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Hellbound Warrior (Dark Warrior Alliance #8)
Hellbound Warrior (Dark Warrior Alliance #8)
Brenda Trim, Tami Yulka | 2016 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
188 of 250
Hellbound Warrior ( Dark Warrior Alliance book 8 )
By Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Rhys O'Morda finds himself at the mouth of Hell after swearing he would never go back. When the archdemon, Kadir, steals the Goddess' powerful Triskele Amulet, Rhys is left with the fate of the world resting on his shoulders. Cursing his birthright, he sets out to tackle the nine circles of the Underworld. Facing rivers of fire, freezing rains, soul-sucking creatures and his inner weaknesses is nothing compared to coming face to face with his Fated Mate. His biggest challenge isn't passing the tests of each circle in Hell, but trying to win his mate's heart. In a cruel twist of fate, his other half isn't bound by the same force and has to consciously choose him. Problem is she loathes demons. Will he be able to win his angel over or be forced to let her go and live for eternity without her? Illianna has every reason to despise everything related to demons and the Underworld. Once an angel of happiness, she has been a prisoner in Hell for a hundred years, forced to perform vile acts that leave a dark stain on her soul. Her prayers fall on deaf ears day after day and she is on the cusp of giving up when the sexy, impossible and arrogant cambion, Rhys, rescues her from his father's clutches. She will do anything to get back to heaven and her wings, even partner with Rhys and his fellow warriors. Yet, her attraction to the exquisite Dark Warrior challenges every barrier she has set. Having the passion she craves comes with a high price tag, including complete and unconditional surrender.

I really enjoyed the boys trip to Hell and I think Illianna is my favourite mate yet! I love her and can just picture those beautiful wings!
This series is great if you like Dark Hunters crossed with the Black Dagger brothers.
We are on book 8 and can’t wait to see what book 9 brings.

Merissa (11928 KP) rated Where You Are in Books

Aug 18, 2022  
Where You Are
Where You Are
Felice Stevens | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The spark is instantaneous between these two!
WHERE YOU ARE is a standalone story that also has overlapping characters from other Felice Stevens books. You don't need to have read the other books, but I would recommend you do, simply because they are excellent stories.

Isaac is a forty-year-old firefighter who has also been on TV and a model. He is out and proud. Levi is a twenty-seven-year-old volunteer firefighter who also helps his brother run a bar. Levi is firmly in the closet, worried about how his family (especially his brother) will react when or if they find out.

The story flows smoothly, leading you from Isaac visiting where Levi lives, which is the main part of the story, to Levi visiting New York. The characters are wonderful, especially Amanda and Daisy! I adored seeing Gabriel and Ronan again, and hearing about Matty and Bryce still being happy! Yey!!

I loved Levi's character. He tries so hard to please everyone else that he puts their happiness before his own. That's not healthy, long-term, but Levi has to work that out for himself. And Isaac, he's the one I struggled with. There was so much about him I loved, but then he'd do or say something I didn't like. I know he's out, and he knows Levi isn't, but I swear my own pulse rate shot through the roof when he would kiss Levi at the bar, or his aunt and uncle's place. It almost felt as though he didn't care if Levi was caught out, which surprised me. He has many positive aspects to his character, but this, I just couldn't get on board with.

All in all, this was a brilliant story that I thoroughly enjoyed, apart from the few 'Isaac' niggles. I have no hesitation in recommending it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Boy Who Fell to Earth
The Boy Who Fell to Earth
A. Zukowski | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Boy Who Fell to Earth by A. Zukowski
The Boy Who Fell to Earth is an angst-ridden book that tells of the rises and falls of being a drug-addict child who has slipped through the cracks (by his own intention and actions). Sasha has had a very troubled childhood, and he faces the reaper the night he is dumped on Jay's lawn. Although Jay doesn't have a lot, he still has a whole lot more than Sasha. The attraction between these two is instantaneous, and that posed a bit of a problem to me. Whilst Sasha appears a lot older than his years - and rightly so! - Jay seems quite immature by comparison. I know it is a case of opposites attract, but there were instances when I just couldn't quite believe his words or actions.

There is a lot that goes on in this book, and you will be rooting for Jay and Sasha all the way through - even with Jay's immaturity. It is easy to forget the ages of Jay and Sasha, even though they are mentioned frequently. It is almost like your brain doesn't want to admit that this can happen to young adults, and instead tricks you into thinking they are older than they are. The reminders of their ages was always well written, placed somewhere natural, rather than just telling you out of the blue.

I think this book is a marmite book. I think some people will love it, and some will dislike it. As for me, I'm pondering on it. There was a lot that I liked, and a lot that I didn't. None of what I didn't like was a fault of the writing or the author. It was, plain and simple, the darkness of what was happening. I read 'dark' books, but this one is a slice of reality that you can't just ignore as 'another book'.

I would recommend trying this book, although be aware that some of the subjects mentioned may be triggers for some. You will enjoy it, or you won't, but don't miss out on the opportunity of finding out for yourself. I wish Jay and Sasha every happiness because they surely deserve it!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
I read and loved two of Schlessinger's earlier works, The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands and Woman Power: Transform Your Man, Your Marriage, Your Life, so when I spotted this in my local library, I didn't think twice about reading it. The context of this book is relatively simple, but it really resonates with me and how I think. Probably half of the book is taken up with quotes from Dr. Laura's readers and listeners on various topics related to marriage, which I appreciate because it means that this isn't just a preachy "only my way works" self-help book, but a book chock full of experiences of many, many other married couples. One chapter in and I knew this book was gold - and then practically demanded my husband read it right after me. (We'll see how that goes.) I even shed a few tears at the end over a 57th birthday love letter a man wrote to his wife.
While some people will likely take offense at some of Dr. Laura's very strong opinions about the man and woman's role in marriage - man goes to work, woman stays home and takes care of home and children - I happen to agree with her as I am a stay-at-home mom myself. But even she admits to necessary exceptions to that rule in some circumstances - such as an injury preventing the man from working, and the woman choosing to take a job to pay for "luxuries." She had much to say about the negative effects that extremist feminism has had on marriage and child-rearing - and how to reverse those effects in the reader's own marriage, backed up with example after example from other married couples. While many counselors and therapists will simply listen to you verbally bash and complain about your spouse for session after session, she constantly brings the focus back to the complainer and encourages that person to do the changing he or she wants to see in the spouse. Her belief is that in most marriages, if one spouse gives what the other person wants, then that person will reciprocate. Dr. Laura's goals were very simply love and happiness in marriage, which everyone wants when they get married but often forget how to "do." Following her own KISS principle - "Keep it simple / small, stupid!" - she breaks down how to reach those goals very quickly and efficiently.
First Comes Love
First Comes Love
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
First Comes Love is the story of a family. A family that is devastated by an extremely tragic event, the death of a child and brother. The story takes place 15 years after this event, and is told through the eyes of the two remaining children, Josie and Meredith. Each sister has a different personality and they definitely see the world from opposing perspectives. When secrets that have been plaguing the sisters for so long come to the surface, the only thing that will keep their relationship together is the love that brought them into this world.

I am a big fan of Emily Giffin. Her books always bring out a host of emotions in me. Happiness, sadness, understanding, compassion. And this title did not disappoint. The newest from the author, it covers the relationship between two sisters in the aftermath of their older brother's tragic death fifteen years earlier. Both still haunted by the events of that night and the outcomes that came from it, will they be able to find the love they have for each other to sort out what is going on.

Josie is the oldest of the two and she is single and a first grade teacher. Starting out her new school year,she finds out that her ex-boyfriend's daughter is going to be in her class. This brings back a whole host of memories from when we they were together and the reason they broke up. Determined not to let this get her down, she makes a very important decision that will change her life forever, the only problem, she's not getting the support she wants, especially from her sister Meredith.

Meredith is the youngest child. She is married to Nolan and has a young daughter named Harper. From the outside, Meredith looks as though she has her life together. She is a lawyer and her and Nolan are living in her childhood home that they bought from her parents. But something is clearly missing from Meredith's life, she's just not sure what it is and how to find it. Hating to be overshadowed by Josie's need for things to be all about her, she takes some time for herself to recognize what is going on in her life and what she can do to fix it.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for giving me this advance copy of First Comes Love

Kyera (8 KP) rated Our Dark Duet in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Our Dark Duet
Our Dark Duet
V.E. Schwab | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh, my heart. I can't. I absolutely adore V.E. Schwab's books and this series is no different. Her stories are more of a slow burn than constant, action-packed scenes but that style lends itself fantastically to her incredible world building. The first book took place solely in Verity, or V-City, a place overrun by monsters. We heard about the other cities in This Savage Song, but in Our Dark Duet, we were able to experience one of the other ones. People always said that there were no monsters in Prosperity, but they were wrong. The city just had a different type of monster.

One of those different monsters finds its way to Verity and forces Kate to return home. Both Kate and August are different, having been forced to confront or suppress their demons. August is still my favourite of the two main characters, despite his struggles. They both experience character development that makes you feel for them and only wish for their happiness.

I am glad that we got a little more development of some of the secondary characters. Schwab populated her books with such a variety of interesting and unique characters that you want to get to know them better. You want to discover their motivations, desires, fears, and secrets. The additional depth provided to Ilsa makes you love her and just want to protect her from harm. The other character that I loved the introduction of would be spoiler-y, so I'll just say I enjoyed the unique perspective they gave to the story and the diversity they added.

This world was so richly populated and described that it easily blooms into existence within your mind. Although this is only a duology and the final book, I would love to see more books set within this world. Perhaps the story in Verity is done, but there are plenty more monsters and cities to explore.

The story takes readers along on a steady, but not slow, ride that culminates with a dramatic flourish that will leave you breathless, a little heartbroken, yet hopeful.

I would highly recommend this fantastic urban fantasy series to all young adult/teen readers who enjoy fantasy, immersive world building, character development and V.E. Schwab's other books (like the Shades of Magic trilogy).
Bunny Finds a Friend
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cara Jong is working as a process server when she delivers a summons to a Santa. Except this Santa is a gorgeous woman, who immediately strikes a chord with Cara. The two share a "moment," which stays with Cara for some time. She eventually tracks down said Santa, who turns out to be Jude Donovan, a well-known children's book author. The two "meet cute," so to speak, at a reading of Jude's and sparks fly. They begin dating, but it seems like things just aren't meant to be. Will Cara's flighty nature and lack of commitment (all well-documented by her older sisters) doom the relationship? What about Jude's ex and her young daughter Zoe, who doesn't seem happy to have her Mom dating again? Can Cara and Jude overcome these obstacles and find happiness?

This was a cute book, with fairly realistic characters leading a fairly realistic life--something that's harder to find than one would think in lesbian literature. Cara's a regular gal, with a typical lack of commitment found in a myriad characters in literature, gay and straight. Perhaps the biggest issue with this book is that it sort of seems like a sketch of what could have been an even more fully-developed and even more enjoyable novel. We don't get to see a lot of Cara and Jude's actual relationship development, for instance. Their courtship and issues are quickly glossed over. I would have liked to have seen more of what led them to fall for each other--and fall apart. After all, those sorts of things (falling in love, struggling to maintain a relationship while juggling exes and children and jobs) are what we all have in common.

Cara's sisters are also supposed to add a bit of comic relief, perhaps, to the novel, but they sometimes come across as harpy and annoying. While several of them are dealing with complex issues, they don't get the full attention they truly deserve.

Still, this was a fun, quick read. It's always refreshing to read lesbian fiction with normal characters navigating life. I liked Cara, sympathized with her on a multitude of levels, and did enjoy reading about her journey. Overall, 3.5 stars.

I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley - thank you!
Contains spoilers, click to show
My Heart Belongs in the Superstition Mountains: Carmela’s Quandry by Susan Page Davis is the second book in the My Heart Belongs series. Carmela's Quandry is a Christian Western with a touch of romance. It is set in 1866 in the Arizona Territory. The story has lots of detail which allows for the reader to feel that they are there in the middle of the story. A wonderful story that allows the reader to see the inner beauty in people.

Carmela lost her parents on the trail to California at a young age and since that point her uncle has been exploiting her for years. At first Carmela was cared for by friends until her uncle could arrive. Her parents owed money that Carmela's uncle was now responsible for paying. Since the uncle didn't have the money he guilted and punished Carmela by forcing her to tell a fake story that the uncle invented. The story is that she has been a victim of an Indian attack, later the uncle forces her to tour the country telling the story he invented. He even drew tattoos on her face because that mimicked what tribes often did to captives. Carmela is now twenty and is almost of age to be able to break away from her Uncle and stop speaking to crowds of people and telling them something that are lies.

Freeman McKay is a lawman who is transporting a dangerous prisoner by stage. He is riding along with a prisoner he is transporting when the stagecoach they are on is robbed. The bad guys leave Carmela and Freeland handcuffed together in the desert and ride off with their loot. Freeman is unconscious from the attack. Several hours go by and Carmela is brought water by a mysterious Indian warrior. That water saved their lives. Freeman and Carmela have to make their way to Prescott so that she can settle and be safe. Carmela and Freeman develop a relationship of trust. Carmela tells Freeman of the secret that she has been forced by her uncle to lie to crowds of people for money.

I liked that Carmela was able to find true happiness. The story is captivating. It's a story of faith and the healing virtue of friendship and love.