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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Spires in Books

Oct 28, 2021  
The Spires
The Spires
Kate Moretti | 2021 | Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Penelope Cox thinks she's put her college years behind her, when, twenty years later, her old friend Willa shows up unexpectedly on her doorstep. Willa Blaine needs help escaping her abusive husband. Penelope hasn't seen Willa since their gap year after college, when they and three other friends lived together in a converted church. Calling themselves "the Spires" they were a close-knit group, until hidden resentments and jealousies tipped over. Focused on their leader, Jack, things started to change when he brought home a girlfriend, Grace. Then tragedy struck and the group went their separate ways. Now, Willa seems the perfect guest, bringing order and happiness to the Cox household. But Penelope feels like her friend is putting her life off-balance and bringing up horrible memories: memories she'd rather leave long buried.

"Six months after they moved in, he brought home Grace and sent them all into a tailspin."

This is slow burn read--it's sluggish to start, but picks up as the story gets moving. Less thriller, more character-driven, THE SPIRES focuses on relationships more than mystery, though there is certainly plenty to figure out as the tale progresses.

The book skips back and forth between the group's gap year after college at The Church House and present day, when Penelope's friend Willa shows up without warning. The two haven't seen each other since they scattered after The Church House tragedy. We know something bad happened at The Church House, but it takes a while (basically the whole book) to get it all figured out. There is a lot of drama and angst as this all happens. None of the characters are particularly likeable, but there are plenty of motives and secrets tossed in along the way.

I didn't find THE SPIRES as thrilling as some of Moretti's other books. Still, it became more interesting and suspenseful as I read, and there are definitely some good twists. This is an especially good read for those who like a good psychological mystery. 3.5 stars.
Markov (Tangled Tentacles #4)
Markov (Tangled Tentacles #4)
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Did my heart break? Oh, just a little!
MARKOV is the fourth book in the Tangled Tentacles series and follows Markov and Cassius through their trials and tribulations to find the happiness due to fated mates.

Oh, man. I knew this one was going to be a doozy! You know, when I started this series, I was immediately taken into their world; seeing and sympathising with these last-on-earth Kraken shifters. Their back story was so sad and I loved it when Alexi found his mate. Since then, I've stayed with them and thoroughly enjoyed each story - some a little more than others, sure - but still loving every moment. It was obvious there was something going on between Cassius and Markov but we had no details as to what or why. We get ALL the details here and they are worth waiting for!

This pair of authors know exactly how to tug on my heartstrings. They always manage it, even when I'm expecting it. I won't go into details (spoilers, don't you know!) but I will say I was gripped by every word, every scene. Todd and Kelvin are the ones who are there for Markov in this book, and I'm really hoping Alexi and Victor will pull their heads from their behinds and realise what they are doing to the family.

The overall story arc moves on but we still don't know the full picture. It is Kelvin's story next, with his FBI guy, and the epilogue is a full-on teaser. I can't wait to read his story.

This is a fantastic addition to a series I am loving. Highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nothing Tastes as Good
Nothing Tastes as Good
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I happened to see this book by chance, in my local library. I was drawn to it because it's cover, it's title - I'm anorexic, and I happen to be drawn to things relating to mental health. It doesn't expressly say on it that it's about anorexia, but the cover made it pretty obvious to me. A warning to anyone that wants to read it: it's hard. If you suffer from something like this, like me, then you will probably have difficulty reading something so close to home. Especially if you're recovering. But it gets better. (I mean the book; I'm not using that "life gets better" crap.)

So Annabel is dead. I'm studying The Lovely Bones at school so the whole beyond-death narration isn't that special to me now. But Hennessy does it pretty differently to Sebold.

We don't know much about Annabel, not at first. But we begin to learn about her while she helps her assigned "soul-in-need" - The Boss (definitely not God) has promised her a final communication with her family if she helps Julia. And this looks easy, at first - Julia is from Annabel's old school, with a loving family and good grades. Everything is fine, except she's fat. Annabel thinks this should be easy - after all, she's an expert in weight loss. She lost weight until she died.

But Annabel soon finds out that Julia's issues are a whole lot more complex than her weight. At first, losing weight helps. But then her old scars come back to haunt her, and Annabel realises that maybe losing weight isn't going to fix all her problems.

Aside from the obvious issue, this book does talk about a lot of important topics. It covers friendships and relationships, like most YA novels do, but it also combats ideas on feminism, affairs with older men, and people all having their own hidden demons.

At first, I wasn't keen on Annabel. I wanted to like her - I felt I should, because I could relate to her story so much. But she was a bitch. She wanted other people to be like her, and rather than encouraging recovery and health and happiness, she shared tipped on weight loss. It really did hurt to read. Her ideas on "perfection" and being weak for eating just really hit a nerve for me. Not because it was wrong (though I'd never encourage an eating disorder in someone else), but because it's exactly how I'd think about myself. Her behaviours, her worries, her anger - they were so real.

But Annabel, despite being dead, grows alongside Julia. Yes, she tells Julia to starve herself and run on an empty stomach and hate herself, but eventually she starts to feel for her. She wants Julia to combat her issues, to actually be happy. And she realises, despite having been so upset with her old friends for recovering, that maybe she wasted her life. Maybe she could have been something more, rather than striving to be less.

I found this really emotional. Annabel's love for her sister, the sister she neglected for years while she was focused on her goals, and the future she cut short. The way Julia's life changed when her passion for writing and journalism was overtaken by her obsession with food, calories, exercise. It's so real and so sad. And the ending isn't "happily ever after" - Annabel's still dead, Julia's in counselling - but it's real. It gives hope that things can change, that Julia can really achieve happiness.

At first, I didn't like this that much. I know Annabel is just a character, but I just didn't like her. She was one of those girls that makes anorexia sound like a choice, a lifestyle, and I hated that. But later she realises she is sick, and I actually felt sorry for her. I was sorry that she had been brainwashed by her illness into believing she was doing what was right.

The only reason I'm giving just 4.5 stars to this book is because Annabel was a bitch. Yes, she is a character, and yes, she grows considerably throughout the novel, but her encouragement of EDs just drove me insane. Personal pet peeve, I guess.
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
2019 | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Fighting fit
#alitabattleangel may just be the most #intense & visually splendid mature cgi fest I've seen in a long long time. Having not seen #anime that inspired this #movie i had no idea what i was walking into with this one. Upon leaving it i not only felt extremely satisfied but also like i had experienced something #breathtaking & full to the brim with #passion. To start I can't stress enough just how god damn #beautiful this #film is, cgi is staggering as well as jaw dropping. From the intricate inner machinery wires, dust particles & realistic lighting to the tiny blemishes on skin Alita simply knocks it out the park. Its locations are vast, immersive, claustrophobic, lived in, #depressing & full to the brim with story telling/world building so much so that they could each tell a story themselves. #Animation is slick, fluid & #natural with #human & cgi interaction weighty & almost flawlessly done. Story wise its extremely empowering as we watch #Alita grow from & innocent child like #girl into a tuff driven #woman. Seeing Alita emit such wonderful human emotions such as #love, excitement & #happiness is not only #heartwarming but also #magical. Starting so warm & ending so bleak we see Alitas innocence almost ripped away from her as she is forced to #mature fast letting her primal instincts & bad human traits (such as jealousy/#anger) take control tarnishing her other wise loving/careing inner self. Its tense, adrenaline inducing stuff & this mixed with well constructed action & your token damn right nasty at times #robertrodriguez death scenes its not always the happiest of films either. #Deep themes are explored but theres alot of them too so only surfaces are scratched. My favourite being how #society/entertainment glorifies/condones violence & uses it as a tool to control us all. Negatives - if anything #Battleangel is far to short, i feel i needed another hour of content in there somewhere especially the final act which felt rushed. If we dont get a sequel or 3 i will be very disappointed as this is a fantastic world i simply must know more about it. A must see for sure. #edskrein is an absolute joy to watch too. #odeon #odeonlimitless #robot #thursdaythoughts
Cry Baby (Pt. 1) by Maja Francis
Cry Baby (Pt. 1) by Maja Francis
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Maja Francis is an Electro-Pop singer outta Stockholm, Sweden. Not too long ago, she released an excellent EP, entitled, “Cry Baby (Pt. 1)” EP.


Francis sings about being lonely and dancing on the dancefloor with tears in her eyes. She needs human contact from someone she’s currently in love with.

But there’s one problem. That person has his eyes on someone other than Francis.

Also, Francis makes it clear that she’s too real to get caught up in the bright disco lights. What she needs is a kiss under the moonlight around a warm fireplace.


Francis recites a poem about her feelings. She urges listeners to wear their feelings like a tiara. Also, she sings about expressing yourself while in public.


Francis realizes her failed relationship started well but has now turned sour. She mentions crying her eyes out when the relationship was over.

Also, deep within, she wants to know why? Why did he leave her stressed out? It’s bad enough feeling lonely, but seeing him on the street is unbearable. Usually, she’s expressive. But when she sees him, she can’t utter a word.


Francis shines brightly on our favorite song on the EP. Her warm voice sounds wonderful and expresses the warmth of a summer vacation filled with lots of fun. No longer does Francis think about her ex? She has moved on to bigger and better thing.


Francis recites a poem about her mental state of mind after her breakup.


Francis ends the project with a lovely ballad. During a previous interview, she told us that this was her favorite song on the EP.

Francis sings that it’s therapeutic to cry. Also, crying is a prerequisite for letting go of a hurtful past.


Maja Francis’ “Cry Baby (Pt. 1)” EP is an excellent project filled with heartfelt tunes, relatable lyrics, and an evergreen theme. Also, it guides listeners on a recovery path towards achieving happiness after a hurtful breakup.
Smitty's Sheriff (Hope #3)
Smitty's Sheriff (Hope #3)
Cardeno C | 2017 | Romance
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
warm and fuzzies!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I PURCHASED my ebook copy of this book (July 2017) and I was GIFTED the audio file of this book.

Richard dumped Todd because was too young to be committed to him, but when Todd gets a second chance at happiness, he pulls out all the stops.

This is book three in the Hope series, but you don't need to have read the other two for this to make sense. But they are great reads.

As is this one!

Richard let Todd go, because Todd was still seeing other guys and Rich did not want to share. But he failed to tell Todd that! So when Todd finds out WHY Rich dumped him, he's keen to clear the air and try to get back into Rich's bed and his heart.

And its a beautiful story! It follows a CC track record, with the guys having done their break up, and this story is their make up. Its well written fro both Todd and Rich's point of view. It's sexy in places, and heart breaking in others, especially when we get to just what causes Rich to push Todd away.

I read this a while a go, but was going through a rough parch and didn't get a review written, but given the opportunity to LISTEN to it, I jumped at the chance!

Ezekiel Robison narrates, and he does an amazing job! I think I preferred the audio version to the print version, if I'm totally honest and ya'll know I gotta be honest!!

Robison's voice is smooth, and deep and even and his voices are spot on how I imagined Todd and Rich to sound like. I had no trouble following multi person conversations. He manages to get across what I did not get when I read, what THAT is, exactly, I have no idea, but there was something missing when I read it that was not there when I listened to it, and that can only be put down by the excellent skills of Robison.

4 stars for the book
5 stars for the narration
4.5 overall.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Cruel Beautiful World
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As young girls, Lucy and Caroline come into the care of the older Iris. The girls' parents had died, and they wind up living with Iris, who becomes a sort of adopted mother to the two sisters. Both Lucy and Charlotte are extremely close until high school, when they find themselves drifting apart. Studious Charlotte is focused on getting into college, where she hopes to study to become a vet. Lucy, however, can never quite seem to live up to her sister's academic shadow. That is until she meets a vibrant teacher, William, at her high school. Lucy falls fast for her older English teacher and suddenly finds herself running away to a remote area of Pennsylvania to start over with her new love. Iris and Charlotte, however, are devastated, and cannot give up their search for Lucy. Even worse, Lucy's life of promise and happiness with William may be falling short.

This book is not what I expected, but it was a wonderful (although sometimes haunting) tale. Leavitt creates nuanced, well-developed characters who jump off the page. The book has a poignant sadness that stays with you, even after you've turned the last page. Somehow, I inadvertently read this one directly after [b:The Girls|26893819|The Girls|Emma Cline||42856015], with each tale being set in a similar timeframe, with mentions and allusions to the Manson murders, free love, etc. I actually preferred this novel and its intricate plot and characters, to whom I found myself growing quite attached. The story unfolds from the point of view of Lucy, Charlotte, and Iris, which allows us to get to know each of them. Each is different and beautiful in their own way.

Overall, I loved most of this book. It slowed for me about 3/4 through, but recovered by the end. Some of the characters' actions are frustrating, but it does not take away from its almost poetic nature. Definitely recommend.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and LibraryThing (thank you!).
One True Loves
One True Loves
Taylor Jenkins Reid | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma Blair and Jesse Lerner are high school sweethearts. They marry in their twenties, move to California, and leave their family and stifling Massachusetts hometown far behind. They travel the world together and seem destined for a long and happy life. But on their first wedding anniversary, Jesse's helicopter goes missing. Suddenly, Emma's happy life is torn apart. Jesse is gone, and she's not sure how to move on.

So Emma moves back home. To her parents, her sister, and all the expectations that comes with them. She eventually picks herself up and starts to live life without Jesse. One day she runs into an old high school, friend, and they fall in love, eventually becoming engaged. It seems as if Emma is getting a second chance at the happiness she so dearly wanted, albeit in a very different form. But then she gets a call-- out of the blue. It's Jesse. He's alive and he's been attempting all these years to get back to his beloved Emma: his wife. Emma's world is turned upside down yet again. She's faced with a huge decision: who is her true love?

I picked up this novel for a change of pace, and it was exactly that. It's not altogether light and fluffy: it deals with some deep themes, but it's no mystery or psychological women's fiction, either. It was an easy, fast read, which I read while on vacation, and it suited my needs to a tee. The plot was interesting, though completely far-fetched, and you just sort have to suspend disbelief going in if you want to enjoy it. Reid's writing is a little stilted (a lot of telling versus showing) but I grew to enjoy Emma, even if her dilemma was a bit insane. I won't spoil the plot, as basically the book revolves around Emma's choice, but it was certainly interesting and intriguing to watch Emma come to her conclusion. If you're looking for a quick read, say for a beach vacation or airplane diversion, this book is ideal.

I received a copy of this novel from Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 06/07/2016.