David McK (3505 KP) rated Night Watch (Discworld, #29; City Watch, #6) in Books
Jan 28, 2019
2016 update: Following (Sir) Terry Pratchett's death in 2015 to his 'Embuggerance', I recently came across a blog where the author of said blog was reading all of the Discworld books in order from the first to the last. One of the last entries in the said blog was when he rated the books, from his most to least favourite, and then asked his readers to do the same and later published those responses.
In both cases, 'Night Watch' - which, I think, was one of the last before Pratchett was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's - was in the top 10, so I decided to go back and re-read it ...
<original thoughts below>
One of Terry Pratchett's more recent Discworld novel, in which he makes use of the good old time-travel sci-fi trope to move Commander Sam Vimes of the City Watch back in time to an earlier portion of his life-time.
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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2277 KP) rated Chesapeake Crimes: Invitation to Murder in Books
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David McK (3505 KP) rated Carry on, Jeeves (Jeeves, #3) in Books
Oct 1, 2023
In the collection I read, the stories included are as follows:
1) Jeeves Takes Charge (the first meeting of Jeeves and Wooster!)
2) The Artistic Career of Corky (New York)
3) Jeeves and the Unbidden Guest (New York again)
4) Jeeves and the Hard-Boiled Egg (also in New York)
5) The Aunt and the Sluggard (still New York)
6) The Rummy Affair of Old Biffy (Paris)
7) Without the Option (London)
8) Fixing it for Freddie (English seaside)
9) Clustering Round Young Bingo (English countryside)
10) Bertie Changes His Mind (the one told from Jeeves point of view)
Whilst maybe not the best PG Wodehouse Jeeves books I've read, they are nice as a palate cleanser after something heavier!

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