is way too short.

We all remember our first love. I know at that time, there was almost nothing I wouldn't do for mine. Would you lie, steal, cheat? Would you sacrifice your own life for their happiness? First Love is definitely not your typical James Patterson book. While he does have other books that are non-crime/police drama, they are few and far between. This was a cute story about teens trying to make the best out of a bad situation. Time is of the essence for them and they intend to ride it until the wheels fall off. Penning themselves Bonnie and Clyde, Axi and Robinson take a cross-country tour neither of them will ever forget. Starting in Oregon and ending in North Carolina they cross the country seeing the sites and trying to avoid the police. If you're interested in a quick, cute love story about a couple of kids, then you will enjoy this story!
Another new author for me, and one I am completely happy to have found! When sitting down to read this intriguing sounding book, I wasn't quite sure what to expect,especially with this being a debut author. But, what I found when opening the pages was a book that completely swept me away, held me captive through out and completely stole all my emotions, from happiness to tears and back again. 

The story really blew me away and left me reflecting on my life, and my journeys. The women within the pages of this book are chiseled in heart stealing way, and they all quickly became my friends for life. The author created them and made them real to life, as their reunion story plays out among the pages. They each had issues in their life, and spent time having to find themselves, the real them, just as we have to in real life sometimes. Their struggles and trials really hit home with me on more than one occasion. 

If you are looking for a light hearted, fast paced read full of laughter and fun, this is not the book for you. If you are looking for a book that is completely and utterly gripping, that will make you feel like you are watching a movie on the big screen, that will leave you thinking about all that you have at hand, and what God can do for you if you just let Him, then this is the book just for you. A definite 4 star worthy book from a new author that I can't wait to see what's in story for her with more work. If they are like this incredibly stunning debut, then I know I will be a fan for life! 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Kregel Publications and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Healing Love
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Where do I begin with this review? No words justify the amount of feels I felt with this book. It is absolutely an amazing read. From heartache and pain to smiles and hope, Ms. Slattery stitches together a novel that will not soon leave the reader's soul. You close the book and reflect on the story and the characters and their faith long into the night. It's forever in my heart, that's for sure!

I have never been on a mission trip but I know of people that have. They come home with stories that will leave you in tears, sometimes from happiness, sometimes from sadness. Ms. Slattery filled this book with such detail that you can't help but feel as if you, the reader,were right there in the center of the mission trip. Watching Brooke along side of Ubaldo really kept me hooked on the story. I loved both of their characters so much. I felt their emotions and their faith as if they were my own. When they came to terms with what God had in store for the two of them, together, I really felt it deep in my soul!

Ms. Slattery has taken on a wonderful theme for this book. Finding love in an unexpected place with an unexpected person, learning of that our plan isn't always His plans, and seeking redemption along the way, really makes for a fantabulous book! I can not simply give this incredibly moving novel a measly 5 star rating. It is beyond that. It is deserving of 5 thousand stars, if you want my opinion. This book, and all it has to offer, will suck you in, cacoon you into it's pages and leave you breathless and in awe of Ms. Slattery's work. Bravo, Jennifer Slattery! Bravo! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
I'm married to my best friend. That's what I tell people who don't know me and want to know who my husband is. He's my best friend. When we met, I was leery of another relationship. My first marriage was not the greatest. Too many bad things happening. I didn't trust any guy. But, my husband patiently persisted and one day I took a leap of Faith after praying hard, and 4 years later we are still married. Do we fight? Oh Lord, do we ever! But, one thing  I can say is we stay friends through it all. We work our problems out. We seek advice if we need it. We never give up. 

Kevin A. Thompson is an author I'd not heard of before, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect with this book, especially with it being a non fiction book. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised! He takes three key aspects to making a marriage work and tells us why they work. It's definitely something I have taken to heart and really want to work on with my husband! The way Mr. Thompson describes these aspects really make me reflect on my marriage now. Four years of happiness with my best friend, sure. But, there is more that we can be doing to really make it work. 

This is a 4 star worthy book, in my opinion! I enjoyed his writing style, as it makes it easy to read this non fiction book and to not get bored reading it. If you are in a happy marriage, or a marriage that you aren't sure if it's going to make it, then I highly recommend this read! It will help you think and reflect on what your doing now, and what could improve it. Definitely a great partner read with your spouse! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Shadows of Suspicion
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Synopsis: Revenge is the agenda...“Find my sister.”Rick Reiley ’s words were what drove Luke to search mercilessly for Kerry. He is in a race against time to find her and will have to face more than a criminal mastermind to get close to her. He is prepared to give his life for her, but what about his heart? “...I would like you to meet...My wife.”Those words from her enigmatic rescuer threw Kerry more than anything else that had happened to her in the last few days...and that was saying a lot! Kerry ’s simple life is turned upside down when she is kidnapped and dragged to the middle of nowhere by a madman. She trusts Luke with her life, but can she trust him with her heart? As Luke fights to keep Kerry safe, the chemistry ignites and the danger gets closer. Will God protect them while Luke tries to sort out his heart.... and capture Kerry’s?

My Thoughts: This is the second book in the Shadows Series, and they just keep getting better and better! This book starts where the last one left off, and don't worry if you haven't read the first one, you can jump right in. This novel is filled with suspense and romance. Ashley Dawn keeps the readers' attention wondering what will happen next.

This is a novel of letting go and forgiving, this is what Luke needed to do with his life, and to let God back in. Finding that freedom enabled him to go on with his life and to find the happiness to replace the emptiness that he was feeling.

I enjoy all the characters, this book focuses on Kerry Reilly and Luke, but we meet up with characters from the first book. This is a great supporting cast that works well to make this series work. I am looking forward to the next book "Shadows of Pain"
I Flipping Love You
I Flipping Love You
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rian has not had the easiest life so far. She and her twin sister, Marley are finally getting their lives where they want them. Their real estate business is going well and they will soon have the money they need to do their first flip. Along comes, Pierce, the dashing city boy who seems to be the perfect match. But when Pierce starts showing up everywhere Rian is to show or flip a house, she becomes suspicious of whether he is really interested in her or if he just wants an in on the properties on the beach in the Hamptons. Determined not to let her past ruin her future, Rian keeps forward with her quest despite Pierce's efforts to thwart her. Rian is not interested in men right now, her only objective is to be able to start flipping houses with her sister in an attempt to acquire the Mission Mansion which used to be in their family. Will she fall for this guy or leave him alone to continue with her own dreams?

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

At first I wasn't sure how this book was going to turn out. I'm a big fan of HGTV and house flipping shows, but how would that translate into a romance novel. It's true that Rian has her share of demons in her closet, but her past shouldn't dictate her future, especially when it comes to love. I really enjoyed this book. It had me hooked from the start and I didn't want to put it down. There were times when I found the main character a little whinny, but we, as independent women, can get that way sometimes when things seem to be going our way and then an obstacle comes into play. A very handsome and determined obstacle at that.

This is a great story about family and overcoming your past to make room for love and happiness in your future.
The Frightened Little Flower Bud
The Frightened Little Flower Bud
Renée Paule | 2018 | Children
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
View full review here:

I don’t usually read Children’s Books. I used to love them when I was a kid, and of course, those were the books on which I learned how to read. Those are the stories that I will always remember, with happiness in my heart and they will always have a special place in my heart.

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I was lucky enough to win The Frightened Little Flower Bud on a giveaway from Booklikes, and I couldn’t be happier! This is a short, cute story about one flower, and the process of how it blooms.

Before it blooms, it has many fears as to what is going to happen, it fears that the sun will dry it, and the rain will drown it, and that it won’t be as beautiful as the other flowers out there.

It reminds me of the fears that us people have every day before we go out of the door. We fear this and that, without realising to enjoy our lives, and live them like they are our last. A perfect description of how fear and doubt can let us down, but also a perfect example of what happens when you actually get the courage and go out there, and realise that yes - you can be the prettiest flower out there.

I liked how there are questions at the end of the books, to engage the little readers after reading it. However, in all honesty, I believe that the images inside the books won’t keep a kid there for very long, and they might not be the most exiting this in the world.

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Christmas in Marlow Center
Christmas in Marlow Center
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2018 | Mystery, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Christmas in Marlow Center is a short Christmas-themed romance and mystery story by Jordan Elizabeth. Set in present-day December, Natassia is on her Winter Break and has arrived on her family farm to spend the period with her grandmother. Unfortunately, the family are unable to maintain the farm and are going to have to sell in the new year, therefore, this is Natassia's final opportunity to visit the place she loves. Yet, family secrets threaten to put an end to the Christmas festivities.

Meanwhile, Jesse, the tenant who lives in one of the farm buildings, is being plagued by horrifying family memories that occurred at Christmas-time. Unable to leave the past in the past, Jesse is dreading the coming holiday. Yet, when he meets Natassia, he feels a sense of hope. Perhaps he can move on, develop a new friendship, a relationship and learn to trust that other people will not judge him for the actions of a past family member.

While things are looking up for Jesse and Natassia in terms of relationship, problems with the farm cause enormous worry and strain. Just as things are beginning to fall into place, the remains of a body are found on the premises, unearthing family secrets dating back to 1964; secrets that affect both Natassia and Jesse.

Christmas stories are available in abundance and it is difficult to write something new and fresh without falling into traps, such as overly gushing romance or fake happiness. Jordan Elizabeth has kept the romance to a minimum, concentrating on family relationships, secrets and mystery.

Christmas in Marlow Center is a quick book to read, suitable for young adults and older. It is not too Christmassy, therefore, can be read any time of year. Unfortunately, the manuscript (at least the version I read) has numerous grammar and typographical errors, which slightly ruins the reading experience, however, it does not detract from the well thought out story.

Little Ray Of Sunshine (41 KP) rated Three Fat Singletons in Books

Jan 11, 2019 (Updated Feb 10, 2019)  
Three Fat Singletons
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review | Three Fat Singletons by J.M. Bartholomew*
This book is about 3 thirty-something friends called Jesse a divorcee wanting to find someone to love, Mary a man-eater who always attract the married man and Dotty a Christian virgin who just want to meet someone to settle down with.
These three singletons feel unlucky in love as you can see in the title that they are overweight and wish they were slimmer and men will look more at them then laugh at them and call them names.

So they choose to go on a week-long getaway to Greece they made sure it was an adult only holiday resort so they can meet some single men and have some fun. But the holiday doesn't run smoothly it throws them some unexpected challenges as there is romance, sex, adultery and embarrassment. But while they on holiday it ain't all about them finding men to have their wicked way with it's for them to find themselves and start to appreciate themselves and build their confidence and self-esteem especially Dotty. The book ain't all doom and gloom it has hilarious parts what made me laugh out loud.

I felt for the characters as you see how being overweight can make them feel individual. Dotty is the one I feel more for as she realise that she can lose weight but she struggles with willpower with food. I can connect with the character as I personally know how my love food can become the addiction. I hope I see more of these three characters and I hope they find happiness.

I love finding authors I haven't read before and seen their debut books. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to read your book.

I can't wait to see what J.M.Bartholomew will write next.
*I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Marylegs (44 KP) rated Shadow in Books

Aug 14, 2019  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shadow is a beautifully written tale of people looking for happiness. The books opens with a small boy waiting for his mother to come and get him from a shed where he is waiting. He has been waiting so long the batteries have worn out on the cassette player he has which reads him his story book. Eventually the boy is found and it appears his mother has abandoned him at an amusement park. The story then shifts to the family of a renowned author as they find out about the death of their old maid.

Don’t be fooled by this opening as I was, there are many twists and turns within this book which take the tale in directions I was not expecting. I always worry when reading a book that has been translated from its original langue, that some of the more subtle meanings may be lost. However with this book I do not feel that I lost and depth or beauty. And whilst there was nothing that stood out in the way of errors or typos the only part I feel that let it down was the ending. Personally it just felt like everything had got really going and then it was done. On the plus side it also meant nothing felt dragged out or overly fluffed.

I would definitely recommend this book and it may be liked by those who enjoyed books such as [b:Spilt Milk|18692830|Spilt Milk|Amanda Hodgkinson||26541040]or [b:Purge|11163458|Purge|Sofi Oksanen||3426310]. I want to give it more than 3 stars but I personally need to feel more, and I always use the guidance phase and whilst I ‘liked’ it I didn’t ‘really like it’. This is in basic terms, a simple story of life and its issues with unexpected twists which test the characters in ways many people hope never to be tested by.