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This is the second part of The Artist's Touch set - Rissa and Spence are a couple, they've found out some of the secrets that their families have been keeping from them, and they are being stalked.

This story - as a whole - is simply stunning. Spence is a character that I could easily fall in love with over and over again. From quiet and nerdy, to being in control and HOT, he ticks the boxes for me. Rissa is wonderful, she knows what she wants and isn't afraid to work to achieve it, whether that is going after Spence or making her work dream come true. Seriously, I wish this couple every happiness!

But there is, of course, the fly in the ointment and for Rissa and Spence, there are two. One is the secrets and the other is the stalker. This book brings about the culmination of both of those things, but not in a way that I was expecting. Layer upon layer of manipulation, deceit and murder need to be peeled back before Spence and Rissa can have their HEA, but they might not survive long enough to reach it.

With action, adventure, romance, and sorrow, this book was a delight to read. I will also say that I knew something was going to happen to one of the supporting characters, due to certain actions in book 1, but I never expected the outcome that S.H. Pratt gave us! I was not a happy bunny because my leaking eyes meant that I couldn't read as fast as I wanted to! And that is all I will say on the matter.

If you want a book that is steamy romance, coupled with psychological chills, then I can definitely recommend this set. Highly recommended.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama
Heavy Is The Head
Parasite is so utterly complex, brilliant and captivating that it brings an entire new meaning to the word perfection. A true revolution in film making with such tightly woven narative, twisted depictions of real life struggles and important intricate messages Parasite is practically bursting at the seems with metaphores, hidden meanings, symbolism and comparisons but whats so great about it is that its never feels forced, in your face or patronising once. Theres certainly a hell of a lot more there if you want to delve deeper thats for sure (just trying to decipher it all now for this review is hurting my head) but theres also plenty there for those that dont want that depth too. This is Korean cinema at its absolute finest mixing so many diffrent genres together flawlessly to create butter smooth tension, spine chilling horror, mind bending philosophy, harsh history, political accuracy, eye watering comedy, touching drama and stomach churning raw emotion. A tale of rich and poor at its core but also a film about entitlement, happiness, human nature, selfishness and ambition Parasite teaches us so cleverly/effectively to have new found appreciation for what we have no matter how little that may be and also to stand together/respect one another and apreciate those close to us before its to late. Being likened to a Tarantino film by many and while I can see the similarities I honestly found Parasite to be genuinely a way smarter, better structured/layered more thrilling and an all round tighter/more interesting movie compared to his work if im honest. I urge anyone that loves and takes cinema seriously to see this without hesitation its unpredictability/intricacy are a true experience to behold (just like the sensation you get when you slip on ice but regain your balance just before you fall) it will leave you cold, breathless, excited and entranced.