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The Endless (2018)
The Endless (2018)
2018 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Excellent plot (1 more)
Great special effects
Really intriguing
A really great movie, which was very intriguing, about Two brother who managed to escape the cult they were in as a child, and their journey back, so the older brother can prove that their lives have improved since they left
I found certain parts of the storyline very easy to guess, but the final scenes were hard to see coming!!
Very good for all sci-fi lovers!
Robot Overlords (2015)
Robot Overlords (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
5.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fairly polished but essentially ramshackle low-budget British sci-fi. Alien robots invade and order everyone to stay indoors in perpetuity (insert your own joke here). Plucky group of teenagers discover a flaw in the robots' control system and start to fight back.

An odd mixture, like something from the Children's Film Foundation mashed up with a British gangster movie and some Sci-Fi channel filler: tries hard to be all grown up and cool but is fundamentally too polite to really convince. Good special effects, but there's nothing noteworthy about that these days; what does lift the film into the realms of watchability is another of those Ben Kingsley - sorry, Sir Ben Kingsley - performances where he manages to find reality and pathos where it has no right to be. Gillian Anderson also performs to her usual high standards. Passes the time reasonably well, I suppose.
Prometheus (2012)
Prometheus (2012)
2012 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Michael fassbender (0 more)
Watched last night kinda prequel to the ailen franchise without the xenomorphs at all In the film its okay decent sci fi horror with the standout performance going to Michael fassbender as the robot David as u go thru his routine of running the ship whe the crew are in Cryo sleep most of the time its hard to keep up with the plot it can get confusing in places hit I still liked the film buy could have done with some xenomorphs
Tin Man (Bliss, #1.5)
Lisa Henry | 2015
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I probably should have read Bliss before this, but I didn’t know Tin Man was the second in the series. It probably would have helped especially since there was so much going on. I love sci-fi but I tend to stay away from novels since it is so hard to translated sci-fi into words (and make them comprehendible). There was a lot going on in Tin Man and, while the author did a good job an explaining things, I still felt lost more than once. I loved the premise of this novel. Everything about was amazing. I became so engrossed that when the novel ended, I felt like a piece of me was left in the story. It was refreshing to read such a great LGBTQIA. I have been looking for novels like this, that aren’t so cookie cutter cut and dry LGBTQIA. I can’t wait to read more.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Stargate SG-1 in TV

Dec 5, 2017  
Stargate SG-1
Stargate SG-1
1997 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
7.9 (87 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Sci-fi tv at its best
I’m finding it hard to believe that this show has been over since 2007. You’d find it hard to believe that a fairly good but not brilliant film could provide the basis for a fantastic series, but Stargate has done just that.

It’s an action packed sci-fi adventure, full of humour and intrigue with some surprisingly good special effects for the time it was made. The cast and characters are well written and loveable, with Richard Dean Anderson as Jack O’Neill being by far my favourite, full of razor sharp wit and sarcasm. Better played by far than Kurt Russell in the film. The rest of the characters too though are hard not to like despite their differing personalities, and they all make for such a fun and endearing dynamic. Personally I think the characters are what kept this going for so long.

It isn’t without its faults, as sadly i think towards the end it went slightly downhill with some of the main characters disappearing and it’s probably good that it ended when it did.

Still, I have a very fond nostalgic memory of this show as it used to be on Channel 4 on Sunday evenings and I’d sit down to watch it every week without fail with my dad. Fantastic show.

Suswatibasu (1702 KP) rated Assassin's Creed (2016) in Movies

Nov 10, 2017 (Updated Nov 10, 2017)  
Assassin's Creed (2016)
Assassin's Creed (2016)
2016 | Action
5.8 (33 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Assassin's Creed is filled with some great action scenes, especially whilst in the animus, and as per usual acting from the leads Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, and Jeremy Irons, is superb.

However, the film may have tried too hard to cater for both fans of the game and newcomers alike, which does not seem possible, and as a result, it failed to engage either audience. The story is a tapestry of old-world mysticism and sci-fi tech that hangs together but also proves hard to follow if you haven't played the games. Despite a high-class cast, it is disorienting, and makes very little sense.

Visually captivating but a paper thin and over blown premise which could have been the basis of a very interesting film.